Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Kasamura Tota - 問32 (Toi 32) versuri traducere în engleză


Question 32

Why am I so helpless?
Why do I only ever get older?
Why do I never learn anything?
Why am I who I am?
Why can't I persevere?
Why can't I be smiling?
Why can't I enjoy life?
Why don't I consider myself happy?
How can I make my feeling of loneliness go away?
How do I go about changing myself?
How, oh how can I get stronger?
What can I achieve in this world?
Why am I so weak?
Why don't things turn out OK?
Why can't I put things back how they were?
Why was I born here?
Why can't things be how I like?
Why are things so bad it makes me cry?
Why can't I live accepting things?
Why do I have a sense of futility?
How I can I stop myself from wanting to die?
How can I get to enjoy life?
How can I get to love myself?
What do I want myself to be?
Why did I choose this path?
Why do I live?
How, thinking what, for what purpose am I growing up?
How can I stop being scared of tomorrow?
How can I be confident in myself?
How can I become able to find the answers?
What do I want to be?
How do I want to live?

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