Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 314
Să dansez
Vreau să mă inviți să dansez
Și că nu vom spune fără să vorbim
Și că inimile noastre bateau greu și în bătaie
Și că nu există nimic în jur
Numai adevărul și noi doi
Vom desena zâmbete în timp ce acest cântec va dura
Cred că ritmul este lent
Ne-am răsplătit dorința și am pus împreună sentimentele
Simt, alerga pentru trupul meu
senzații care se trezesc, sărbătoresc și se îmbrățișează cu vântul.
Dacă te uiți la mine, această melodie
Ea devine senzuală gustoasă și distractivă
Și dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
M-am prins, aproape hipnotizată
Traiesc cântecul în care mă simt îndrăgostit
și dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
Vreau, vreau, vreau
Vreau să mă inviți să dansez
și că ne privim unul pe celălalt fără să vorbim
Și că inimile noastre bateau greu și în bătaie
Și vreau, vreau, vreau
Dans cu tine
Simt soarele care este foarte latin
Haide pentru a muta corpul încet
Haide să joace jocul la timp scurt
Vreau, vreau, vreau să dansez cu tine
Simt soarele care este foarte latin
Haide pentru a muta corpul încet
Haide să joace jocul la timp scurt
Dacă te uiți la mine, această melodie
Ea devine senzuală, gustoasă și distractivă
și dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
M-am prins, aproape hipnotizată
Traiesc cântecul în care mă simt îndrăgostit
Dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
Vreau, vreau, vreau
Dans cu tine
Vreau, vreau, vreau
Fii cu tine
Cred că ritmul este lent
Ventilam dorința și pictează puțin câte puțin sentimentele
Simt, alerga pentru trupul meu
Senzații care se trezesc, se accelerează și se îmbrățișează cu vântul
Dacă mă uitați la mine, această melodie,
Ea devine senzuală gustoasă și distractivă
Și dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
Ai o săgeată pentru mine, aproape hipnotizată
Traiesc cântecul în care mă simt îndrăgostit
și dacă dansăm împreună mult mai bine
Vreau, vreau, vreau
Te-am pierdut
Stiai asta înainte să ne întâlnim
De ore
Ne-am uitat unul la altul
Râsul tău a fost totul pentru mine
Riscul este tot ceea ce simt
Dacă trebuie să pierd, va face rău
Nu-ți poți imagina cât de mult
Cât de mult
Stai un moment mai mult aici
Pentru că în sfârșit am înțeles
Cu ce vă opresc timpul
Rămâi cu mine
Spuneți da
Pentru că în sfârșit am înțeles
Și dacă nu ți-aș fi dor de tine deja?
Alone On the Moon
An afternoon together
With your hands in mine
Alone on the moon
Alone on the moon
And then...
The evening will suddenly come
A Spring night
Alone on the moon
Alone on the moon
And us...
Together again, us!
I'll live for you
In love and free
Then I'll steal your soul
With a smile
And I'll fly with you
A cloud among other clouds
In your thoughts I see
Lonely long paths, lonely
The phone rings, who can it be?
Let's not get up, my love
Alone on the moon
Alone on the moon
And then...
I want you if you want me
I'm a partner of your dreams
Alone on the moon
Alone on the moon
And us...
Together again, us!
I'll live for you
In love and free
Then I'll steal your soul
With a smile
And I'll fly with you
A cloud among other clouds
In your thoughts I see
Lonely long paths, lonely...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The Song of the Dark Moon
It is the country of the dark moon
It is the uninhabited room
It is the most beautiful creature
She is the disheartened lady.
Good-looking gallants shorten her
And of those who have achieved it
With the passage of time, they leave her
And she, crying, chooses oblivion.
From oblivion she lives and from oblivion she dies
As a plant in a forgotten garden
Knowing that nobody wants her
Knowing that nobody has loved her
From oblivion she lives and from oblivion she dies
As a plant in a forgotten garden
Knowing that nobody wants her
Knowing that nobody has loved her
It is the lost innocence
It is old age denied
And some lost tears
Mary lives desperate
And you, innocence, weary path
I don't want to lose the illusion
I spend life singing to the sky
and alive is when you claim for love.
Moon came along,
and I wanna love and surrend myself
to the sun, the sun.
Moon, moon, friend
you're the magic of thrill,
the night, with your brightness
turns the sense of my pain.
Sacred butterfly, beloved moon
here I am, feeling your presence
how it bathes my heart.
To the heart,
sun, sun.
Just learning.
Erau ca două picături de apă.
Au fost separate la naștere.
Luna a crescut fiind milionară,
Sara nu avea nici ce mânca.
Luna mereu la școli cu plată
În timp ce Sara a trebuit repede să se întrețină.
Și în timp ce una spăla chiuvete,
Cealaltă cumpăra genți de Channel.
Sara cu mari eforturi,
Trecea prin dure încercări
Să ia cursuri de infirmierie,
În timp ce Luna și excesurile sale,
Termina cu oasele ei
Mereu la comisariat.
Ce capricios e destinul!
Luna a avut un accident
Și a ajuns în spitalul
Unde Sara în urmă cu câteva zile
Începuse să lucreze.
Brusc, când Sara
Împingea de targă,
Și-a dat seama că era lafel
Ca acea fată însângerată.
A dus-o până în sala de operație,
Dar nu a mai putut merge.
Și plângând, a ieșit pur și simplu,
Începând să investigheze.
Efectiv erau surori,
Mama Lunei a confirmat,
Că în ziua în care s-au dus s-o caute
Au trebuit să aleagă între doua.
„Luna e foarte grav și necisită
Urgent un transplant de inimă.”
Când Sara a aflat vestea
Ceva în capul său s-a rupt.
Sara e singură în casa ei
În timp ce se gândește la golul
Pe care la simțit mereu.
Și deși nu o cunoștea,
Începu să scrie scrisoarea
Pe care a găsit-o poliția.
„Pentru draga mea soră,
Deși gândești că sunt nebună,
Eu chiar îmi amintesc de tine.
Din burta mamei,
Nu am mai putut să stau împreună cu tine.
Dacă citești scrisoarea asta
Înseamnă că totul a ieșit bine,
Și după atâta timp
Suntem împreună din nou.
Ai grijă de noi, surioară!
Eu mereu am vrut să mor,
Când am mai crescut,
Dar și când m-am născut alături de tine.”
SaraLuna, SaraLuna, SaraLuna...
Luna deja se recuperează.
Părinții săi decid că deja e
Ora să-i povestească cine i-a dat
Ce bate sup pielea ei.
Dar nu-și găsesc bine cuvintele,
Se privesc unul pe celălalt și cu teamă,
Decid să-i arate scrisoarea
Pe care a scris-o Sara înainte să moară.
Dar care le-a fost surpriza?
Când Luna zise:
„Nu trebuie să-mi povestiți nimic,
Pentru că vorbele sunt de prisos.
Știu că inima mi-a dat-o
Sora mea Sara”.
Versions: #2
Who says they don't hurt
The footprints in the sand
Your footprint was taken by the sea
But the moon remains there
But that moon is my condemnation
Slow in the morning
Screaming in the night
The living voices of the memory disguise themselves in intuition
And in a voice your voice hides
And in a voice your voice hides
And I know that maybe
You'll never listen to my song, I know
And I know that maybe
I'll keep using you like this
Stealing my inspiration away from you
As long as I keep seeing your face in the face of the moon
As long as I keep hearing your voice
Between the waves, between the sea foam
As long as I have to change the radio station
Because every song speaks to me about you, about you, about you
Speaks to me about you
Life hides away from me
Behind an unfulfilled promise
From where some inspiration is born
From where another song is born
And I don't know so well what is hiding anymore
I don't know what is hiding anymore
And I know that maybe
You'll never listen to my song, I know
And I know that maybe
I'll keep using you like this
Stealing my inspiration away from you
As long as I keep seeing your face in the face of the moon
As long as I keep hearing your voice
Between the waves, between the sea foam
As long as I have to change the radio station
Because every song speaks to me about you, about you, about you
As long as I keep seeing your face in the face of the moon
As long as I keep hearing your voice
Between the waves, between the sea foam
As long as I have to change the radio station
Because every song speaks to me about you, about you, about you
I'll keep searching or I'll keep escaping
Maybe from you, maybe from me
I'll keep looking for an explanation for this song
As long as I keep seeing your face in the face of the moon
As long as I keep hearing your voice
Between the waves, between the sea foam
As long as I have to change the radio station
Because every song speaks to me about you, about you, about you
As long as I keep seeing your face in the face of the moon
As long as I keep hearing your voice
Between the waves, between the sea foam
As long as I have to change the radio station
Because every song speaks to me about you, about you, about you
Speaks to me about you
Speaks to me about you
About you
Speaks to me about you
Erase The Moon
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
The picture with me
In gradations colored by grey
He'd gaze unpleasantly at you if he saw you
Now only
Everything that we could have been remains
Only you know what is happening with me
Nearby the world, apparently led by the wind
We walked in the time during which you were north and south to me
Incessantly, you were a bit unknown
You always told me that I'm bad
Believe me, you made me thus
At night, when I go to bed, I utter a prayer
Or is it actually a curse?
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
I erred due to love
I loved too much, you still know it
In front of closed doors I'm still waiting for you to come
I saw within you
As well the father of my children
But I didn't say so with a loud voice, it was within my eyes
Nearby the world, apparently led by the wind
We walked in the time during which you were north and south to me
Incessantly, you were a bit unknown
You always told me that I'm bad
Believe me, you made me thus
At night, when I go to bed, I utter a prayer
Or is it actually a curse?
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
Erase the moon from the sky
So that I'd not think about him
Leave behind the stars anyhow
So that I'd see with whom he is together
Luna Park
Luna Park, loneliness.
People come and go
I walk around in silence
Walled off inside of me
What did I come here for?
Tell me... Have you seen her?
Do you know where she is?
She left a year ago,
a year ago, Luna Park
She'll come back, she'll come back today
In between noisy sounds and colors,
She'll come back today
She'll come back... slowly, she goes
She goes up to the sky
And up, and up, and up
Until she becomes a dot lost up there
Sir, do you want to try this out?
Do you know how to shoot?
It'll bring you good luck, good luck...
Luna Park, give love to whom
gives no love.
The eagerness of years past
Will never come back.
She'll come back... slowly, she goes
She goes up to the sky
And up, and up, and up
Until she becomes a dot lost up there
Luna Park, poetry,
you must not stop.
An old shadow of the wheel
that keeps on turning.
A long journey, and a boring one too
we have arrived, tired,
our bags are heavy
and our clothes are creased.
Thank goodness we got here,
in a well-lit hotel
there's a room for us,
for us, who have traveled so much.
I know everything around here by now
and I know the cold feeling of this key in my hand.
And you are getting ready to inhabit
this room as if it was
a house and I wait
while you put in the drawers
your clothes and mine too.
Outside the window
there's a sensational moon
that watches us with sadness.
A jam-moon for the two of us
we have a house and kids, both of us,
but we smiled shamelessly
at the prospect of one last love.
With the Full moon
[verse 1]
I follow the rhythm
Baby, I feel the drum.
What a beautiful news
To know that the night began
And today you will see
One side of me, heh heh
Following the rhythm
Baby, I feel the drum.
[pre chorus]
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
One, two, three, put it on me
Tell me now, what's it's goin' be?
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
With the full moon
I'm going crazy tonight (hey, hey, hey, hey)
With the full moon
Dance with me all through the night (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Glued, coming down
With the full moon
Im going crazy
Im going crazy tonight
[Verse 2]
Losing control
I already lost the reason
I want to see you dancing
I carry passion inside.
And today you will see
One side of me, heh heh
Losing control
Like when I lose my reason, oh oh oh
Pre Chorus
Crazy moon, pulling on me
Baby, come kick it with me
You, get much more, you'll see
A bit of crazy, a bit of crazy
Crazy moon, pulling on me
Baby, come kick it with me
You, get much more, you'll see
A bit of crazy, a bit of crazy
Chorus (2x)
The Vial*
His girlfriend left him
And you remained alone that evening
Your eyes don't see the evil in his eyes
Your eyes don't sleep
Your eyes burn again
Your eyes - they are bottomless
He will drown in your eyes
He will drown in your eyes
The chemicals in the vial are bright, bright blue
The girl didn't think she was beautiful
At her, at her, don't look at her
Put on, put on, put on your glasses
At her, at her, don't look at her
In her, in her, in her is a crystal
You are not visible in his eyes
He will down in my eyes
You are not visible in his eyes
He will down in my eyes
The chemicals in the vial are bright, bright blue
The girl didn't think she was beautiful
At her, at her, don't look at her
Put on, put on, put on your glasses
At her, at her, don't look at her
In her, in her, in her is a crystal
At her, at her, don't look at her
In her, in her, in her is a crystal
I feel
Versions: #3
I feel, I hope, I despair,
I'm not myself
I'm the one who shines,
looking at the paperboard face
You come here to break the loneliness
I find you, I wake up,
you lead me to where you go
I always play with the rules,
but not today
I have everything
but now when I have it, I'm not myself
Searching in
unconditional love
I'm tangled, I find you
and I don't know where I'm going
I am what I feel
I dream about you and I get lost
If I cheat myself to be
empty in this loneliness
I am what I feel,
I look at you and I wait
Give me a little peace
When I'm looking for myself I find you
I want to feel what's beyond that
I feel and believe
while I'm looking for a place
I'm who I want to be
if I can accept myself
You came like the sun
so natural
Everything was easy
and now so confusing
I am what I feel
I dream about you and I get lost
If I cheat myself to be
empty in this loneliness
I am what I feel,
I look at you and I wait
Give me a little peace
When I'm looking for myself I find you
I want to feel what's beyond that
You come here to break the loneliness
I find you, I wake up,
you lead me to where you go
I am what I feel
I dream about you and I get lost
If I cheat myself to be
empty in this loneliness
I am what I feel,
I look at you and I wait
Give me a little peace
When I'm looking for myself I find you
I want to feel what's beyond that
Priveste ce luna
Priveste ce luna, priveste ce mare...
Din aceasta noapte va trebui sa raman fara tine.
Nebun de iubire as vrea sa mor
In timp ce luna de-acolo de sus ma priveste.
Ramane numai tot regretul
Pentru ca am gresit sa te doresc asa de mult,
Acum sunt singur sa-mi amintesc si as vrea sa-ti pot spune
Priveste ce luna, priveste ce mare...
~ ~ ~
Dar priveste ce luna... priveste ce mare...
In aceasta noapte fara tine as vrea sa mor
Pentru ca sunt singur sa-mi amintesc si as vrea sa-ti pot spune
Priveste ce luna, priveste ce mare...
Priveste ce luna, priveste ce mare...
Universal longing is painfully familiar,
And it years for freedom.
I know I'm not alone, don't you build illusions,
We are three, excuse us...
There, high, deep, far,
There is the moon and she, and she - is not alone.
See the light there, where there is no sun,
There where she was, let go of everything,
Now I am the moon!
See the light there, where there is no sun,
There where she was, let go of everything,
Now I am the moon!
Let go...
Don't tear out of my breast, I know that you do not remember,
They, you know, forgot you all the same.
Gloomy, awkwardly you rage, but fine,
After all, I know, that I am alone...
There, high, deep, far,
There is the moon and she, and she - is not alone.
See the light there, where there is no sun,
There where she was, let go of everything,
Now I am the moon!
See the light there, where there is no sun,
There where she was, let go of everything,
Now I am the moon!
I am alone!
I am alone!
I am only the moon!
I am alone!
I am alone!
I am only the moon!
Wounded moon
Without saying anything the pain speaks to me
Without saying anything I wait in you
Without saying anything the dream is over
When you left, love really spoke
What you give will never die
Is the law, where less you add more
This time I'll look at your facce
And so I'll know where my home is
Where my home is!!!
In the end at one step from eternity
Only love will hold me up
I don't know, what secret you hide
I'll see it, when I get into your being
Tell me, I want to discover it
Take me, to where only you know
From here, I can't wait anymore
I'll leave the door open
I'll drink tears in your honor
And I'll toast, dear for you
I'll toast, dear for you!
In the end at one step from eternity
Only love will hold me up
In the end at one step from eternity
Only love will judge you
The pain, left slowly
Love healed it all
When the time comes
I'll go with you
In the end at one step from eternity
Only love will hold me up
In the end at one step from eternity
Only love will judge you
The pain, left slowly
Love healed it all.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Tune of the Full Moon
I saw a black heron
Battling it out with a river
That is how your heart
Falls in love with mine
I saw a black heron
Battling it out with a river
That is how your heart
That is how your heart
Falls in love with mine
Falls in love with mine
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Young man, go to my house
And fetch me my rifle
So that I may kill this sparrowhawk
He won't spare a single one of my hens
The moon is looking at me
I don't know what she sees in me
My clothes are clean
I washed them late last night
The moon is looking at me
I don't know what she sees in me
My clothes are clean
My clothes are clean
I washed them late last night
I washed them late last night
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Nimeni inafara de tine
Niciodata nu am crezut in povestile
Sa fi indragostit
Pentru mine era doar un joc
Ca intr-o cadere libera
Nu mai e un motiv
Nu imi pot controla
Sentimentul, totul e nou
Putem vorbi despre asta
Dar eu cred ca am facut-o destul
Putem visa despre asta
Dar eu vreau sa ma trezesc
Ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Si ca pe pamant deja nu mai e cum
Ma ai asa
Rogandu-te, te rog, oh iubire
N-am nevoie de nimeni inafara de tine
Oh, oh, oh
Putem vorbi despre asta
Oh, yeah
Putem vorbi despre asta
Nu imi gasesc cuvintele
Ca sa incep
Trucurile mele vechi
Nu isi mai fac efectul cu tine
Daca mi-ai da doar un singur
Ti-as da tot ceea ce am
Pentru ca ai fi cu mine
Putem vorbi despre asta
Dar eu cred ca am facut-o destul
Putem visa despre asta
Dar eu vreau sa ma trezesc
Ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Si ca pe pamant deja nu mai e cum
Ma ai asa
Rogandu-te, te rog, oh iubire
N-am nevoie de nimeni
Ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Si ca pe pamant deja nu mai e cum
Ma ai asa
Rogandu-te, te rog, oh iubire
N-am nevoie de nimeni inafara de tine
Voi simti din nou
Strigandu-ti numele in vant
Ca paradisul esti tu
Fiind aici
Nu am nevoie de nimeni inafara de tine
Tu, ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Si ca pe pamant deja nu mai e cum
Ma ai asa
Rogandu-te, te rog, oh iubire
N-am nevoie de nimeni
Ma faci sa simt
Ca asta e cerul
Si ca pe pamant deja nu mai e cum
Ma ai asa
Rogandu-te, te rog, oh iubire
N-am nevoie de nimeni inafara de tine
Nobody but you
I never believed in stories
Of the heart
Being in love
Was only a game for me
Like in free fall
There’s no reason anymore
I can’t control
My feeling, everything is new
We can talk about it
But I think I had enough
We can dream about it
But I think I wanna wake up
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you
Oh, oh, oh
We can talk about it
Oh, yeah
We can talk about it
I can’t find the words
To start
My vexing tricks
Aren’t effective with you anymore
If only you could give me
A signal
I would give you everything that I have
Because you are with me
We can talk about it
But I think I had enough
We can dream about it
But I think I wanna wake up
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you
I feel again
Shouting your name in the wind
That you and your paradise
Are here
I need nobody but you
You, make me feel
That this is heaven
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you
Streak of Moon
White streak of Moon,
descend now, illuminate
the hours of sorrow
that darken my life.
Descend in the clear wave
of your peaceful blaze
and shatter yourself in my bosom
where the pain is harbored.
my damp gazes
are fixed only in you,
and a mysterious longing
consumes my soul.
To the glimmer of your blaze,
from the indecisive mind
leisurely visions
extend themselves and caress me,
and with your icy kisses,
with a languid smile,
they speak to me of my dreams
and soon dissipate themselves.
White streak of Moon,
descend now, illuminate
the night of the sad people
that for love breathe.
Mana in mana
Sa fiu cine sunt
Vreau un armistitiu
Capul nu-mi da mai mult
Vreau sa simt, sa traiesc
Fara competitie
Castigul e mereu in mine?
Sa stiu ca aici si acolo
Nu va fi un raspuns
Ma doare mai mult sa marturisesc
Vreau sa simt, sa traiesc
Fara competitie
Este ca stiu doar sa castig?
Am un scut
Aici in inima
Azi vei vedea
Bine ceea ce sunt
Sunt ceea ce sunt
Mana in mana
Cine e sceleratul*?
Sunt ce care-ti duce dorul mai mult
Mana in mana
Nu stiu cum sa ma acomodez
Viata mea e deja un dezastru
Mana in mana
Cine e sceleratul?
Vei vedea ceea ce eu pot sa fac
Mana in mana
Buna sau rea
Mereu marcata
Mana in mana
Suntem azi
Sa fiu cine sunt
Vreau un armistitiu
Capul nu-mi da mai mult
Sa stiu ca aici si acolo
Nu va fi un raspuns
Ma doare mai mult sa marturisesc
Vreau sa simt, sa traiesc
Fara competitie
Castigul e mereu in mine?
Am un scut
Aici in inima
Azi vei vedea
Bine ceea ce sunt
Sunt ceea ce sunt
Mana in mana
Nu stiu cum sa ma acomodez
Viata mea e deja un dezastru
Mana in mana
Cine e sceleratul?
Vei vedea ceea ce eu pot sa fac
Mana in mana
Buna sau rea
Mereu marcata
Mana in mana
Suntem azi
My moon
My moon
Has seen so much
And when I sing for her, her silver rocks me
Like she does with saints
And prisoners, lovers
Crazy wanderers and tramps
That breastfeeds your light
When there are no friends, bread or money
Only poetry floats on a sincere air
And over the lonely benches
Of parks
And dies because of cold
Waiting for some morning love
Ay, my full moon, listen to this grief
A man sings
To the love he is waiting for
Ay, my full moon, listen to this grief
A man sings
To the love he wants
Ay, my full moon, listen to this grief
A man sings
To the love that is dying
Ay, my full moon.
One body in the world
One body in the world
I crossed the ocean
A sun from South America guides me
With a suitcase in my hand
In a prayer
A goodbye...
I am a body
A being
Just one body
That has color, hurt
And holds within it, the story of where I am from
I am my own vessel
I am my own chance
And I am here, even if they don’t want me to be
I am here, even if I don’t want to be anymore
I am here now
Every street in this dull city, it’s me
I get white stares
There’s danger on the streets’ corners
And I speak more than three languages
And the word “love,” where is it?
I am here, even if they don’t want me to be
I am here, even if I don’t want to be anymore
I am here now
I am here
And the word “love,” where is it?
Moon, Beautiful Solitary Star
That up high, alone, illuminates
Paris at night
A man suffer for love
Beautiful solitary star
That dies at dawn
The song of the earth is for you
Hear it yelling
To whom suffers the most
A million stars
Is not
Anything for him
He lives
A mortal love
Before the fog
Kills you
When the day breaks
Listen to the cry of the human beast
Hear Quasimodo lament,
He cries broken from pain
His voice
Travels over earth and sea
Then he wants
To fly quickly to you
Take care of this strange world
That with its' song, arrives to the sky
That up high, alone, illuminates
Shine to light my pen
Watch a man
Suffer for love
For love
Luna rosie
Ma plimb absent si singur,
cu ochii sub palarie ascunsi,
mainile in buzunar si gulerul ridicat,
merg fluierand la stelele care au rasarit.
E luna rosie care-mi vorbeste despre tine
eu o intreb daca ma astepti
ea imi raspunde:' Daca vrei sa stii,
aici nu este nimeni'.
Si te strig pe nume ca sa te vad,
dar toata lumea care vorbeste de tine,
imi spuse: 'E tarziu ce vrei sa stii?
Aici nu e niciuna '.
Luna rosie
Cine-mi va fi sincera?
Luna rosie,
a plecat aseara
fara sa ma vada.
Si ii spun din nou sa ma astepte
afara in balcon in noaptea asta la trei,
si roaga sfintii ca sa ma vada.
Dar nu este nimeni!
Mai mult de o mie de intalniri am avut,
Tot altat de multe tigari am aprins,
o mie de cesti de cafea am baut,
o mie de gurite amare am sarutat.
Si luna rosie imi vorbeste despre tine,
eu o intreb daca ma astepti,
ea imi raspunde: 'Daca vrei sa stii,
aici nu este nimeni'.
Aici nu este nimeni.
Totul este liniștit: Luna plină...
Totul este liniștit - luna plină
Strălucește printre sălciile de deasupra iazului
Și pe mal un val
Se joacă cu raza sa rece.