Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 32

Număr de rezultate: 1593


Iubeste-ma mai tare

Oh, stiu ca ai suna inapoi
Cred ca iti e foarte dor de mine
Cand ai plecat ai spus asta
Nu te merit, dar tot ce pot vedea
este ca nu vrei sa pierzi ce am avut
Oh, tu esti cel de care am nevoie
Cred ca iti e foarte dor de mine
Cand ai plecat ai spus asta
Nu te merit, dar tot ce pot vedea
este ca nu vrei sa pierzi ce am avut
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Sa nu-ti fie mila de mine
Spune-mi mai tare
Daca ma iubesti
Oh, tu esti cel de care am nevoie
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Nu-ti fie mila de mine
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Oh, stiu ca ai suna inapoi
Cred ca iti e foarte dor de mine
Cand ai plecat ai spus asta
Nu te merit, dar tot ce pot vedea
Este ca nu vrei sa pierzi ce am avut
Sa nu-ti fie mila de mine
Spune-mi mai tare
Daca ma iubesti
Oh, tu esti cel de care am nevoie
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Nu-ti fie mila de mine
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare
Nu-ti fie mila de mine
Numai iubeste-ma mai tare

Dupa dragoste

Cea magie ea nu mai e
Priviri schimbam precum am fi noi doi straini
Nu-mi esti tu cea minune-a mea
Nici eu cea a ta
Fost-ai tu cel vant iar eu cea mare
Grandoarea ea regasita nu mai e
Devenitam eu nerelevanta precum cea balta
De langa tarm
Da desi balta-i ea ferita de furtuna
Si de cel curent gasit-a ea eliberare
Ajunge ea mai amara ca cea mare ,
Caci in acalmie-i a se regasi

Belated Caution

Ah... in this era
Um... a love
Has to have a shape -
Someone said so.
Ah... but why then
Um... those cold eyes.
This dark cage
Is too cramped.
A beautiful flower
Decorating show window
Won't bloom.
Pretending we can't hear the wailing of the sirens
Just watching how the stain is spreading.
A jigsaw puzzle piece
Without being put together
Is fumbled in a hand.
Without a doubt, it's a belated caution.
Ah... hold me tight.
Um... Even if you kiss me,
A right answer
Won't come to mind anyway.
Your deep blue eyes
Piercing me
Are so lovely it scares me.
In a world the two of us desired
Someone is crying, an outburst of cricket chirping...
We melt into
The pure white sheets,
Closing ourselves in our world
Staring into each other's eyes... It's a caution.
Before the dawn breaks
And we get captured
We run off barefoot (the two of us)
Without even noticing the bleeding.
No need for light
That's why under the veil of night...
Pretending we can't hear the wailing of the sirens
Just watching how the stain is spreading.
The two of us are heading to a place of fall.
'Depend on you'.
'You complete me'.
Without a doubt, it's a belated caution.
Love is a belated caution.


Let's go!
Why is the scenery different from usual?
The school, that I got used to, and the cafe -
They all should have been the same.
When I met you, you became my first friend,
And I laughed, cried and got angry for the first time.
'Friends are the most important thing' -
I thought it was just a lame phrase,
But thanks to you, I learned I was wrong.
Being together with different friends will make you stronger.
I can vow looking in their eyes -
I want them to see my determination to chase my dream
Let's go together (wow wow wow)
Let's fight together (wow wow wow)
I can do nothing by myself
But together we can turn the stormy weather back to normal
Everything in the city (wow wow wow)
Looks shiny (wow wow wow)
I want to write the first page
Of a long life together with everyone
I am glad (I am glad), that I met you (that I met you),
I really (really) love you (love you)
Let's start hand in hand
I run away from the boring everyday.
I don't even know how to stop anymore,
Because I am with everyone.
Will this feeling disappear when I grow up?
I don't know, but it must be fleeting.
It doesn't matter how many days we cried
Or how tough the past was,
We want to accept it all.
Let's change! Let's become strong!
I want to see you smile,
Because I love you the way you are.
Let's laugh together (wow wow wow)
Let's dream together (wow wow wow)
Turn the sad event into happy one
And run right through it.
From the day we've met (wow wow wow)
We talked a lot (wow wow wow)
I've seen different sides of you,
But I like the most the way you are now.
I am glad (I am glad), that I met you (that I met you),
I am really (really) happy (happy)
Let's make our rails together!
Let's go together (wow wow wow)
Let's fight together (wow wow wow)
I can do nothing by myself
But together we can turn the stormy weather back to normal
Everything in the city (wow wow wow)
Looks shiny (wow wow wow)
I want to write the first page
Of a long life together with everyone
I am glad (I am glad), that I met you (that I met you),
I really (really) love you (love you)
Let's start hand in hand

My Love Is

Is it ok, if I'm this kind of person
Is it ok if it's this kind of love approaches you
You know, my heart like this
Do you feel it keeps on getting bigger
This time that I wish and wished of you
approaches, I like you more
Now I realized my love
My heart, I guess,
is looking at you, do you see it
I did not know my love
would get this big, oh I
This time that I wish and wished of you
approaches, I like you more
My love I never knew at all
My heart, I guess,
is looking at you, do you see it
I did not know my love
would get this big, oh I
This feeling that is overwhelming
I don't think I can lose it
With my truth
The words I confess to you, I love you
Has my confession
moved you, would it
My love became more clearer
in this way oh I
Yes, I, I love you
Is it okay, if I'm this kind of person
Is it ok for you
for me to love if it's this kind of love

Mă iubeşti?

Cine-i doamna ce mă tachinează
e oare o vrăjitoare sau ce e?
Am fugit de ea mai ieri,
dar sunt îndrăgostit din nou azi
Fiindcă nu mai pot dormi
Inima mea e ca focul.
Dansez pe podea,
dorinţă de dans...
Lasă-mi spiritul să zboare sălbatic,
fă-mă să mă simt ca un copil nebun.
Fă-o bine şi fă-o acum
Ştii mai bine decât altcineva cum.
Trebuie să-ţi dau indiciul:
Mă iubeşti?
Iubire, spune-mi, e adevărat,
Mă iubeşti?
Că toate sentimentele pe care le-nfrunt
în fiecare zi şi noapte
sunt sentimente pe care nu le-am mai avut.
Fiecare atingere mă ucide,
dar nu te opri, lasă aşa!
Îmi doresc să ştiu că nu-i minciună,
fiindcă atunci când mă săruţi, mă faci să zbor!...

Love that is too painful wasn't love

After letting you go faraway,
just like saying farewell to the autumn birds
after letting you leave,
coming back and sitting in front of a glass,
I shed tears in drops
After letting you go forever,
when watching starlight fading away
the words I have yet to say
flow down from my eyes
Can I erase that painful love
One day, on a street where raindrops scatter like memories,
when I become lonely and drop my face,
I hear your voice saying
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
One day, when wind brushes past my wet shoulders,
and my flagging moments
hover above the window,
I begin to hate you
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Now, let us not be in this world again in love
Let us bury our nostalgic days
Love that wasn't finished
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all

Love that is too painful wasn't love

After letting you go faraway, just like saying farewell to the autumn birds
after letting you leave, coming back and sitting in front of a glass,
I shed tears in drops
After letting you go forever, when watching starlight fading away
the words I have yet to say flow down from my eyes
Can I erase that painful love
One day, on a street where raindrops scatter like memories,
when I become lonely and drop my face, I hear your voice saying
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
One day, when wind brushes past my wet shoulders,
and my flagging moments hover above the window, I begin to hate you
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Now, let us not be in this world again in love
Let us bury our nostalgic days Love that wasn't finished,
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all
Love that is too painful wasn't love at all

Love Will Never End

You are the voice in my heart
I feel you here beside me
You are the light of the sun
Which illuminates my life
When night falls
I see your splendor again
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
Like the dawn still lives
This love will shine on
The love we give will never end
I can feel you everywhere
In the sun and in the shadows
You're still burning like a flame
In my heart and up in heaven
Somehow you're still with me
I can hear you whisper
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
Like the dawn still lives
This love will shine on
The love we give will never end
In my dreams we will be together
This love has no end
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
I feel you, I feel you everywhere
You are my soul, I will love you forever
The love we give will never end
This love will shine on

Haide sa ne indragostim la noapte

Haide sa ne indragostim la noapte
Si sa uitam de diminieata
Canta-mi un cantec care-ti place
Poti paria ca voi sti fiecare varianta
Eu sunt baiatul tau, am sperat ca vei evita
Nu-ti irosi ochii pe tipi gelosi, nu-mi pasa de acel zgomot
Eu stiu mai bine sa te numesc a mea
Trebuie sa ma ridici
Toate acele comisioane, am nevoie de cinci
Imi place sa-mi fortez norocul
Asa ca ia-ma de mana, haide sa mergem la o plimbare
Am trait in viitor
Speram sa te descopar mai devreme
Te vreau pe tine sa te am aproapre, am stiut
Cand am nimerit una
Haide sa ne indragostim la noapte
Si sa uitam de diminieata
Canta-mi un cantec care-ti place
Poti paria ca voi sti fiecare varianta
Eu sunt baiatul tau, am sperat ca vei evita
Nu-ti irosi ochii pe tipi gelosi, nu-mi pasa de acel zgomot
Eu stiu mai bine sa te numesc a mea
Imi place cand vorbesti prostii
Avem douazeci de ani, vorbim numai prostii
Facem bani, dar ii economisim
Pentru ca a vorbi prostii este ieftin si vorbim mult despre asta
Stiu ca nu vei sta cu mine
Dar iti poti avea drumul cu mine pana pleci
Si inainte ca saruturile tale sa transforme in vanatai, eu sunt o amenintare
Haide sa ne indragostim la noapte
Si sa uitam de diminieata
Canta-mi un cantec care-ti place
Poti paria ca voi sti fiecare varianta
Eu sunt baiatul tau, am sperat ca vei evita
Nu-ti irosi ochii pe tipi gelosi, nu-mi pasa de acel zgomot
Eu stiu mai bine, eu stiu mai bine, eu stiu mai bine sa te numesc a mea pentru totdeauna.

Cea care te iubește acum

Tot ce-am avut vreodată
Am lăsat să-mi scape printre degete,
Tot ce-am visat vreodată
S-a pierdut, până azi,
Căci am zărit ziua de mâine,
Unde se află viitorul meu,
Îl zăresc de fiecare dată când eu
Te privesc în ochii tăi minunați.
Oh, de-abia rezist acum,
De-abia rezist acum.
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec,
Iubire, dă-mi te rog de știre.
Ai așteptat oare
La fel cum am așteptat eu?
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec,
Iubire, te rog, lasă-mă să-ți arăt
Cât de mult îmi doresc să fiu
Cea care te iubește acum!
Poate mi-a fost prea teamă
Să-mi arăt inima zdrobită,
Dispărând în umbră,
Până când lumea mea s-a descompus.
Prindu-te acum,
Simt ce m-am mai simțit până acum,
Dar sunt în sfârșit gata
Să risc totul încă o dată.
Dacă tu crezi asumarea șanselor, oh
Iubitule, profită de această șansă cu mine.
Poți vedea ce văd eu?
De-abia mai rezist.
Te rog, lasă-mă să-ți arăt
Cât de mult îmi doresc să fiu
Cea care te iubește acum
Cea care te iubește acum.

It's Raining Now

It's raining now
And I'm so sad.
Only when you're with me
Do I feel like I'm in Heaven.
I miss you,
But cherish the hope,
That I'll see you tomorrow, so,
There is no need to suffer.
I'm looking
Out the window,
Taking in
The wet street.
I miss you,
But cherish the hope
That I'll see you tomorrow, so,
There is no need to suffer.


On your planet I stayed
It was for a little while
And it was never my plan
But my ship broke down
And now here I am, lost
In mornings with three suns
And multiple visions
Transparent mountains
Anemones of light
Particles of love
And memories of you
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
On your planet I stayed
It was for a little while
And it was never my plan
But my ship broke down
And now here I am, lost
In mornings with three suns
And multiple visions
Transparent mountains
Anemones of light
Particles of love
And memories of you
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love (love, love, love, love)
Love, love, love, love

Love Again

You who woke me up that was stopped in the midst of my memories
Your voice that couldn't be heard becomes clearer
I don't know where to go, inside of me
I'm like a child who lost the road and is searching
Here right now, I'm together with you
I can't let you go
You know you are not alone
Stay forever (Stay forever)
Even if everything changes
I'll be waiting
I'll keep it in my two eyes, please stand there
So that I can see you again
I see, I feel you
Love, love
I will be with you, I wanna hold you
Love, love
I feel love again
Look at me with those two eyes that waited for me
My appearance that were hidden go towards you
I don't know where to go, in my dreams
Like it was from yesterday's work, it becomes clearer
Here right now, I'm together with you
I can't let you go
You know you are not alone
Stay forever
Even if everything changes
I'll be waiting
I'll keep it in my two eyes, please stand there
So that I can see you again
I see, I feel you
Love, love
I will be with you, I wanna hold you
Love, love
I feel love again

Prima mea dragoste

Încă-mi amintesc de prima mea dragoste.
Ea e acolo, în memoria mea,
Ea a însemnat întreaga lume pentru mine.
Am crezut că era pe veci iubirea mea,
Dar n-a fost să fie.
Pluteam în derivă prin fiecare zi
Și luam viața de-a gata.
Iubirea era doar o vorbă goală
Pentru mine, un joc prostesc.
Dar acum știu, acum e altfel,
E tot ce am auzit.
C\nd i-am s[rutat buzele, am aflat
Că iubirea era mai mult decât o vorbă goală.
Încă-mi amintesc de prima mea dragoste.
Ea e acolo, în memoria mea,
Ea a însemnat întreaga lume pentru mine.
Am crezut că era pe veci iubirea mea,
Dar n-a fost să fie.
Nu pot să uit această dragoste pe care-am cunoscut-o.
Oare și ea se mai gândește la mine?
Încă-mi amintesc de prima mea dragoste.
Ea e acolo, în memoria mea,
Ea a însemnat întreaga lume pentru mine.
Am crezut că era pe veci iubirea mea,
Dar n-a fost să fie.

Pure love in Kamurocho

A-ah i don't believe it
This woman has a hidden side
And tonight i'll drown her in riches
To earn my way into her heart
Is he playing around? I don't believe it
This man can be so fickle
But why then
When i'm with you
Does it feel so different?
Neon city lights shine on the two of us
Might it be fate?
Is it for show?
No, it's real
Is it a lie?
It's not
Love cannot be stopped
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we lose our way
Sometimes we worry together, spinning our tale
With you, dear
And you, my love
Our Kamurocho love story
In my lonely heart bloomed
You, a solitary, beautiful flower
Dazzling neon Kamurocho
This tale we've spun together
Let's call it 'pure love in Kamurocho'

Dulce amante

What use are promises for?
It is so hard for us to speak with truth
we are today what we won't be anymore
we are so distant now
and the habit stayed on our skin
We are broken without knowing why
And when no one see
time stops
when no one see
time stops
Air is used up
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Repeated days and nights
all your owed absents
we are today what we won't be anymore
won't be anymore
And when no one see
time stops
when no one see
time stops
Air is used up
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover
Sweet lover
Ohh ooh Sweet lover

What is LOVE?

That we spoil ourselves a lot
is something we acknowledge
But it's common of us
to go around showing off
Who will the goddess of victory
smile for?
Is the goddess of victory
fair to everyone?
Getting angry, getting hungry
Crying, laughing
Getting passionate about something, losing interest
Living is really tiresome
What do you want?
Is it necessary?
If you can't even make one person understand you
how will you seduce the world?
If you leave one person feeling sad
will you be able to make the whole world happy?
When there's a festival that seems fun, we're eager to go
But do you have the courage to work
when other people
are having fun?
Who will the goddess of victory
smile for?
Is the goddess of victory
fair to everyone?
Kissing, getting jealous
Checking someone out, getting in trouble
Loving each other, doubting each other
Living is really complicated
What do you want?
Is it necessary?
With the slightest bit of sense of justice in a person
the world will start to shine
From one person's positive aura
the whole world will go into a positivity chain
What do you want?
Is it necessary?
If you can't even make one person understand you
how will you seduce the world?
If you leave one person feeling sad
will you be able to make the whole world happy?

Burning Love

I will throw out the hesitation in my heart
Do not cry. I will embrace...
The memories that have been burned into my heart Ah
So even if I am hurt,
I will not let it bother me FuFuFu
I swear to live by this for eternity
I travel by holding onto the thread of my destiny
So that I do not lose my way.
I just wanna give you all my love
I just wanna give you all my love
You are everything for me
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
My love is burning baby, burning love
Even if I am hurt by my beloved
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
Do not disappear baby, burning love
You are all there is for me
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby
Baby I want to be near you during the day and the night
This love hurts so I start running
I will not stop Ah
Even if you tell me that this world is ending right now,
I will not be scared FufuFu
Only because I believe in our bonds
How is it that you have a monopoly over my heart?
I want to know
I just wanna give you all my love
I just wanna give you all my love
I am being serious
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
We love each other baby, burning love
I am crazy about you and so I put up with everything
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
Give up baby, burning love
I will devote myself to you
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby
Why are you so late even now
Everyone around me says it as well
You do not notice me at all, no
You look so impatient
But my real intentions...
Even now I am earnest with you
I turn my back on my emotions once again
The things in the near future
The best I could do...
Was looking at things
I will reflect on the essential truth,
my growth,
And the advantages of a future with you
And I will catch it with my hand
I'm here for you
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
My love is burning baby, burning love
Even if I am hurt by my beloved
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby
Crazy in love, crazy in love, crazy in love
Do not disappear baby, burning love
You are all there is for me
Give it to me baby, Give it to me baby

If There's Love, I Don't Need Anything Else

No matter how much we are together,
It is hard to understand each other.
No matter how much we laugh together,
I end up crying when I'm alone.
Things that we can see are (often) fragile and short-lived.
So deep down in my mind, I want to be connected with you.
I don't need anything but love.
(You) Made me love so, so, so much that I could cry.
Questions that I can think of one after another,
all have one answer.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't sugarcoat it and face it.
Today, tomorrow, next week, and the next month too,
Have some love and live.
The fact that I can't be myself is,
not something that started from yesterday or today.
The more I care about this and that,
The more I act strangely, even though it's a usual thing with me.
I wish I could say 'I like it!' to something I like.
Things that I cannot describe in words, I want you to notice them.
I don't need anything but love.
I hate logic with a passion.
Words that I can think of one after another,
are all about him.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't be afraid and let's step up.
I don't care about anything that people say about me.
Have some love and live stronger than ever.
I don't need anything but love.
(You) Made me love so, so, so much that I could cry.
Questions that I can think of one after another,
All have one answer.
I don't need anything but love.
I hate logic with a passion.
Words that I can think of one after another,
Are all about him.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't be afraid and let's step up.
I don't care about anything that people say about me.
Have some love and live stronger than ever.

Love together!

I won’t forget the days that led us to today
The amazing path
I love it, I love it, I really love it!
We’ll be able to see each other again
Is this decision selfish?
Not complaining at all, but just loving me
The shadow of a smile, the origin of tears
Even the hidden side of my youth is a part of me
I was really young but I haven’t forgotten
No I haven’t forgotten
Time has changed for all of us
We’re all taking different paths
That’s why this moment right now
Is a treasure
I did hesitate, that is true
I’ve never struggled like this before
It was fun going to the small stations, the big cities
And a foreign country for the first time together
Someone else’s gossip, I forget it immediately
I forget it immediately
I won’t forget the days that led us to today
The amazing path
I love it, I love it, I really love it!
We’ll be able to see each other again
Time has changed for all of us
We’re all taking different paths
That’s why this moment right now
Is a treasure
I won’t forget the days that led us to today
The amazing path
I love it, I love it, I really love it!
We’ll be able to see each other again

Colaj: Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire / Los Paranoias

Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire, şi stai
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Vreau să stai...
Pari obosită, iubire
lasă-mă să aprind lumina
Vino din răceală
întinde-ţi capul pe umărul meu
şi sărută-mă diseară
Suntem împreună acum
şi pentru totdeauna, vino în calea mea
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire, şi stai
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Vreau să stai...
Joe Prairies and the Prairie Wallflowers.
Los Paranoias.
Los Paranoias vă invită
să ne savuraţi pe noi
Haideţi, puteţi
cu iubirea
veniţi şi intraţi în spiritul Los Paranoias
Los Paranoias
Los Paranoias
Veniţi şi savuraţi-ne
Los Paranoias
veniţi şi savuraţi-ne
Suntem Los Paranoias
Suntem aici să vă cântăm
şi orice ne cereţi să facem
vă vom cânta un cântecel...

Aliluia, o iubesc aşa de mult!

Hai să-ţi zic despre o fată ce-o ştiu
E iubirea mea şi o iubesc aşa de mult
În fiecare dimineaţă când soarele iese
ea-mi aduce cafeaua în ceaşca mea preferată
De-aia ştiu, da, ştiu
Aliluia, o iubesc aşa de mult!
Când o sun la telefon
ea zice, iubite, sunt singură
Când număr de la 1 până la 4
ea va bate la uşa mea
Seara, când soarele apune
şi nu-i nimeni altcineva împrejur,
ea mă sărută şi-apoi mă ţine strâns
spune 'Iubite, totu-i bine!'
De-aia ştiu, da, ştiu
Aliluia, o iubesc aşa de mult!
Aliluia, o iubesc aşa de mult!
Aliluia, o iubesc aşa de mult pe fata asta!

If You Just Love

The stars in the sky resemble me
So they’re always at the same place
Today, just like yesterday
I’m staying by your side
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
Even a short, passing memory
Can be a comfort
The star reflecting on my window
Resemble you
So I want to place it in my eyes
Even if the dark sky covers you
I’ll shine on you
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
We’ll never know the end of a beginning
But if our hearts are toward each other
That’s enough
So don’t hesitate anymore
If you love me
Just as I am
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
If you love me

Jump Rope

I feel as though our encounter has changed me
I found the person I want to become
I've been always, always raising up
This longing, only in my heart
Along the great big rope, everybody jumped, playing together
But I alone was too scared to join
Hesitating like a child
I was always waiting for you
When I was about to give up, your hand reached out to support me
The warmth of your gentle hand-- I love it
My gratitude is about to overflow
Little by little, my dream draws closer
My gratitude is about to overflow...
Thank you
I'm happy, so happy that I don't know what to do
So happy that my tears come spilling out
I'm sorry
Rather than hanging my head, unable to form words
I'll say goodbye to these feelings of hesitation
I've always, always longed to see you
I can't let it end only in my heart
Over and over, everyone jumped along the jump rope
And I smiled and laughed, too
Let's always be together and play
That feeling is precious to me
When I lost my way, your eyes led me
Those gentle eyes made my wish come true
This throbbing in my heart won't disappear with a 'thank you'
Little by little, I'm grabbing hold of my dream
This throbbing in my heart won't disappear with a 'thank you'
Thank you
Isn't it fun? Isn't it fun? When I try to embrace you
My tears come spilling out
I'm sorry
My gratitude is about to overflow
Little by little, my dream draws closer
My gratitude is about to overflow...
Thank you
I'm happy, so happy that I don't know what to do
So happy that my tears come spilling out
I'm sorry

Love U

I keep smelling a familiar fragrance in the air
The wind that blew around you
Now it's passing by my side
In my heart
Maybe it's a light that only shines on me
It's shields me from painful wounds
Love u Now I'm thinking of you
I just close my eyes again
I love you if I could fill up both your eyes
I love you if I could show you my smiles
I'd take everything under the starlight, I'll give them to you, oh~
I love you if I could show you my heart
I love you if you could teach me that heart
I'd follow whatever you do
Love u Love u Love u Forever..
I'm walking right behind you,
hiding behind the moonlight
What do I do if you don't notice?
Even in the rain
Should I make another request to the clouds once again?
So I can hold your wet heart
Love u Now I'm thinking of you..
I just close my eyes again
I love you if I could fill up both your eyes
I love you if I could show you my smiles
I'd take everything under the starlight, I'll give them to you, oh~
I love you if I could show you my heart
I love you if you could teach me that heart
I'd follow whatever you do
Love u Love u Love u Sweetheart..


I want a place in some shade
I have wanted it many times
Never did my heart attach itself anywhere
What kind of intelligent am I?
Why do I not reach there?
Where I long to go to
Where am I lost?
What such has happened?
Oh beloved, what did you get
By separating from me like this, tell me
Oh beloved, what did you get
By separating from me like this, tell me
I didn't know of myself (not aware)
I didn't know of myself
Nor did I know of you
Oh beloved, what did you get
By separating from me like this, tell me
(Female voice from now)
I have become a part of this noise now
I am that sound now, I am among people
But I am lonely
Yes I am lonely
This world kept separating me from myself
When I speak there are no words. What is this that I am?
I have everything but I am not there
That something that was missing
That has disappeared
Why did it get disappointed in me?
Oh beloved what did you get?
By separating like this from me, tell me
Oh beloved what did you get
by separating
like this from me
I don't know of myself
I don't know of myself
Nor do I know of you
Oh beloved what did you get
By separating from me like this

P.S. Te Iubesc

Dragă, m-am gândit să scriu un rând
Vremea-i bună, oamenii sunt bine
Stau în pat în fiecare noapte la 9
P.S. Te iubesc
Ieri a fost ceva ploaie,
dar una peste alta, nu mă pot plânge
A fost oare praf în tren?
P.S. Te iubesc
Scrie-i familiei Brown cât mai curând cu putinţă
Ei sunt gata să sune
Am ars o gaură în masa din sufragerie
Ei bine, ia să vedem, cred că asta-i tot...

Să iubești

Gândul de-a fi tu lângă mine,
Îmi provoacă mai mult decât emoție.
N-am crezut niciodată că aș putea simți ce simt acum.
Mi-aș da faima și averea
Pentru o poțiune magică,
Ce te-ar face să apari chiar aici, cumva.
Oare asta înseamnă să iubești?
Să simți ceva, ce cuvintele nici nu pot visa să descrie?
Oare asta înseamnă să iubești?
Să compari ceva cu asta,
Nu, nu e chip s-o faci,
Fiindcă doar o inimă poate înțelege ce înseamnă
Să iubești,
Să iubești.
Nu vreau să trăiesc fără tine,
Nici măcar nu vreau să încerc,
Dar cumva trebuie să te fac să simți la fel,
Și refuz să cred
Că tu nu vei fi de acord cu asta.
Ce tot spun? Încep să visez din nou.
Ah, oare asta înseamnă să iubești?
Să simți ceva, ce cuvintele nici nu pot visa să descrie?
Oare asta înseamnă să iubești?
Scumpule, să compari ceva cu asta,
Nu, nu e chip s-o faci.
Și mi-e de-ajuns să stau chiar aici și să visez,
Fiindcă doar o inimă poate înțelege ce înseamnă
Să iubești,
Să iubești.

Iubito ador felul in care esti

Umbrele cresc atat de lungi
In fata ochilor mei
Si se misca
Pe pagina
Dintr-o data ziua se transforma in noapte
Departe de oras
Ei bine, nu ezita,
Pentru ca dragostea ta pur si simplu nu va astepta...
Oo, iubita, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi
Luna pare sa straluceasca si lumineaza cerurile
Cu ajutorul a catorva licurici
Ma intreb cum de au puterea sa straluceasca
Ii pot vedea sub pin
Dar nu ezita,
Pentru ca dragostea ta nu va astepta...
Oo, iubito, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi
Pot vedea apusul in ochii tai
Maro si gri, cu albastru pe langa
Norii urmaresc insule in soare
Mi-as dori sa pot cumpara unul in afara sezonului
Dar nu ezita, pentru ca dragostea ta nu va astepta, pur si simplu nu va astepta
Oo, iubito, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi

Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine

Versions: #1
--- 1 ---
Fără tine să-mi trăiesc viaţa de-ar trebui
Toate zilele mele ... ar fi pustii
Nopţile ar părea atât de lungi și de gri.
Doar cu tine văd atât de clar la infinit
Este posibil să mai fi fost îndrăgostit
Dar ceva atât de puternic niciodată n-am simţit
Visurile noastre la început sunt acuma
Şi amândoi ştim că ... ne vor purta
Acolo unde vrem să trăim împreună așa.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură așa
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât iubirea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine
Lumea poate să-mi schimbe în totalitate cursul ce vine
Dar nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine.
--- 2 ---
Dacă drumul ce ne aşteaptă atât de uşor nu ne este
Dragostea noastră ne va arăta calea ce ne zidește
Ca o stea ce ne călăuzește.
Voi fi acolo pentru tine dacă nevoie vei avea
Nu trebuie să schimbi nimic cumva
Te iubesc exact aşa cum eşti deja...
Aşa că vino cu mine panorama s-o privim
Și eternitatea împreună s-o primim.
Strânge-mă în brațe ușor
Și mă mângâie acuma-n fior
Nu vreau să trăiesc fără al tău dor.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine
Lumea poate să-mi schimbe în totalitate cursul ce vine
Dar nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine

Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine

--- 1 ---
Fără tine să-mi trăiesc viaţa de-ar trebui
Toate zilele mele ... ar fi pustii
Nopţile ar părea atât de lungi și de gri.
Doar cu tine văd atât de clar la infinit
Este posibil să mai fi fost îndrăgostit
Dar ceva atât de puternic niciodată n-am simţit
Visurile noastre la început sunt acuma
Şi amândoi ştim că ... ne vor purta
Acolo unde vrem să trăim împreună așa.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură așa
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât iubirea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine
Lumea poate să-mi schimbe în totalitate cursul ce vine
Dar nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine.
--- 2 ---
Dacă drumul ce ne aşteaptă atât de uşor nu ne este
Dragostea noastră ne va arăta calea ce ne zidește
Ca o stea ce ne călăuzește.
Voi fi acolo pentru tine dacă nevoie vei avea
Nu trebuie să schimbi nimic cumva
Te iubesc exact aşa cum eşti deja...
Aşa că vino cu mine panorama s-o privim
Și eternitatea împreună s-o primim.
Strânge-mă în brațe ușor
Și mă mângâie acuma-n fior
Nu vreau să trăiesc fără al tău dor.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine
Lumea poate să-mi schimbe în totalitate cursul ce vine
Dar nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine.
--- R ---
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea ce pentru tine o nutresc
Ar trebui să ştii bine cât de mult de iubesc,
De un singur lucru poţi fi sigură deja
Nu voi cere niciodată nimic mai mult decât dragostea ta.
Nimic nu va schimba dragostea mea pentru tine
Cât de mult de iubesc, ar trebui să ştii bine