Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 83


Don't tell her

I wouldn't wish,even to my enemy,
to spend nights like this
loneliness and cold,I don't have to explain
I mean destruction
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer
I wouldn't let,even my enemy,
to use me like this
I'll chill in my house,light up a fire
and then we'll see what she'll say
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer


I approached to see who i am and where
my soil holds from . I entered and i stood
in the salty house, by a water well.
A woman with a scarf on her head offered me water
offered me a jam-like spoon sweet

I travel with you

I shed my old skin
Because the madness is burning
Again the plains beckon to me
Once more the world fell to ruin
The bemused crowd
Had no chance finding out
That beyond where eyes can look
The sky was split up for good
And where chrome and neon used to be
Now it's just weed and broken concrete
Their fake glory of the past
Are full of wounds and bruises
I travel with you
On pathless roads
Through worn down words
Through abandoned cities
I travel with you
I experience the wonder with you
That I have nothing
But still the world is mine
I travel with you
On pathless roads
Through worn down words
Through abandoned cities
I travel with you
I experience the wonder with you
That I have nothing
But still the world is mine
Only you're the reason
Why I begin the journey
Maybe the long destroyed future
Can be started anew
People surely won't stutter
When they start singing
An old tune again
They remember themselves in it
And if sin strikes us down
A secret wing lifts us back
And it'll be a bonus
If it turns out that there is a resurrection

Like a maniac murderer

Hidden behind the desks
I was looking at you like a maniac
Iwas always standing in the same corner
I was anxiously waiting for you
I followed you to the bus stop
And my heart was ready to brake
The same old story
It's been 13 years
Like a maniac murderer
I constantly chase after you
Every step you take
I am always your pray
I've been writing 1000 letters
Without signing them
I canstantly call you
But I never talk
To hear your voice
To feel your breath
One,yes,just before you hung up
Or at least call me names

Ești un biscuit crocant

Ești un biscuit crocant
Oh, ești o pisică zgârietură
Mor pentru tine când te înviorezi
Ești singur în inima mea

You are a crunchy biscuit

You are a crunchy biscuit
Oh, you are a scratchy cat
I die for you when you’re refreshing
You're in my heart alone

O Daughter of My Heart

O daughter of my heart, o you who's always living in my heart. The best years of my life I've lived with you by my side.
O daughter of my heart, you are my soul, the light of my eyes, my daughter, my sister, my mother, and everything to me.
Yes, for between your arms, I saw happiness, and in your bosom, I've forgotten any wound.
You are security, the fountain of tenderness, I can't describe any explanation*.
If you're gone from my gaze for a moment, I feel insane when you're away.
My most precious possession in the world. Yes, for it is you who keeps my universe from being empty.
You are beauty, you are the moon, you are my lot, you are fate.
You're more delicate than an angel, a flower that belongs on a tree.
You are security, you are loyalty, the fountain of tenderness, your bosom is warmth.
You are the only one that the heart has taken to and has brought it contentment.
Your bosom is warm, I feel a yearing in your embrace. If you laugh, the world becomes more beautiful at your laugh.
I've toured many lands, and my foot took me on your path. You're the most beautiful sight I've held, not once have I met your match in delicacy.

White day for us too

Versions: #1
I will water with a salty tear of mine
the times, bitter summers,
I learned to pass by your side,
Dead doves
the dawn filled the heavens with.
I will be back, my heartbroken Virgin Mary.
Farewell, don't cry, your sorrow
learn not to hang as an amulet.
Say 'It's all right,
there will come a white day for us too'.

I don't need any other solace

Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.
Perhaps the wounds have not yet sealed,
we stop and stand vis-a-vis, just you and me,
to decide after long fights, whether
this short story should continue.
The drama piece is over, goodbye, but
if you want, we can begin a new season.
Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.
All those who know us, are watching us,
who wins today, you or I or we,
And how long will it take,
until we have the courage to say it out loud.
Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.

Iubirea pare

Iubirea pare
Ce e în neregulă cu mine dacă voi muri nevăzându-te?
La atingerea ta pulsul se dublează,
Nu ne cunoaștem prea bine, dar îți spun:
Te voi iubi fără regret,
Ca mersul ceasului care nu se schimbă.
Dacă viața o scrie pentru noi
Să mă sculpteze în sfârșit ca o stare,
Această inimă ți-o semnează
Cad în foc pentru tine, ce e în neregulă cu mine?
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Această privire a ta care mă domină,
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Pentru că ești comparat și întotdeauna exclus.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.
Ce e în neregulă cu mine de te caut alcoolic,
Iar ochii tăi sunt pietrele mele prețioase?
Dacă praful tău de aur este simplu praf,
Voi spune că săruturile au fost un cadou
Și lasă ca basmul să aibă un final tragic.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.
Dedic cuvintele și muzica în seara asta
doar pentru tine...
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Această privire a ta care mă domină,
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Pentru că ești comparat și întotdeauna exclus.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.

Trezeşte-te lângă mine.

de frica timpului.
În vacanţă,
zburăm spre sud.
că nu interpretăm greşit.
râvnind o primăvară.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău.
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde.
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Ne mutăm
de pe pământ în cer.
Poate acolo, în sfârşit
vom fi împreună.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde,
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Nu e de la sine înţeles.
Dacă ţi se spune să nu crezi,
Că fericirea e pentru fitecine,
Dar trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Trebuie să porţi poverile.
Să combaţi păcatele.
Asta ţi-e viaţa înţelege odată.
Chiar că e o singură viaţă.
Nu e de la sine înţeles.
Dacă ţi se spune să nu crezi,
Că fericirea e pentru fitecine.
Dar trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Trebuie să porţi poverile
Să combaţi păcatele
Asta ţi-e viaţa înţelege odată.
Știu, știu, știu.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde,
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.


Drakosha Totosha sings his tales
Drakosha Totosha sings his thoughts about The Earth
About the Mountains, about the rocks
About such mysterious stars in the sky:
'The dreams are so limitless'
Drakosha Totosha quotes Lao Tzu
In the Void, in the Void, you must find yourself
On the Mountain, alone, at will
Boundless space will absorb you into your own
Infinite stars
'My way is so far'
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
Drakosha Totosha quotes Lao Tzu
In the Void, in the Void, you must find yourself
On the Mountain, alone, at will
Boundless space will absorb you into your own
Infinite stars
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
The stars are speaking with us in the distance of space
They are whispering:
'I am here, I am here, I am there, I am looking after you.
I am standing behind your wings, I am diving,
I am diving into the unlimited grove'
The stars are speaking with us in the distance of space
They are whispering:
'I am here, I am here, I am there, I am looking after you.
I am standing behind your wings, I am diving,
I immerse myself into the grove without fuss,
In the waves of the ocean'
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far


Nu puneţi faţă de masă.
Nu pregaătiţi patul.
Am venit doar să-mi iau rămas bun


când ne purificăm
depunem murdăria
primprejurul a l t cuiva


Noapte bună, Micuță Lumină!
Acum e timpul tău:
vizibilizezi si te lași vazută.

I would think about you

The campaign always goes on
It comes from everywhere
Password on the back of a password
The words are chewed by liars
And they wait for
The thousand-year-old towers to collapse
If there is just one thing clear
On this lost world,
I can't find it anywhere else
I see it only my daughter's eyes
But why wouldn't I think about you?
Why wouldn't I think about you after this?
Tell me, why wouldn't I think about you?
That where are you hanging out?
That what are you doing?
You're not asking, where are you taking you,
Where do they stun you
the ones, who don't believe in anything
You don't hear anything else from them,
Just that how good will it be for you,
Then they save their own skins
If it had any sense,
That you have beard it all by now
Anyway you've written the most beautiful poem
In your son's heart
So why would I think about you?
Why would I think about you after this?
Tell me, why would I think about you?
That where are you hanging out?
That what are you doing?
To a nice word of a woman
I will be a meeker person
I let the problems for someone else
I have work in the garden
Until I plant a tree
The fight dies down in me
But I don't forget anything
An I would start it over
The nice letters of your name
Were written on my forhead by Cupid
So why wouldn't I think about you?
Why wouldn't I think about you after this?
Tell me, why wouldn't I think about you?
That where are you hanging out?
That what are you doing?
Why wouldn't I think about you?
Why wouldn't I think about you after this?
Tell me, why wouldn't I think about you?
That where are you hanging out?
That what are you doing?


The mirror is collapsing
So even more unclearly
Sees, who thinks, he sees
But he hopes more
Than anyone
It's invisible for the eye
But in 100 and 100 forms
It is sensible
In the disappearing time
She's also there
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else
If life is only a dream
Once everyone wakes up
On a clear dawn
Horror waits for it
Or mercy
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else
The finite watches the infinite
Tries to find out, what does it mean
But from chaos the order
From a killer a saint
Not will become, only if
Has also appeared in you
I'm not asking for more,
Just enough time to
Understand and look for Her,
Who's afraid for me, and hopes,
And invites you to see
Only time
I'm not asking for else


Dizolvă-mi poezia
in apa vieții tale
pe placul tău


ajută lumea
să fie cum
dealtfel este

Fredonând tăcut

Stii că mă trezesc în pat geros
Lumina spală ridurile nopții
Stiu și simt pe unde umblii
Degeaba crezi că nu ești aici
(Nu ești aici)
Stii, nu te văd de mult timp
Desi nu–mi pot lua ochii de pe tine
Cearceaful anină suspinele
Numai tu-mi pronunți așa numele
Ziua întreagă stând în mireasma ta aștept
Să-mi aduci în gură elixirul vieții
Ești aici, când scriu acest rând
Cum î-ți răzbeste ochii:
Eu sânt acolo cu tine
(Sânt acolo cu tine)
Mai mult nu știu
Decât sa-ți fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace
Mă așteaptă abisul viselor vrute
Si de acolo mă cheama inapoi un cuvânt
Penumbra grea naște cânt
Simt nevoia de a plânge
Tremură pamântul dacă mă atinge
Câte un gând pașnic
Pe care mi-l trimiți
înlauntrul căruia și tu exiști
Ești parte
Mai mult nu știu
Decât să-ti fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace
Mai mult nu știu
Decât să-ti fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace

I Know What I'm Doing

Everyone, they all say
that I'm not such an easy child.
Everyone, they all say
that I've lost the key to my heart.
Suddenly, I can't talk, can't think
You look at me, I look at you, and my heart skips a beat*
You smile at me, I try to explain everything that I feel about you in a logical way
It isn't the madness of the moment
I know what I'm doing
Kiss me tonight as much as you can
I know what I'm doing
For the first time, I'm in love
Tell me how you did this
Everyone, they all say
that the rules generally don't suit me
Everyone, they all say
that I always play my cards close
Suddenly, I can't talk, can't think
You look at me, I look at you, and my heart skips a beat
You smile at me, I try to explain everything that I feel about you in a logical way
It isn't the madness of the moment
I know what I'm doing
Kiss me tonight as much as you can
I know what I'm doing
For the first time, I'm in love
Tell me how you did this

We were like this

As you know,
We were not angels.
And as if we felt no pain,
We were dancing on the ruins of our joy.
And sometimes on alert mornings,
We knew that love is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We feared nothing,
Even after a hundred foiled plans.
We still unnoticedly
Endured, as wrinkles appeared on our faces,
But sometimes on alert twilights
We knew that peace is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, remember us,
We were like this, remember, remember us!
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.

This love

Versions: #2
You came and suddenly
you changed many things in my life
Everything happened so simple, with just one look
You came and changed many things, tears turned into joy
I'm feeling good inside, you made feel alive again
This love
it's not like any other
with you I felt this powerful love
this love takes me high in the sky 1
my powerful love...I'm going crazy for you
You came and brought (me) joy
I felt you inside my soul
I never thought I could leave the past behind
You came and brought (me) joy
you 'unlocked' my feelings
you held me in your arms
with your sweet kisses
This love
it's not like any other
with you I felt this powerful love
this love takes me high in the sky 1
my powerful love...I'm going crazy for you
  • this love takes me high in the stars (but in english we usually say 'hight in the sky')
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Right Here

Versions: #2
Here sounds a curse in front of the cross
Here, thousands of faces get drowned in blood
Right here, ninety-nine out of a hundred
Sing in praise of flowers and love, a beautiful love
Here dance women in the mirrored space
With tons of heavy defect-concealing make-up on
Here, bared teeth grin for a smile
Right here, everyone's a hostage
To their own sect - a weird sect
Right here are sell-out and evil, doubt and fear
Here, many had luck to leave blood and ashes behind them
Here, everyone is entitled to a wooden suit in the ground
Here encounters one jester's face to a hundred of gloomy ones
It's only height that saves from a flock of wild birds
Right here comes in and out every breath from a tightly fixed noose.
Here, childhood quickly shifts to maturity
And green years are just a fleeting moment
Right here, every worker slaves for a minister
Who, in his turn, is a slave to somebody's else
Who is clawed by another.
Right here are sell-out and evil, doubt and fear
Here, many had luck to leave blood and ashes behind them
Here, everyone is entitled to a wooden suit in the ground
Here encounters one jester's face to a hundred gloomy ones
It's only height that saves from a flock of wild birds
Right here comes in and out every breath from a tightly fixed noose.


The feat is not where everyone expected it.
Faith is not where words are sweeter.
Gold orders and medals are seduced us,
Earthly rights have tired us.
Wanna become what I haven't been.
I don't wanna be who I've become.
But the boundless, hospitable sky
Is already barking at us with its grin.
The one who moves will master every road.
But what about those who are stuck in the belt.
Look how the one who serving looks at you haughty,
Flaunt its benefactor.
Don't be afraid to stay completely alone,
It's more terrible to stay among strangers.
Each of us risks being cruel,
Each of us is a psycho
Everything was divided into 'became' and 'was',
Everything was divided into 'was' and 'is.'
It seems to be half in the grave,
And we still expect the miracles.
Tibor from QS-FB

Black Rain Of Hiroshima

One more second and it's all over.
There's nothing more to believe for us.
Look, how much pain carries with it
The 'Little Boy' filled with uranium.
One more moment and already don't care
Who we were and who would we become.
The black rain will wash away like a spot,
All traces of our tears and sorrows.
Look, how greedily the fire swallows
Bodies of quite young creatures.
Everywhere is hearing a childish groan
From ruined and charred buildings.
Everywhere is hearing a childish cry,
Getting quieter and quieter.
Flying in the sky a steel executioner
Won't give them the opportunity to survive.
We need to save ourselves as soon as possible.
Leaving those who is beyond help.
Look, mothers' eyes are full of blood,
From powerlessness to do something.
A fire of candles is not fade,
Memories are unbearable.
Squeeze stronger the memory in your palm
And remember the pain of Hiroshima.


Bandages and cotton wool
Are cover up the light
In window of hospital room
Where many have lost all hopes
You're so alone
Chained to your dirty beds
We were cruel
And just have had enough of you
We're so tired
Of all your caprices and needs
You gave us such a hard time
Your path was alien to us
There's no place for your misfortune
On our streets
And the years will sweep away every trace
Towards your exploits
In longing and wandering
You believed in tomorrow
But our endeavors
Turn you into the shadows for long ago
It wasn't easy for you
To search for the meaning of life and the essence
An abandoned island
Is your last shelter now

Where are you

The faces are blurred and obliterated,
Only the names left in memory.
Honors spilling over the ground.
The heavens are breathe
With light souls of the fallen.
The voices lose in silence.
Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?
Candles and black tears
For those who was just starting his life.
A war choked with scarlet blood.
To a warm and peaceful heaven,
By firm and confident order,
Are setting off the battalions of heroes.
Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?


Probably tomorrow will be spring.
I know, the calendar will not deceive.
How much it will bring,
The one who understands it?
Not everyone can honestly love.
This gift endued not many.
A moment can stop all,
Leaving a faint trace on a way.
It's so hard to stay alive,
Trying to be standing in this crowding.
Probably become someone else,
There's no chance in this life way.

My Land

Time is circling over the land.
Pressing and strangling with a tight noose.
To saddens and cares,
But will not coming back.
And on us, from the four sides,
Grining jaws the enemy waves.
Waiting when we'll relax,
To will handle us.
And around there are dark deeds,
Greed of hands, evil thoughts,
Envy of eyes, love of money,
Nasty phrases, foul language.
All the land is pain bound,
Robbed from the inside,
Managed by promises,
And envenomed by its own poison.
But the land, breathing with a fight,
Will endure everything, stand things.
Bends its back, never breaks,
Nobody will get it.

March Of The Free

Be equal! Attention!
One after another the ranks of the submissive,
Obediently swallowing the orders of high-livers.
Affront. Offensively.
But you need to be silent and to be quiet.
Then there is an opportunity to climb a little higher.
Kneel. Distastefully.
But we're pressed by a political height,
And straight our back is not so easy.
The last not in sight.
Here in the spotlight only those who ahead of us,
And everyone else let take care of themselves.
March of the free. Fire in souls, leprosy on faces.
March of the free. Cretin on the right, freak on the left.
March of the free. Who fell out a line was trampled and cast-off.
March of the free. Will is clamped, character is worn.
A stroke of a lash.
Bloody scars on the bare back.
Double punishment for dashing rebels.
The threat by death.
For those who don't honor the just laws,
Opened doors of the prison yards.
Tied with rope.
Not a step to the left or a step to the right.
Of those who fell down make crossings.
Reward with silver.
The caring for the poor, they are like a burden.
They don't need much, won't handle with load.
March of the free. Fire in souls, leprosy on faces.
March of the free. Souls burn in impulses of ecstasy.
March of the free. There are traces of horseshoes on the backs of the fallen.
March of the free. The will is clamped in tight fetters.

The Priest And The Tramp

Destiny at the crossroads of two ways
Brought together the priest and the tramp
The ecclesiastic by looking out from under hoary eyebrows
Had slightly embarrassed by the situation
'How dare you block my way?' -
He haughtily said to the wanderer.
'You hasn't brought an ounce of use to the world,
And I serve God my whole life!'
'Temper your ardor, churchman.
There is no special need to teach me.
You'd better stop yelling and screaming,
And generously give me a coin.'
'I gave alms to many in this life,
But I'm not going to put in your palm, wayfarer.
Your appearance tells me you're a libertine
And gave your soul to the Devil.
You've never honored God's rules.
Your glance inspires a fear to people.
You ravaged and robbed a lot of people.
All this I've read in your eyes.'
'There is no need to anger on the cross,
All your dogmas turned to ashes.
And trust me, you aren't such a saint already,
My faithful brother in Christ'
'How dare you call me a brother?
Your sins will be surprised even the Gomorrah!
I bringing the peace and you sowing
The dawning of anger, fear and pestilence.'
'Even though I robbed a lot,
Even though I took the alms to stay well-fed,
But I only deprive them of wealth,
And you sell them faith for money!'