Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1



Versions: #1
You're my land with fiery heart and fiery breath
We're ready to sacrifice ourselves for you, Azerbaijan!
You're my pride that doesn't break even when crushed
I'm ready to give my life for your this age, Azerbaijan!
When you left the battlegrounds with glory
You've made many sacrifices in history.
For your land, which has a piece left in each neighbor
I'm ready to give my life, Azerbaijan!
How many hidden treasure lie in your chest?
How many countries warm up with your fire?
There's red symbol of freedom on your flag
I'm ready to give my life for your flag, Azerbaijan!
Every success of yours opens a door to the future,
Your good intentions with every friend shine.
For your arms, which are warm and open to every nation, every religion
I'm ready to give my life, Azerbaijan!
For your flag, which waves proudly over my head
I'm ready to give my life, Azerbaijan!
For your land, which is my soul and my home
I'm ready to give my life, Azerbaijan!