Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 6


Line Line

Come, let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
The princess has a long length
My hearth fell to love in cage
I was eagerly atracted to her
A composition if it were written in love
Love, my heart is fire place
It's hard to get back this way, come back let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life

God, Give Me Patience!

No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait if it's over
No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait
It's all over if my heart burned
If it's enough
Help me god
Give me patience, give me patience
I dropped your trap everytime
I'm tired of your games, I gave up
Don't let this love approach me

How Many Times

Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you.


E o după-amiază din nou
Ce relevanţă are apusul de soare
Cred că le-am acumulat în mine
Pe străzile mândriei
Întotdeauna îți acoperi greșelile
Nici măcar nu ai încredere în tine
Toată lumea care vede ca toți ceilalți au dreptate
Toată lumea care te scutură are dreptate
Dar cea mai grea este ascunsă
Stai să te văd tot, a fost foarte copleșitor
Ege Kökenli


Of* you crossed my mind again towards nightfall,
Along with the sunset, how is that related?
I guess I have things that have accumulated inside me,
Look how you released your pride in the streets
Are always covering up for your mistakes
Cannot even trust your own self
See(think) that everyone is like yourself, everyone is right
Everyone who shows assent to you is right
But the heaviest (admonishment) is hidden inside me
Wait and I'll show you everything, I'll have no mercy