Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 17
Versions: #1Today I touched your photograph, I kissed it again and again.
Time, be slow
Versions: #2Indeed I too want to
Run before I crawled
To put makeup on and
Walk around in pretty dresses
Indeed I too want to
Speak without thinking first
To be the important person
In a small game
The words passing through my mind
The sounds coming from my heart
They all became a forest
With a match they were all lost
I, under the smoke of a cigarette
Kept burning until I was all ashes
You, at the never-burning end of a match
Ended up as someone who passed by someone's life
Indeed I too want to
Run before I crawled
To put makeup on and
Walk around in pretty dresses
Indeed I too want to
Speak without thinking first
To be the important person
In a small game
I collected good friends
They all became my family
I raised a little love
It was defeated by the system
I, under the smoke of a cigarette ...
Wishing Stone
I picture the whole historyWhere is my love, where am I
What was our sin, we are over like this
My ego got lost, what happened to me
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
A dreaming storm in my head
Whichever side I turn, it is on my face
All hope is stranger to me now
What I became looking for her/him
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
My blues overflow me
A thousand times I reproached to fate and still not enough
To wet eyes that have forgotten to smile
Bring some news from happiness
Wishing stone
So-called Purity
Ah, ah my motherI died today
With a button
It pierced just on my chest
He became aroused
His mind stopped
My each state was inviting
He's innocent, I'm unchaste
The ones you stole are my dreams
The ones you tied are my hands
Nobody has heard my voice
How many times have you killed?
You buried, you talked
You were put in prison then came out
Your hands your arms, it's still continuing
Ah, ah my mother
Today I got shot
A moment took years
Blood poured down the sky
Don't get ease
By hanging your weakness on me
With your so-called purity
How many times have you killed?
You buried, you talked
Your souls are so dirty
With your so-called purity, it's still continuing
Ah, ah the World
You gave one life and you took a thousand
I wasn't strong enough
Take a good care of yourself, the World
Songs never lie
Life is as dark as pitchHow does it lighten
If I don't get burn
If you don't get burn
Voice and noise got scattered
How do they gain meaning
If you don't get tired, don't run, don't see, don't look, don't love, don't know, never hear
If you aren't kneaded with love, pain, revolution, conscience
Right, hope
Life is as dark as pitch
How does it lighten
If I don't get burn
If you don't get burn
Voice and noise got scattered
How do they gain meaning
If you don't get tired, don't run, don't see, don't look, don't love, don't know, never hear
If you aren't kneaded with love, pain, revolution, passion
Right, hope
On the tip of my tongue there is a sentence, a world
If it falls into pieces, songs never lie
My pen is the witness, my only information, the only bullet
If it is fired, songs never lies
Life is as dark as pitch
How does it lighten
If I don't get burn
If you don't get burn
Voice and noise got scattered
How do they gain meaning
If you don't get tired, don't run, don't see, don't look, don't love, don't know, never hear
If you aren't kneaded with love, pain, revolution, passion
Right, hope
On the tip of my tongue there is a sentence, a world
If it falls into pieces, songs never lie
My pen is the witness, my only information, the only bullet
If it is fired, songs never lie
This is the last white ember of the burning fireIf you awaken with my voice, if it's possible
While that limpid sun heats the water
I am mother-naked, mother-naked
I am wounded, yes, from top to toe
Who else is not, tell me
From the trust you left behind, being without love
Is a great misery , the greatest misery
Even if everything, everyone, the last address seemed deleted
There's a way to find hope
The breath you inhale, exhale, hits your heart
Let the darker than black be visible
In the middle of this strange fire
We found love in a song
In the teardrop of humankind
We're mother-naked, mother-naked
We're wounded, yes, from top to toe
Who else is not, tell me
That dirty voice making deaf
It's only a rumor, only a rumor
Even if everything, everyone, the last address seemed deleted
There's a way to find hope
The breath you inhale, exhale, hits your heart
Let the darker than black be visible
My beloved sibling, don't lose hope
Live the life by holding on to yourself
An innocent awakening is enough for us
Our emotions are naked, mother-naked
Even if everything, everyone, the last address seemed deleted
There's a way to find hope
The breath you inhale, exhale, hits your heart
Let the darker than black be visible
The Last Tango
I'm the dust of the universeI'm the daughter of my mother
I'm the promise of the one giving
Tell me, maybe I understand
The ground is dancing under my feet
The sky is weeping right over my head
This is the longest sleep, a noise is coming deeply
It's bidding farewell from a tone of another song
The last tango
The last tango
I'm the dust of the universe
I'm the daughter of my mother
I'm the promise of the one giving
Tell me, maybe I understand
Look at the flowers, in the middle of the Winter the Sun comes
Humanbeing comes and runs after a lie
They barely stand by their word
A wedding, a funeral, in turn, life goes on
The last tango
The last tango
I'm the dust of the universe
I'm the daughter of my mother
I'm the promise of the one giving
Tell me, maybe I understand
My soul roars, my soul, every nightDrop by drop my rimmels leaks
An empty seat listens calmly
I don't make my words listened to only myself
Before being wrapped into three to five meters of white
Without bending or twisting all the time
In the same book there are thousands of
Thought, sentence, syllable, letter and human
Conscience, conscience
On us, rain down on us
Let all the meanings be born from you
And people listen to them
Rain down again
Rain down on us
Let the time come and go through you
Let it stop and gather in you, conscience
My soul roars, my soul, every night
I fall down a thousand time and stand up again
My lodestar is somewhere else
I save, protect, listen and understand it
Before being wrapped into three to five meters of white
Without bending or twisting all the time
In the same book there are thousands of
Thought, sentence, syllable, letter and human
Conscience, conscience
On us, rain down on us
Let all the meanings be born from you
And people listen to them
Rain down again
Rain down on us
Let the time come and go through you
Let it stop and gather in you, conscience
From the Ashes
Before this misty waiting comes to an endIf my time isn't enough
Magic mirror on the wall, tell him
I could burn the boats and the ports
Do you know how it feels to live in mourning all the time?
Not to be afraid of anything
Magic mirror on the wall, tell me
I could burn the boats and the ports
Tell me about passion, loving so much
And then your giving up
Your making promises
And then your being regret
Both the boats and the ports
I could burn them all, memories, too
Tell me about love, my only truth
Maybe that day my heart gets born of its ashes
Before this silent film ends and the curtain falls
If the sliding text is not visible for you
Magic mirror on the wall, tell him
I could burn the boats and the ports
Do you know how it feels to live in mourning all the time?
At each moment you laugh, a little weeping
Magic mirror on the wall, tell me
I could burn the boats and the ports
Tell me about passion, loving so much
And then your giving up
Your making promises
And then your being regret
Not only the boats but also the ports
I could burn them all, memories included
Tell me about love, my only truth
Maybe that day my heart gets born of its ashes
You can't break it
Versions: #2In my mind, who's that, such approaching quietly?
In my heart, have the last September, a dried rose left behind next to me
Almost nobody, no kiss that asks after me
Maybe for a second, sometimes suddenly, the hope gets reburn
Come, get near, without fear
Last time that before the sunset
Some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it anyway some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it , some ones have already passed over my heart
If you're alone, each breath is a loud voice that deafening
The ships run away from the early dark wind freely blowing
Come, get near, without fear
Last time that before the sunset
Some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it anyway some ones have passed over my heart
You can't break it , some ones have already passed over my heart
Think about a long, long corridorThe bends that I go step by step
From myself and you, the best, the best things that happened to me
From my mind, thoughts
You've never been...
Think that I'm going away slowly
While your burden lessens bit by bit
From your shoulder, your chest, the best, the best days that are behind
From my love, my life
You've never been...
Tată, fiule
În seara asta am vrut să mă simtCa și cum nu ne-am fi despărțit
Mi-am pus blugii care-ți plăceau ție
Și tricoul bleumarin care-ți plăcea
Am pregătit o cină minunată
Am aprins lumânările pe care le-am luat împreună
Am deschis un vin și am scos două pahare
Unul pentru mine și unul pentru tine
Iubitule, tovarășe, tată, fiule
Prietene, dragostea mea, ai fost totul pentru mine
E prea târziu pentru noi
Îmi cer iertare dacă te-am supărat
Doar ascultă, fără a gândi nimic
Simțeam nevoia să spun toate astea
În seara asta mi-a fost tare dor de tine
Am băut singură tot vinul
Până și nervii mi-au trecut
Simțeam nevoia să spun toate astea
În seara asta am vrut să mă simt
Ca și cum nu m-ai fi rănit deloc
M-am gândit la ultima noastră vacanță
Cu 20 de zile înainte să ne despărțim
Într-unul din cele mai frumoase orașe din lume
Ne-am plimbat kilometri
Am lăsat urme pe trotuare
În hotel, pe străzi
Iubitule, tovarășe, tată, fiule
Prietene, dragostea mea, ai fost totul pentru mine
E prea târziu pentru noi
Îmi cer iertare dacă te-am supărat
Doar ascultă, fără a gândi nimic
Simțeam nevoia să spun toate astea
În seara asta mi-a fost tare dor de tine
Am băut singură tot vinul
Până și nervii mi-au trecut
Simțeam nevoia să spun toate astea
În seara asta am vrut să mă simt
Ca și cum nu m-ai fi înșelat niciodată
Chiar și-n somn ne-ar fi dor nebun unul de altul
Am stat și m-am gândit, m-am întrebat, n-am înțeles
Mi-am amintit tot ce-am făcut împreună
Pentru ultima dată mi-a fost dor de tine și am scris această piesă.
Trezeşte-te fata mea nebună
Noaptea nu a mers departe,A doua zi nu va veni
Sufletul nu poate sta în această lume
De ce?
Am strigat la munte,
Ei nu vor asculta
Am auzit de zile
Nimeni nu a venit
Dincolo de munți înzăpeziți,
cineva a locuit
Aceasta ia forma unui nor,
Aceasta ia forma de ploaie
A fost aproape, a fost de departe
Obrajii ei au fost coloraţi, coloraţi
Trezeşte-te iubirea mea
Zvonurile sunt minciuni
Trezeşte-te iubirea mea
Tu ești cel care aude
Tu ești cel care aude
Nu mă întreba
Starea mea oh,
Capul meu este în ceaţă
Sufletul meu nu știe
Visele mele sunt
Realitatea este
o minciună
Dincolo de munți înzăpeziți,
cineva a locuit
Aceasta ia forma unui nor,
Aceasta ia forma ploii
A fost aproape, a fost de departe
Obrajii ei au fost coloraţi, coloraţi
Trezeşte-te iubirea mea
Zvonurile sunt minciuni
Trezeşte-te iubirea mea
Tu ești cel care aude
Tu ești cel care aude