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To my home

Fight, my heart. Strength, don't leave me
Now that I'm finally here
Everyone says 'let yourself be guided'
Who wil guide me?
On an endless journey
Returning to the past
I know I'll get there, I know there's someone waiting for me
I dreamt of it, it wasn't a mistake
And protective arms will welcome me to the place where I'm from
I know I'm close to remembering my past
Who am I? Who did I use to be?
What family gave me their love one day?
Who am I? Who did I use to be?
I will never be happy without finding out
Step by step, I will go after my hopes
No one knows where I'm going
Whether to know who I was or towards my future
Let my heart speak now
Let this be the sign to finally get to remember my past
And go back home


I could cover the walls of my room with your pictures
You are the woman in the dreams of men
Yet life treats us all with the same rules
even the face most beautiful will wither
Anastasia, you can hardly see
when the time...steals your beauty away
and the pictures old, will fade in the albums
not even one, resembles you
They said your eyes were like the stars
for your beauty, have many men fallen
so many young man saw only you in their dreams
yet the years didnt treat you as fair
Anastasia, you can hardly see
when the time...steals your beauty away
and the pictures old, will fade in the albums
not even one, resembles you
Anastasia, you can hardly see
when the time...steals your beauty away
and the pictures old, will fade in the albums
not even one, resembles you
I could cover the walls of my room with your pictures
You are the woman in the dreams of men
Yet life treats us all with the same rules
even the most beautiful face will wither
Anastasia, you can hardly see
when the time...steals your beauty away
and the pictures old, will fade in the albums
Anastasia, you can hardly see
when the time...steals your beauty away
and the pictures old, will fade in the albums

O noapte fatală

Noaptea niciodată nu reușesc să mă odihnesc,
Mă invadează coșmarurile dacă încerc să dorm.
A fost hidoasă viziunea a unui corp care s-a făcut bucățele
Și în acel vis pe care l-am văzut a fost vorba de mine.
Am fost eu cel mai misterios vrăjitor din Rusia,
Am reușit să mă răzbunesc pentru trădările infame.
Nimeni n-a mai inventat un plan mai bun, dar a rămas încă o fetiţă,
Într-o zi timpul ei va veni și ea va pieri!
O noapte fatală o amenință,
Prințesa își va vedea pierzania,
În sfârșit, îmi voi putea completa vraja,
Într-o noapte fatală
Va muri!
Puterile mi se întorc încet,
Dă-mi această perucă, parfumează-mă bine!
Ea îmi va cădea în ghearele și de data aceasta nu va scăpa,
Ania va fi distrusă, de asemenea!
O noapte fatală este plină de întuneric,
(O voi face să tremure din cauza groazei),
O noapte fatală și a fricii.
Nu va dormi din cauza că se va gândi numai la mine,
O noapte fatală (voi învinge).
Într-o noapte fatală în umbră (umbră)
Prințesa va vrea să fugă departe (departe).
Va vedea semnul că vine sfârşitul,
O noapte fatală, o noapte fatală.
Sunt stăpânul vostru, creaturilor malefice,
Arătați-vă puterea.
O noapte fatală, o noapte fatală.
Caut-o și întoarceți-vă cu ea!
Într-o noapte fatală, într-o noapte fatală
Prințesa va vedea
© Vladímir Sosnín

Twilight is the world colour

Versions: #2
The color of the world is twilight, and is getting darker
Transient light, seeming always to be sunrise
What is our life, which will fly away like a bird?
The place of our home will be grown over with grass
His life was short, whom we thought would live long
Darkness eats light, the worms the rose, wounds and pain the heart of man
Death will come without a face, and in one moment disarm us
That which we would take to the other world, none has taken
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


Verse 1:
The plexus of arms is not tied anymore.
Barefoot on the edge, we are far too different.
We were too afraid, we loved too much,
We wanted to be in time and we hurried up.
One can not return the hot embraces anymore.
Just let me go, will you stop?
I am a madwoman, let me go.
I am a madwoman, don't hold me.
I am a mad
I am a mad
I am a madwoman.
Verse 2:
Everything came to zeros, let's start it all again.
Each of us loved till the very...
We were too afraid, we loved too much,
We wanted to be in time, but we hurried up.
One can not return the hot embraces anymore.
Just let me go, will you stop?
I am a madwoman, let me go.
I am a madwoman, don't hold me.
I am a mad
I am a mad
I am a madwoman.
Verse 3:
Hug me tighter by farewell
Our hearts are in distance
Our wishes are like a mania
Let us switch off the consciousness
I am a madwoman, let me go.
I am a madwoman, don't hold me.
I am a mad
I am a mad
I am a madwoman.
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

Iarna iar o să vie

Versions: #2
Dulce glas, vin-аici,
Te cunosc de-o vecie.
Glasule, tu îmi zici:
Iarna iar o să vie.
Cine e aşa de blând?
Eu văd cai peste flori săltând.
Lumea-i dansul nesfârşit,
Ningea la răsărit.
Cine e aşa de blând?
Eu văd cai peste flori săltând.
Lumea-i dansul nesfârşit,
Ningea la răsărit.
A zburat, a trecut
Timpul care-i ca focul.
Inima m-a durut,
Când îmi voi găsi locul?
Glasule, tu îmi zici:
Iarna iar o să vie.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Good Bye

Goodbye any dream
Even if I promised you
New has not been written to us
Let's go the same way
Goodbye to any road
Even if he's a good one
There is no point in saying
Separated are now
Something with us has not been consumed
And I'm not surprised that we've happened
With him you have a deep abyss
I would have jumped if you gave me the command
When the light goes down
Where to stop
Even if he kicks me
I walk the hoinara
Just do not talk to you again
I'm not talking to you anymore
Goodbye any dream
Even if I promised you
New has not been written to us
Let's go the same way
To the reverend of any way
Even if he's a good one
There is no point in saying
Separated are now
Together it's not good
Even if the link still holds you
I make you knots and run away from you
I'm actually fleeing a part of me
When the light goes down
Where to stop
Even if he kicks me
I walk the hoinara
Just do not talk to you again
I'm not talking to you anymore
Goodbye any dream
Even if I promised you
New has not been written to us
Let's go the same way
Goodbye to any road
Even if he's a good one
There is no point in saying
Separated are now
And if I do not want my steps they will find you
Linked to the eye, you have the courage and do not get me
Goodbye any dream
Even if I promised you
New has not been written to us
Let's go the same way
Goodbye to any road
Even if he's a good one
There is no point in saying
Separated are now
Let's say, separate ...

Love and secrets

Versions: #2
The last time I looked into your beautiful eyes
Under the stars
My heart is torn between love and secrets
I am in love with you
But you belong to my best friend
My heart is in dilemma
If only i can tell the truth
Don’t you choose him/her
Choose me the one that can love you
More than he/she can
It’s not that I want to take you away
From my best friend
But as you know, love can’t be blamed
I am in love with you
But you belong with my best friend
My heart is in dilemma
If only i can tell the truth
Don’t you choose him/her
Choose me the one that can love you
More than he/she can
It’s not that i want to take you away from my best friend
But as you know, love can’t be blamed
Repeat: [***]

In the darkness for your fear

Tonight I had a terrible dream,
it was pitch dark.
Tonight I was afraid,
a shadow covered my face.
I felt a horrible fear,
my body was turning to dust.
And then I woke up
but the nightmare remained.
I used to be a great mage,
famous across the whole Russia.
When the royals betrayed me
I got into rage.
I cursed their world,
but I made a mistake with one girl.
Beware, Anya,
Rasputin will be bad.
In the darkness for your fear
it will find its path.
In the darkness for your fear
it knows its way.
On that day I will honour my promise,
one of us has to die.
In the darkness for your fear
I will come.
Blood is throbbing in my veins already,
my strength returns.
Tighten the waist,
drown that dreadful stench in cologne.
For aught I care, may you comb your hair yet,
when I'm in good shape again, you will see!
До свидáния, Aня, evil I will be!
In the darkness for your fear
the horror will take you.
Gruesome am I!
In the darkness for your fear
It will be a sin.
Monstrous is your goal,
it will become real.
In the darkness for your fear.
I bid you farewell!
In the darkness for you fear
it will find its path (it will find it)
In the darkness for your fear
A horror of horrors.
I will give you a sign,
the last march.
In the darkness for your fear.
In the darkness for your fear.
Look, you rabble,
I'm your master,
let loose your malice.
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
Find her, wherever she is
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkest of gloom
I want her!

It sounds dangerous

I have sass, you have attitude
It won't be too hard for us
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
You at work, me at school
It won't be too hard for us
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
It sounds dangerous, pull your skirt down
It seems dangerous, but it's so beautiful.
It sounds totally good, but I'm taking out my earrings
It sounds dangerous from top to bottom.
I have it all, you have something
You have my heart in your chest
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
I am bad, you are pleasant
Maybe, maybe it'll light up
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
You have credit
I want new clothes, I only want natural juices
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
You have the money, I have the years
We are like Americans
Let's see, let's see, let's see
How it turns out.
I am a girl, I'm clever, I have money and I'm based
I am a girl, I'm clever, I'm true
Pull your skirt even lower, I feel dangerous
But it's beautiful this way, when I see you from top to bottom.

Give me the nights back

Give me the nights back, and the sunny days
Give me the dreams back, even if I know that it hurts
Give me the summer evenings when we went out
And the sunrises caught us so many times alone on the path.
Give me the nights back, and the serene days
Give me the summers back, before the full memories
Give me the morning dew, give me the joy of life
Also give me all the dreams that I lost.
Evening to evening, again, I try to remember (to remember)
The moment when you told me that you loved me (that you loved me)
I don't know anymore, another year has passed
The rain beats softly at the window again
I wait for you, as usual, by the traffic light
You forgot something else at home, in your bedroom.
I don't know anymore, another year has passed
The rain beats softly at the window again
I wait for you, as usual, by the traffic light
You forgot something else at home, in your bedroom.

În fantezia mea ...

În fantezia mea văd o lume corectă,
Acolo toată lumea trăiește în pace și onestitate.
Visz despre suflete care sunt întotdeauna libere,
Precum norii care plutesc,
Plini de umanitate în adâncul sufletului.
În fantezia mea văd o lume corectă,
Acolo, chiar și noaptea este mai puțin întunecată.
Visz despre suflete care sunt întotdeauna libere,
Precum norii care plutesc.
În fantezia mea există o briză fierbinte,
Suflând în orașe, ca prieten.
Visz despre suflete care sunt întotdeauna libere,
Precum norii care plutesc,
Plini de umanitate în adâncul sufletului.
Dana Kósa

The Road to the Past

I must not be afraid
I must pluck up my courage
I can't do anything if I stop
On life's journey
They say there are countless opportunities
Oh, it is endless, and I am frightened
On the road to the past
At this road's end
Someone may await me
My dream will come true
In your warm arms
There must be a place I will be held securely
Oh, I don't know
The road to the past
('Honey, we'll be late'
'Oh, look at that adorable puppy!'
'We must go')
A harmonious family
I must have had that once
A happy family
I can't be happy until I find it again
I must not rest
I'll take one step at a time
Until I meet them
I'll search for my past
I'll answer my questions
The future will come into sight
Yes, I'll hold onto hope
For a long time
I'll search for my forgotten past
And find it
Some day

La revedere

Au venit zile, au trecut ierni,
și noi eram ca frații în Paradis.
Am fost cavalerul tău, am fost apropiaţi,
ca fraţii, când ţi-am văzut ochii înlăcrimaţi.
Timpul a trecut și a trebuit să ne spunem: - la revedere.
Holbându-ne la norii de pe cer
ca şi copii- mici şi trişti
În speranţa că sfinții ne pot ajuta într-o bună zi
să fim din nou împreună,
Păstând cheia pe aleea viselor
încă în mâini.
Timpul îmi spune să-mi iau: - la revedere.
dar am știut, că voi lupta împotriva Iadului
și am știut: ce se va întâmpla,
altădată vom vedea,
altădată vom fi liberi,
nu vom mai spune: - la revedere.
Frate vitreg spune-mi, unde ai fost?...
când m-au adus în locul acesta fără prihană.
Semnul crucii - a fost luat
pentru vindecarea cu ierburi pe calea harului.
Acum aștept cu nerăbdare ziua, să o hrănescă flăcările.
Sunt prins în cuşca disperării.
Inima mea, e ca celula unui călugăr atât de: gol- goluţă.
Dar nici o apă sfântă nu mă poate face
să te uit din nou ...
Timpul îmi spune să-mi iau rămas bun
dar am știut, că voi lupta împotriva Iadului
și am știut: ce se va întâmpla,
altădată vom vedea,
altădată vom fi liberi,
nu vom mai spune: - la revedere.
Nici un - la revedere nu poate fi ultimul.
Dacă vrei să te întâlnești din nou ...
Dana Kósa

It’s the beginning

Like a child dreaming of prince charming
A baffling and surprising feeling
I close my eyes and everything is so different
It’s the beginning, I feel it
I wasn’t told anything
I knew it was you
Another life started on that day
An evidence, a prayer, an urgency
Turning into “us”
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Two strangers into the same adventure
Two strangers are going to change the future
With one same hope, the need for truly believing it
It’s the beginning, I feel it
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
I was well aware that in the dark
Like me, somewhere
You were only living for me
I had so much faith in you
Counting the hours keeping us apart
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even when life scares you
I’ll be there
It’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Nothing will be like before
‘Cause it’s the beginning
I know

All I want from you

Hide me in yourself,
hide me even if you have emptiness in your heart
and carry me like an amulet that can bring luck.
Hide me deep,
hide me under your eyelid to let me shine
day by day
in your every look that you cast on others all the time.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.
Embrace me with your smell,
embrace me with the aroma of your skin that I
will always wear like a dress from the most expensive tailors.
Take me far away,
take me to the place where life has its beginning and end
and the clock that measures time will stop for us.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.
Hug me, hug me.
I want you to remember one frame.
Me, you, for always paused during kissing bodies.
To burn down in the fire of your shoulders
and drown in the lake of your eyes,
to find the relief of senses.
That's all I want from you.
To get inside you
and live there a few seconds.
A short moment of the surge of feelings
will be enough for me to be able to breathe.

Esmeralda's Prayer

Can you hear me, the most gracious?
Are you there, tell me...
In your kindness, will you listen what resides in my heart?
Maybe you think: you pauper, how dare you speak to me...
I see your face and and I think that you were a pauper too
God, give bread to the paupers every day
Give paradise to those who are stuck in hell at least after death
God, give hope to the poor 'cause
If you fail, who will save them?
I don't ask for anything, who cares about this,
When there are so many people poorer than me around?
God, give your children hope 'cause
If you fail, who will save them?
Why for some you are so generous,
For others you have nothing?
And in those few chosen ones
The sight of luckless people arouses fear
God, please want to give a bit of hope to the paupers
To those who ask about the meaning of their ordeal
Though they are the victims of bad verdicts
Though they are the outcasts, don't cast them
To those you are at the bottom
Give hope 'cause
If you fail,
Who will save them?


But what is this?
Like the floor is not weak.
But lately the peasants are like women!
Walk like a heifer
Now everyone calls 'fashion'.
Here is the democracy of action,
Here to you and freedom.
What kind of guys?
I would break his hands!
How a boy can dress
Instead of sneakers UGGI?
Handbag on the handle.
A thumb is protruding.
I'm such a girl,
Just a sweet boy!
Narrow jeans,
I'm so cool.
Understand the baby,
It's just dangerous to be with me.
Yes, well, it's understandably dangerous to be near the rooster ...
Lohom screwed to be steeper
Than to be not lohom.
And let the chickens scream! It is beautiful'
The man was created by God
Immediately with a glass of beer.
And the boys normal
With the world then on a string!
All the others write and see the word 'DISCOUNTS'
Now every second
On this topic is crazy!
And instead of the word fucked
You can hear the fashen.
About how I want to look
How will you sing,
When a man says:
'Darling, I have nothing to wear!'
Beda Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia.
Around the world went
And all shout with such force
What is so beautiful.
as for me so simple
Well, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.
Let's shout together!
wear jeans
For pisyuna violence.
This is not a man, but
Bunch of craps, homosexuals in a house on the river.
Duriki, Zhoriki Valiky, Soul of the Mannequin.
Scarlet, sweet, tall and small.
These are not boys, but stupid felt boots.
Tell me what's cool,
Che is then. I do not understand.
The group of Cossacks trudged here
To the whole country!
And not one of our
On Belarus and Rush.
With your prayers,
Soon everyone will know Sasha.
I will not need to read on heels,
Build a fagot, shave your legs so everyone says 'Ah.'
In the peasants should be a little brutal.
But these assholes fashion enveloped.
Come on, let's have a drink of vodka!
'I do not drink as a lady, but I missed it!'
Martini is not here, sorry. This is for the ladies.
Our man if he drinks, then to the end and into the trash.
Yes, I'm just shocked by what happens.
Along the street every second Dima Bilan walks.
And just imagine you were alone:
'Beloved, can there be sex?'
'Forgive my dear, these days!'
Beda Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia.
Around the world went
And all shout with such force
What is so beautiful.
How so simple for me
Well, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.
Let's shout together!
wear jeans
For pisyuna violence.
This is not a man, but


Versions: #2
Who are you, who am I?
Please say, where do you carry me?
Infinitely far and near
Is the country Fantasia
Are you a dream or a game?
Has my dream a destination to anywhere?
No one asks, who saw it
That country Fantasia
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
because my dream has not been defeated yet
and in this world of stone
Only you can be the hope
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
I am scared, look at me
Is there nothing that could help me?
Every path seems to be clear
There in the country, Fantasia
If I had time like a kid
But what will happen when the day begins?
The moment is one year long
there in the country, Fantasia
Bird fly, bird fly
because my dream has not been defeated yet
and in this world of stone
Only you can be the hope
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
Hear the sound, see the light
like in a dream, but I do not dream
Relax, you are there
in the country Fantasia
in Fantasia

Journey to the Past

Heart don't sadden me
Courage, don't leave me
Don't turn back now that we're here
Those that know will say
Life is full of luck
In this fast-paced world
At the end of the road
Someone is waiting
All these dreams can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
Embracing and protecting
Maybe a real home
And I realised
On this journey to the past
Home, love, family
Once I too
Was with them
Home, love, family
I can't be happy without them
One step at a time
One hope and later
What is at the end of the road?
Where I came from
From dream to reality
I'm ready to learn
Let this be a sign
This road is mine
On this journey to the past
And finally to home!

Magic light

I don't know, what will be, but I know, without a fear
Do listen, people, I'm here
I don't need much-freedom swallow, to exist
South, North, West and East
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no
I'm a free bird among the emptiness,
What's happening in the world, do see
Let's give each other a smile
And joyfully soar in the sky(soar in the sky)
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no
My planet, above which the sun is shining
My planet, where always children smiling and talk about nice things
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no

Holy Trinity

(part 1: Holy masjid in Mecca)
Field of guidance and lighthouse of faith
I heard you at an hour of purity
Saying I'm the house... Shadow of God
And the corner of the Hebron ,father of the prophets
I'm the house, you turn your faces towards me for prayers
I'm the house, I'm your Kaaba of hope
Stand by each other
Look at the east, where the light born
Offer prayers
Have a common dream
Unite and call for establishing a nation
And God above you all
Increases your faith
And rises up your heads high to the sky
(part 2 : Holy masjid elnabi in Medina)
The moon shines upon us
From Thaniyat El Wadaa
We are thankful to God
For sending us His apostle
Oh our prophet
You came to obey you
..O healer of the soul! A glimpse of the prophet!
And a scent from Medina's roads
And the talk of the Holy Sanctuary
From which the light is emerged in the unseen world
Wake up! Spread word of equality
That which united Arabs' hearts
The brotherhood and the love that strengthened their step to the glory
And the justified Jihad that carried
The religion to the world
And conquered the west
A nation loves to construct
Has built a great civilisation
It conquered the world
And wrote its name on the heaven
A hand for hard working
A hand for fighting the enemies
It once conquered the world
When it believed that
The power is in the faith
And if one of them died as a martyr
The paradise was his reward.
(part 3: Holy masjid Al Aqsa in Palestine)
From descending place of Gabriel at the masjid
From the pure sanctuary of Al Aqsa
I hear voice of Holy Mariam coming from the corner of sadness
Screams with Lord Jesus name for help.
I witness the enemies have burnt
The Ahmadi's corner (The site where prophet Mohammed walked on)
I see the rocks shout out at the culprits
They say 'Oh my Kudos! Stop it!'
Swear to the noon
Swear to the night
Swear to every guiding star.
The oppressor wouldn't live till the dawn,
Who has deepened in his black hatred,
Someday, The land will be back to its people.
The land will come back accompanied by glory and power.
Masjid Al Aqsa will forever belong only to God ,admiring the worshippers.
And the sun will rise upon
A nation wouldn't ever bow it's head to anyone but Allah.

Asia - Eurasia

There is a camel on the mountain,
Four are fucks it,
Two in the ass, two mouths,
Obtain the oxygen.
Valentina Tereshkova,
For space flight,
Armenians presented,
An automatic dick.
Train from Istanbul is drive,
With red wagons,
Well, ma girls unload,
Boxes with condoms.
My baby was wounded,
In the middle of Germany,
Instead of a bullet, she get a dick,
And sent onto the infirmary.
The girls swam in the lake,
Found a rubber dick,
The whole day they fucked,
They did not even go to school.
I fell in love with a guy,
He turned out without a dick,
Fucking me without a dick,
If with the dick is too fucking much.
I fell in love with the tractor driver,
And as usual I give him,
Three weeks I soap the boobs,
And piss by solar oil.
Do not get married girls,
For Ivan Kuzin,
Cuz Ivan Kuzin has
A large stick.
Hitler sits on the birch,
And birch is bends,
Comrade Stalin, look at
How he fucked up.
There is a goat on the mountain,
With the golden horns,
Guy fucks girl,
For a kilo of potatoes.
On the mountain grows a flower,
Blue and scarlet,
I'll never change,
Big dick to small.
Faggot sitting on the stove,
Batter bricks by dick,
He wants to make three rubles,
Nothing fucking works out
I went out on the porch,
Scratch my balls,
I put my paw, there is no ball,
And then fucked down from the porch.
Tibor from QS-FB

Do not stop

On the path of love again, in unknown cities
We are wandering, we are wandering
Fates are not accidental, we choose our way
We are waiting, we are waiting
Colorful days, mother's songs
Are in your head, soul, heart
Go with them in life
Heart, do not stop
Do not stop
Look for your dream
Do not stop
The world is open
And feel who you are, fly!
Why is there not enough time to understand who you are
To say 'I love you'
To find your way
Colorful people in the world
We are the only one, we are one
Light in your eyes, in your eyes
Look for your dream
And feel who you are, fly!
Do not stop, Do not stop
Do not stop, Do not stop
Do not stop
The world is open
And feel who you are, fly!
Do not stop!

One fatal

And now my dark purpose will be realized, and the last member of the Romanov family will die
At nights I never get rest
Nightmares Invade me whenever try to sleep
Horrendous was the vision, of a body that came apart
And that dream I saw was about me
I was the most mystical magician in Russia
On the infamous betrayals I was able able to get revenge
Better plan made by none
But one little girl remained
Her time will come, and she'll perish
One fatal night threatens her
The princess will see her doom
I'll finally be able to
Finish the spell
One fatal night
She will die
Slowly my powers are returning
Give me that wig, perfume me well
In my clutches she'll fall and this time she won't escape
Destroyed Anya will be, too
One fatal night, It's dark
I'll make her tremble with terror
One fatal night and of terror
she won't sleep
of thinking about me
One fatal night
I'm gonna win
One fatal night In the shadows
The princess will want to flee far away
Far away
You'll see the signal
Of that comes the end
One fatal night, one fatal night
I'm your master, evil creatures
Show your power
One fatal night, one fatal night
Find her and return with her
One fatal night, one fatal night
The princess will see
The end

Pancrasia's cough

For coughing a lot Pancrasia
went to the doctor with her mom
and after checking her out
he started to ask
- Mistress. does your daughter spit?
When and where please.
- Only at night
and in the bed, doctor.
- Take out the tongue girl,
Pancrasia showed it.
- She has it very dirty
because of the heat
- We gotta take the measures!
Said the mother next
- A very long measure
that she can handle
Pancrasia followed the advice
and the fever didn't get lower.
At night she was hot
and never ended being it.
The disease became bigger
in her woman body
Now she spits in the night
and also in the morning!
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

There is no fantasy anymore

Very boring now
Along the crossroads
That I don't see anymore
What's going on ....
And the radio
I heard from below
Is a little repetitive
Receycling a blues
There is no fantasy anymore
Everything is dragging on somewhat
Some opportunities, some ideas
To little to open up from here
There is no fantasy anymore
Not even in us being together
We almost don't go out
And on TV they show
Dramas that
I have already seen
I already know
And tomorrow they'll write
Pages that
I have already read
I already know
There is no harmony anymore
Slaughtered to the beats of a rap
[There is even no fantasy anymore
Everything is dragging on somewhat]
But the music, where does it lead to
It'll survive
And you 'holy author', too,
Shooting down from you altar
You don't know what to say
Words have almost come to an end
Especially fake words
And nothing has changed
This power is always present
And doesn't go away
And doesn't go away
And nothing has changed
This is a little the news
That will remain here
And will remain here
Look closer!


You are like the white light made up of many colors
Our world is a spectrum
of bodies being analyzed
In the ocean of wars, we lost our human face
and everyone can be the prism of the change of masses run
Do you know this state?
Do you know this power?
The land on which you were burst into flames.
Eternal rebellion,
an evanescent triumph.
Maybe the calmness is the beginning of adventure.
Hands up if you create your own world!
Hands up if you defend your own truths!
Hands up if you have peace in your heart!
Hands up! After all, drops can wear away stone.
Horizon must go beyond your own self.
On the roadside, decrease the height of waves like a breakwater.
Freedom broadens the knowledge and the brains thoughts.
So you are...
Do you know this state?
Do you know this power?
The land on which you were burst into flames.
Eternal rebellion,
an evanescent triumph.
Maybe the calmness is the beginning of adventure.
Hands up if you create your own world!
Hands up if you defend your own truths!
Hands up if you have peace in your heart!
Hands up! After all, drops can wear away stone.
Unity is a harmony of diversity,
unity is a harmony of diversity.
Hands up!
Hands up!
Hands up!
Hands up!
Hands up if you create your own world!
Hands up if you defend your own truths!
Hands up if you have peace in your heart!
Hands up! After all, drops can wear away stone.

Memories of The Old Days (English title: Journey To The Past)

Fear is exactly this
what is here not needed,
do I no more have enough courage?
People say that
there are different situations in life,
nobody can avoid fear.
So big this world seems to be
in the memories of the old days.
I have known it for a long time
that at the end of the road
someone waits only for me,
and his arms,
he wants to open them for me
and I will finally find the home.
Ahead of me there is still a long way
through the memories of the old days.
Home has in it
something what I used to know, after all, I know it well.
Home has in it
what is the most real fulfillment for me.
Each little step
is a big victory,
I get going ahead along the road
in the gloom of the past days,
in the future unknown to me,
I wait what fate will bring.
Yes, let it be the sign,
let the trail carry me
in the places I miss so much.
I want to find the home from the past.