Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1


Song about oil

At the tractor plant I'm an ordinary worker,
My surname is Sinitsyn, my name is Voldya,
Every morning I go to the plant, and do my best,
And this happiness lasts twenty-fifth year, no less!
Standing by the lathe, I'm making parts all day,
And from those parts the tractor pedals are made,
I get paid for that, like a cat piss,
But I don't complain, the whole city lives like this!
But recently strange shit start happening to us
The money began to disappear twice as fast,
The prices in the stores sharply began to rise,
And I was short of money for my lousy life.
I began to worry, I don't understand what's happening,
But the presenter on TV explain everything.
They say, it's USA created all this shite,
Resulting in oil has fallen in price,
But all this is artificially planned act,
And soon the things will changed, and that's a fact,
The yankees wouldn't be able to humiliate us, let them try,
The price on our mother-oil, again will rise.
And it will be like before, we'll flourish you and I,
And it will be enough again, for my lousy life,
I liked very much everything, that TV presenter had to say,
But a tiny question in my mind stayed.
I'm very happy of course, the price on oil just about to rise a lot,
And what if the bitch will not? What will happen if not?
I understood,all will be alright, when the price on oil will rise a lot,
But what if the bitch will not? Just like that, one-two and not?
Those, greatly respected, who stand by the helm and never sleep
Of our humongous oil ship,
I somewhat didn't understand, how did it happened, fools?
You did say, that all will be cool!
You were, all together, pumping oil all these years,
You didn't know when to stop, without trouble and fear,
Serving your motherland, you were working day and night,
The money that you have made, will be enough for 10,000 lives.
I'm an ordinary worker, guys. How I can go on?
All my savings consist only of kidney stones
I don't have much meat, mostly bones and skin,
I might not live long enough for good news to come in!
But it's not fair, that you were sucking oil, and how!
And everything is indicate, that we'll do the sucking now.
Do steal, as much as pleases you, I really don't give a shit,
But why should I die, while you doing it?
Of course, I'm very happy, that price on your oil will rise a lot,
But what if the bitch will not? What will happen if not?
But what if the bitch will not? I don't have desire to suck, that's what!
All right, there is no need to smear the snot under my nose,
It will be just the same as it was, I suppose,
On my wages, I will bust my butt,
But you will, till you die, swim in the chocolate.
But what if, one day, you anyway will die,
And, end up in heaven, science despite,
And you'll be met by an old man, dressed in white,
Quite a strict grandpa, his charms despite
And he will say, guys, you have lived such a great life!
Do confess, did you on purpose decided to surprise?
I Understand, that life is given only once of course,
But not just for your benefit I have created Earth!
You have behaved very-very badly, you're rascals and sooks,
As if I had not written for you the ten commandments in the book!
Thank you, of course, that you have build the shrines, for him,
But that was not included in the main part of the blueprint!