Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 420
Mințitul E Cea Mai Mare Distracție Pe Care O Fată O Poate Avea Fără Să Își Dea Hainele Jos
Sunt tot eu cel care te face să transpiri?
Sunt eu cel la care te gândești în pat?
Când luminile sunt slabe și mâinile tale tremură
În timp ce-ți dai jos rochia
Apoi gândește-te la ce ai făcut
Și cum mă rog la Dumnezeu să fii meritat
Când luminile sunt slabe și inima ta bate
În timp ce degetele tale îi ating pielea
Sunt mai înțelept, sărut mai bine
Am atingerea mai fierbinte, fut mai bine
Decât orice băiat pe care îl vei întâlni
Dulceață, mă aveai pe mine
Fată eu eram acela, privește în spatele transpirației
O iubire mai bună merita
Schimbând căldura corpului în scaunul pasagerului
Nu, nu , nu, știi că mereu voi fi doar eu
Să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Deci cred că ne-am întors la noi
Oh cameraman, schimbă cadrul
În caz că mi-am pierdut rațiunea
Unde am rămas ultima dată?
(Hai să ne strangem și să plecăm)
Oh, acum îmi amintesc
Abia ajungeam la partea
Unde șocul se instalează
Și acidul gastric găsește o nouă cale de a te îmbolnăvi
Sper că nu te așteptai să Primești toată atenția
Acum, hai să fim egoiști
Chiar credeai că am să te las să omori acest refren?
Să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Dansa la acest beat
Dansa la acest beat
Dansa la acest beat
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede
Sunt mai înțelept, sărut mai bine
Am atingerea mai fierbinte, fut mai bine
Decât orice băiat pe care îl vei întâlni
Dulceață, mă aveai pe mine
Fată eu eram acela, privește în spatele transpirației
O iubire mai bună merita
Schimbând căldura corpului în scaunul pasagerului
Nu, nu , nu, știi că mereu voi fi doar eu
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
(Dansa la acest beat)
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
(Și ține un partener aproape)
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai tare, mai tare
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai tare
voice on the other end of the wire
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
I'm dying, starving to death
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
I'm dying, starving to death
But I won't forget you
A voice on the other end of the wire
My heart is so tired, suffering from you
My body is so tired...
Slowing down the rhythm of my steps, two steps back, back and forth
Close the emptiness, expose the world to enemies
Slowing down the rhythm of my steps, two steps back, back and forth
Close the emptiness, expose the world to enemies
A voice on the other end of the wire
( I am lead with you to my soul's happiness )
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
A voice on the other end of the wire
And a life in two and half towns
Hey, don't get excited, I don't even fuck with you
You don't excite me, don't even fuck with you
I just feel very strange, looking at your stereotypes
Regele Norilor
Cerurile știu că sunt născut prea târziu
Pentru aceste fantome pe care le urmăresc
Cu aceste vise, mă umflu, ceruri colorate în mintea mea
În fiecare zi, sunt precum Carl Sagan în spațiu
Să evadez din lumea asta veche, lumea asta veche
Și unele zile zac treaz până când Soarele îmi bate-n față
Și dispar, mă ridic de pe Pământ
Departe către un loc unde să mă eliberez de această greutate
Această lume veche, această lume veche
Nu mă încred în nimeni
Sau în nimic, de sub Soare
Și nu simt nimic
Sunt Regele norilor, al norilor
Mă înalț, mă înalț,
Regele norilor, al norilor
Mă înalț, mă înalț,
Unii trăiesc doar ca să moară, sunt în viață pentru a zbura mai sus
Decât îngerii din afara terenurilor din mintea mea
Urc aceste scări, mă înalț, spun adio
Acestei lume vechi, lumea asta veche
Și când cad să mă ridic cu praf de stele în privire
În coloana vertebrală a materiei, sunt exploziv
Praf în foc atunci când nu pot dormi, treaz, sunt prea obosit
Această lume veche, această lume veche
Nu mă încred în nimeni
Sau în nimic, de sub Soare
Și nu simt nimic
Sunt Regele norilor, al norilor
Mă ,înalț, mă înalț,
Regele norilor, al norilor
Mă înalț, mă înalț,
Imaginație, du-mă undeva unde nu cunosc
Sunt pierdut, mai bine găsesc singur
Regele norilor, al norilor
Mă înalț, mă înalț
Continui să caut
Oh, tot caut
Continui să caut
Nu mă amenința cu distracția
În regulă, în regulă
În regulă, în regulă
În regulă, în regulă, totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
În regulă, în regulă, totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Cine sunt oamenii ăștia?
Tocmai ce m-am trezit în izmene
N-a mai rămas picătură de lichior pe raft
Cred c-ar trebui să mă prezint
Trebuia să fi văzut ce purtam
Aveam un baston și o pălărie de petrecere
Eram regele acestei holograme
Unde nu există expresia a scăpa de sub control
Amintiri tind să se ivească
Studenți beți și niște mănuși de cauciuc
Cinci mii de persoane cu droguri de designer
Nu cred că mă voi sătura vreodată
Șampanie, cocaină, benzină
Și încă altele de genul
Hoinăresc orașul într-un cărucior de cumpărături
Un pachet de țigări și o alarmă de fum
Noaptea se încinge
Dezlănțuie iadul și întoarce-l pe dos
Spunând ”Dacă ieși afară, ai putea leșina într-o conductă”
Oh da
Nu mă amenința cu distracția
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
În regulă, în regulă
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Ce sunt toate amprentele astea?
Nu prea arată omenești
Acum îmi doresc să-mi găsesc hainele
Cearceafuri și o mușcătură
Vreau să mă trezesc
Nu-mi dau seama nici dacă e un vis
Cum am ajuns în piscina vecinului?
Cu susul în jos e o priveliște perfectă
De la bar la bar cu viteza luminii
Picioare elegante dansând prin acest oraș
Mi-am pierdut mințile într-o rochie de nuntă
Nu cred că voi pricepe vreodată
(Nu cred că voi pricepe vreodată)
Șampanie, cocaină, benzină
Și încă altele de genul
Hoinăresc orașul într-un cărucior de cumpărături
Un pachet de țigări și o alarmă de fum
Noaptea se încinge
Dezlănțuie iadul și întoarce-l pe dos
Spunând ”Dacă ieși afară, ai putea leșina într-o conductă”
Oh da
Nu mă amenința cu distracția
Sunt un învățat și un gentleman
Și de obicei nu pic când stau în picioare
Am pierdut un pariu cu un tip într-o fustă Chiffon
Dar îmi stă bine în tocurile astea
Ți-am spus de-o groază de ori
Nu sunt la fel de beat precum crezi tu
Și toți ne-am prăbușit
Când a răsărit soarele
Cred că mi-a ajuns
În regulă, în regulă, totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
În regulă, în regulă, totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Totuși e o senzație pe cinste
Șampanie, cocaină, benzină
Și încă altele de genul
Hoinăresc orașul într-un cărucior de cumpărături
Un pachet de țigări și o alarmă de fum
Noaptea se încinge
Dezlănțuie iadul și întoarce-l pe dos
Spunând ”Dacă ieși afară, ai putea leșina într-o conductă”
Oh da
Nu mă amenința cu distracția
When love happens
Tell me, tell me,
Who stole all the happiness from me,
I fell in love,
I fell deeply in love,
Oh, the longing for it hurts
And changes the climate and the waters of tides,
Its gale blows over the blue sea.
I've cried many times,
I almost despaired
And I swore I'd never receive affection from you.
No one can take it away from love,
No one really can,
Not even someone superior nor shaman can.
Those who injure and seduce people can be attracted*
By the female poison.*
When love happens,
We quickly forget that
One day we suffered from
My heart had your name
Tattooed on it,
It still hurt
And beat solitarily.
When love happens,
We quickly forget that
One day we suffered.
Yes, we do forget.
Who asked us to get involved with each other too much,
If we knew it would go wrong?
Love without ownership.
Now I'm crying like this.
unable to find peace
I can't hear, I'm not bright like the sun
But you don't smell like spring
It's everything but peace
No need to fall down
I need you with such pain
As the stars leave for happiness's light, insist your own light
With you, it's easier to live, I'm unable to find peace
As the stars leave for happiness's light, insist your own light
With you, it's easier to live, I'm unable to find peace
Easier with you (you), i'm unable to find peace
As the stars leave for happiness's light, insist your own light
Gingerbread cookies
Gingerbread cookies,
soap bubbles,
coffee with milk,
you and I
Just look and let your silence be just so
When you hear it
It'll finish
And with you, it's beautiful
And it'll shine with you until it's warm enough
How warm your hands were, your smiling was perfect
You don't swim to the sun, nor the night
Your eyes are at rest
You praise me, I melt
Just look and let your silence be just so
My eyes don't look over
Know that the dark has me, I melt
my dear
What has killed it all, has passed
I determined this mixture, to show my kindness orderly
My dear, I'll return the best thing from other different things
But only that is what fits well
And I will enter like a system virus inside
It's yours, I just want to be better
No need to pay
Since you're
Not me, doing the most of me
To you, we're not for you
Remember me, don't be late
Not related, just a further development
Just developing further
Remember me, don't be late
Not entertaining, .v
I show my world, pleased from living plants
Silence and the sounds of our best, but we're not [the best people]
I show my world, pleased from living plants
Silence and the sounds of our best, but we're not [the best people]
I show my world
I show my world
I show my world
I show my world, up above
I show my world
Further away from slipping, just a further development
Further away from slipping, just a further development
Further away from slipping, just a further development
Further away from slipping, just a further development
Further away from slipping, just a further development
Dance off my pain, tomorrow will be an even better, happier pony
Dance off my pain, tomorrow will be an even better, happier pony
Dance off my pain, tomorrow will be an even better, happier pony
Dance off my pain, tomorrow will be an even better, happier pony
Eternal waves
Eternal waves in my excitement
Woven in the sun's light
I'm without any strength and patience
To think of you, night and day
Jump, bitch, don't cry
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
Alive, alive, alive
Jump and dance, bitch
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
I will not sleep, I will caress your chin, then give no secret
Why are you so red?
I will not sleep, I will caress your chin, then give no secret
Why are you so red?
You so red? so red?
I will not sleep, I will caress your chin, then give no secret
Why are you so red?
You so red? so red?
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
Happiness is in your hands, and it goes to your head, it will live
Jump, bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
Jump, bitch, jump bitch
Don't cry, don't cry
I will not sleep, I will caress your chin, then give no secret
Why are you so red?
You so red? so red?
Scooby Doo, where are you?
Versions: #2
Scooby Dooby-Doo, where are you?
You just need to listen
Scooby Dooby-Doo, where are you?
You've got a job to do
Come on Scooby Doo, frights and scares
You sound like you've got a fever
You don't fool me, I'm fed up (with this)
You'll get what's coming to you
You've got a lot of things to solve
And a few mysterious things all around
Scooby Doo, if you're clever
You get to enjoy my Scooby Snacks
Scooby Dooby-Doo, here you are
It's necessary to listen
'You're unbelievable, Scooby Doo'
You're a real traitor
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
you have no money, nor love
no money, nor love
no money, nor love
no money, nor love
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
and to even let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
my heart is filled with emptiness
but i can still quiet you
The emptiness in our hearts is where we are
in our minds we're witches, but i still have sadness there
and i see the cold emptiness
like a tear of death
and i see the cold emptiness
like a tear of death
let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you - in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you - in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you
and to even let them tell you
and to even let them tell you
and to even let them tell you
in vain and no reason
in vain and no reason
in vain and no reason
in vain and no reason
let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
and to even let them tell you that everything is in vain, is vain
i'm falling in the sky with drops of rain
i'm falling in the sky with drops of rain
i'm falling in the sky with drops of rain
i'm falling in the sky with drops of rain
save your dream
and warm it in the warm-hearted palms of the sun
save your dream
and give it
save your dream
and warm it in the warm-hearted palms of the sun
save your dream
and give it
save your dream
the hardest thing in life, is like a whale, and it's sometimes what we've seen
Consider that in my eyes
today, this wonderful moment, that i'm with you
you direct my dreams
somewhere under the earth
pouring out of the spring
like you're in the petals of the flowers
you've pierced my heart
meeting me at dawn
i feel you
you've drenched me in velvet colors
Tell me if you came here all alone
It will be me, the one who will overtake you tonight
If so, give me a dance at that time
Come and let yourself go, with me you will dream
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with you
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
You say that last night was an adventure
Only I, I taught you those crazy things
Dance me, and I’ll rub your beautiful waist
Move it without stopping, with me you will not cry
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
You and me
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Juan Magán
Incompatibility of Temperament
The radio was broadcasting the Flamengo's game,
And I wanted to hear it,
But she arrived
And then changed the station.
She started to sing.
There's more:
I'd got foreign body in my eye,
And instead of
She blowing that from it,
She remorselessly
Told me
That I should become blind.
When I moved
An inch, just an inch,
At the bar for a short period of time,
It was enough for her,
During ten nights in a row,
Make me hungry by not making food for me,
My underpants
To a sorcerer so he could pull trick on them,
Separate the coffee powder from water,
By using my pants
To dominate me.
When I'm
Oweing money
And someone comes to get it from me,
My damn wife opens the door
And even ask'em to enter and sit down,
If I change jobs
So we can have better financial conditions,
She invites her mother
To live there with us.
If I ask for beans,
She salts them too much.
When it's hot,
She puts on her coat
To bother me.
Also, yesterday
In her dream,
She asked me to bet on donkey,
And because of cabeça,
My respective rewards were multiplied by hundred and thousand.
I want to divorce her.
i'm a ghost for you
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
rainbows in the sky
on my hands
daisies on my soul
constellations in my eyes
my pen on the paper
drawing springs
as i draw
i show you
In absence of you
Days will pass by on our faces
and will leave the signs of time
and when even the silence will cross it's arms
me and you
We'll look at each other as if it was the first time yesterday!
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you.
And the days of regrets will come by
heavy clouds and long nights will fly by
Thunders of memories will rip this sails
but us, if be
we're great navigating in such dark skies
between doubts and insecurities that make us more real
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you.
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each day ripped from our lives
if it was a jump in the emptiness for one last time
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
And we'll live our days without hoping for tomorrow
but if we wouldn't have another day to love each other
like if stopping time is adding wings
like if
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each day ripped from our lives
if it was a jump in the emptiness for one last time
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
I've found the sun
inside the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
Because when you spit love
on top of the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I've bought the sun
I sell words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
and when you lick my heart
spreading the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
Believe you're like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I cannot tell you what then happens to me. If time goes by and nobody
In a desert where everything is tasteless, your words crawl like a snake
I wait for you bite like a dumbass, your poison like water is nutritious
The only thing, then, I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru words, love.
Believe me, ( in a desert where everything is tasteless) it's like on an island ( your words crawl like a snake)
It's so simple finding a new world that it's not the reflection of itself.
The only thing , then, that I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru the words, LOVE.
Forget about you
I'll undress myself of you
as if you were a suit that I like no more
I won't talk because everything I say
you've said it already
Quietly I'll light another cigarette
to shut my mouth closed!
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll forget about you
between a look and an invite
it's inevitable
and I'll breath you in my everything things
but it's only a moment
it won't be too bad
I'll have to resist to the impact
and start all over again
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll undress myself of you
and you slide on me
and I miss you right now
that I know who you are
Forget about you
of your reasons
of our mistakes
Forget about you
and every time, and every time
beginning to live again
still living!
Into your eyes
the sky cradles
when it dreams
in my thoughts
your are the moment
when everything comes back
And just like that....
if you're with me
it becomes life
that life that....
without you
it's an ..'ehhhh'.. day...
you are better
of what I live thru
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world.
Flower in the jungle, water in the desert
I'm lucky that I can caress you
my golden tiara observed from up close
my milestone in my pathway
salt of life, shadow underneath a mulberry tree
spotlight in the night and me in the open sea
you're my blood that runs thru my veins
the emotional part of every my feeling
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
and in your eyes
sparkles.... the star light
in my thoughts
the point.... where everything shines
and like that
if you are with me
becomes life...
life that without you it's a 'ehhh' day..
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
And into your eyes
it cradles.... the sky
when it dreams.
12AM And Its Mascot
All the handles that a clock possesses get over me
Virtues and manias die
Dreams and nightmares live
Here the day doubles
Here a page is turned
We wait for the sun
Here the day is born
Don't tell me what to do with my hours
As I am the owner of them
They're my property, and they're under my charge
I take care of them at night, and throughout the day they get over me
They lick me, they scratch me, they feed on my wounds
They take me in their claws, nobody tames them
My dearest hours
They've turned me into their mascot
But I will never forget you
It was so good and beautiful
Sliding along tender waves
In your arms it's very dangerous
You could drown in infinity
I was alright, I remember
Your kisses and your love letters
But I don't want them anymore, no, it hurts
I fly away, goodbye
In my heart, there is emptiness
Black water, white smoke
But I will never forget you
Even if you change
I fly my dear
I will remember you
I fly my dear
I look at you
It was so good and beautiful
Sliding along tender waves
In your arms it's very dangerous
You could drown in infinity
I was alright, I remember
Your kisses and your love letters
But I don't want them anymore, it hurts me
I fly away, goodbye
i see spring
In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again
My heart is beating really loudly
It echoes in my chest
It's afraid it will be overwhelmed
My little boy
Come to me
In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again
In your eyes I see spring
In your eyes I drown
And I'd like to inhale deeper
Again and again, and again
Yes, yes, it's spring
Falling, it's spring
It's spring
It's spring
Jenny's crazy
Jenny doesn't want to talk anymore
She doesn't want to play anymore
She just wants to sleep
Jenny doesn't want to understand anymore
She just yawns
She doesn't even want to eat anymore
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Jenny's left people
Looking at themselves amazed
Trying to understand something
Jenny doesn't hear anything anymore
She doesn't hear the voices that the wind brings her
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
I'm the one that has seen her weep
with joy and laugh
I believe that nobody has ever loved
Life more than she did
I don't believe you
Leave her alone
You can't
Jenny can't stay here anymore
Take her away
She ruins people's moods
Jenny is okay
She's far away... they take care of her
Maybe one day she'll even be able to recover
Jenny's crazy
Some say this too
Jenny's crazy
Some say this too
Jenny's payed for everyone
She's payed for us
Who now remain looking at her
Jenny's just a memory
Something bitter to push down to the bottom
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Jenny's tired
Jenny wants to sleep
Oi, you, oi
A stood on a mountain,
He prayed to God.
For freedom, for the people
He bowed low.
Oi, you, oi
Don't be afraid of me,
I won't hurt you,
Don't you worry.
Oi, you, oi
Don't be afraid of me,
I won't hurt you,
Don't you worry. The bazaar is large,
A lot of are there,
A Russian girl is walking,
Make way!
Give me a big dagger
Give me a sheath knife!
I'll go to the ,
To dance the .
Aren't we Cossacks?
Aren't we ?
We have our sharp ,
And our hot-hearted horses!
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
I will never forget here your beautiful eyes
Just like the girls, the boys also are dancing,
all is good, the goose bumps on the skin.
The vibrations of music you are feeling inside,
everything just as you wanted tonight.
Everyone on the edge, we've got the drift,
moving the bodies, we are right into it.
Succulent music, good beat,
pulling you in, like a magnet.
Hey, hi how are you
Thank god that you are three
Try to stay with me tonight!
I believe that it is not
An idea for the dustbin
Try to stay with me tonight!
And when you will leave
When you will realise
That tomorrow
Will not be more
The same thing!
But what do you have in your mind!
That is important!
Only 'when' or 'if'
And what a love it is
Do you want me to tell you what it is?
Try to stay with me tonight
Hey baby why
Are you alone where you go!
Try to stay with me tonight
I believe that you know
What I have in mind but you'll see
Try to stay with me tonight
And when you will leave
When you realise
That tomorrow
Will not be more
The same thing
But what do you have in mind
What is important
Only when and if
And what a love it is
Dou want me to tell you what it is
If you were left alone
Somebody told me today that you are sad
Your pain seemed ironic to me
And I remembered the night you left
And I relived the days of love
The afternoon got filled with sadness
And it hurt me to suddenly understand
How in some corner of my mind
Your feminine warmth remained forever
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love
Nobody grows roses without taking care of them
They cannot give perfume nor color
If it weren't for hands to love them
No flower would ever grow
If you were left alone, I'm sorry
But you should have understood at least
It wasn't nice to mock my feelings
Now, I am sorry, it's not the time to love
If you were left alone, it would be because when you left
You didn't know how to measure the love I had for you
If you were left alone, revise your memory
To love is a glory that I offered you
If you were left alone, without anyone to love you
Your fault, my friend, it's time to pay
If you were left alone, you deserve it
To cry the good you have lost is not having known how to love