Rezultatele căutării pagină 13
Număr de rezultate: 748
O duminică de toamnă
Ne vom ține gura un pic,
Vom fi sentimentali,
Ne vom strădui,
Vom fi prinși în joc
Pentru a spune totul,
Ne vom săruta apăsat.
Ne vom întoarce capul
Pentru a privi oamenii,
Vremea de afară,
Ca după o zi de petrecere.
Ne vom spune totul,
Apoi vom fugi de greșelile noastre.
O duminică de toamnă ca aceasta,
Când frunzele de sânge și de aur
Zboară și se sfărâmă,
Când mirosul de scoarță ne fac să ne amintim
De Alcala.
O duminică precum aceasta...
Ne vom lua timp
Pentru a ne cunoaște mai bine,
Vei vorbi cu mine despre trecutul tău,
Despre Spania ta, despre copilăria ta.
Despre cum erau oamenii
În țara ta, a cărei limbă o cunosc...
Despre cum s-a născut mama,
Despre Franco, Dali, mâinile tale tremurătoare...
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu, noaptea înșelătoare a venit brusc,
Nu simt că mi-am pierdut mințile,
Luna plină îmi lovește chipul,
Unde sunt brațele acelea amândouă?
Îmbrățișează-mă, îmbrățișează-mă, iubește-mă,
Am așteptat atâta ca tu să potolești
Durerea profundă din inima mea,
Știu unde se află leacul.
Aștept mereu să treacă zilele,
Fie ca inima mea să fie plină de tine,
În pieptul tău, fără a mișca,
Toată viața mea las-o să înghețe.
Nu-l înțeleg astfel,
Timpul nu trece când număr,
Sunt devastată, sunt aproape nefericită,
Întoarce-te, salvează-mă din mâna mea.
Te rog, nu pleca,
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu,
Inima mea e singură, așteaptă revoltată
Pieptul cunoscut.
Te rog, nu pleca,
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu,
Inima mea e singură, așteaptă revoltată
Pieptul cunoscut.
Aștept mereu să treacă zilele,
Fie ca inima mea să fie plină de tine,
În pieptul tău, fără a mișca,
Toată viața mea las-o să înghețe.
Nu-l înțeleg astfel,
Timpul nu trece când număr,
Sunt devastată, sunt aproape nefericită,
Întoarce-te, salvează-mă din mâna mea.
Te rog, nu pleca,
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu,
Inima mea e singură, așteaptă revoltată
Pieptul cunoscut.
Te rog, nu pleca,
Nu frânge gâtul somnului meu,
Inima mea e singură, așteaptă revoltată
Pieptul cunoscut.
După tine
În tine, în sufletul tău, în sângele tău ascunde-mă, iubitul meu!
Știu, această hoinară nebună are nevoie de pielea ta,
Rana acestor ochi la care privești e atât de profundă,
Te aștept cu speranță, la marginea abisului.
Înaintea ta nu există nimic, crede-mă!
După tine e mereu potop!
Asta trebuie să fie ceea ce se numește exil,
Viața e robie în lipsa ta...
Era o duminică
Era o duminică splendidă și frumoasă,
Mă pregăteam să merg să te vizitez.
Coboram vesel, gândindu-mă la privirea ta,
Că o să te privesc în ochii tăi frumoși.
Coboram vesel, gândindu-mă la privirea ta,
Că o să te privesc în ochii tăi frumoși.
Dar când am ajuns în fața casei tale
Sufletul meu era foarte trist și tulburat.
Știind că nu mai ești acolo,
Tristețea sufletul rănit mi l-a lăsat.
Știind că nu mai ești acolo,
Tristețea sufletul rănit mi l-a lăsat.
Mi-am continuat viața tare trist și amărât,
Și nici unde te afli eu nu știu.
Nici măcar nu mi-ai spus rămas bun,
M-ai lăsat tare trist și pustiu.
Nici măcar nu mi-ai spus rămas bun,
M-ai lăsat tare trist și pustiu.
Te văd după slujbă
Te văd după slujbă,
vom face o plimbare,
așa vor vedea cu toții cine ești.
Prietenii în sfârșit,
și toți ceilalți oameni,
vor merge imediat să dea de veste alor tăi.
La tine acasă voi veni
(cu adevărat),
de iubirea noastră voi vorbi
(nu glumesc).
Ceea ce-am spus, voi face,
te voi lua de soție
(te voi lua de soție).
Te văd după slujbă,
nu uita făgăduiala,
dacă așa mult, așa mult ții la mine.
Într-un an, în această biserică,
vom fi căsătoriți,
pentru asta roagă-te pentru noi azi.
Bună, intră înaintea mea
(bună, iubire),
poartă-te ca și cum aș fi cu tine
(bună, iubire),
mergi zâmbitoare, pentru că
te voi lua de soție
(te voi lua de soție).
Flori de portocal...
(iubire, da...)
Lună de miere...
(iubire, da...)
Casa noastră...
(iubire, da...)
Iubire, da...
Bine-ai venit în Costa Smeralda
Bine-ai venit, bine-ai venit
în Costa Smeralda!
Granit și mare,
stânci și felinare
te salută.
Bine-ai venit, bine-ai venit!
Soarele te-ncălzește,
mistralul te sărută
cu noi cuvinte
create pentru tine.
Aici, pe insula de aur,
port al dragostei,
o ancoră secretă va opri
croaziera ta.
Iubire şi gheaţă
îşi purtă domol suflarea
și despărţi cerul și pământul
la o depărtare de mii de stânjeni.
Și-atunci, de făcut ce mai rămase?
Lumina lunii să unească ceea ce gândul măsurase.”
Scriu un răvaş de iubire
Ce se deschide cu prima întâlnire.
O parte durează ani miriade,
Iar un rând, ani o mie.
„Că trecură ani miriade, că trecu ani o mie,
amândoi de-atunci nu se mai uitară
şi mare tulburare se mai iscă în lume.”
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom întâlni în fiecare viaţă.
Am să aștept acolo
Ca să privim asfinţitul împreună.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom făgădui credinţă în fiecare viață.
Am să sădesc un bulb de lotus roșu
Ca să umple evii cu miresme purpurii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom întâlni în fiecare viaţă.
Am să aștept acolo
Ca să privim asfinţitul împreună.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom făgădui credinţă în fiecare viață.
Am să sădesc un bulb de lotus roșu
Ca să umple evii cu miresme purpurii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
Acolo era Iisus
De fiecare data cand incercam sa o fac in stilul meu
De fiecare data cand incercam sa ma ridic dar cadeam
Toate acele poteci singuratice pe care am pasit
Acolo era Iisus
Cand viata pe care am construit-o s-a prabusit la pamant
Cand prietenii ce ii aveam nu mai erau nicaieri
Nu am putut vedea inainte, dar pot vedea acum
Acolo era Iisus
In asteptare, in cautare
In vindecare si in ranire
Ca o binecuvantare arsa in bucatile distruse
Fiecare minut, fiecare moment
In care am fost si in care voi merge
Chiar si cand nu stiam
Sau nu puteam vedea
Acolo era Iisus
Pentru acest om ce are nevoie de un har uimitor
Pentru iertarea la un pret ce nu-l puteam plati
Nu sunt perfect, asa ca ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu in fiecare zi
Acolo era Iisus
Pe munte, in vai (Acolo era Iisus)
In umbrele de pe alee (Acolo era Iisus)
In foc, in inundatii (Acolo era Iisus)
Mereu e si mereu a fost
Nu merg niciodata singur
Without You
In the very city centre
Restless hands
Many a time it happened with me
You'll tell me your dreams
So tell me
Do I appear in them again
And bring heaven for you
Don't close the door
'Cause it already started to rain
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause to me it's a shame without you
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause to me it's a shame without you
With you everything
And without you nothing tastes good
On the sidewalks the scent of our words
Is painting something
Come here and show me (show me)
How you want to place each of the planets
To finally feel the thrill
And name the unnamed
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause to me it's a shame without you
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause to me it's a shame without you
Even today
I can go into the unknown with you
Even today
It will be a little easier for me
And I know that
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause to me it's a shame without you
If today I won't be alone
And you'll go in my direction
I have the answer in you
I'll throw the whole world aside
'Cause I feel pity about the days without you
I would die for the Armenian's eyes
who are always looking at the mountain Masis.
I would die for the Armenian's eyes
who are always looking at the mountain Masis.
I am always looking at you from afar,
I am kissing your white peaks.
I am always looking at you from afar,
I am kissing your white peaks.
My Masis is sad, Ani destroyed.
My life's bridges are smoking and torched.
I don't have a road back, my hope is destroyed. How should I live? Tell me, Lord God.
I'm living when you're there in my heart. I'm looking for my home in this world. I'm living when you're in my heart. I'm looking for my home in this world.
I want to drink from our water,
I want to rest in my ancestors' soil forever. I want to drink from our water,
I want to rest in my ancestors' soil forever.
Versions: #1
What expression do I have in my past memory
I try so hard to remember, but I cannot
I can't breathe I can't breathe
Please take me out of this darkness that has lost its light
I can't breathe I can't breathe
It's devouring me and I cannot stop it, oh
save me from myself
Have I lost my way in this thick fog?
I try to make my way out, but I cannot see
I can't breathe I can't breathe
Please take me out of this darkness that has lost its light
I can't breathe I can't breathe
It's devouring me and I cannot stop it, oh
save me from myself
I reach out for someone to save me
No matter how much I cry for help, nothing
I can't breathe I can't breathe
It's devouring me and I cannot stop it, oh
I can't breathe I can't breathe
It's devouring me and I cannot stop it, oh
save me from myself
The Red Knot
When first born in the world
People who are fated
In each of their hands, a red thread
They say we are tied together
Wherever you are
So that I can find you
In each of our hands, a red thread
They say we are tied together
My tear-stained cheeks
As your caress them
Your other hand will not withdraw the sword
And you disappear again
Shattered into pieces
Our dazzling days
From which we will never return
We go into that darkness
From your beautiful face
please wipe the blood
My everything
Feels like it will disappear when I touch it
My fear was endless
That I could not do anything
My painful voice
Even as you kiss it
At the end of your gaze I am no longer there
You disappear again
They grow ever more distant
Our brilliant days
From which we will never return
We go into that darkness
Shattered into pieces
Our dazzling days
From which we will never return
To that darkness
You are now dead to the world
And I have lost you
We can't return
We can never return
From your beautiful face
please wipe the blood
Today is a Celebration
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice, we celebrate it, happy birthday.
Your sunny expression shines, glitters. Your smile hugs us. Your soul's desire makes you happy, it warms your heart's day of unbounded love. Isn't it your celebration today?
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice, we celebrate it, happy birthday.
We're with you and again we congratulate you. Next to you, we're now young once again. Your happy eyes shine for us,
Our admiring hearts sing for you. Isn't it your celebration today?
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice we celebrate it, happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice we celebrate it, happy birthday.
Happy birthday...
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice, we celebrate it, happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We've come, we're telling you happy birthday.
Today is a celebration,
It's your birthday,
We rejoice, we celebrate it, happy birthday.
Solitary sins
I haven't been up for two weeks
From missing you so much, even I can't stand it anymore
Tearing little leaves off the calendar
I spend my days thinking and thinking
It can't stay like this
You being so far away hurts me
There has to be a happy ending
And I'm going to take justice into my own hands
You know that I dedicate them to you
My days, my afternoons, my nights
My lonely sins
Gluttony, when I eat you with my eyes, how crazy it is
I get all hot with lust all over my body
And the envy I feel when you're not here
And I swear what I feel is anger
If you have me by your side and you look at her
What a laziness that we live in secret
What arrogance, what greed is mine
That you are my cardinal sin
Just imagining you makes me brave
And even your name comes out between my teeth
You don't even realize that I write with my fingers
This story where you come with me
It can't stay like this
You being so far away hurts me
There has to be a happy ending
And I'm going to take justice into my own hands
You know that I dedicate them to you
My days, my afternoons, my nights
My lonely sins
You call me, I call you, I really miss you
So dry my lips from not being used
We're locked in, but we're apart
You sleep alone, I sleep in the wet
It can't stay like this
You being so far away hurts me
There has to be a happy ending
And I'm gonna take justice into my own hands
You know that I dedicate them to you
My days, my afternoons, my nights
My lonely sins
I'm present, I'm in sight
The shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame
Don't find me anymore Don't evolve me anymore
Strangle the me in you in secret, because I'm sure it's sick
You look as if you've given up on everything
One bad word and you get hurt again
'I wish you'd go away' I repeat in my brain
But the voice is unmistakably my own
'Thank you so much for your lovely smile today.'
I've been stung by the cares posted under the mirror
I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't belong in this city
I secretly bit my tongue and survived in shame
A taut, designated bag, clutched to my chest.
Hiding the monster that is constantly stirring deep inside my body
Today, I'm just barely keeping my human form
I cover my ears to the sound of the world getting bigger and bigger
You couldn't hide it, so you jumped off a few minutes ago
I was so scared, so scared
You existed, you were in my sight
The shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame, the shame
Don't find me anymore Don't evolve me anymore
And strangle the me in you in secret, because I'm sure it's disgusting
You're always looking for a reason why you're incompetent
Your whole body was screaming for you to live so you could die
You can't say, 'I'll live instead.'
'I'd rather die in your place.' It's a cowardly wish that won't go away.
I don't want people to hate me, so I never say a word.
But it's hard for me to think that I'm okay
It hurts to silence my loudmouth heart
I'm still struggling, I'm still struggling, but it won't go away
We talk to each other, every day we are exposed
The edge of someone's memory I'm sick of me
Don't admire me anymore Don't despise me anymore
Strangle the me in you in secret, for I'm sure he's sick
I dive from 50 metres into the air
I'm shaken out of my dream when I reach the nearest station
I see a familiar face in front of me
Where is the reason for the shaking shoulders and laughing?
My heart is freezing, I muster up the strength to hold back the tears
If no one likes me, then what can I do but throw them away?
I can't save myself, I'm such a failure
I'm here, I'm in sight
I'm the shame, I'm the breath, I'm the disgust
Don't find me anymore, don't evolve anymore
And strangle the me in you in secret, because I'm sure he's sick
Crystal ball
Trapped in time
Like an old treasure at the bottom of the sea
No one remembers you anymore
You play with the mermaids
And they sing songs to you that speak of that place
Never stop dreaming
Forever and ever, heading for never ever
I can't wait any longer
Scream loud, maybe you can escape
From your crystal ball
Inside your hole
He chases the light of a shooting star
That he can never touch
He is the chosen one
Shattered illusion that will never
Reach reality
Forever and ever, heading for never ever
I can't wait any longer
Scream loud, maybe you can escape
From your crystal ball
Forever and ever and ever and ever
I can't wait any longer
Scream loud, maybe you can escape
From your crystal ball
Forever and ever and ever and ever
I can't wait any longer
Scream loud, maybe you can escape
From your crystal ball
Spring Has Come
Spring has come, the rose with dew,
The Nightingale came with its sweet sway,
And I came with a thousand songs and sway
I am the singer of my pretty lover,
Of my sweet partridge lover.
Oh my lover, my lover is good, good,
He wears a fire helmet,
My heart fell into the fire, it melted.
How should a partridge sit on the stone,
Notify the mountain,
The adored lover,
I don't sing love to the stranger,
I am the singer of my pretty lover,
Of my sweet partridge lover.
Oh my lover, my lover is good, good,
He wears a fire helmet,
My heart fell into the fire, it melted.
Whoever is a singer like me,
Compliment my lover
Draw You In My Heart
You are always there at the end of my wait
Like a shadow that protected me from behind
The memory of that moment stopped me in my tracks
And I couldn't take one more step
She probably doesn't know
That my heart remains in that day, at that place
The times we traveled together as I looked into your eyes
That they would all disappear in one moment
So I draw you in my heart
To me, the word 'love' means you
All my steps were always with you
But I let go of you hand and lost my way
I have nowhere to return to
She probably doesn't know
That my heart remains in that day, at that place
The times we traveled together as I looked into your eyes
That they would all disappear in one moment
So I draw you in my heart
Even if your heart grows distant and away from me
I will shine on you like now
Even if it rains in your heart
And darkness obscures your path
I will always protect you by your side
She probably doesn't know
That one minute, one second feels like one year in my heart
Every night, I send my heart to the sky
Hoping that it may somehow touch you
Every day I send you this message
That I am drawing you in my heart
Get up
Get up to survive,
Fly to height, where the sky hears eternity,
Where the yellow disk of the sun
Shines in the dawn light.
There, in the land of winds,
An angel nods at travelers,
Sending the light of hope
Those, who looks upward.
The sparkle of heavenly truth
Will help to withstand,
To rip off a mask of doubts,
To go upward to the sky,
Like a bird, free bird,
Above evil and fiction,
Above hellish vanity,
Away from the power -
To sea of light,
To oceans of passion.
Every minute the way becomes shorter,
The stroke of wings cuts across the sky,
Crossroads of day and night
Is short for madmen.
May be, the life, left by the sun,
Will break tomorrow,
But today night's darkness
Won't await us.
The sparkle of heavenly truth
Will help to withstand,
To rip off a mask of doubts,
To go upward to the sky,
Like a bird, free bird,
Above evil and fiction,
Above hellish vanity,
Away from the power -
To sea of light,
To oceans of passion.
The sparkle of heavenly truth
Will help to withstand,
To rip off a mask of doubts,
To go upward to the sky,
Like a bird, free bird,
Above evil and fiction,
Above hellish vanity,
Away from the power -
To sea of light,
To oceans of passion.
You're strong, the Turk is weak
Against you, fatherland
You've come through centuries
and you will go through centuries
My sweet fatherland
You can't be erased
From a thousand places
They stabbed
They pointed your race to the sword
You remained upright
And you moved forward
You're strong, the Turk is weak
Against you, fatherland
In my heart, there is one country
It is you, Armenia
I live in your heart
My Armenia
Country of sweet grace, of results
Of faith, of monasteries
You're my world of love
You have no equal
Your soldiers courageous
No one besieges you
My victorious country
My historic country
You're strong, the Turk is weak
Against you, fatherland
In my heart, there is one country
It is you, Armenia
I live in your heart
My Armenia
You're strong, the Turk is weak
Against you, fatherland
In my heart, there is one country
It is you, Armenia
I live in your heart
My Armenia
If Only
With stupid, mindless statements
I drove you away from me
And now,
And now my heart regrets,
It sighs, it calls for you.
You said 'get away,'
I left so I wouldn't come anymore, I'm no longer in your life,
But I know, that your conscience still begs for me,
It hurts you,
For sure...
The reason for the breakup was my proud love,
I left my love incomplete.
If only I came, I came close to you,
If only I weren't late,
If only I gave you, gave you love,
So I wouldn't remain loveless.
If only I promised to you,
That I'd remain yours forever,
Now look, look at my eyes,
Speak a word with me.
With stupid, mindless statements
I drove you away from me
And now,
And now my heart regrets,
It sighs, it calls for you.
You still need to learn to forgive and to understand,
That there is no complete person,
Come back, if your conscience still begs for me, hurts you,
For sure,
The reason for the breakup was my proud love,
We left our love incomplete.
If only I came, I came close to you,
If only I weren't late,
If only I gave you, gave you love,
So I wouldn't remain loveless.
If only I promised to you,
That I'd remain yours forever,
Now look, look at my eyes,
Speak a word with me.
If only I came, I came close to you,
If only I weren't late,
If only I gave you, gave you love,
So I wouldn't remain loveless.
If only I promised to you,
That I'd remain yours forever,
Now look, look at my eyes,
Speak a word with me.
A Thousand And One Wishes
Tomorrow is like chocolates in a box
What does it taste like?
Full of imagination
Disappointment is a phone number that occasionally does not work
Try a few more times
You will always get answer
There are so many dreams in my heart
The future is just beginning to shine
Even if the sky is high, so what?
Stand on your tiptoes, and get closer to the sunlight.
Make my one thousand and first wish
One day happiness will always listen to my words
No matter how much time and how much it takes
Youth is my bargaining chip OH~~~
I only have these one thousand and one wishes
One day happiness will always be in my hands
Every heart has a pair of wings
To fly forward with courage
There is no place I can't reach
More than nothing
Versions: #1
Peter did depart, with a broken heart
to some place that was far
to inspire him, on a drunken whim
with liquor from the dive bars
Turning a new page, cities pass away
as he sails down the railroad
and he leaves behind, at every stop he finds,
a little bit of his payload
Straight to the drinking street, for someone he can meet,
he knew just what to do
and at the bar he sat, with glass and cigarette,
getting ready to go through
full now of resolve, and of alcohol,
he did follow the rules
and he fell, it seems, as if destiny,
into one set of dark eyes
oh, dear listener, if it were you here,
should now there come a moral?
that he should go back, or that the best of tacks
not 'neath a corsage be at?
But maybe with a month of something feigning love
cries were somehow abated
not of newborn ken, but such a bit of zen,
it's a bit more than nothing
The cigarette
Ah, my cool cigarette! Who has given you the coolness?
Who has given you the power to cool me down?
Did you get that power from the elegant fingers
when they were staffing* you and rolling you** to give you a rounded***shape?
Have you been given the coolness with a kiss by
the tongue, that damped you with her**** sweet liquid?
Has she told you any secret and now that you know
every single time that i bring you to my lips you are whispering it to me?
Tell me, oh my cigarette, before i burn you out completely
if it is a nice one, then i will feel joy, if it is a bad one then i shall cry!
A bar called gull
Dyed in white on the black ground
There's the image of a gull with the wings open
Someone laughs saying that my heart
Wants to go flying and it can't
At a small bar called 'gull'
When I open the window
I see the northern sea
If I could sing only the oceanic noise
In the karaoke, it would be a sad song
Someone laughs saying that you
You don't live in this city
At a small bar called 'gull'
When I open the window
I see the northern sea
Because I think of a man of before
I tend to be at loss of words
Someone laughs saying that a man
And a woman can drink carefree
At a small bar called 'gull'
When I open the window
I see the northern sea
Versions: #1
In the season of storms, two made it by oneself, easily
In the dawning sunset, at night in the early afternoon, causally
No matter how bad our bodies decay
We'd love to laugh at the end of time
No matter what you're fighting for, I want you to be motivated by love
No need to look for brand-new days
They're always here with us
Tough I've seen a lot of things in my life
My eyes will always & forever be sparkling
Tho I've lived that long
Everything I've been thru is like a dream
Everything looks atractive
But you're the only one for me
Where have you been?, I've been looking for you
Take me there, take me there
Giving up everything and I'll go with you
To anywhere, to everywhere
In extreme weather, in a crazy crowd
With you i can go, smoothly smoothly
Our brand-new future, embarrassing past,
Everything will be shiny (kirari)
Thinking back on what I had to lose ...makes me weep
Sometimes I'm all at sea
Just swaying in the wind, unsteadily
I came running out of breathe
Decided where to go
I'd rather not get lost but who knows
I thought I knew something
In fact I knew nothing
But at least i know it and I'm so glad
No need to look for brand-new days
They're always here with us
Here with us, with us, ah
Tough I've seen a lot of things in my life
My eyes will always & forever be sparkling
Forever be sparkling,
Tho I've lived that long
Everything I've been thru is like a dream
Everything looks atractive
But you're the only one for me
Where have you been, I've been looking for you
Take me there, take me there
Giving up everything and I'll go with you
To anywhere, to everywhere
In extreme weather, in a crazy crowd
With you i can go, smoothly smoothly
Our brand-new future, embarrassing past,
Everything will be shiny (kirari)
It’s not just Judah guilty for
It’s not just Judah guilty for,
The blood that was lost then.
Neither the high priests nor Pilate,
But all of us, through our sin !
Me too and you … Me too and you
Neither the high priests nor Pilate,
But all of us, through our sin !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not just the cruel road to Golgotha,
Neither the flagrum, when Jesus fell.
Not even the cross caused His awful pain,
So much, we did, we hurt Him more !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not even the cross caused His awful pain,
So much, we did, we hurt Him more !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not by the nails He was pierced,
While to the cross He has been stuck.
We all, with our hidden souls,
And our thousands of passions did !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
We all, with our hidden souls,
And our thousands of passions did !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not only senior readers are,
Neither the highest priests are.
We also laughed, with dirty eyes,
We all, those two thieves are !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
We also laughed, with dirty eyes,
We all, those two thieves are !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not to the soldiers, who casting lots,
He left His robe. The white robe to …
It was for us. But you’re not wearing it !
Since, without His robe, we all are dead !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
It was for us. But you’re not wearing it !
Since, without His robe, we all are dead !
Me too and you … Me too and you …
Not in the rocks, under the lilacs,
Not just behind that stone, He was laid down.
We keeping Him, since as forever,
Behind the stone of our cold looks.
Me too and you … Me too and you …
We keeping Him, since as forever,
Behind the stone of our cold looks.
Me too and you … Me too and you …
And now, the Jesus, who is condemned,
He's asking you: ”Yes or not ?'
Are you guilty or you are not ?”
I answered “Yes”! I was forgiven.
I answered “Yes”.
But you ? But you ?..
Are you guilty or you are not ?”
I answered “Yes”! I was forgiven.
I answered “Yes”.
But you ? But you ?..
A white birch tree
A white birch tree washes its curly hair,
A maple wakes up awash with dew.
A singer nightingale sings its song,
The bright sun rises up in the sky.
The clouds are like flowers in the sky,
I am facing an utter unbounded beauty.
This beauty inspirits me,
And a cheerful song is born in my heart.
A white birch tree washes its curly hair,
A maple wakes up awash with dew.
How beautiful is my homeland ‒
And this beauty lives in my heart.
My Mommy Cried
When my mommy carried me under her heart she cried:
Oh if this poor thing ends up living in a strange land! (x2)
When my mommy wrapped me in swaddling clothes she cried:
Oh if they put the crown's shackles on the legs of this poor thing!
When my mommy cradled me from side to side she cried:
I guess this thing will become a scoundrel who betrays girls. (x2)
See what a crook this boy became, and is it any wonder?
He was born of poor parents and his blood was dark. (x2)
It's no wonder if poor people's children become drunkards,
considering that the rich people's brats become false judges. (x2)
Aren't you afraid of rejection?
Aren't you afraid of being left out?
Aren't you afraid of falling into compromise?
When true love is declared from nothing
The arrogant rose withers bit by bit
Even though you're sorry and remorseful
True love, once fallen, can't fly anymore
Don't expect me to understand
Don't expect me to have a moment of truth
Love can't come back at the nod of the head
Happiness, sadness, there's no difference
A broken heart will be fixed in the end
Don't expect me to understand
Don't expect me to have a moment of truth
Love isn't meant to fill your empty space
There's too much going wrong, and it's too late to stop
I don't want to be stuck with this broken beauty
This broken cycle
Maybe we're the words that don't make sense
The more i try to say something
Some days feels like im walking in my old dreams
Pieces of dreams i remember
Maybe I'll forget you at the end
Will something good and new happen again? I can't tell
Maybe I'm a strange person
Would that explain these crumbling hearts?
Maybe we're a boring coincidence
And im a fool who can't forget yesterday's wind
Maybe we're the briefly dark night
Flowers that blossomed too early in spring
Some days i think of an alternate universe
No i remember you
I recall the same landscape from somewhere else
Maybe I'll forget you at the end
Would i be still me then? I can't tell
Maybe I'm a strange person
Would that explain these crumbling hearts?
Maybe we're a boring coincdence
And im a fool who can't forget yesterday's wind
Some days it feels strange to be here
Feels like i just had a sweet dream
Maybe I'll forget you at the end
Will something good and new happen again? I can't tell
Maybe I'm a strange person
Would that explain these crumbling hearts?
Maybe we're a story that's too long
Will I wait for another impossible happy ending one day?
A thousand reasons
A thousand reasons to be happy
You took another sip
You were late and asked for rum
I've wanted to come for a long time
They have told me about this gambling house
You answered raising your voice,
You brought your mouth close to my ear
The song started
You said: I love this part
Well I live near here
Are you coming for a little while?
I looked for theseand I bid farewell
Without say goodbye
The indirect light in the living room
Provoked you to share
What was left of your heart
Broken and in a bag
Views of an interior patio,
You put another glass
You tripped over the step
What a bruise when
I took off your pants
You said: I love this part,
I love this part.
And my fingers touched years of evolution
And my fingers touched years of evolution
Conclusions at dawn:
This cannot be
You look for shapes in the clouds
And Iin the gotelé
We did it again just because
And you almost said 'I love you'
I asked you for an ibuprofen
You smiled blowing a Chester's smoke
Through your nose
And you said: I love this part
I love this part
There are a thousand reasons to be happy
There are a thousand reasons to be happy
I ask
And my fingers touched years of evolution