Rezultatele căutării pagină 15
Număr de rezultate: 748
You Love Her Too Much
She's returned
More than ever, you're longing for Rebecca
No one can replace her for you
You will always grieve for her
That's why you'll never belong to me
I'm not blaming you
And I don't want to come between you and Rebecca
You don't have to love me at all
If only I can be by your side
To give you love and comfort
I know, she'll never let you go
You love her too much
The right scene was set
You and me
Together we are a temple
The colour
Merges us
And the frenzy
Usually does not arrive on time
I lied to you
And you let me do it
But still
I will never betray you
My body keeps burning
So much talk
Of a recurrent dream
When I lost your trail
I suspected
That you knew where to hide
And it doesn't matter anymore to know the ending
Only loving you and crossing the fire
How does this continue
How does this continue
How does this continue
Don't worry
Listen, don't worry
Say anything you want
Don't limit yourself when choosing
I have Netarif
The Strength of a Woman
You believe in him, when he doubts himself
You feel the fear that he never admits to have
Should he let go of hope, your courage suffices for two
You show him the way forward
Within you is the strength of a woman
Who fights for the man who she loves
When she feels that he's in danger
She'll move mountains and part the seas
With the strength of a loving woman!
You bring him back when he loses his way
[ I ]
I build him up when he is weary
You put yourself before him, when he is threatened
[ I ]
I speak with him when no one else will
A woman doesn't run away when she's needed
What's inside her shows itself in a moment of need
Because that is the strength of a woman
She fights for the man who she loves
When she feels that he's in danger
She moves mountains and parts the seas
With the strength of a loving woman!
In the darkness she gives him a sign
And in the storm of time she gives him support
Within you/me is the strength of a woman
She fights for the man who she loves
When she feels that he's in danger
She moves mountains and parts the seas
With the strength of a loving
The strength of a loving
The strength of a loving woman!
She doesn’t love you
She doesn’t love you
She only likes
your metaphors
That’s all there is to it
She likes the rhythm of the flowing river
Be a river
so she likes you
She likes the coupling of light and thunder
In perfect rhyme
And her breasts drool over a letter
Be a letter so she likes you
She likes the elevation of the mass
From matter to light
From light to resonanceFrom resonance to feeling
Be one of her feelings so she likes you
She likes the battle between her chest And the night
Oh love, you have tortured me
And this river is splashing its wild bursts
Outside my bedroom
Oh love, make this pleasure an addiction
Or I will kill you
The Ball of Manderley
I've looked forward to this night for so long
There's nowhere else I'd rather go
No other celebration is as merry as
The masquerade of Manderley!
We'll worry about reputation later
Tonight each can cheerfully play the fool
We're serious and respectable enough normally
Tonight we can act a bit bizarrely!
Ever the number one party
The ball of Manderley!
Good evening, Maxim. Where is your lovely wife?
Oh, she's drumming up some excitement. She wants to surprise everyone
She hasn't even told me what costume she's wearing tonight!
She's had something fantastic tailored
How Many Lives
How many lives
How many feet
How many legs
How many of them go under the ground
How many children
How many hearts
How many of them go under the ground
Ridică Mâinile
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Hei, ce faci? Unde te uiți? Vino aici dragă
Băiete, cumva, nu poți simți asta? Sunt pregătită pentru dragoste
Oh, Doamne! Oh, Doamne!
Priveşte aici, vino aici, vino la mine
Tu și eu, tu și eu
Cu toții vom avea aceeași stare de spirit
Melodiile lente sunt plictisitoare, așa că mărește ritmul
Ceva mai tare, te rog, voi schimba starea de spirit
Și cu tine? Și cu tine?
Și cu mine cum rămâne? Vrei să dansezi cu mine?
(Vreau să dansez, hai) YOLO YOLO YOLO YOLO, de parcă nu ar exista ziua de mâine
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
Oricum ar fi, vei fi doborât astă seară
Deci, distrează-te în această cameră
Dă din cap toată noaptea
Nu te preocupa de celălalte persoane
Oh, Doamne! Oh, Doamne!
Nu te mira, nu te ascunde că vin la tine
Tu și eu, tu și eu
Ne vom distra cu toții în această stare de spirit
Melodiile lente sunt plictisitoare, așa că mărește ritmul
Ceva mai tare, te rog, voi schimba starea de spirit
Și cu tine? Și cu tine?
Și cu mine cum rămâne? Vrei să dansezi cu mine?
(Vreau să dansez, hai) YOLO YOLO YOLO YOLO, de parcă nu ar exista ziua de mâine
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
Noaptea vine și pleacă
Mă îmbăt
Nu pot opri acest sentiment, ridică mâinile
Ce este în neregulă cu a scăpa de sub control?
Vreau să fac ce vreau eu
Nu-ți face griji pentru mine
Îmi place acest sentiment Hei
Loveşte-ţi genunchii
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
De unul singur, ridică-te!
Ce rost are să vorbești mult?
Vroom! Vroom! Pornește motorul
Loveşte-ţi genunchii şi ridică mâinile
Aloha Oe
Oceanul albastru mă cheamă din nou
Vreau să-mi lansez corpul în cerul sclipitor
Soarele strălucitor și briza rece
Încă îmi fac inima să fluture
Arborele de cocos este încă aici
Dar tu de ce nu ești lângă mine? Unde ai plecat?
Dincolo de apusul soarelui, care-i vișiniu
Mă întorc la acea vară care a trecut deja
Vară, îți cer (alo aloha oe)
Vară, te rog din nou (alo aloha oe)
Sub lumina stelelor
Vreau să te văd din nou
Ca miracolul unei nopți de vară, acum tu și eu
Înflorim, înflorim, înflorim, înflorim
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Ca și căldura sudică
Este încă foarte cald
Trec pe lângă plaja unde obișnuiam să mergem
Și acolo, mă uit la căderea petalelor florilor
Deși numele pe care le-am sculptat sub stele
Au dispărut odată cu valurile
Să călărim vântul și să zburăm
Să începem propria noastră petrecere încă o dată
Dincolo de apusul soarelui, care-i vișiniu
Mă întorc la acea vară care a trecut deja
Vară, îți cer (alo aloha oe)
Vară, te rog din nou (alo aloha oe)
Sub lumina stelelor
Vreau să te văd din nou
Ca miracolul unei nopți de vară, acum tu și eu
Înflorim, înflorim, înflorim, înflorim
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Pe cealaltă parte a lemnului care ardea
Ne șoptim romantismul
Dincolo de amintirile fericite
Vreau să mă întorc în vara aceea
Vară, îți cer (alo aloha oe)
Vară, te rog din nou (alo aloha oe)
Sub lumina stelelor
Vreau să te văd din nou
Ca miracolul unei nopți de vară, acum tu și eu
Înflorim, înflorim, înflorim, înflorim
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Alo Alo Aloha Oeee
Vântul rece îmi suflă prin păr și se strecoară în inima mea
Cu doar câteva cuvinte sau expresii de la tine, nu știi cum îmi tremură inima
Zâmbetul tău strălucitor se oprește în mine
Există o singură persoană frumoasă în lume, adică tu, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
Zâmbetul tău alb, privirea ta îmi adie în inimă
Când apune soarele, vom vorbi despre dragostea noastră la apus
Zâmbetul tău strălucitor se oprește în mine
Există o singură persoană frumoasă în lume, adică tu, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
Ești singura frumoasă dragostea mea, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
În fiecare zi îmi vin amintirile iubirii mele pentru tine
Și dacă astăzi îți spun că și eu te iubesc, tu nu ești aici
Există o singură persoană frumoasă în lume, adică tu, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
Ești singura frumoasă dragostea mea, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
Există o singură persoană frumoasă în lume, adică tu, prețioasa mea dragoste
Te-am chemat la timp dragostea mea
Îți promit dragostea mea mult așteptată, mă voi apropia de tine
Mulțumesc și te iubesc
Ziua mea este plină de tine
Cred că este un vis că te-am cunoscut
Coboară și găsește lumina din inima mea
Îți voi păstra imaginea în fața ochilor mei
Te voi ține lângă mine pentru totdeauna
Îți voi da timp
Ascultă-mi poveștile și păstreză-le pe buze, te voi face să zâmbești
Lumea este plină de tine, seamănă cu tine
Oriunde mă uit, te văd pe tine
Pe tine, da
Te văd în fiecare zi, dar încă îmi este dor de tine
Chiar dacă sunt lângă tine, mă întreb unde ai fost
Ieri, astăzi, mâine
Primăvara, vara, toamna, inima mea este la fel
Acele ceasului s-au oprit la noi
La sfârșitul conversației, temperatura este încă caldă
Oh, diferit este diferit, totul la mine pentru tine
Dar cred că am ajuns la locul potrivit, după ce am fost singur
Gata cu promisiunile, gata cu dorințele
Cred că este un vis că te-am cunoscut
Cum am putut avea acest sentiment?
Mă apropii de tine puțin câte puțin
Poți rămâne în brațele mele așa
De fiecare dată când mă trezesc dimineața devreme
Mă gândesc la tine și zâmbesc fără să-mi dau seama
Privește-mă schimbându-mă
Și răspunde-mi, pentru mine ești mereu tu
Iubirea este cel mai frumos lucru
Când mă gândesc la asta pentru o clipă, simt că nu pot respira
Inima îmi bate suficient de mult pentru a fi auzită
Și pentru acel timp scurt, totul în viața mea zâmbește
Iubito, tu ești unică pentru mine
Însemni mult
Te iubesc, sunt atât de fericită
Întâlnirea cu tine este ca un vis fericit
Tu, care mi-ai luminat zilele
Lumea este plină de tine
Când noi eram noi
În acele zile în care nici nu puteam să-ţi ating mâinile
Arătam atât de bine împreună
Am rămas fără suflu în timp ce-ţi șopteam
Și tu te-ai înroșit
Noi în acele zile frumoase
Ne-a luat atât de mult timp
Amintirile mă dor atât de tare
O stradă plină de flori
Ai spus că îți place să mergi pe ea
Dar acum o ascund în amintirile mele
Sezonul nostru luminos
Pe care nu l-am putut opri
Ploaia cade minunat peste inima mea
Indiferent de câte ori mă întorc în timp, te voi îmbrățişa
Zilele albastre de vară în care amândoi râdem și plângem
Sunt o nostalgie
Până în vârful degetelor mele am simțit căldura
În noaptea în care nu ne-am putut da drumul la mâini nici măcar pentru o clipă
Vântul cald sufla
În locul sezonului albastru
Am rămas singur
Sezonul nostru luminos
Pe care nu l-am putut opri
Ploaia cade minunat peste inima mea
Indiferent de câte ori mă întorc în timp, te voi îmbrățişa
Zilele albastre de vară în care amândoi râdem și plângem
Prin noaptea dură
Am rămas împreună
Dacă m-aș întoarce
La acele zile
Și te voi găsi încă o dată
Ai fost doar tu
Cea care m-a făcut să respir
Cu inima strălucind frumos
Te iubesc din nou și din nou
Ia-mă de mână
Zilele albastre de vară în care amândoi râdem și plângem
Sunt o nostalgie
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Bună, după ce te-ai dus acasă aseară
Am căzut profund pe gânduri
Deși, nici măcar nu sunt într-un film melodramatic
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Mâine mai mult decât astăzi
Te voi iubi
Poimâine mai mult decât mâine
Îți promit
Pas cu pas, să mergem împreună
Oriunde, oriunde
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu și eu, noi, această inimă se va simți veșnic entuziasmată
Lume, lume, ascultați, ne căsătorim
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu, eu, noi, vom avea același vis
Lume, lume, ascultați, acum facem o promisiune
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Ești unică pentru mine
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
O persoană ca tine
Nu a existat până acum
Persoana care va rămâne alături de mine
Ești tu
Cuvânt cu cuvânt, să o scriem
Povestea noastră de dragoste
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu și eu, noi, această inimă se va simți veșnic entuziasmată
Lume, lume, ascultați, ne căsătorim
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu, eu, noi, vom avea același vis
Lume, lume, ascultați, acum facem o promisiune
Voi fi îndrăgostit de tine pentru totdeauna
Când va ploua, eu voi fi umbrela ta
Pentru tine, pot face să plouă
Vom râde împreună și vom plânge împreună
Pentru că ești tu, pentru că, dacă ești tu
Sunt recunoscător
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu, eu, noi, ne vom ține de mână pentru totdeauna
Lume, lume, ascultați, ne căsătorim
Căsătorește-te cu mine
Tu, eu, noi, vom avea o viață împreună
Lume, lume, ascultați, acum facem o promisiune
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Ești unică pentru mine
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Te vei căsători cu mine?
Fiecare Secundă
Fiecare pas pe care îl faci
Încerc să îl potrivesc cu al meu
Mergem împreună, unul lângă altul
În fiecare zi
Când îmi întind brațul
Și îl pun după umărul tău
Se simte de parcă suntem doar noi în lume
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
O voi face mereu cu tine
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
Ca să poți zâmbi oricând
Uită-te la mine, nu mă voi schimba
Orice s-ar întâmpla
Voi rămâne cu tine
Așa cum sunt acum
Ziua îndepărtată de mâine
Și cea insuportabilă de azi
Te pot neliniștii
Te pot face să te simți foarte rău
Dar te voi lua de mână
Chiar dacă totul se schimbă
Și trec multe zile
Timpul meu
Va rămâne cu tine
Chiar și în zilele în care ești ocupată
De fiecare dată când privești înapoi
Voi fi mereu alături de tine
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
O voi face mereu cu tine
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
Ca să poți zâmbi oricând
Uită-te la mine, nu mă voi schimba
Orice s-ar întâmpla
Voi rămâne cu tine
Așa cum sunt acum
Într-o zi
Când ne uităm înapoi la acest moment
Sper să ne amintim totul
Ca nişte momente luminoase
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
O voi face mereu cu tine
Orice ai vrea
Orice ai spune
Ca să poți zâmbi oricând
Uită-te la mine, nu mă voi schimba
Orice s-ar întâmpla
Voi rămâne cu tine
Așa cum sunt acum
Frumos ești, frumos dansezi,
După mine tu mori
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Frumos ești, frumos dansezi,
După mine tu mori
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, sărută-mi buzele,
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, să-mi săruți buzele.
[strofa 2]
Că ești un țigan bengos,
Iar talentul tău e mare.
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Că ești un țigan bengos,
Iar talentul tău e mare.
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, sărută-mi buzele,
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, să-mi săruți buzele.
Frumos ești, frumos dansezi,
După mine tu mori
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Frumos ești, frumos dansezi,
După mine tu mori
Tigdada-la-la-la frumos ești, uite!
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, sărută-mi buzele,
Hei na na na, mamă, la-la-la!
Hei, mamă, să-mi săruți buzele.
I won't cross your road
I won't drink this shit, even if you pay me
My waves are so deep, I'll dive in, I won't give up
Your smile is oxygen for me, I'll be crazy if I don't see
Baby come, snuggle to me
I'll tell you about love
Come my beauty, come to me
I'll find right and wrong with you
Or I'll send soldiers to your heart and establish barbarian states
This world is in vain, don't be sad for anything, it's not worth it
Whatever you do your heart won't change
It's all special for you, nobody can see
They can't reach me anyway, they just throw shit and watch
Trees gushed from the places I passed, like the Nile in the desert
So, you understood me, you hosted my heart
I loved you so, without thinking
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou, bounce
Sayonara boy, bitch
Guys with three stripes, subs, bottoms
Fierce party swings the hips
Tasty sluts want to undress
The most cleaned will get dirty
Call your mom - tell her, that you're in the trash
The cops will come, let them hang out with us
I'm watching nice asses
Everyone on the rampage, we lose our minds
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou, bounce
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou, bounce
Hey, stud, you need a nutritionist
Hey, guy, where's my coca-cola?
Daredevil - 10 kilowatts
Sayonara brother - we break the hit parade
Wet T-shirts, red eyes
No need of publicity in our parties
Hucksters in the dark, suckers on the beer
Even we took everything, we lose our minds
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou
Bounce, bou, bou, bou, bounce
Tel Aviv Is You And Me
Versions: #1
Tel Aviv is me and you
It's either with you or leave the city
Cause there's not a street that won't remind me of you
Music is me and you
It's either to be with you or stop singing
Cause it's not fun to get excited on my own
We're still getting drunk together
You're still not interested in anyone else
Still we don't talk of what has been
Still with the stupid tattoo
On our hands instead of rings
So come to me, I'm here to stay
And you're not here to be cautious
We're gangsters for real
Not afraid to break
All the cards are on the table
And you know that I'm not an actor
Tel Aviv for me is only us...
We started with a single room and window
We added a sofa and pictures on the wall
You made me a toast each evening in the shape of a heart
Each morning you woke us up with a song
Now you have a studio
You're there all day
I'm at a coffee place hanging around the city
At night you return when it's getting real late
The toaster is lying in the closet in some pot
We're still getting drunk together
I'm still not interested in anyone else
You still make me laugh like before
You hug me when it thunders outside
We still get excited to touch
So come to me, I'm here to stay
And you're not here to be cautious
We're gangsters for real
Not afraid to break
All the cards are on the table
And I know that you're not an actor
Tel Aviv is only for you and me...
Tell me, if the world comes to an end
Would you leave or stay here?
You love me
With the money or without
Do you still love me when you're too busy?
Tell me,
Will you regret your past with me?
Will you be sorry that you've not accomplished more?
Or will you come to climb some mountain with me
A win bottle with falling skies behind
Cause my world shook when you didn't answer me
And then I started to overthink it
And I don't want to be a bother but I was nearby
And I've got nothing to do...
On the rooftop
Your name plus mine on the wall
The whole yard knows about us
Watching from above - the whole world can be seen
Vanity, but on the roof, we are completely alone
Tiny people, but huge dreams
A tiny heart is waiting for a great love
But don't you rush, don't chase time
And remember this moment
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
And tomorrow I'll wake up alone again
I am waiting for you even if there are a million others
I will look for you again among the crowd
As if I am not myself, and as if the world is divided
Do you want to simply be quiet?
Do you want me to come to you - leave the keys
We will draw life ourselves
You know, there are thousands of reasons for this
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
Over the years we've become stronger and stronger
I am thankful to God and also to the fate
I am genuine and my love for you is
Precisely the same as it was on the first day
Over the years we've become stronger and stronger
I'll fly to you even on one wing
I'll find the way even in the darkness
To talk to you about love once again
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
On the rooftop of the city's buildings, we were hiding from unwanted looks
That was the first time when I kissed you
I close my eyes thinking of you all night
Rough winds that shake the darling buds of May
I wish to become a lovely and temperate wife
and my only yearning is to be with you all my life
Prison of Heart
Behind these windows, one's heart aches
You know about the sadness and the sorrows of my heart
When I speak of my life,
You know that I get teary eyed.
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it (the sadness) that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that
I want to complain to God tonight
You know about the complaints of my heart
I want to ask him 'why is my life so dark?' (why am I so ill-fated)
Why my life is so dark, you know that.
When the windows are closed, the night is going to come
My eyes are going to be restless, you know that
If tonight passes, it's going to be tommorow
What will happen tomorrow, you know that
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that
Behind these windows, one's heart aches
You know about the sadness and the sorrows of my heart
When I speak of my life,
I get teary eyed, you know that.
It's been a lifetime that sadness has been locked in my heart
My heart has a prison, you know that
No matter how many times I've told it that it's free to go
'I love you', it says. You know that
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
And now look at that:
Yes, what's coming here? A train!
Only one small wagon, a locomotive,
But everyone is excited by the whistling
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
But at one point the end station comes,
Maybe you even dream of that one time?
Of the ancien locomotive,
As if it was shouting as a goodbye:
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
Until one time it can't go on any more.
A Maiden Sang In The Church Choir
Versions: #1
A maiden sang in a church choir,
Of all the weary in far off lands,
Of all those ships that had gone to sea,
Of all of those, they had forgotten their joy.
Her voice soared upward, it wheeled up into the vault,
And a beam of light shone upon her fair shoulder,
And each member, from the shadows looked up and listened,
As her white dress cried out in the light.
And to everyone it appeared that exuberance would return,
That all the ships would find tranquil waters,
That those weary people of far off lands
Would be blessed with joyous lives for themselves.
And her voice was sweet, and the the light's ray was fine,
And it appeared on high, by the altar gates,
The communion of mysteries - a child wept
Meaning, that none would come back again.
Traditional Clothing
Traditional clothing is tradition, hard work but the salary for the countless hours
It's a fashion that arises, on which times passes
That stays forever
Men look more impressive in their Lederhosen
Despite poorness
We mean it over- and underdressed
Because everybody looks good in the leather skin of a deer
Traditional clothing traditional clothing
I'm wearing red-white checkered clothing
It's our fashion
It's our clothing
It's a piece home from your country
Traditional clothing from the home country
Values from a country stay until the end of time
They will alway accompany us
Because the good old traditional clothing always shines in its splendor now and for all times
It's the fine embroiderment
It's the love for details in leather or linen
They can do what they want to, our clothing a style of life that everybody wants to have
Traditional clothing I'm wearing red-white checkered clothing
It's our fashion It's our clothing
It's a piece home from your country
Traditional clothing from the home country
He's cool, he's trendy, he's cheeky, he's sassy
He's cool, he's trendy, he's honest, he's real
He's cool, he's trendy, he's timeless and our lifestyle will always be splendid
Traditional clothing I'm wearing red-white checkered clothing
It's our fashion It's our clothing
It's a piece home from your country
Traditional clothing I'm wearing red-white checkered clothing
It's our fashion It's our clothing
It's a piece home from your country
Traditional clothing from the home country
Lifestyle from the home country
And So Now All The Chittering And Singing Will Tire Away
Versions: #1
And so now all the chittering and singing will tire away
Even that mouth!
And so time, it'll cheat me,
And that dream, it'll come.
And so I'll lie down peacefully, I'll close my eyelids,
I will close my eyes,
And I'll lie down serenely, and I'll dream
Of the trees and the birds.
Versions: #1
Your body reminds me of a summer noon
Your eye color reminds me of rain
When you're not here, my life is no different than a prison
Your sulking reminds me of the bitterness of prison
I'm in need of seeing you every day
[I'm in need of] hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are majestic, like the moment it starts to rain
You are the same blood which flows in my veins every moment
You are like how a red rose sleeps, you are as smooth as a dream
I'm the one who will not survive without you
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are like being tempted to chase a butterfly
You are like the joy of running a kite
You are always full of adventures like a fairytale
You are like the satisfaction of putting a doll to sleep
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips
You are exquisite, like the shapes that clouds make
The petunias lose their colors when they see you
If men in fairytales find out that you're here,
They'd be galloping all the way here with winged horses to take you with them
I'm in need of seeing you every day
Hearing 'I love you' from your lips
I want some tenderness and love
When you have a bad day, and the night doesn't offer you sleep
You yourself don't know that voice sounds like a foreigner's one
All your worries and your unrest I know,
Because of them I leave alone, because of them you are alone
I want some tenderness and love,
A few pleasant words can help.
Sad days live in my memory
Because I am left alone
When my whole world fell apart.
I want some tenderness and love
Some light in my dark nights
I want to find peace in your embrace
Because when love is gone,
my love won't be meaningful
I often ask if this is the end for dreams
But, there is hope for us and for everything?
That love is not the one I know
Because you offer so little for what I give.
[Refrain.] x 2
Because when love is gone,
my love won't be meaningful
The Warsaw Song
Versions: #1
Violent vortices are howling above us,
Those dark forces are maliciously oppressing us.
We've marched into the fateful fight with the enemy,
A fate unknown is awaiting us.
But we will rise to it proudly and courageously
With the banner for the struggle of the labour cause,
The banner of the grand struggle of all peoples
For a better world, for sacred freedom.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.
It is during these days a worker is dying of hunger,
Will we remain silent any longer, brothers?
Those youthful eyes of our companions
Does the sight of the scaffold frighten you?
In this great battle they will not vanish unnoticed
They have fallen with honour in the name of ideals.
Their names will be in our victory song
It will become sacred to millions of people.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.
We despise the tyrant's crown,
To those people who suffer in chains, we give homage.
As to those thrones drenched in peoples' blood
We will mark our enemies with their blood!
Death is ruthless to all our adversaries!
To all freeloaders of the working masses!
Vengeance and death to all those greedy kings!
Victory is at hand in this solemn hour.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.
Wings (2020 ver.)
What are we craving for on the Earth that keeps on revolving?
New lives are born and time goes on, until they start a departure with the ground
Loving and being loved, living and being kept alive
Heartbeats don’t know the way of ceasing until they return to the sky
Carrying a thought on my sparkling dream, I’ll keep my future blossoming
Even if it’s a small flower yet, connecting hearts will light up the distant road
Sadness and joy will both lead us to the day when we’ll ever take off
A gentle ray of light you once showed me
If it fills up my heart, my hands will be a pair of bright wings
Into the unknown I’ll set off with you
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
We will forget all of our grudges tomorrow
Our troubles will be chased away, tomorrow, there will be sun
Because the day is grey
Dark, heavy, and painful like a hangover day
I try to breathe out and prepare for
a long time with hailing rain
Yet what I need is a long nap
To get a rest, so show me the way
He doesn't have a nice car or a plan
That's why the girl from the bar with the tequila left him
I still have stuff to deal with
Because it seems like it boils down to money or life
*My hands are tired because of all the struggles
I'm about to cross the line and do something illegal
Soon the staff will call
in case the debt collection company want to dish up a punishment
I ain't a slippery snake**, but you owe me money
You bet on Siri Kalvik, on sun and a beautiful spring
But I don't care
as long as I get the blond one from Idol***
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
We will forget all of our grudges tomorrow
Our troubles will be chased away, tomorrow, there will be sun
Even if today is filled with hardships
You can't give up, stop surrendering, have a look around
I see you and say 'hey cutie, hey cutie
I like it when you're looking at me cutie, me cutie'
But I'm not stressing, because tomorrow I'll get a new chance
I show a lot more than the rest of the zombies walking around
Almost as if you could believe I've got an extra two senses
You can read my CV, and think I own the car u see on my CD
Chicks wanna hang, because they watch me on TV
A fresh breath into the rap-game, the song brings me along
They set it on fire. Are there any troubles? Am I too skinny?
So I set a guy out to deal with it
No, it's Mammi, not a troublemaker,
I can't wait to see you, so I'm standing on the roof
on a lookout until I see you, see you
Hey cutie, I want to be with you, with you
Tonight I want to ask you out on a date, ask you
I know tomorrow will be here soon, I want to see you, see you
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
And luck will grow wings, and the future will bring
us the sun rays we've been waiting for
Even if today is filled with hardships
You can't give up, stop surrendering, have a look around
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
And the sun will shine, and all pain disappear
Tomorrow wonders may happen
Tomorrow, tomorrow, believe in tomorrow
We will win, just wait and see
Spring’s home
Oh heavens, as you see us all from up above
Please tell us, the tired and weary, which is the way to Spring’s home?
The wheel of our star is broken, let us help and push it forward
Over the skies of our city, the only light is of gleaming daggers
Put your cold dying plant by the window for others to see
And let it inspire them to raise their voices
And tell us, the tired and weary, which is the way to Spring’s home?
It kills me to see that above our city, all our stars have stopped shining
The green leaves of our gardens, are now wilted and left discarded
Our passengers of Hope, have been taken from us
If only a butterfly would fly above and sprinkle joy upon us
And tell us, the tired and weary, which is the way to Spring’s home?
Beside the fish bowl, they stroke the cat
Pretending to be men of faith, They practice trickery and deceit
And as we reach the finish line, they stretch it farther away from us
Oh heavens, as you see us all from up above
Please tell us, the tired and weary, which is the way to Spring’s home?
Once upon a time
You destroyed this fairytale
Ended over time
My hood is red
You fooled me like the hungry wolf
I let down my hair
You cut it off
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie
You said eat the apple
Poisoned me on purpose
Don't kiss me, don't wake me up
The marks I left on the road to your heart
You erased without hesitation
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie
In once upon a time
We got lost
Unhappily ever after
In once upon a time
We got lost
Unhappily ever after
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie
Mirror, don't talk to me
Everything you say is a lie