Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 6


Song of Daybreak

As we part, it's time for the stars to greet us
While I look at the sky I let out a light breath
As a dim light still shines in the darkness
I don't feel like I'm the only one left
Now, everybody, raise your right pinky
As we sing this song together like we want to shout
You haven't lost, you're just tired
Until the daybreak comes again...
(Until now, I've only gotten up on my own)
(I don't even know if I've lost my way)
(I take hold of my weaknesses)
(and hold on to my dreams)
Until now, the pieces of the dreams I've collected
Have just been following me in my hand
I don't want to forget it all again
and instead want to remember it, stuck to my heart
Now, everybody, raise your right pinky
As we walk together toward our future
Again, raise your right pinky
As we sing this song of promise...


It’s been a long day
I really need you
I need you baby
So let me be your only one
The melody of stars that's echoes somewhere
Laugh with our full smile that became so hard
Like a child, like a fool
When was the last time when you smiled?
I closed my eyes every day and prayed
The happiness that everyone has
I want it I want it
I wanted to have it too
I was tired after a hard day
When night comes, you became the light to me
My dream becomes your wish
I can't help it, with the way you smile at me
I know I can do it.
Thank you, I will protect you now
I was able to meet you
Who is the best thing in my life
You are the one my only one
Sometimes I get tired of life
I want to give up everything
But you will be always by my side
I will rise again
Because happiness is beside us
So let me be your only one
So let me be your only one
I want to see the stars I've seen every day
My darling who gave a present
I need you baby
Shining in the dark
I can hear the song of the stars being whispered
I got it I got it
It's like my story
I pray every day as I look out the window
Can I laugh now?
I want it I want it
Will tomorrow be different?
When I feel emotion trapped in my heart
When everyone shrugs off the subject
You're the only one who focused on my voice
Whatever will be ending of this I'll take your hand
Let it go let it go let it go go
Up in the sky such a grief no no no no no
The lighs of the stars in the night sky bling bling
Hey trust me
You're the olny one
I was able to meet you
Who is the best thing in my life
You are the one my only one
Sometimes I get tired of life
I want to give up everything
But you will be always by my side
I will rise again
Because happiness is beside us
So let me be your only one
Your sparkling eyes
With your breath that I feel
I will protect you from now on
Brightly like a star
That day will come
So let me be your only one
I'll protect you
At night the stars light us up
You are the one my only one
Sometimes I get tired of life
I want to give up everything
But you will be always by my side
I will rise again
Because happiness is beside us
So let me be your only one
Baby don’t leave Don’t leave
So let me be your only one

Pentru tine

Nici o limita in cer ca nu voi zbura pentru tine
Nici o cantitate de lacrimi in ochii mei ca nu voi plange pentru tine
Oooh nu
Cu fiecare respiratie pe care o iau
Vreau sa imparti aerul cu mine
Nu exista nici o promisiune pe care nu o voi pastra
Voi urca pe un munte nu e prea abrupt
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine
Cupidon intr-o line, sageata ti-a spus numele
Oooh da
Nu rata dragostea si ragreta
Deschide-ti mintea, curata-ti capu
Nu trebuie sa te trezesti in patul gol
Impartaseste-mi viata, e a ta sa o tii
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine
Vrei sa impartasesti asta
Cand vine vorba de tine
Vrei sa impartasesti asta
Cand vine vorba de tine
Nu exista nici o crima, sa luam amandoi pentru sufletele noastre si sa ne impletim
Cand vine vorba de tine, nu fii orb
Priveste ce imi spune inima, cand vine vorba de tine
Vine la tine