Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
Life will run out, but the road never will
Life will run out, but the road never willThe road never lack travellers
It's long and winding
The road never lacks tears
Some travel for their beloved
Some travel for their homeland
Some travel away from their homeland
and some never come back
Never come back oh, oh...
Life will run out, but the road never will
The road never lack travellers
It's long and forlorn
The road never lacks tears
The woeful road keeps flowing on
The travelers keep passing to and from
Some earn their bread here
and some find their grave here
Their grave here oh, oh...
The other side of the maddalion
The lovers, the beloveds laugh everydayThe smilers, smilers become happy
Sometimes the smiler cries
Suddenly his happines passes away
This is the other side of the maddalion
Trees, trees scatter life
Flowers, flowers become beautiful
Sometimes the flower wither
Suddenly its beauty passes away
This is the other side of the maddalion
Every beauty passes away one day
Before you know it, the life ends
Every beauty passes away one day
This is the other side of the maddalion
Every beauty passes away one day
Hop hoptirinom tiri tiri nomHoptirinom tiri tiri nom
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
I've travelled countries by land I've become a wanderer
I've searched a beloved for my heart
I've found the happiness beside to you
My love, my beloved you are my life
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
I've written your name on hills and mountains
I've drawn your picture at the clouds
I've seen so much girls but I've choosen you
My love, my beloved you are my life
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
The life is so good when you are beside me
My mad heart got loaded in your bosom
I can sacrifice myself in your way
My love, my beloved you are my life
Hop hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
Hoptirinom tiri tiri nom
tiri tiri nom
Happiness shall be ours
We came to this world to liveTo laugh, having fun and be happy
To forget the suffers one by one
Let the sorrows be away from us
Happiness shall be ours
To forget the suffers one by one
Hey, hey, hey,
Sorrow, be away
Happiness shall be ours
During the life, we should know that love is real!
Let's love and be loved without thinking
Lets have fun!
Detestation away
Loves shall be ours
Let's have fun
Hey, hey, hey,
Detestation, be away!
Loves shall be ours
Life is short, days pass away one by one
People die
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Grief, be away
Hopes shall be ours
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Hey, hey, hey,
Grief, be away!
Hopes shall be ours!
She was looking like a fairyWith hair from silk
Rose smelling breath
And beautiful face
My beautiful is dead
Everything i love is dead
I'm burninig I'm crying
My darling is dead
Her green green eyes
Don't look any more
Her hands like a cotton
Now are sand any more
My beautiful is dead
Everything i love is dead
I'm burninig I'm crying
My darling is dead
She was like a flower
And faded away like a flower
I even don't know
What's left of her hair
My beautiful is dead
Everything i love is dead
I'm burninig I'm crying
My darling is dead
Her green green eyes
Don't look any more
Her hands like a cotton
Now are sand any more
My beautiful is dead
Everything i love is dead
I'm burninig I'm crying
My darling is dead
What if?
You were a beautiful smell, a good windA little flower, fresh spring
You were everything of me, my love, my woman
What if you keep yourself as past
This yen broke my body
My days are dark, I am in so many trouble
On the other hand my destiny hit me sardonically
What if you hit me as well?
I loved you, you know it tho
When I cry alone, you make me happy
What if you beside me?
Sinful night becomes
Să iubești odată înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori.
Am băut din vinul dragostei, fără să știu,Am trecut pe drumul iubirii, fără să știu,
Dragostea ta era o văpaie, iubito, iubito... o flacără...
Fără să știu, mi-am dat foc inimii.
Să iubești odată înseamnă să mori de o mie de ori.
Să mori de o mie de ori, dar niciodată aievea,
Vinul ei era o otravă, am murit bând,
Drumul ei era plin de prăpăstii, am murit căzând.
Dragostea ta era o văpaie, iubito, iubito... o flacără,
Dându-mi foc inimii, am murit.