Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 118


And let's go back to love

Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
You can see it on your lips,
The birth of a smile,
That is a prelude to forgiveness.
I already did my penance,
Have a little indulgence,
Even though you're right.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá


Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Trecător ai fost pentru inima mea, ca un moment
Ca o ploaie scurtă de vară,
Dar nu se potriveşte cu al meu temperament
Să pierd pariuri, pe-o seară
Noi doi vom fi împreună iară.
--- R ---
Nimeni, iubitule, nu se bagă între noi
De dragul iubirii noastre îţi spun, că îl dobor
Nimănui de ne e obstacol, nu-i va fi pe lume ușor
Nimic nu ne desparte pe noi doi.
Nimeni, iubitule, nu se bagă între noi
De dragul iubirii noastre îţi spun, că îl dobor
La nimeni de ne e obstacol, nu-i va fi pe lume ușor
Nimic nu ne desparte pe noi doi.
Nu ... nu ... din mâna mea nu te las
Nu ... nu ... nu fac fără tine nici un pas
--- 2 ---
Suntem muritori şi este uman să facem greşeli
Doar există circumstanţe și îndoieli
Nu crede însă că-ntre noi s-a schimbat ceva
Îţi jur, totul este ca înainte, aievea
Tu eşti mai presus de toate aceste cleveteli.
--- R ---
Nimeni, iubitule, nu se bagă între noi
De dragul iubirii noastre îţi spun, că îl dobor
Nimănui de ne e obstacol, nu-i va fi pe lume ușor
Nimic nu ne desparte pe noi doi.
Nimeni, iubitule, nu se bagă între noi
De dragul iubirii noastre îţi spun, că îl dobor
La nimeni de ne e obstacol, nu-i va fi pe lume ușor
Nimic nu ne desparte pe noi doi.
Nu ... nu ... din mâna mea nu te las
Nu ... nu ... nu fac fără tine nici un pas
Nimeni ... Nimeni

Cu tine

Cine știe dacă asta-i fericire sau o întâmplare?
Cum să primești contrastul, dacă te plimbi doar pe acolo unde este lume
Caut ceea ce sper să existe
Și ce, dacă nu, ce-i stația următoare?
Cu o barcă din hârtie navighez cu tine
Chiar dacă ne înecăm, sunt cu tine
cu tine, -ne
Mă închid în mine, când sunt înconjurată de oameni, care nu înțeleg
De-aia plec deoparte, poate doar câțiva pași
Culori galbene, care pentru tine-s portocalie, macăr tonul e asemănator
Cuvintele sunt alte, sensul e la fel
Cu o barcă din hârtie navighez cu tine
Chiar dacă ne înecăm, sunt cu tine
cu tine, -ne
La început am să număr, apoi o să-mi mijesc ochii
Cum să schimb povestea, dacă nu permit nimic să se dezvolte?
Cu viziunea deschisă termin trilogia
Dar asta nu e rămas bun
Cheiul e departe în spatele meu
Sunt într-o barcă din hârtie pe valuri cu tine
pe valuri cu tine, pe valuri cu tine.
Cu o barcă din hârtie navighez cu tine
Chiar dacă ne înecăm, sunt cu tine
cu tine, -ne

Nu e nimeni

Nu e nimeni să-mi oprească lumina,
Nu e nimeni să-mi ajungă la val.
Nu e nimeni să-mi cumpăre sufletul,
Este vânt puternic în velele mele.
Nu e nimeni să-mi ascundă stelele,
Nu e nimeni să-mi ia căpestrele.
Nu e nimeni să-mi împlinească visele,
Este doar flacără în ochii mei!
Dragoste este pentru fiecare în lume,
Dar adesea facem greșeala
S-o transformăm în joc.
Dragoste – cu ea fiecare e bogat,
Dar ea ne amintește asta
Că suntem oaspeți pe acest pământ.
Nu e nimeni să-mi ascundă stelele,
Nu e nimeni să-mi ia căpestrele.
Nu e nimeni să-mi împlinească visele,
Este doar flacără în ochii mei!
Refren: (×2)
Dragoste este pentru fiecare în lume,
Dar adesea facem greșeala
S-o transformăm în joc.
Dragoste – cu ea fiecare e bogat,
Dar ea ne amintește asta
Că suntem oaspeți pe acest pământ.
Nu e nimeni să-mi oprească lumina,
Nu e nimeni să-mi ajungă la val.
Nu e nimeni să-mi cumpăre sufletul,
Este vânt puternic în velele mele.

EN: If you have any suggestions about improving a translation (even if I haven't enabled the proofreading option), feel free to do so, I'll be really grateful for your help. In case you would like to use any of my translations anywhere, all I would like you to do in return is nothing but to mention where you've taken it from, and to notify me if possible. After all, other people's content should be given proper credit, right?

BG: Ако в някой превод има нещо, което не ви звучи добре (дори и да не съм включил опцията за проверка на превода), не се стеснявайте да ми кажете – ще съм благодарен за помощта. В случай че бихте искали да използвате който и да е от преводите ми някъде, бъдете така добри да споменете откъде сте го взели и по възможност да ме уведомите. Все пак чуждият труд е редно да се цени, нали така?


Prea tineri

Ei încearcă să ne spună că suntem prea tineri,
Prea tineri să fim cu adevărat îndrăgostiţi.
Ei spun că iubirea este un cuvânt,
Un cuvânt pe care noi doar l-am auzit
Dar nu putem începe să ştim ce înseamnă.
Şi totuşi nu suntem prea tineri să ştim
Această iubire va dura, deşi ani ar putea trece,
Şi atunci într-o zi ei îşi pot aminti,
(Că) Nu eram prea tineri deloc.

Inimă sălbatică

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Cum să-mi răscumpăr viaţa din nou
Dacă pe dos îmi iese totul mereu
Cum să închid atâtea răni din sufletul meu
Dacă sângele continuă să curgă neîncetat
Când prețul vieții e atât de dificil de achitat.
--- 2 ---
Cum să-mi rog destinul așa
Când sunt obişnuit doar s-apuc ceva
Pentru că acum că te-am întâlnit pe tine
Nu vreau să pleci de lângă mine
Ca visele să nu-mi fie destrămate de soartă
Și nici să nu încerce să ne despartă.
--- R ---
O să cer vieţii divine ...
să mă răsplătească cu tine
Să-mi arate rostul durerii mele
Pentru pedeapsa destulă ce-o cere
de a nu te revedea în tăcere.
Pentru că am încetat să mai fiu de iubire cerşetor
O inimă sălbatică bate pentru al tău dor.
--- 3 ---
Cum să le explic instinctelor așa
Că am încetat să mai caut iubirea
Că două râuri cu cursul atât de diferit
la un moment dat, timpul le-a unit
Și le-a spus să-şi dăruie imediat
... libertatea necondiţionat.
--- R ---
O să cer vieţii divine ...
să mă răsplătească cu tine
Să-mi arate rostul durerii mele
Pentru pedeapsa destulă ce-o cere
de a nu te revedea în tăcere.
Pentru că am încetat să mai fiu de iubire cerşetor
O inimă sălbatică bate pentru al tău dor.

Eu cred în miracole

Obişnuiam să fiu pe o fugă nesfârşită
Credeam în miracole pentru că eu sunt unul
Am fost binecuvântat cu puterea de a supravieţui
După toţi anii aceştia sunt încă viu
Sunt aici afară protestând cu trupa
Nu mai sunt un om singuratic
În fiecare zi timpul meu se scurge
Trăiesc ca un nebun, asta este despre ce eram eu
Oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine
Oh, oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine
Mi-am tatuat numele tău pe braţ
Întotdeauna am spus că fata mea este un talisman norocos
Dacă ea poate găsi un motiv să ierte
Atunci eu pot găsi un motiv să trăiesc
Obişnuiam să fiu pe o fugă nesfârşită
Credeam în miracole pentru că eu sunt unul
Am fost binecuvântat cu puterea de a supravieţui
După toţi anii aceştia sunt încă viu
Oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine
Oh, oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine
Îmi închid ochiişi mă gândesc cu ar fi putut fi
Viitorul este aici astăzi
Nu este prea târziu, nu este prea târziu, oh
Oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine
Oh, oh, eu cred în miracole
Cred într-o lume mai bună pentru mine şi pentru tine


Din ceaţă o formă, o navă ia formă
Şi liniştea mării este gata să se schimbe într-o furtună
Semn al puterii, spectacol de forţă
Ridică ancora, nava de război îşi urmează cursul
Mândrie a naţiei, o bestie făcută din oţel
Bismarck în mişcare, rege al oceanului
El a fost făcut să stăpânească valurile peste cele şapte mări
Să conducă maşina de război
Să stăpânească valurile şi să conducă Kriegsmarine¹
Teroarea mărilor
Bismarck şi Kriegsmarine¹
Două mii de bărbaţi şi cincizeci de mii de tone de oţel
Stabilesc cursul pentru Atlantic cu aliaţii în picioare
Arme de foc, schimb de focuri
Staţii de bătălie, păstrează ţintele permanent în vedere
În formaţie vânătoarea a început
Moarte şi distrugere, flota vine
El a fost făcut să stăpânească valurile peste cele şapte mări
Să conducă maşina de război
Să stăpânească valurile şi să conducă Kriegsmarine¹
Teroarea mărilor
Bismarck şi Kriegsmarine¹
La fundul oceanului, adâncurile abisului
Ei sunt legaţi de fier şi sânge
Vasul amiral al Marinei , teroarea mărilor
Armele lui au tăcut în sfârşit
El a fost făcut să stăpânească valurile peste cele şapte mări
Să conducă maşina de război
Să stăpânească valurile şi să conducă Kriegsmarine¹
Teroarea mărilor
Bismarck şi Kriegsmarine¹
Să conducă maşina de război
Să stăpânească valurile şi să conducă Kriegsmarine¹
Teroarea mărilor
Bismarck şi Kriegsmarine¹
Să conducă maşina de război
Să stăpânească valurile şi să conducă Kriegsmarine¹
Teroarea mărilor
Bismarck şi Kriegsmarine¹

The man, the struggle, and eternity

I foretell in the planes of consciousness
two archangels fighting with spheres and with thoughts
world of planets on fire
imbalance of forces,
convulsing matter blazing to define itself.
Oh soul which does not know all of its possibilities,
the world still is so small to fill you.
Jolt the columns of reality,
Awaken the rhythms that are slumbering.
To war! Look at the archangels collapsing!
One day death will give back my body,
my head will give back my bad thoughts
my eyes shall see the light of perfection
and there will be no more time.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


Profound and arduous
My destiny emerged
From the clouds of Hell.
I had no greatness,
Nor any aptness for life.
In this mechanical night,
Merely a listener of war,
Without past nor future,
Hating the present,
I find myself face to face
With the dust statue,
Adrift, awaiting
The hand of the Creator
To finally slaughter me.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Che Guevara

The prudence of the intelligent and the boldness of the fools was raised against you
The indecision of the complicated and the shortsightedness
Of those who confuse revolution with retaliation
From poster to poster your image hovers in the society of consumption
Like how Christ in blood hovers over organized absentmindedness of the churches
In front of your visage
There meditates the youth at night in his room
When he seeks to emerge from a world that is rotting
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Bad Weather Flower

Seems the sun still shines for us innately,
And it knocks on windows with its rays.
Seems the life is easy for us lately,
Why then does my heart not feel its blaze?
She is like bad weather flower,
Who will see it, who will pick?
She still looks for bliss, not power,
Still her chosen one she seeks.
So we'll melt away without pity
Under young spring shower droplets spray.
Having held back everything we dreamed of,
For the sacred wonder we don't wait.
She is like bad weather flower,
Who will see it, who will pick?
She still looks for bliss, not power,
For her only chosen, for her only true love...
Our path to nowhere out of nowhere
We shall pass, not calling anyone,
So this wonder will end in despair,
It will die, so easily undone...
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Paloma Blanca

Yes we know the homeland
Every scrub and every tree
We move around towards the south,
That was always our dream
High palms, colourful flowers
A beach so white like snow
Yes we wanted to experience it
And so we stuck out in the sea
A Paloma Blanca
Dreamboat of love for two
A Paloma Blanca
You make us happy and free
Surrounding us only sky and sea
In the little fishing villages
There was fish and bread and wine
Yes and outside on the pier
Lay the boat in the sunshine
After the many beautiful days
Came the time to go from the decks
And we said: white dove,
We will see you once again


Versions: #2
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the land, the star, the winter and the summer
Therefore, the autumn and the springtime
Therefore, the ray of the sun and the shadow
The fire, the water,
The sky, the moon,
The winter, the summer,
The autumn and the springtime.

Jobb ha távol maradsz a haláltól

Hé, mi a helyzet veled,
Mivel próbálkozol, én az agyamat tönkreteszem
Sosem érek el semmit. Valaha tudok rajtad ejteni egy sebed,
Ha hallani fogod bocsánatkérésem: Ba.szd meg!
Bármit mondanék, hogy eltűnj a mélybe
Minden úton 6 láb mélyre
És miért kellene ezen a földön leállnom
Mialatt azt a csöppnyi kibaszott segged látom
A legfőbb neked az üzleted és egyedül hagysz magamnak
Egy pillanatra látod csak az igazi világot
Ez egy pokol a hősöknek és menny a bolondoknak,
Mit csinálsz te elfajzott korcs ezen a világon?!
Az elfogultságodban főleg magadon korlátolsz,
Én vagyok a rabszolga, míg te uralkodsz.
A holnap talán egy jobb nap lehet
Jobb, ha távol maradsz a haláltól, miután baszol velem
Mi az, amiért nincs holnap…
Engedd, hogy elmondjam, ezek nem ma voltak!
Hé, mersz engem kívánni,
Pedig tudom, miért kell nekem leállni
És egyetlen egy helyes út létezik
És az mélyen a halál húsába esik.


When my body rots and I am dead
The garden will continue, the sky and the sea,
And just like today the four seasons
Will dance at my doorstep.
Other people in April will pass through the same orchard
Through which I have passed through so many times,
There will be long sunsets upon the sea,
Other people will love the things which I have loved.
It will be the same shine the same party,
It will be the same garden at my doorstep.
And the golden hair of the forest
As if I wasn't dead.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

I shall return

I shall return to the poem like to the fatherland to home
Like to the ancient childhood that I lost due to my carelessness
To search obstinately the substance of everything
And to scream with passion under a thousand lit lights.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Me to Myself

I did something to myself
I trapped myself
I sat facing myself, sat and waited
'till I catched, 'till I was caught
I stayed away from myself, and waited.
I was mistaken again
I went under a dream
But ı never asked for anything
'till I chased, 'till I was chased
I dreamed about every one of them
Then I gave up on my silent war
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
Then I survived the edge of a cliff
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
I did something to myself, thought I was something
I buried my chest deep
'till I hurt, 'till I was hurt
I wanted to hurt myself
Then I gave up on my silent war
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
Then I survived the edge of a cliff
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make

Sevillanas of the 18th century

Long live Seville! Long live Seville!
Long live Seville! The sevillanas carry on
in the Mantilla a signboard that says: Long live Seville!
Lon live Triana, long live the trianeros, those of Triana!
I bring it walking, I bring it walking,
I bring it walking: the macarena and everything
I bring it walking: the macarena and everything I bring it walking
I bring it walking: a face like yours I didn't find it
The macarena and everything I bring it walking
You look so good! You look so good!
You look so good! Wow, Seville river,
You look so good! Wow, Seville river, you look so good
You look so good! Full of ehite candles and green branches
Seville river, you look so good!

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
Not by the color
But rather by the vastness of the soul
And they bring the poem in their fingers and in their smiles
They remain outside of time
As if the tide had never taken them
From the beach where they were happy.
There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
through the greatness of the immensity of the soul
through the infinite way in which they encompass things and Men...
There are women who are the tide in all nights of evenings...
and calm
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


In a waterless desert
In a moonless night
In a nameless country
Or in a naked land
No matter how great the despair
No absence is deeper than yours.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

The visible woman

Something enigmatic and indecisive
Existed between us for years
A dawn of love, a life without milestones.
You loved Vermeer de Delft, the cats, and the mazurkas.
You were always awaiting sweetness,
But violence came in gusts,
Panic and fever came.
I couldn't see you sick nor dead:
I received the hazy news
After the rosebushes began to grow
Upon your narrow grave.
Today you exist for me
From a stronger life, in fullness,
From that sort of life which no one can ravish
- No one, not time, not the thickness, not even the evil angels,
Which tortured your arid childhood.
Today you live without me
With the sweetness that you had always desired:
At last, you reach your visibility.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Money, Money, Money

Work in the day. Work in the night.
Living paycheck to paycheck.
That's unfortunate.
I'm on my feet at daybreak
and don't even have an extra penny
At least in my dreams I see, suddenly
I get a rich boyfriend
I don't have to run all around like crazy 1
just live simply and not be sad.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
It's not easy to find a rich man.
But there's no other way for me.
That's unfortunate.
And, even if I find him
I won't be his type
It's time to wave goodbye to all of this
To run to Vegas or Monacco
and hit a huge jackpot in a game
to hell with you rich guy!
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
  • 1. lit: 'spin like a top'

No one is like you

You're still here somehow
Still with me
After all these years, you follow my in my dream
I still don't want you to go
Why, why, why* should I believe you?
I don't ever want to lose my head* again
I don't ever want to risk my heart again
I never want to feel such pain again
Because of you
I never want to be alone again
I never want to be so lonely again
Never again suffer so terribly
Because of you
But no one is like you
I finally admit it
What would have become of us
A house, a child, a dog
Sometimes I start to fantasise
We ruined it ourselves
The big dream of happiness
You know that I still miss you
I don't ever want to lose my head* again
I don't ever want to risk my heart again
I never want to feel such pain again
Because of you
I never want to be alone again
I never want to be so lonely again
Never again suffer so terribly
Because of you
But no one is like you
I finally admit it
There are others
More interesting
But no one is like you
I don't ever want to lose my head* again
I don't ever want to risk my heart again
I never want to feel such pain again
Because of you
I never want to be alone again
I never want to be so lonely again
Never again suffer so terribly
Because of you
But no one is like you
I finally admit it


Versions: #3
You push me away, and yet I return
To me, you're the center of the world.
You're blossoming, and I'm shrinking
You're going to destroy me, you're doing your damnedest to do it.
What a poison, what a knife from your hand 1
There is no death for me.
What even is your kiss, this mercy killing of yours?
I have become immortal.
There is no death for me.
Am I your love or am I a sacrifice?
And you, you're counting each embrace I give you.
I weep whenever I touch you,
And you dress me in shame. 2
  • 1. Sounds like she's torturing him.
  • 2. As in, he's ashamed to love her, but he can't seem to stop.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Everything was gone by the summer

Everything was gone by the summer
your wild hair during the sea storm
our rendezvous at one o'clock.
Everything was gone by the summer
your dark eyes, the scarf
the small chapel with the candle.
Everything was gone by the summer
including both of us, hand by hand.
Everything was gone by the summer
with the faded innuendos
the ripped sailcloths.
Into the foam dust and the seaweeds,
everything was taken and left afar
the quivering vows in the blast.
Everything was gone by the summer
including both of us, hand by hand.

Döfködő 24/7

Egy napja durva lettem és a távolban vagyok
Nem nevethetek, nem sírhatok…
Mielőtt engem bírálsz, nézz magadba!
Ereszkedj le, ne élj hazugságban
Minden nyomasztó seb ellenére, ami van a szívedben,
Nem lehet, hogy utálj, amiért én utálom amit teszel az életben.
Minden szépséged ellenére felhasználnak a távolban,
Hátba döf egy kurva, bele a csontba és te vagy az.
És minden nap, mikor egy kés a hátamba döf és forog benne,
Megfertőzi a tűz a szemeimet és a szívem ég
Úgy gyalogolok feléd, mint egy kis zár a mennyben
Miután megint olyan vagy, mint egy döfködő 24/7.
Lenézel rám, látod a létező világ söpredékét
Igen baszd meg, gyarló és trágár, ez vagyok én
Nem vagyok miatt boldog, de ez van, én nem bírálok és nem rendelkezek
Jobban, mint más emberek.
Minden nap, mikor egy kés a hátamba döf és forog benne,
Megfertőzi a tűz a szemeimet és a szívem ég
Úgy gyalogolok feléd, mint egy kis zár a mennyben
Miután megint olyan vagy, mint egy döfködő 24/7.
Minden szépséged ellenére a távolban felhasználnak,
Valaki, bárki meg tudja mondani, még mi a fasz várhat?
Minden nap, mikor egy kés a hátamba döf és forog benne,
Megfertőzi a tűz a szemeimet és a szívem ég
Úgy gyalogolok feléd, mint egy kis zár a mennyben
Miután megint olyan vagy, mint egy döfködő 24/7.

The cicadas

With the fire of the sky the calm falls
On the white wall the shadows are straight
The light persecutes each thing until
To the most extreme limit of the visible
The cicadas are more audible than the sea
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

To pass with you through the desert of the world

To pass with you through the desert of the world
To face together the terror of death
To see the truth, to lose fear
Beside your steps I walked
For you I left my kingdom my secret
My quick night my silence
My round pearl and its east
My mirror my life my image
And I abandoned the gardens of paradise
There outside in the unveiled light of the hard day
Without the mirrors I saw that I was naked
And the wasteland1 was called time
Because of this with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full wind.
  • 1. field, but considering the desert of the world image, wasteland fits better here
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Due to love

Stay a little longer, don't go,
Let me tell you something,
My heart has frozen,
Since I last saw you.
You closed the door, you left me alone,
Maybe you didn't greatly love me, but I forgive you.
Waiting for you, I lost myself,
Today, just as before, you troubled my life again.
I never forgave myself,
I never dared, ever,
Tell you what I felt.
If my heart has remained inside of you,
as before, due to love,
I will wait to meet you
Once again in life, by chance.
And if my breathing will stop,
believe me, I loved you all my life.
You are the madness of my lips,
You are the most beautiful sadness I ever had!
I want to tell you,
But it is too late:
Forgiving is divine,
Even if it hurts.
You closed the door, you left me alone,
Maybe you didn't greatly love me, but I forgive you.
Waiting for you, I lost myself,
Today, just as before, you troubled my life again.
I never forgave myself,
I never dared, ever,
Tell you what I felt.
If my heart has remained inside of you,
as before, due to love,
I will wait to meet you
Once again in life, by chance.
And if my breathing will stop,
believe me, I loved you all my life.
You are the madness of my lips,
You are the most beautiful sadness I ever had!
If my heart has remained inside of you,
as before, due to love,
I will wait to meet you
Once again in life, by chance.
And if my breathing will stop,
believe me, I loved you all my life.
You are the madness of my lips,
You are the most beautiful sadness I ever had!

Joan Miró

You release the initials, the bird, the rhombus.
You also know how to leave the purple,
Any blue and yellow in freedom.
All the colors can approach
When a boy leads them in the Sun
And creates phosphorescence:
The order that disintegrates itself
Forms another order attached
To the real - this obscure myth.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

We are all poets

I watch in me an unfolding of plans.
The hands see, the eyes listen, the brain moves,
The light descends from the origins through the ages
And now already walks
In front of my successors.
I am you, I am a limb of your body and the fertilizer of your soul,
I am all and I am one,
I am responsible for the leprosy of the leper and empty eye socket of the blind man,
Through the isolated screams that don't enter the chorus.
I am responsible for the dawns which do not rise
And for the anguish that grows day by day.
  • 1. literally companion or comrade
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.