Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 19


Not ready to be a princess

Everything is so crazy big
And I'm not ready
Mom said that everything will be fine
But I'm still afraid
New school, friends and family
And a ball where I'm meant to waltz
I'm a small girl, from a small town
And I don't fit in here at all
I'm not ready to be a princess
I don't fit in
You're supposed to stand prettily, and wear a crown
This will probably be my worst time ever
I'm to ordinary to be a princess
I'm not used to the glamour
I don't know rules well, can't wear jewelry
My feet want more comfortable shoes
Cupboards filled with things I don't dare to take
Beautiful horses, giant pillows
That's enough of that
That's enough!
I'm not ready to be a princess
Both you and I can see that
Cancel my debut, it's enough now
And if I ever find mom's room
I will leave now
Not a nobel name
Waving with a wimpy hand
I'm not ready to be a princess


Versions: #1
From a cheater like you,
that lies so much everyday,
that promised to be faithful
while was cheating on me.
From a cheater like you
that I standed for so many years
until I had enough
now listen to my story:
He kissed me, caressed me,
even my soul trembled ,
I never though about you,
on that bed I was happy,
never felt fo much fire
I even thought my body was on fire.
And he loved me, took care of me
so many things he taugh me,
I surrendered and lived
the thing I hadn't before because of you,
there's nothing else to talk about,
and feeling embarrassed
I think you'll go on your way.
I payed you back you wretch
now you are gonna know what is like to go around
having people laughing at you, mocking you
and making you the sign with their fingers like this.
I payed you back you wretch
now you have the mark and you owe it to me
you're pitiful, like a fool you cry,
but leave now, it's late
he's picking me up.

I know an ancient garden of old

I know an ancient garden of old,
there grows silky carpet of grass.
It has a thick gate made of gold
and I dream of one lass.
There lives a beautiful princess,
she is wearing a small crown.
I know how lovely is her dress,
so don't be silly and sit down.
La la la...
In that garden, for that matter, stands a well with a dark grating.
And an old willow tree bend over the water, stares at it's own image, waiting.
By the pond is a small wooden boat, which is ready for the two of us.
So let's play with the melody note, sing after me and don't make a fuss.
La la la...

Prințesele nu plâng

Băieții, ei sunt chipeși și puternici
Dar mereu primii care-mi spun că greșesc
Încearcă să mă îmblânzească, știu
Îmi spun că-s ciudată și nu-și retrag cuvintele
Nu, sunt în regulă, zac din nou pe podea
Ușa crăpată, mereu vreau să te las înăuntru
Chiar și după toate chestiile astea, încă-s optimistă
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Fetele, așa frumoase și sigure
Și delicate la atingere
Dar Domnul m-a făcut puternică
Fetele, e grea coroana
O poartă cu mândrie
Deși pe mine mă apasă
Nu, sunt în regulă,
Zac din nou pe podea
Ușa puțin deschisă
Îi vei lăsa să intre doar o dată
Și nu te vei destrăma
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Sunt bine, nu-mi voi irosi timpul
Îl țin într-un borcan, îl păstrez pentru următorul
Sunt bine, nu-mi voi irosi timpul
Îl țin într-un borcan, îl păstrez pentru următorul
Da, sunt bine
Zac din nou pe podea
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng

Little princess

Come, come
Look in my soul
Pass, pass
Block my brain
On sinful thoughts
Try to refer me
Let that everyone is going crazy from envy
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
I don't let that they steal you from me
You are the most beautiful in the city
No one can offend you
I always keep your back
But I can't be with you
I pull all bad with myself
We are an impossible link
I am trouble, and you
Little princess
Come close, come close
Let my pressure rise
But visit my desk and pedigree
Don't let
That they see us together
You could come on naughty voice
Chorus 2x

The Russian Princess

[verse 1]
A malachite pine stronger than the winter
And love tastes just like resin
You're cold towards me like Neva beneath the ice
Or Moscow at any time of the year
But I smoke a cigarette against the wet wind
It wants to decay away quickly
I'm ready to be surprised by naked collarbones
And understand that you are the enemy yourself
It's hard to be near the Russian princess
So much stress, so much stress
I'm cramped among your friends
But it's so interesting, so interesting
[verse 2]
The flowers under the snow, they're just like us
They are cut and already forgotten
If you do not want to, then do not cry
And the doctor can not tell the sore truth
So, leave it, listen, we're captains on land
This is sad for us and her
And I will try to sing a swan song with my heart
And a strong storm will begin
It's hard to be near the Russian princess
So much stress, so much stress
I'm cramped among your friends
But it's so interesting, so interesting
It's hard to be near the Russian princess
So much stress, so much stress
I'm cramped among your friends
But it's so interesting, so interesting

You're The Only One

oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
Honestly, I was afraid
That I would see you
Since the day we broke up,
I kept hurting
I tried to be calm but for some reason,
Your eyes look at me
With pity
But I'm really okay now
I still only think of you,
Didn't you know
That I only loved you?
Don't go like this,
Look at me,
Did everything of me really leave you?
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
In the already cooled down heart,
The memories of you and I are there
How can I live with erasing you?
My heart has fallen into chaos
I want to live with you together,
I want to run with you 'till the end
But I guess that's wrong,
I guess you didn't really love me
I still only think of you,
Didn't you know
That I only loved you?
Don't go like this,
Look at me,
Did everything of me really leave you?
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
Even for a moment
I've never thought about tomorrow
Although I have to let you go now
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl
(Don't go like this)
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh
oh ohohoh girl


Pe ce pot jura pentru tine
Și cum îți pot arăta că te iubesc
Ești totul pentru mine
Voi fi mereu a ta
Caut în vis motivul existenței mele
Zâmbetul tău e răspunsul
Nimeni nu te va iubi ca mine
Nimeni nu te va săruta ca mine
Nimeni nu te va lua de lângă mine
Dacă inima mea ar fi ascultat
De cei care i-au ordonat să te interzică
Nu aș fi cu tine
Am trăi amândoi vieți incomplete
Caut în vis motivul existenței mele
Zâmbetul tău e răspunsul
Nimeni nu te va iubi ca mine
Nimeni nu te va săruta ca mine
Nimeni nu te va lua de lângă mine
Acum ar fi ziduri înte noi
Dacă n-as fi fost steaua asta norocoasă
Care ne-a unit sufletele cu-o strălucire
Nimeni nu te va iubi ca mine
Nimeni nu te va săruta ca mine
Nimeni nu te va lua de lângă mine