Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 218


Passed (and) Forgotten

Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you.
Alone again by myself, you are inside my mind
Look at me, now stop pretending anymore
I forget all that you had said for me
Alone by myself I get along better
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you
It finished with your last lie
Τhe cycle closed for me and you
I laughed, what if you had made me upside down
Ι forgot, Ι go further
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you
As much as you insist
You will be staying alone by yourself
With yourself you wage war again
You don’t understand
Αs much as you intervene
Τhe distance gets bigger for us
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you

Soumatou ~Past Sky~

Looking at the sky of the past, nothing seems to change
Once again looking at the sky of the past I begin to ask questions
As I ride upon the passing time the scenery changes
In order to rush my sadness I want to cut the sadness in my heart
The scenery that the two of us saw together in the past
There is nothing left to fade away my memories wake up
Looking at the sky of the past, nothing seems to change
Once again looking at the sky of the past I begin to ask questions
Nothing has changed for the two of us who know the past
The two of us who know the past will start walking in our dreams


Don't even try to forget about me
For a long time in your life, I will survive
Such small details of us two
Are too great things to forget
And all the time they will be present, you'll see
If another long-haired-dude show up on your street
And that makes you miss me, it's your fault
The loud roar of your car
And that old faded jeans or something like that
Immediately you will remember me
I know some other guy must be whispering in your ear
Words of love as I once did, but I doubt
I doubt he feels so much love
And even the mistakes of my bad Portuguese
And in that moment you will remember me
The night wrapped in the silence of your room
Before you fall asleep you seek my picture
But from the frame, it's not me who is smiling at you
But you see me smiling even so
And all that will make you remember me
If someone touch your body the way I used to, don't say a word
Don't accidentally say my name to the wrong person
Believing you have love right now
You desperately try to the end
And in that moment you will remember me
I know that those details will fade away in the long road
Of time that transforms every love in almost nothing
But 'almost' is just another detail
A great love won't die like that
Therefore, every once in a while you will remember me
There's no point trying to forget about me
For a long time, long time in your life I will survive
There's no point in trying To forget about me

The Hero Of the Story

I have a dream, and on a certain day I will reach the farthest sky
I have a heart which can say the word without translation
I dream to have one day an entity, take a place and reach my dreams
But, the sun light to appear before it the world must be dark
The impossible, is an illusion in your imagination
who stopped ,missed the train
But ,the one who get tired in this time ,does miracles
Everyone is different to us ,Every hand helps us
And how about the people who are standing behind us and without reason they love us?]
And where I find my dream i'll go there
There is a dream waiting for me at the end line
And even you don't need us ,We are with you .
One day you will be the hero of the story
I know that I am different, and it is something that I can not solve
I just hope to see and feel in your eyes a look that relieve me
They said beauty is in spirit, it will remain , no matter how old you are
I said perfect that you see yourself beautiful in any way in everyone's eye
Our difference is a mercy to us and the wisdom of life
Everyone is missing something, in someone else it will be completed
It does not matter, If you live your entire life with someone like you
The important thing is that you live with a certain person you feel comfort with
I want you to see me as I am and I myself
And I don't see myself in your mirror have a lot of flaws
There are many Things,people can not see with their eyes
They need to be seen by hearts

Leave me, Forget my Name

leave me, forget my name, and don't think about talking to me
I am like a word to you, you write and erase me
your hands that make my hands warm during winter
I can't forget them and I can't sleep
there is a star that stays up at my door and it's asking what's making me cry
what's making me cry is that I am a word that you write and erase
leave me, forget my name, and don't think about talking to me
I am like a word to you, you write and erase me
I only picked you from the other names
I fell in love and loved you with my years and days
oh my love, a breeze blew and it's taking me to you
I am like a word to you, you write and erase me

O Heart

------------ ----------------
Oh heart, where do you go with ?
O heart you win cruel people
Announces disobedience and follows their footsteps
Before yesterday, they slaughtered you
I accept the end of their love in their condolences
What ended with the first heart is wound with blood
I am with you, you love them very much
Their eyes cry blood and the voice is not loud
I am with you, I love them very much
My eyes cry blood and the voice is not loud
O heart go today and dwell in their protections
Allowed on that day is allowed

I'm Here

I am here and you are here
And the time is between us
Ill make stay up late for many nights
Ill make you melt , my dear
Ill make you cry
And complain about that and this
I'll be cruel on you
Ill make your eyes shed tears
As you made my eyes shed tears
I will not think of you
And don't cry for you
Even the people blame me
My life has gone with you
My heart melted in your love
My youth is lost with you
You started
And oppressed me
you didn't have mercy on my tears
You sold your loved ones
And you locked the door
And you put out my candles with your hands
I was on your command
I was living for you
But I was nothing for you


I went out of the house,
I looked and Gulo wasn’t home,
I sat down and cried,
oh Gulo, oh Gulo.
Gulo went to the cellar,
where there was honey and butter,
and cold water to drink,
oh Gulo, oh Gulo.
Gulo went to the spring,
I have neither you nor your cold water,
and your heart burns me,
oh Gulo, oh Gulo.
Gulo goes out of the house,
I go to where she beckons,
but she pretends not to know me,
oh Gulo, oh Gulo.


The promise stays in promise
Let us fulfill even without promising
Words are forgotten
And I live in the same silence as yesterday.
You do not find yourself, you shut up and you give
You can not find shapes, Life is short
Thinking about what you want and do not have you hurt yourself
And you go through your life year after year, like a fly in the swamp.
You never notice your bad intentions
He premedits his actions
Ghosts burn but leave footprints
The past is a ghost, fear is a ghost
Damn ghosts.
The certainty is losing strength
Even if you do not want to see it
A crossroads on the road, takes you very soon to the losing route.
You do not find yourself, you shut up and you give
You can not find forms, life is short
Thinking about what you want and do not have you hurt yourself
And you travel your life year after year
Like a fly in the swamp.

Trecutul l-am uitat

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Să uiți trecutul este bine,
Dar să nu uiți tot și să ai grijă de tine
Oriunde vei fi, de bine să mă vorbești,
Și ca să nu te arzi de ispite să te ferești.
Să uiți trecutul și doar înainte să vezi
În urmă să nu privești dar să păstrezi
Sacrificiile mele pe o albă hârtie
Cu semnătura ta, ca pe o poezie.
--- R ---
Greșelile pe care le-ai făcut, râul să le înghită
Marea să le cuprindă, departe să le ducă.
Îmi deschid brațele cu ardoare
Căci și stelele sunt căzătoare
Deschid ochii mei
Și palate văd cu ei,
Vise pe care, tu mi le trimiți
... cu un sărut de-ndrăgostiți.
--- 2 ---
Trecutul l-am uitat, sunt ca o albă hârtie
Cândva te-am desenat dar am și ars ca o făclie
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca un fum sunt eu
în ochii tăi, care-mi deschidea cerul mereu.
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca să îmi fie bine
Dar să îți amintești că nu îmi ești dator puține
Din vina ta cu mama mea m-am certat fără rost
Te știe de băiat bun, dar tot necopt ai fost.
Trecutul l-am uitat si toate ne merg bine
pentru că te iubesc ca la-început, la fel și tu pe mine
Ca păsările închise, care mai au o cheie-n colivie
Dragostea nu-i o închisoare și totuși poate să ne fie.
--- R ---
Greșelile pe care le-ai făcut, râul să le înghită
Marea să le cuprindă, departe să le ducă.
Îmi deschid brațele cu ardoare
Căci și stelele sunt căzătoare
Îmi deschid ochii mei
Și palate văd cu ei,
Vise pe care, tu mi le trimiți
... cu un sărut de-ndrăgostiți.
--- 3 ---
Trecutul l-am uitat, sunt ca o albă hârtie
Cândva te-am desenat dar am și ars ca o făclie
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca un fum sunt eu
în ochii tăi, care-mi deschidea cerul mereu.

Nava Uitarii

inca nu s-a dus nava uitarii
ceea viu la naufragiu nu condemnam
pentru trecutul nostru
oentru iubirea noastra, iti cer.
Mai am in minile primaveri
ca sa te calmez cu mingiierea toate noua
ce vor muri daca pleci.
Asteapta un pic, un pic in plus
ca sa-ti iei fericirea mea
asteapta un pic, un pic in plus
as muri daca pleci.
Asteapta un pic, un pic in plus
ca sa-ti iei fericirea mea
astepata un pic, un pic in plus
as muri daca pleci.
mai am fericiri sa-ti dau
am o mie de nopti de iubirea sa-ti ofer
viata mea ti-o dau daca ramii.
Asteapta un pic...
n-as intelege viitorul meu daca ai pleca
iar chiar recunosc ca iubirea ta mi-ai mintit-o
te as adora chiar sa nu ma iubesti.

Listen (Esmaee اسمعي)

My woe, what happened to me?
Loved you
Ever since I saw your eyes
Loved you
& you stole me from me
Loved you
Loved you
I Ioved you
Listen, listen
My heart beats
are telling you to come
are telling you
How much do I love you,
& go crazy for you,
& die for you,
for your eyes?
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me
I'm your own maniac (would go crazy for you)
It's not allowed for you to run away
I love you with millis (millimeters)
For me, stay
I'm in deep love with you,
melted by your eyes.
My heart is your own maniac
I can't cheat on you

Încă o noapte

--- 1 ---
Revăd imaginea când m-ai părăsit
De sub picioare îmi fugea tot ce era pământesc
Am căzut încet, încet, într-un abis infinit
Nu aveam pentru ce să mai trăiesc.
Cum aș fi putut crede că am ce să-ți ofer așa?
Tu fiind ființa mai matură dintre noi,
influentă și de succes deja
Deși fără milă sunt anii pentru amândoi.
--- R ---
Tot ceea ce-ți cer este ...
o noapte cu dragoste de poveste.
Îți cer să mă prinzi în mrejele tale din nou
pentru încă o noapte, al iubirii noastre ecou.
--- R ---
Tot ceea ce-ți cer este ...
o noapte cu dragoste de poveste.
Îți cer să mă prinzi în mrejele tale din nou
pentru încă o noapte, al iubirii noastre ecou.
--- 2 ---
Te voi blestema să nu poți plânge, ca o fântână seacă
ca inima ta să se transforme în piatră,
ca sufletul tău să-și piardă bucuria,
în timp ce bătrânețea îmi cuprinde armonia.
--- 2 ---
Te voi blestema să nu poți plânge, ca o fântână seacă
și ca inima ta să se transforme în piatră,
ca sufletul tău să-și piardă bucuria,
în timp ce bătrânețea îmi cuprinde armonia.
--- R ---
Tot ceea ce-ți cer este ...
o noapte cu dragoste de poveste.
Îți cer să mă prinzi în mrejele tale din nou
pentru încă o noapte, al iubirii noastre ecou.
--- R ---
Tot ceea ce-ți cer este
o noapte cu dragoste de poveste,
Îți cer să mă prinzi în mrejele tale din nou
pentru încă o noapte, al iubirii noastre ecou.
pentru încă o noapte, ultimul nostru ecou.

The lady in the dreams of my dreams

The lady in the dream of my dreams
tells me of tells that tell:
she says that it goes like this - death and sorrow!
is written on the path of the long-goners.
The moon has plaster for bones, the sun fire for blood,
the living live and the dead dance -
all to the son1 of the lady with the white bones.
  • 1. the sound/melody
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Sfârșitul Poveștii

Ooo - la sfârșitul poveștii
Băiatul arde în flăcări
Oh de ce - de ce m-aș îngrijora?
căci știu că mă pot schimba
E precum un coșmar
Te văd în ochii ei
Oricând ne atingem, o parte din mine moare
Știu că e greșit
Cum de-am devenit un nemernic?
Miezul nopții
Intri în camera mea
Intri în mintea mea
Te urci în patul meu
Ea zace acolo adormită
Inocentă și dulce
Știu că totul e greșit
Deci de ce fac ceea ce fac?
N-am vrut niciodată să fiu nemilos
Cum să încep o nouă zi fără tine?
Vreau să aud un sunet nou
Vreau să joc într-o rundă nouă
Ooo - la sfârșitul poveștii
Băiatul arde în flăcări
Oh de ce - de ce m-aș îngrijora?
căci știu că mă pot schimba
M-ai acaparat
Te doresc, dar pledez
Vinovat pentru faptul că
ea e prinsă la mijloc
Realitatea, visul, adevărul, minciuna
Bunătatea și nerușinarea
Însă rușinea țintește spre mine ca o armă
Îmi doresc să pot scăpa
dar n-am unde să fug
Și toate aceste minciuni amare
Nu pot ajunge nespuse niciodată
Nu o pot privi în ochi
Și aș face orice să mă aflu acolo
Te vreau afară din mintea mea

You are with me

That's life, and it is my life.
I want to be happy together with you because you are my wife.
You are with me and I feel so good.
You are with me and you are my great fortune.
You are with me and I'm happy and I rejoice.
You are with me and I love you so.
The past is over, and now we are two of us.
Together with you and thanks to you I start a new life.
You are with me and I feel so good.
You are with me and you are my great fortune.
You are with me and I'm happy and I rejoice.
You are with me and I love you so.
When there's no source given for the translation, I made it personally. In this case, please ask for permission first if you want to reprint it or use it as a base for another translation or use it in any other way online or offline. Thank you!
Corrections are always welcome!

How Do I Love You

I have met you,
When I had almost no hope
My heart whispered:
She is your fate.
How do I love you,
My dearest, my dear.
And it´s great, nice, lovely
That we´re together, you and I.
My love. You´re my happiness,
My joy, my life.
I´m so grateful to God
That you´re now mine.
How do I love you
My dearest, my dear.
And it´s great, nice, lovely
That we´re together, you and I.

To touch the sky (BRAVE OST - Persian Glory group lyrics)

When cool breeze(wind) blows
When the sky is clear
the foggy mountains will sing
will lead me to the light
I'll ride the wind
I'll fly
I'll follow the wind
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
I'll follow the wind
into the mysterious wood
I'll listen its stories
to start to dream
I'll even climb the (highest) mountains
then I'll overcome(reach) my dreams
(&) fly up to the sky to...
'to touch the sky'
the sky...
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'

Throw the flag in the ring

Clean the whole house
let it all go
waking up to the sound
of walls closing in
you're so afraid
of missing out
men do you have anything to say?
do you have anything to contribute?
come on and watch out
before you fall
you're a long way from home
yeah you're a long way from home
you're a little desperate
yes a little desperate
put your head out
or run the other way
throw the flag into the ring
shoot your shots
do what you want, want, want
I don't care
what happened to yes
empty promises
tell your brothers
tell your sisters
nothing is a secret anymore
nothing to hide
you don't nee
motives or desires
you're tumbling around on the floor
trying to free yourself
from every day
yes every day
with heavy heavy steps
you've gone bankrupted
you're looking far away for what's yours
too far to go
do you have a last comment
so dizzy and worn out
throw the flag into the ring
shoot your shots
do what you want want want

You Are Your First Love

I look in the mirror and try to find
That girl who used to be so sweet
With a smile in her eyes
But that cute girl is gone
All that's left is me
I'm a little cold, perhaps a bit crazy
But the mistake wasn't mine
But I can say that, even so, I love myself
I can say that I'm the only one who can care for me
I can say that I never needed you
I never depended on you in that way
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
My friend, listen, I may not even know you
But from afar, I can feel your vibes
Don't let anything put you down
I'll always be by your side
Don't get upset, don't cry
Love always comes at the right time
Pick your head up and take care of yourself
For I'm here, and I won't leave you alone
The time has come for you to think about your dreams
Respect your body, you are beautiful and have value
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love

Jasmine love of tears

Closing my eyes
With you I fall in love again
The twilight gets dark, ah ah, on the hill of a foreign country
The lights of a distant city shake
Hold me that I'm shivering
That day when only the word 'goodbye' remained in my ears
Without showing tears, he closed softly the car door
Please please go away, he said biting his lips
Last summer day started to run
Hey, about the airmail I received once
Why the letters at the upper right are blur?
To that man who told me this painful love
I caress his cheek, ah ah, the sea breeze announces the fall
He didn't write any adress
My show of courage isn't different
Jasmine love of tears
I search for you in Chinatown, it's like a maze
The harbor view passing by is reflected in the car window
Please please tell me why, the reason of your tenderness
'I'll be waiting for you' you said that time
Hey, I'll tell you a dream I saw in the distance
In that moment I liked you
Closing my eyes
Together we fall in love again
The twilight gets dark, ah ah, on the hill of a foreign country
The lights of a distant city shake
Hold me that I'm shivering
Jasmine love of tears
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Ghost Train

Four hundred Cruzeiros*
Old men are buying in fear
From the hands of the clerk
The ghost train tickets
He and his girlfriend
He has nothing in mind
She gets scared
Four hundred Cruzeiros
Of power are dragging
The guy and the girl to
The spot in bright cinemascope
The huge pile of green generals
Appears in the distance
The train in the shining mirror
From the first kiss
The mirror blasts
Four hundred Cruzeiros
Four hundred batpower
The kiss, the guy and the girl
The train underwater
The still swimming pool
She has nothing in mind
He thinks and says nothing
Where there's so much water all is happy
The first kiss
Four hundred Cruzeiros
Zé 40 HP's of emotion
Zé do Caixão**
Fetches the animals of creation
Up to the gate and
The session is closed.
Four hundred Cruzeiros
Old men buy with fear
He and his girlfriend
She has nothing in mind
He thinks in secret

Will You Let Me?

When you closed the door,
You didn't say a single word.
I believed, I waited,
And that means that I couldn't
Make peace with your leaving or bid you farewell.
It's cold, it's dark,
And all the same I await your reply,
Just a few seconds more.
I still live within you, as tenderly as ever.
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you in my heart?
And bit by bit I'll warm myself with it.
Will you let me love you forever?
And I'll keep on loving until you hear
My breathing next to you.
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you?
When I touch the emptiness
That once held both you and me,
I don't leave,
But I send you question after question.
I'm still in love with you,
So please, just let me
Warm you even if you can't see it.
This is my pain talking
And I can't escape it.
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you in my heart?
And bit by bit I'll warm myself with it.
Will you let me love you forever?
And I'll keep on loving until you hear
My breathing next to you.
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you in my heart?
And bit by bit I'll warm myself with it.
Will you let me love you forever?
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you in my heart?
And bit by bit I'll warm myself with it.
Will you let me love you forever?
And I'll keep on loving until you hear
My breathing next to you.
Will you let me love you?
Will you let me save you?
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Monologue (Missing You)

I think of you just when I thought I was over you
The way you talk, your face expressions, I remember it
I try to not think of you
But when I try to stay away,
your memories torture me again
Today, I miss your nagging,
our little fights,
even your complaints
Even after more time passes,
even if my heart tears apart I can’t forget you
Even if my heart gets hurt
I think of you just when I thought I erased you
Because you used to only care for me
I realize after we broke up
I miss you to death,
what do I do?
Today, I miss your nagging,
our little fights,
even your complaints
Even after more time passes,
even if my heart tears apart I can’t forget you
Even if my heart gets hurt
It’s still not too late
For us to love
Please come back
I love you
Words I shouted to you with tears
Say it to me
I love you, the words you saved
Because I miss you like crazy
I talk to myself all day like I’m crazy
Telling you to come back
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

And you remain for me

Versions: #2
God may take you from them but, never take me away from your hands
And never takes your love or life away and may you remain for me
What does my days mean without you, what?
What does it mean without your love my darling?
You're the most precious person for me and no one els worth
Do you want to stab me, want to injure me?
What can stops you to do? whatever comes from you, I swear I do like
Don't ever be injured by me…Come on! seriously?
Letting you know, wounded by you taste delicious and so sweet my beloved
God may take you from them but, never take me away from your hands
And never takes your love or life away and may you remain for me
What does my days mean without you, what?
What does it mean without your love my darling?
You're the most precious person for me and no one els worth
I can bare anything in life, but I can't take you pushing me back
Your existence like world’s heaven and it's like hell when you away just for a moment
I want us to linked more …give me your hand
What would really remain for me if you be away just for a minute.
Do you want to stab me, want to injure me?
What can stops you to do? whatever comes from you, I swear I do like
Don't ever be injured by me…Come on! seriously?
Letting you know, wounded by you taste delicious and so sweet my beloved
God may take you from them but, never take me away from your hands
And never takes your love or life away and may you remain for me
What does my days mean without you, what?
What does it mean without your love my darling?
You're the most precious person for me and no one els worth

I lost you

Versions: #2
I lost you, oh,the most precious one...
I lost love and kindness
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
You left and who stayed with me?!
to feel my laugh and cry
and even the wound as you're away
is invading me and I'm welcoming it
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time
Can you believe? as much as I'm yearning,
I see you in the house's corners
and talk to you about my sadness
and I feel as if you know about it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
What can I do with the pain and the aaah (groan),
but the permanence is only for God
he will provide me with patience as you're away
and this is my destiny and I accept it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time

How small is the happiness in my heart

How small is the happiness in my heart ...
How vast is the pain and the groan
He became a stranger in people's lifetime ....
And there injustice increased his sorrow
Because he is unlike them... He renounced their habits
He became a stranger in the time of his love ..
He kept faith, yet his beloved ones sold him out.
And their treachery increased his grief
He opened for passion his door
He prescribed for them his blood
Unfortunately years of companionship was dishonoured and disgraced
Pathways of estrangement has begun
He was patient but patience was useless ...
He endured the agony of deprivation
He began to relax and his being away
Is Torment and exile of human being
Oh life does not have a friend
It is Strange, even its truthfulness is a lie.
It penalizes who is loyal in his life


When the road leads home I know someone is waiting
My good old friend, you always keep me smiling
Night won’t scare you, your fear will be blown away by wind
You are my good old friend
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
When the night rain is falling you’re sleeping at my feet
This is the place, we can call home
You… are my only best friend
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
The moon, the moon, the moon and the dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
The moon, the moon, the moon and the dog


N-am mai auzit din nou vocea ta
Nu te-am mai văzut de atâta timp
Spune-mi de ce tocmai de data asta
Deja am uitat numele tau
De atunci
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Aici ești, de ce continui sa apari?
Încă o noapte mai, încă o noapte eu te am
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Asculta numele meu am puso in mintea ta
Știu clar, nu vrei sa ma pierzi
Cât de inteligent ai plecat
Mereu dispari și apari
Spune-mi dacă te decizi, spune
Nu înțeleg spune-mi ce previne
Încă o data zâmbetul atrage siluete
Nu te pot descrie
Deja am uitat numele tau
De atunci
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Aici erai, de de continui sa apari?
Încă o noapte mai, încă o noapte eu te am
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Spune-mi dacă te decizi, spune
Nu înțeleg spune-mi ce previne
Încă o data zâmbetul atrage siluete
Nu te pot descrie
Deja am uitat numele tau
De atunci
Fantoma ta revine, apare mereu
Aici erai, de de continui sa apari?
Încă o noapte mai, încă o noapte eu te am
Fantoma ta revine,
Apare mereu
Fantoma ta revine,
Apare mereu

In Muscle Memory

Hey, I stand at your door
But I don't ring the doorbell
I might have gotten lost on the way home
Would it be too sick
To look at you through the mail slot?
But I'm afraid of what to do if you're actually home
I have cats and bunk in Punavuori
Friends to share wine evenings with
From my math, everything should be fine
But I follow you with scabbed feet
Even though you drive recklessly forward
My skin is thick
But something from you stayed beneath it
You are in my muscle memory, muscle memory
Being in the same bar
But I stay cool
I watch as you glue a new plaster in the corner
You guys sit in that table
In which we met
Memories are flimsy but traces permanent
I have Netflix and company in my bed
Saturday sauna turns
From my math, everything should be fine
But I follow you with scabbed feet
Even though you speed forward
My skin is thick
But something from you stayed beneath it
You are in my muscle memory, my muscle memory
You are in my muscle memory, in this body
You guys come towards
I hide in the florist shop
I know where you are going
But I follow you with scabbed feet
Even though you drive recklessly forward
My skin is thick
But something from you stayed beneath it
You are in my muscle memory, muscle memory
You are in my muscle memory, in this body
Native: French
Fluent: English
Studied/Singing: German, Finnish, Japanese, Spanish

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Let me never know

I cannot guess with whom and where you are -
Nothing make me sure that these days
Spring like prankish girl, a friend of Cupid
Won’t make me troubles in any way.
You are joy of mine, my pain, my darling
And I have the only request,
Never let a friend of mine to laugh at
Never have a date with none of them.
Cheat me, dear, with an unknown person,
But I wouldn’t bear if one day
Words about you in boastful tone
Would be said to me by close friend.
I will pardon all your frauds you, dear
For in spring I can be drunk myself
But I pray to give the lie for truth if
You will cheat but keep the secret well.
You are faithful. That is what I know
When you come to me. And that you love
As you loved me many springs ago.
With the passion of your tender heart
May me never guess and not believe that
All your love has gone without trace.
That you let somebody come, my dear
Just because your husband was away.

Always such a pain

We never cherish things we have got free,
But when we lose them we regret and weep.
And sorrow's the most bitter when
You lost your love and can't get it again.
And if you loved you know,
Oh, if you loved you know
That death of love is always such a pain.
Love slowly leaves out
Love slowly leaves out
Like blood of suicide runs from his veins.
Days run and we get used to live alone.
And try to get a warm with hands and souls
In arms of others. We embrace them, but
We never can mislead unhappy heart.
We understand that we live no longer
‘Cause love is life we get it even stronger.
And we’re slowly dying day by day
While watching how feelings go away.
And if you loved you know,
Oh, if you loved you know
That death of love is always such a pain.
Love slowly leaves out
Love slowly leaves out
Like blood of suicide runs from his veins.