Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Argucia (Demo Voice)

I saw a smiling face, I saw a captivated look,
which shine strips that crosses of glances,
!Clear! now you like someone else.
You intend to hide that hidden feeling, and you don't
You realize that I'm by your side, still you think that I don't realize that you're looking at it, well, I'm sorry love is
They could be erotic fantasies that break you, or the taste of the other who boasts of a good body, now that
you are seeing that I discover your lie, you tell me
that you love me, that you adore me
You comment that you have to be confused, and you say that you simply want me as a friend,
that for the moment you want to be alone, to
so fulfill your desire.
I really put aside these feelings, which
they seize my chest and blind my soul, you already
You have made a firm decision, and you still believe that
I will be there waiting for your arrival.
Walk forever among sober memories and
take your false words with you, wounded in the
soul and adverse to the veil you make your departure very clear,
your march
Like a drug addict who injects himself with his partner,
They think they are escaping from reality. But this one always
will show sober and alien because the truth will always
We will know.

Tale about Gana

Are we again like a barrel carried by an old mule,
full of gunpowder pellets, ready to explode at any moment.
Again we are in the arena, the gladiatorial scene
and the rolling pin in your hands you have turned into a fiery spear.
Gana, Gana, come on Gana to throw you under the duvet,
Gana, Gana, spin, twist, op-op, super Gucci.
Gana, Gana, come on Gana lets start early,
Gana, Gana, super Gucci, op-op, spin, twist.
Again you're blowing off steam like you're at an old train station,
the volcano inside you is rumbling again, please, I ask you, what's itching.
We're back in the field fighting a fierce battle for the sky,
Everyone wants to fly alone to hide their secret dreams.

Come Home

You made me promises, you gave me deceit
You gave me love, but I was weak
I had emotions, and so you knew
Dreams so grand, you left when I came
But if you'll stay and give me the chance
I'll show you, [so] I beg you now...
Come home, let's start over again1
Let's forget it all,2 it's so cold out there
Come home, try again, once more3
I'll give you anything,4if you want to be my friend
Can you forgive, can you understand?
Can you try, perhaps you'll leave
But if you'll stay and give me the chance
I'll show you, [so] I beg you now...
Come home, let's start over again1
Let's forget it all,2 it's so cold out there
Come home, try again, once more3
I'll give you anything4
  • Lit. 'we'll start over again', but since it's one person pleading to another, 'let's' seems more suitable.
  • Lit. 'we'll forget it all'. See #1.
  • Both 'på nytt' and 'igen' mean 'again'.
  • Lit. 'I'll give you everything', but I interpret it to mean 'I'll do anything for you' rather than 'I'll provide you with everything you need'.

(Hymn to the) Flag

Inside us deep for you a longing always lives,
the Fatherland you symbolize and Liberty together.
Blue and white [is] your look, and you are imagined in the mind
like the wave, like the laughter of the open sea and of the sky.
Of honor and of valor the never ending source
your white cross's grace strengthens and blesses.
And those who are lost for you breaking heavy irons
they give their final breath and sing 'hail, oh, hail Liberty'.

More than you'd suppose

Hellow, ¿how are you ?
I hope aren't so bad ...
I haven't received the postcard
that you promised the day when you voyaged ...
Can imagine I,
your sadness in solitude
looking all the Citadel.
Two months outside is a long time ...
I am alone (too) here,
I don't know what else to say ...
Tell me, ¿how is 'Le Paris'?
¿It's funny for you aren't with me ...?
More than you'd suppose ...
I'm being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
More than you'd suppose ...
I'm being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
Another night I called you
and you weren't at the Hotel ...
¿Went you to see 'Le Tour Eiffel' ...
or to take a walk in (the) Museum ... ?
I (only) want to know
¿how about you with the french?
¿have you desires of return
or (maybe) have you done friends ... ?
More than you'd suppose ...
I am being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
Hellow, ¿how are you?
I am waiting your postcard.
You will have any to share
and I suspect that something you has made ...
Passed out the time
- more than enough, I believe -
because the summer now is gone
and remaining months to you return ...
More than you'd suppose ...
I am being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
More than you'd suppose ...
I am being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
More than you'd suppose ...
I am being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...
More than you'd suppose ...
I am being bad and enthrall me so ...
ie ie oi oi o ...

Two Sides

Five in the morning, coming home
One more frustrating attempt
I drank, I kissed, I tried, it came to nothing
When a relationship comes to an end
It has a good side and a bad side
And guess which is left for me?
I'm on the side that drinks, that suffers
That cries, that cares
And you're on the side of the other person
Following your life
I'm on the side that drinks, that suffers
That cries, that cares
And you're on the side of the other person
Following your life
It's me who drinks, who suffers
Who cries, who cares

So in love

Maybe you can ask yourself
What does this white night lack
In our lives that have already lived so long
That have seen a thousand colors of silk sheets
And you like to walk when it rains
You are hugging me, without hurry even if you get wet
My love, ours is how it is
It's quite an adventure, doesn't need anything
I'm here so in love with you
That the night lasts a little longer
The scream of a city
That sees our faces, the humidity
And I will keep you company beyond life
I swear to you that above I will love you more
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
The morning will bring us a new song of happy birds
My love, this is life together
Two crazy people suddenly
Smiling at the people who see us go by
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
Travel in the train by your side
A dream hard to believe
Little by little the hug
Mouth to mouth, slowly
Breath and warm sighs
To become night
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
Travel in the train by your side
A dream hard to believe
Maybe you can ask yourself
What does this white night lack

Atât de îndrăgostit

Poate te întrebi
Ce este nevoie în seara asta albă
Pentru viețile noastre care au trăit deja atât de mult timp
Ai văzut o mie de culori de foi de mătase
Și când plouă îți place să mergi
Mă îmbrățișezi, fără grabă, chiar dacă te uzi
Dragostea mea, a noastră este cum este
E o adevărată aventură, nu are nevoie de nimic
Sunt atât de îndrăgostit de tine aici
Că noaptea durează un pic mai mult
Ca strigătul unui oraș
Cine ne vede fețele, umiditatea
Și îți voi ține companie dincolo de viață
Jur că te voi iubi mai presus
Deci, în dragoste așa este
Noaptea durează un pic mai mult
Dimineața ne va aduce un nou cântec de păsări vesele
Dragostea mea, aceasta e viața împreună
Doi nebuni dintr-o dată
Zâmbind oamenilor care ne văd trecând
Deci, în dragoste, așa este
Noaptea durează puțin mai mult
Călătoresc lângă tine în tren
Un vis greu de crezut
Puțin câte puțin îmbrățișați
Sărut , încet
Respirație caldă și suspine
Devenind noapte
Deci, în dragoste, așa este
Noaptea durează puțin mai mult
Călătoresc lângă tine în tren
Un vis greu de crezut
Poate te întrebi
Ce este nevoie în seara asta albă

Concert pentru îndrăgostiți

Azi nu mai iese soarele,
Cerul arată înorat.
Azi, dacă tot plouă,
Am să te aștept ca să ne plimbăm.
Azi totul e ideal
Poate pentru îndrăgostiți.
Azi am să te aștept
Și-ți voi declara marea mea iubire.
Te voi mângâia
Și tu mă vei prinde de mâini.
Eu, eu te voi îmbrățișa,
Tu mă vei săruta, eu te voi săruta.
Azi mi-o datorez mie,
Voi fi mereu lângă tine.
Timpul se va scurge
Și eu te voi iubi cu fiecare clipă mai mult.
Azi mi-o datorez mie,
Trăiesc îndrăgostită de tine.
Țelul meu este
Ca să mă iubești la rândul tău.
Timpul se va scurge
Și ne putem reîntoarce aici,
Dacă totul e real.
Dacă iubirea ta e adevărată, nimic n-o să se schimbe.


I'll look for you in the depths.
Wherever I have to find you, I'll look for you in youself, in the mud, or the abyss.
I will look for you even if it hurts, even if I lose you and I don't feel it,
I'll go, I'll go...
I'll look for you in your hell, where fear burns.
I'll look for you in the dark, through a dangerous path. I'll go looking for you, don't fear, for through my fall, you fly.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.
I'll find you in your shadows where nobody names you.
I'll calm your desire and I'll do alchemy in your dreams
I'll look for you in your mind, so confused and absent.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.
Ally I will be.
Your shield I will be.
Your safeguard, your guardian who will wake love in you.
Ally I will be
Your angel I will be, an ally of your fate.
I'll enlighten your path.

My love

With no memory or place to find you
With no memories that help me dream of you
Without you in my arms and hugging you
Without more time to be able to rescue you
Without your absence there is no past
That dares to forget you
If you are my spring
The secret was your real laugh
And your light that lit up the stars
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns
To think that God exists
And that in this last light
I will find you, we will be two and no one else
And with nothing, I filled with your memories
And with nothing, your ‘I love you’s invaded me
If I have you close to me
There's no sorrow or silences
If you are waiting for me
And my dream is to take you to the stars
And at night give you the most beautiful one
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns
To think that God exists
And that in this last light
I will find you, we will be two and no one else
And I dream that you're coming back
Very soon I’ll be together with you
All my heart
Now lights up
My love
My love
Where do I hide this great sorrow
This wound
Hurts so much that it condemns


No matter what happens
Wherever you go
A game of fate
has been set up for us by the stars
No matter what happens
You will always return here
Like earth and moon
You spin but you never pass
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
No matter what happens
You will always return here
On the edge of the dream
The sun is going to shine for us
No matter what happens
Wherever you go
Love will be like a jewel,
That you will wear until the end of time
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Be the blood inside my heart
Get inside my lane and ask for me
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
Don't give in
Don't let me,
But let yourself go
Let's say we got carried away for a while
Put the pedal to the metal
And off we go!
And off we go...
And off we go...


The rain outside the window - it's a gloomy day,
Friends called me this morning.
Do you want to blooze this evening?
We have nothing to do today.
(2 times)
The sun came out, it became clear
The day is so beautiful.
No. I'll tell to the bad habit
Because I'm sober today!
I won't go to my friends
I'm not going to drink with the bride,
Because I decided
That I will be sober today!
I'll be sober today
I'll be sober today
I'm not going to drink with the bride,
Because I'm sober today!

Be Prepared

-Mufasa has always imposed many restrictions when it comes to hunting.
When I become king, the powerful will be free to take whatever they want, because the belly of a hyena is never full.
-Mufasa is too powerful to challenge himself.
Mufasa is an old message
It was once a revered regime
Mistakes formed the mirage
Of a world full of crime
The lion era was changing
And the hyenas weren't alone anymore
It's my vision of supply
That includes all of you
Let's prepare for the crime of this century
Let's prepare for a lower blow
Well deliberate and well calculated
That a rejected king
Will be crowned
Which is why I dispute, that's why I fight
For the throne that will be mine!
Neither Mufasa nor Simba, but me
I'll be king
[Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared (...)]
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared!
Neither Mufasa nor Simba, but me
I'll be king

Two lovers

I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
Young couple that prefers to be,
Where no one can see them.
And comes to my memory,
Our old story,
From my youth.
We secretly loved each other,
And it was like a dream,
Our blue paradise.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they are sighing that to have the age,
That their love does not have to hide.
They will dream that what awaits them,
Sweet spring,
And their love will flourish.
They will think of adventures,
And the million follies,
That love will bring them.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they love each other as much as you and I
And the light of love they can see

The pretty bull

Everyone asks about him
about that pretty bull
because the son of that
famous limping bull
Will be as brave as him
and he too will be applauded
bringing glory to his name
with bravery you shall die
Take it, pretty thing, take it
I shall give you bones
and the bullfighter that shall put you down
will surely be fanfared
Take it, pretty bull
armillita was tempted
and he also healed alone
perversion baptized him
to fight well
You will get 5th place
which is the honorable place
You will touch Garza to cover yourself with honor
Take it, pretty [thing], take it
I shall give you bones
and the bullfighter that shall put you down
will surely be fanfared
Take it, pretty bull, take it

Wounded Dreams

Pain, passion
and the wrong time
a hope that breaks
in my heart, in my heart
in my heart...
A love song
that we never finished
and a tick-tock that stops
like a clock in the heart.
Give me back my life and my breath
Convince me that our story
can be, that indeed it can be
Your voice, your farewell, sand between my hands
and some words that break in my heart,
in my heart.
Give me back, return to me
the traces I marked on your skin.
Convince me that this story
can still be.
Don't break our dream, my love
and bet it all on me,
just like the moon eclipses the sun,
there is nothing impossible for the heart...
in the heart.
Two tears, crystallized pain
and an icy wind that pierces the heart.
Possession, wounded dreams
walk away and stands between us both,
between you and I.
Give me back, return to me
the kisses that I left on your skin.
Convince me that this story
can still be.
Don't break this dream, my love
and dare to cross the infinite seas here if
your destiny is next to me.
Don't toss out our story like that
and bet it all on me,
just like the moon eclipses the sun,
there is nothing impossible for the heart,
for the heart.
Be daring...
Convince me...
Be daring!

Your beauties shone

1. Your beauties shone and the sun was eclipsed,
the brilliant star was ashamed.
2. My soul in the fiery flame, burns and sighs,
with a knife to cut it, all love will drip.
3. My God, so beautiful, whoever sees her faintly,
and in his heart, he feels that love is being nailed.

Three Unpublished Songs Sent to Unamuno in 1913

My Lord, life tires me
My throat is very husky
from shouting across the seas
the sea's voice deafens me.
My Lord, life tires me
The universe stifles me.
My Lord, you abandoned me,
at the ocean sea, alone.
Either you and I are playing
hide-and-seek, my Lord,
or the voice I call you with
is your voice.
I seek you everywhere
yet without finding you,
and I find you everywhere
just by seeking you.

For one hour of joy

For one hour of joy, a thousand days, a thousand days...
For one hour of joy, a thousand days of sorrow!
For one look of your eye, I'd give my life, I'd give my life...
For one look of your eye, dear, I would give my life!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I cannot live...
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I'm bound to die!
Were you a fragrant flower, I would pick you, I would pick you...
Were you a beautiful flower, I would pick you joyfully!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!


Versions: #1
I don't take to my house
a baracunatana woman
because they might think
that I'm crazy crazycrazycray
last night I saw you
there was another one hitting on you
you mounted his bike
he gave you some chewing gum and cookie
he turned on his motor-scooter
and you went with the monkey
on the jeans, the overall and the jacket
Lalalala lalalala
That's why you are garulla retrechera
abeja bergaja fulera guaricha
baracunata cucharami
baracunata baracunatana
and with the monkey of the bike
there were 9 that she had
and serenaded her
I don't take to my house
a baracunatana woman
because they may think
that I'm crazy crazycrazycray
last night I saw you
there was another one hitting on you
you mounted his bike
he gave you some chewing gum and cookie
he turned on his motor-scooter
and you went with the monkey
on the jeans, the overall and the jacket
lalalala lalalala
that's why you are garulla retrechera
abeja bergaja fulera guaricha
garosa morronga farisea gorzobia
baracunata cucharami
baracunata baracunatana
and with the monkey of the bike
there were 9 that she had
and serenaded her
Yes, ma'am

The bike

Alkilados more beach
I'm coming for you baby
I got a bike that doesn't stop
rolling to your house
I got worn-out soles
from running after you
I got nearsightedness from looking at you
Headaches from thinking of you
If you don't realize it girl
I don't know what's going to become of me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have them and then some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
I have all the sighs
that take away your breeze
And it's true that I've got so much for you
All that's missing is a 'yes'
That will let me make you happy
And it's true that I have so much more
Let's leave it all behind
Because this love is about to begin
Making you fall in love is my intention
Where did you get so much perfection?
You've got me pedaling
I don't know where I'm going anymore
And why search for an explanation
When you bring out the best in me?
You've got me pedaling
And I'll go wherever you tell me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have the thousand and some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
that take away your breeze
Okay baby, we're going to try it
Tell me yes, let's see what happens
We're both crazy
You make my pedals turn
And in terms of love, anything goes
I'm an athlete
Your mouth is my goal
Loving you is going to the North Pole without a jacket
Because it's easier to cross
Niagara Falls on a bike
I got a bike that doesn't stop
rolling to your house
I got worn-out soles
from running after you
I got nearsightedness from looking at you
Headaches from thinking of you
If you don't realize it girl
I don't know what's going to become of me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have them and then some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
I have all the sighs
that take away your breeze
And it's true that I've got so much for you
All that's missing is a 'yes'
That will let me make you happy
And it's true that I have so much more
Let's leave it all behind
Because this love is about to begin