If they deprive us
If they deprive us, lover of loveAnd they shall make my iniquity for your transgression haraam
My love is always relentless
And the heart does not entertain nor rest
Only with you, O you with the cute forehead
If they plant my life with the fire of misery
And what is important, O you
Do not believe it
We are all in love with blood
We are all Adam's children
Love is higher than the ashes of money
It is the treasures of the earth and the magic of the suns
God alone blew him up in conscience
And run it in the blood of the rich and the poor
And his journey in the earth across the ether
And the human is crowned with a second
What is important is you
Do not believe it
We are all in love with blood
We are all Adam's children
They said heart of love is made of gold
What are the huts or the cane
They followed him on the way
They hugged the sea of deep love
What precious jewels or agate
And the sun shall wash our land with purity
And what is important, O you
Do not believe it
We are all in love with blood
We are all Adam's children