Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 40


I have give you my soul

I have give you my soul
Piece for piece on your way
I falled in an untimely cry
You don't come love, you don't come love
I have say something to you mountains for mountains
Hear me, my reproach is to you
The way is waiting, my eyes watching the way
You don't come, you don't come
Understand me, i don't have a way to go
I can't say my love to anywhere
My heart haven't got a power to resist
You don't come love, you don't come love

Ai grijă de tine

noaptea trecuta
ai uitat si ai plecat?
se va termina brusc?
dorind un copil
trebuie să căutați
e întotdeauna așa?
apa este plina de dorinta in desert
se vor termina trandafirii albi?
spinii gafaie pieptul?
un miros de viorea
trebuie sa te caut
e întotdeauna așa?
ai grija de tine nu te gandi la mine
gaseste o saltea de apa,
ai grija de tine nu te gandi la mine
gaseste o saltea de apa,
furtună înăuntru
este o cantina cu glont orb
certurile se vor sfârși fără sânge?
în plânsul unui mauser
trebuie să căutați
e întotdeauna așa?
lumea asta nenorocită
Îmi va face un dușman?
prietenii se epuizează?
un salut de la un frate
trebuie să căutați
e întotdeauna așa?
Ege Kökenli

Oh My Minnoş

I hunting partridge in mountain
I oiling gun
I am a strange boy
Oh my minnoş(pretty)
You burned me minnoş
Again be evening
Having fun gakkoş(friends)
Wow my mad heart
Where is the evening?
Oh my minnoş
You burned me minnoş
Cruel cryed me
She tied me up
on my poorest days
She left me
Ah my minnoş
You burned me minnoş

Always After

Versions: #2
What are you Leyla and what am I Mecnun?
What are you tired and what am I tired?
A sorrowful evening, we've drunk, we are intoxicated that's all.
Always after it comes to my sense, to my head, always after, after.
Always after it comes to my sense, to my head, always after.
Always after it comes to my sense, always after, after.
Always after it comes to my sense, to my head, always after.
What are you the cloud and what am I the rain?
What are you proud and what am I proud?
A sombre evening, we are silent, we are still, that's all.

Black Destiny

Versions: #2
The beloved didn't listen our words
We have waited for a long time
We bent our heads down
Our black destiny is this.
Flowers started not to come into blossom
Fountains became undrinkable
The beloved started not to smile at us
Our black destiny is this.
We only called her as beloved
We said that she had something special
We said that she could understand us
Our black destiny is this.
Hey my heart, again tonight
My grief is higher than the night
Let's quiet down together
Our black destiny is this.

Even Though It's A Lie

Versions: #1#2
In the middle of street, a woman is shouting out loud
She is searching herself, she is asking herself, she is shouting
Her voice is exploding like a bullet in my ears
Even though it's a lie, we say 'They are right.' but
This isn't enough either.
At midnight, the workers on the shift are troubled and feeling cold
It's not because of the work, it's not because of the labour, it's from inside
Time is passing, time is delaying, time is feeling cold
Even though it's a lie, they are uniting but
This isn't enough either.
In the midnight, a musician is coming home late again
He doesn't even have enough money for the taxi in his pockets yet he is coming home
He weeps two drops of tear so his cigarette burns out
Even though it's a lie, we are rich / you know
This isn't enough to us.
I am lonely, my loneliness is listening to me
Even though it's a lie, what is wrong with singing this song / these songs
Even though it's a lie, a cloud flows inside of me
Even though it's a lie, I am happy / you know
This is enough to me.

Being in such a place

Versions: #1#2
Being in such a place
There is neither carnation nor frog
One of my sides is blue moss
It shudders in the waters.
Oh comrade, comrade
My good comrade!
What a worse life line is it?
What a maddening system this is?
It is autumn on one side,
on the other a flourishing spring.
Being in such a place,
One of my sides is yelling and screaming
Being in such a place
My mum goes out crying oh god, oh god!
My daughter has ended up in the street.
My offspring has ended up in the street.

Nu trebuia să se terine așa

Am fost ca lebedele pe lacuri liniștite
Pe obraji apa ne fremăta,
Am fost aburii unei pâini rupte în două
Pieptul mi se strânge, inima-mi sângerează,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa!
Cineva a spart vaza noastră cu flori și a plecat
Cineva a distrus zidurile, a sparte paharele,
O furtună a venit și ne-a risipit...
Cineva a multiplicat tristețea de un milion de ori
A denigrat tot, ne-a rănit...
Cineva a vărsat vinul nostru, a furat ceapa noastră,
Cineva, fără motiv, a ucis pasărea noastră în cușcă!
I-am spus, am plămânii și inima sângerate,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa,
Pieptul mi se strânge, inima-mi sângerează,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa!
Am fost focul păstorului în munți
Plimbându-ne lungul râpelor din Mauser
Am fost coborârea gazelei la izvor,
Pieptul mi se strânge, inima-mi sângerează,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa!
Fiecare dintre noi a fost un călător pierdut în aceeași pădure
O vrabie care tremura de același fior,
Întotdeauna am străbătut același loc, din întâmplare
Am fost fiecare un boboc pe ramurile vieții.
Am fost fiecare o picătură de rouă,
Într-o dimineață de primăvară, pe o petală de trandafir ..
I-am spus, cântecul nostru a fost curmat pentru nici un motiv
Pieptul mi se strânge, inima-mi sângerează,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa!
Pieptul mi se strânge, inima-mi sângerează,
Nu trebuia să se termine așa...