Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 180
Dance, flower
A faded flower shivers in the wind
Only waits without dreaming anything
You ask 'Where can I go?' looking to the sky
The wind suddenly shouts 'If you give up, it's the end'
That's the loneliness that doesn't fade, an endless pirouette
Did you wish it? Were you thirsty? With hard closed lips
Be strong, your sleeping force is reborn now
Be very furious, tender and brilliant to bloom
Until today you could forget
A bud called passion
You bloom looking to the sky and not for anyone
Dance, small flower while you control the wind
That's the light overflowing, even if its radiance shuts your eyes
You'll have a fever burning your body and shining behind your eyelids
Come on, the flames will burn brilliant now
While you live and love, this flower will never wither
That's the loneliness that doesn't fade, an endless pirouette
Did you wish it? Were you thirsty? Never in the mouth
Be strong, your sleeping force is reborn now
Be very furious, tender and brilliant to bloom
The heat (music party)
The golden sun slowly gets dark
the rhyme of passion starts to glow
A red hot clime as if it incites the dizziness
Made me lose the scars of memories
I give in in the excellent place, I melt in you
If you looked for me, you can close your eyes
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds
Carved over and over, go through the air
The words of the red moon consumed
In the tides that cross time silently
Even your invisible whereabouts smiled
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds
Shala da la, get on the wind
Feel the music, the party
The bass beat piles up
The rhythm of the heat resounds
These eyes... why don't you know about me?
It is etched into my heart... know my name.
Do not end it... I will make you strong... Let it resonate.
The power is unshakable so what you see is what you get.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Why don't you want to touch me with your lips?
Don't hold your desires back... kick it out.
It's not a lie... I will make you strong.
Push yourself to keep running.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your hatred into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
In the origin, the woman was the sun
I burned out falling in love
And I loitered through a glacier called loneliness
The destiny loved by sorrow
Beckons my heart
But the sun rises in my bare chest
Now even the sadness
Becomes strength to live
I feel no grudge for anyone
That's why someone stares
At all of me still
My heart lost in dreams spilled blood
Angry for an unrewarded love
The night exists for greeting the morning
The sky and the earth taught me
As a woman born in the origin
The truth is that
I want to search for love
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
Darkness melts, the wind murmurs
I caught even the weakness
What was the good about you being born man?
Surely I'm glad that I was born woman
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
All of me
Red flower
I rescue by myself
The days spilling through my fingers
That this person has left me
Is a desert that gulps even the light down
Ah, my heart cries and shouts
But in this dry world
No voice resounds
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
Let me see it with my eyes at least until its red color melts
The coincidence of meeting casually
Becomes tenderness and a knife
It's an unbearable pain
But, why I chase you?
Tear me up in pieces soon
Until I don't feel anything
Hurt me and go away
Now please, don't tell me your reasons to leave everything
Don't tell me that even the love that shone far is a lie
If I spilled my last tears is for not seeing you anymore
I'll keep walking anywhere through a rusty landscape
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
I want to watch over it at least until its red color melts
I hope so
I run through the dry desert
To where I can open my moisten wings
While I gather
Anything I go past
In the sky that is hotter than yesterday
There are no boring dreams shining
I'm passing and raising sand clouds
With this land
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'
My favorite cracked shoes
How many times I sewed them together?
The map fluttering in the wind ejects the past
And draws the future
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
The smiles that only lie
Go to a fading future like a mirage
Go ahead and tell us what they really mean
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
Without borrowing anyone's hand
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'
Fire starter
Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Attraction, temptation, my mood is of a dangerous lady
With my cold eyes, I drag burning flames
A rhapsody that is played by two exchanging sighs
A red petal burns on an eternal night
Fire starter, thee gaze of a sniper
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Only in dreams my mood is of a doll of song
With the wet eyes, I live la dolce vita
If someday I find a man I don't get tired of
One day I can become the queen of his heart
The morning star melts secretly in the morning glow
A pain that doesn't save anything, a mysterious fantasy
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Pirómana, sighs that burn hearts
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Freakin Shoes
What? Marry me
What? Come marry me
What? Marry me
I didn’t mean a
You’re a pair of skinnies that stand out
You’re a mega tsunami that shakes my heart
I rub my eyes and pinch myself hard
But this is no dream, today must be my wedding day.
Can I try on these freakin shoes?
Soon they will be mine, ma love shoes
Won’t you be ma freakin shoes
Mommy this is no joke
Daddy I have to buy these hurry, cash
If I hesitate, someone else will snatch them away
Future-father-in-law, you’re like an Italian artisan
Trust me, think of it as a wedding gift
Can I try on these freakin shoes?
Soon they will be mine ma love shoes
Won’t you be ma freakin shoes
Is it because I’ve been worn out for so long
Or perhaps it’s really affection. I need a boy
Right not I’m craving something hot
If this is it, stay with me
Hey with me
Baby come marry me
Freakin shoes x3
Come marry me
Freakin shoes x3
Freakin ma man
Can I try them on these freakin shoes?
Soon they will be mine! Ma love shoes
Won’t you be ma freakin shoes
Woo, these heels are no ordinary height
It’s like I have to climb on them
Too high, I reach out my hand
Hold my hand like a gentleman
F. R. E. A. K. I. N.
Because of your charms that drive me crazy
All other men now bore me, ain’t no more…
Yeah after playing hard-to-get Hoo!
I’ve already become ‘Shin Saimdang’
Wont you be ma freakin shoes
Follow your heart and come marry ‘noona’
I’ll sing you a lullaby
(Hush little baby, don’t you cry)
Is it because I’ve been worn out for so long
Perhaps it’s really affection. I need a boy
Right now I’m craving something hot
If this is it, stay with me.
Hey with me
One more time baby
Freakin shoes x3
Come marry me
Freakin shoes x3
Freakin ma man
Can I try them on? Freakin shoes
Soon they will be mine! Ma love shoes
Won’t you be ma freakin shoes
I love it
Nu cumva eu
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubești,
Nu cumva eu acționez ca un prost.
Dragostea era o ovație din picioare,
Am continuat să încălc regulile.
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubeşti
Nu cumva mi-ai cerut să stau
Dragostea trebuie să fie unde sunt şi eu
dar eu mi-am întors spatele ca regulă...
Fără tine, dragă, ce pot să fac
Fără tine, dragă, mă simt trist...
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubești,
Nu cumva eu te-am întristat
Dragostea era o atracţie spre
toate cele ce am avut...
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubești,
Nu cumva spuneam că eşti a mea
Dragostea n-a fost doar o iluzie
şi dragostea noastră era uşor de găsit
Fără tine, dragă, ce pot să fac
Fără tine, dragă, mă simt trist...
Ei bine, dacă-mi mai ceri înainte să numeri la 10,
Voi fi gata să bat la uşa ta
Fără tine, viaţa nu mai e distractivă deloc.
Ei bine, dacă-mi mai ceri înainte să numeri la 10,
Voi fi gata să bat la uşa ta
Fără tine, viaţa nu mai e distractivă deloc.
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubești,
Nu cumva eu te-am întristat
Dragostea era o atracţie spre
toate cele ce am avut...
Nu cumva spuneai că mă iubești,
Nu cumva spuneam că eşti a mea
Dragostea n-a fost doar o iluzie
şi dragostea noastră era uşor de găsit
Fără tine, dragă, ce pot să fac
Fără tine, dragă, mă simt trist...
Ea mă-nnebuneşte
Ştii, draga mea, când eşti în braţele mele
pot să simt farmecele tale iubitoare
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti
Şi când mă uit în ochii tăi mari şi albaştri,
Încep să plutesc în paradis
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti
Raiul trebuie să te fi trimis
Jos ca să mă tulburi
De fiecare dată când mă atingi,
de fiecare dată când mă strângi,
Inima mea începe să alerge ca un tren pe şine
Te iubesc, draga mea, şi e uşor de văzut:
Te iubesc, draga mea, aşa e menit
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti, oh
Raiul trebuie să te fi trimis
Jos ca să mă tulburi
De fiecare dată când mă atingi,
de fiecare dată când mă strângi,
Inima mea începe să alerge ca un tren pe şine
Te iubesc, draga mea, şi e uşor de văzut:
Te iubesc, draga mea, aşa e menit
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti, oh
Şi când mă uit în ochii tăi mari şi albaştri,
Încep să plutesc în paradis
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti
Mă-nnebuneşti, mă-nnebuneşti, oh...
Marie Marie
Marie, Marie, cânţi la chitară pe verandă
stau în maşina mea în timp ce ea cântă atât de trist, Marie, Marie...
Marie Marie, e atâta singurătate acolo la ţară
Vino la mine spre luminile aprinse din centru, Marie Marie
Am zis: 'hei, frumuşico, nu înţelegi
Vreau doar să fiu iubitul tău!'
Marie Marie, soarele e jos, pe lanul de porumb
Seara e neagră şi tu cânţi atât de trist
Marie Marie, am două săptămâni trecute ,
Am benzină-n rezervor şi ai tăi zic că trebuie să plec, Marie Marie
Am zis: 'hei, frumuşico, nu înţelegi
Vreau doar să fiu iubitul tău!'
Marie, Marie, cânţi la chitară pe verandă
stau în maşina mea în timp ce ea cântă atât de trist, Marie, Marie...
Oh Julie
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Julie, iubeşte-mă doar pe mine, Julie, nu fi singură,
că eu vreau doar să fii, să fii numai a mea...
Ooh, iubire, nu mă părăsi, dragă, nu mă _
Julie, de ce să mă laşi singur?
Stai cu mine, dragă, întinde-te cu mine poate,
Dragă, nu mă lăsa singur!
Julie, nu mă părăsi, te rog, nu mă dezamăgi
Julie, o, crede-mă şi fi, şi fi numai a mea!
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Ooh, iubire, nu mă părăsi, dragă, nu mă _
Julie, de ce să mă laşi singur?
Stai cu mine, dragă, întinde-te cu mine poate,
Dragă, nu mă lăsa singur!
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Să fiu, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău.
Să fiu, să fiu, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău!
Those summer days
I look gently to the sky
And the smell of the flowing wind
Are lingering scents of summer days
I get lightly drunk
In the distance the season fades
It becomes a distant past
Those summer days when you were there
The fireworks exploding in the sky
And fall together with memories
The constellations of the summer I saw with you
Color the night sky
I won't forget your voice
By my side
Seasons change
My love won't change
It will go on till eternity
A pale monochrome picture
Wrapped the midsummer sky
The memories that burned red
Burn my chest once again
Silently the days get filled
They get carved deeply
Those summer days when you were there
The graffitis of the school
Fade together with memories
The blue of the sea I saw with you
Wears my chest out
I won't forget the warmth of your hands
By the coast
Meetings pass
My love won't change
It will go on now
Those summer days when you were there
The fireworks exploding in the sky
Are memories that fly up
The constellations of the summer I saw with you
Color the night sky
I won't forget the dreams of that day
That I dreamed with you
Seasons change
My love won't change
It will go on till eternity
Those traces of summer
My love won't change
It will go on till now
It Doesn't
It doesnt fit into a heart, you know, this love is for a lifetime
It bids farewell to my heart, you find me
My lies and my mistakes caused me trouble
I got lost in the dark night
My sins and my weaknesses everywhere, and you're absent
There's no remedy for this trouble of mine, maybe to a moon
I'll sing my song so that you might hear
I'm angry, and blowzy, and a little bit sad
Again, the same, I got up without you
Your smell used to be stucked in my skin, it doesn't matter anymore
But no
It doesn't matter
But no
It doesn't matter
What is this if not love?
Oh Valeria!
Gardener, come.
Tell me what has happened
to my lovely Valeria,
the flower of Eden.
Gardener, please,
today I want to know
what is it that's happened
to that precious flower.
Exquisite flower,
why have you left?
Oh what sadness.
Oh what pain.
Gardener of love,
tell me please,
where has she gone to,
my precious Valeria.
Gardener, come.
Tell me what has happened
to my lovely Valeria,
the flower of Eden.
I used to take care of her.
I used to give her affection,
and above all, love.
If you have seel her there,
tell her that I don't hate her.
I'm not resentful,
and I desire for her
Valeria, I'm calling you.
Valeria, you don't answer me.
(Hear me Valeria.)
But girl,
I don't know where you are hiding yourself.
(Hear me Valeria.)
Yours with me was a comedy.
(Hear me Valeria.)
Gardener, tell me, where is Valeria?
(Hear me Valeria.)
(And where is she?)
(Valeria, where will she be?)
Look how you left me
(And where is she? Valeria, where will she be?)
with a wound in my soul
(And where is she? Valeria, where will she be?)
and my heart without calm.
(And where is she? Valeria, where will she be?)
Keep spending the time looking for her.
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
In Vitacura?
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
Walk slowly.
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
Be careful.
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
Goodbye Valeria
(Ay Valeria, where will you be?)
and may it go well with you.
(Hear me Valeria.)
I want you to tell her
(Hear me Valeria.)
if you see her, gardener,
(Hear me Valeria.)
how much, how very much
that I miss her,
(Hear me Valeria.)
how very much that I miss her.
Walk slowly.
Be careful.
My bruised ego
One rainy Monday
I receive in a tiny bit of paper
An explanation all written
In a couple of words
And I'm dumbfounded because
I didn't expect from her
To put an end to a whole life
With a couple of words, with a couple of words
On Tuesday I'm searching for her
And angry as I am I want to tell her
That a couple of words
In a tiny bit of paper are not enough
But I can't handle
My bruised ego
And at sunset
The first tears start rolling
Darkness will find me on the streets
On Tuesday I'm searching for her
And angry as I am I want to tell her
That a couple of words
In a tiny bit of paper are not enough
But I can't handle
My bruised ego
And at sunset
The first tears start rolling
Wednesday and the sun is up
For me the earth has stopped turning
I've been looking for her for two days now
Neither the phone is ringing
Nor do I know where she might have gone
What's the matter all of a sudden? I'm at a loss! I'm at a loss!
On Thursday I'm exhausted, I can't no more!
I go back home to get to sleep
I open the door and see her in front of me, laughing
'Baby', she says, 'I've been here
I just wanted to check
How fast your heart is beating for me'
What kind of tricks are these? I'm going crazy!
On Thursday I'm exhausted, I can't no more!
I go back home to get to sleep
I open the door and see her in front of me, laughing
'Baby', she says, 'I've been here
I just wanted to check
How fast your heart is beating for me'
I didn't expect that
Although I've known it for a long time
That you are a total jerk*, it's hardly news
Why do you make me worry
Since you know how much I love you?
You are a jerk well-kept in my heart!
I love you
Versions: #2
I love you that like eating the bread by dipping into the salt
That waking up inside the fevers at the nights
By leaning my mouth against the tap
That like drinking the water..
Whenever I think of you
A gazelle comes down to drink water
That while the grasses in the plain are growing up
I see them growing up, my rose
Every morning and every evening with you
One green olives that
A part blue sea takes me
As I think of you
I plant the roses to the place where has your hands touched
I am giving water to the horses
I am loving the mountains one more than before..oh my rose
Every evening with you
One green olives that
A part blue sea takes me
Făcând dragoste
Azi s-a întâmplat ceva ce m-a făcut fericită
Clipa când te-m întâlnit
Și faptul că am știu că am găsit pe cineva pe care să-l iubesc
Serios, cum e să iubești, e drăguț
Cum ar fi un sărut pe o alee întunecată
S-ar transforma cerul în alb și aș auzi clopoței?
Vorbe despre dragoste, vorbe despre a ne sta bine împreună
Probabil mâna altor oameni, cuvinte distante de adio
Inima îmi sare din piept, ochii mi se contractă
Cum pot iubi?
Te iubesc, asta cred că e dragoste
Fără el nu pot zâmbi
Faptul că el e iubirea mea, inima mea începe să-mi schimbe mintea
Mintea mea e cu susu-n jos
Uită de toate cuvintele reci, oh
Oh, chiar dacă îmi curg lacrimi, am nevoie doar de el, iubirea mea
Ia-mă în brațe, strânge-mă frumos
Spune-mi mereu că vei sta cu mine
Îmi faci inima s-o ia la galop și devin iar timidă
Mă emoționează, ce să fac
Fin și dulce ca ciocolata
În fiecare zi mă face să mă gândesc mai tare
Ca gheața rece, îmi topește inima
Sper că dragostea lui caldă va fi ca la început
Inima-mi bate și încep să roșesc
1 minut, 1 secundă fără tine, continui să mă uit la ceas
Nu e nimic, cred că-i place când plâng și râd
Te iubesc, asta cred că e dragoste
Fără el nu pot zâmbi
Faptul că el e iubirea mea, inima mea începe să-mi schimbe mintea
Mintea mea e cu susu-n jos
Uită de toate cuvintele reci, oh
Oh, chiar dacă îmi curg lacrimi, am nevoie doar de el, iubirea mea
Lăcrimez când mă gândesc că ar putea pleca
Nu am putut exprima sau nici măcar nu am știut
Probabil că deja te iubesc
Te iubesc, trăiesc într-o lume roz
Soarele strălucește pe mine toată ziua
Vreau să fiu fata lui, dar probabil mă schimb pe interior
Mă simt cel mai bine când sunt lângă el
Vreau să te păstrez în privirea mea
Oh, te iubesc așa cum mă iubești, iubirea mea
Mințitul E Cea Mai Mare Distracție Pe Care O Fată O Poate Avea Fără Să Își Dea Hainele Jos
Sunt tot eu cel care te face să transpiri?
Sunt eu cel la care te gândești în pat?
Când luminile sunt slabe și mâinile tale tremură
În timp ce-ți dai jos rochia
Apoi gândește-te la ce ai făcut
Și cum mă rog la Dumnezeu să fii meritat
Când luminile sunt slabe și inima ta bate
În timp ce degetele tale îi ating pielea
Sunt mai înțelept, sărut mai bine
Am atingerea mai fierbinte, fut mai bine
Decât orice băiat pe care îl vei întâlni
Dulceață, mă aveai pe mine
Fată eu eram acela, privește în spatele transpirației
O iubire mai bună merita
Schimbând căldura corpului în scaunul pasagerului
Nu, nu , nu, știi că mereu voi fi doar eu
Să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Deci cred că ne-am întors la noi
Oh cameraman, schimbă cadrul
În caz că mi-am pierdut rațiunea
Unde am rămas ultima dată?
(Hai să ne strangem și să plecăm)
Oh, acum îmi amintesc
Abia ajungeam la partea
Unde șocul se instalează
Și acidul gastric găsește o nouă cale de a te îmbolnăvi
Sper că nu te așteptai să Primești toată atenția
Acum, hai să fim egoiști
Chiar credeai că am să te las să omori acest refren?
Să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Dansa la acest beat
Dansa la acest beat
Dansa la acest beat
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede
Sunt mai înțelept, sărut mai bine
Am atingerea mai fierbinte, fut mai bine
Decât orice băiat pe care îl vei întâlni
Dulceață, mă aveai pe mine
Fată eu eram acela, privește în spatele transpirației
O iubire mai bună merita
Schimbând căldura corpului în scaunul pasagerului
Nu, nu , nu, știi că mereu voi fi doar eu
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai repede, mai repede
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
Veți dansa la acest beat și ține un partener aproape?
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
(Dansa la acest beat)
Așa că băieți testosteron și fete arlechin
(Și ține un partener aproape)
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai tare, mai tare
Hai să facem aceste inimi tinere să bată mai tare
Ceva m-a întristat
Oh, dragostea m-a zbuciumat, uneori mi-a greşit
de data asa m-a făcut să m-ascund
Dragostea m-a turnat, apoi m-a ţinut în braţe
urmându-mi inima până la mândrie...
Oh, dar ceva m-a întristat
şi nu pot oarecum să-ţi mărturisesc
eva m-a întristat
Îmi lipseşte ceva ce nu am avut
şi ştiu, ce mă-ntristează
e să te pierd
Dragostea a fost un joc al tău, o greşeală pe care am făcut-o
n-am găsit-o în timp
M-am gândi că dragostea a fost vie iar, apoi iar a murit
făcând-mă să mă-ntreb de ce
Oh, dar ceva m-a întristat
şi nu pot oarecum să-ţi mărturisesc
eva m-a întristat
Îmi lipseşte ceva ce nu am avut
şi ştiu, ce mă-ntristează
e să te pierd
Ce-i cu sentimentul ăsta
care te face să-ţi arăţi mândria?
De ce nu asculţi, nu poţi să-ţi aminteşti
vremea când te-a iubit şi-a minţit
O, ştiu, dar dragostea a fost aşa reală pentru mine
Cum poţi simţi să-ţi spui că-i o minciună?
Dar acum dragostea m-a făcut să mă mir, să dibuiesc
să mă-mpiedic...
Oh, dar ceva m-a întristat
şi nu pot oarecum să-ţi mărturisesc
eva m-a întristat
Îmi lipseşte ceva ce nu am avut
şi ştiu, ce mă-ntristează
e să te pierd
şi ştiu, ce mă-ntristează
e să te pierd
şi ştiu, ce mă-ntristează
e să te pierd
Breaking Down
It’s not the world
But it’s me that’s near the end
Losing you was losing everything I had
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve noticed the first crack
But your eyes always locked me up
And just had to watch myself fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
You seem just fine
Almost better on your own
I don’t blame you
Cuz heart never breaks the same
If you call out to me
Once again
'I loved you,
I wanted to see you...'
Tears will probably fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
A small home in a big forest
Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
The green grass and a gentle breeze
Is the place where we'll always make a story
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest
Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
Blue springs and small birds
Whistle wonderful melodies
Maybe I'll get tied to you
Playing the strings of the half moon
I'll play the love symphony
Maybe we will kiss each other
An eternal rose coloured dream
A small home in a big forest
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Fuckin' Rockstarr
Let's order champagne to the table
It's just money, you can pay
Nobody is complaining
Nobody is complaining
Bubbling sentences empower
Wishing to get some action
'Cause at home there's only promises
Mouth against mouth
Is everyone's desire
Mess around
Knulla som en rockstarr
Gathering around in a shot circle
Loving in a shot circle
Mess around like a fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
We're a bit lost, even words
I'm sitting beside
I've promised myself
Gentle when near
That night owl
Was my friend
Promised to be
I'm gentle when I'm near
You won't find anyone better
And I don't want you to find anyone better
I've chosen you
I won't find anyone better
And I don't even want to find anyone better
I've chosen my band
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Without you I'm not even close being this whole
Without you I'm not
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.
Sadness Expeller Bird
Versions: #2
Pour the rain onto your tears,
The dream will fly towards spring.
Roads will thaw and talk,
I'll make your absence happy... (x2)
It's my habit, I die,
I am divided to many loves.
I am moon, I always eclipse,
I am protected by many lights.
Sadness expeller bird has come,
And has perched onto night's cheek.
The moon skinned lover has responded to my song... (x2)
My appereance comes from me,
I mean my shadow comes from myself.
Love is beautifuler than death,
Look and see, life is in dreams... (x2)
It's my habit, I resurrect,
I am poured from many mountains.
I am moon, I always get dark,
I get lightened by many kisses...
Sadness expeller bird has come
And has perched on to night's cheek
The moon skinned lover has responded to my song.
Mâinile mele sunt frânte,
Iar timpul zboară și trece, se duce
Întotdeauna (cât timp)
Așa că m-am drogat și
Am trăiat acea viață pe care am
Luat-o drept bună
Promite-mi că vei încerca
Să lași totul în urmă
căci am plecat în iad,
Mințindu-mă singur.
De ce am orbit,
Trăindu-mi toată viața.
Tu, Tu...
Singura cale de ieșire
E să-ți lași garda jos și să nu mori niciodată
Uitat (știu)
Iartă-mă, dragostea mea,
Mă aflu aici singur, și pot vedea
Promite-mi că vei încerca
Să lași totul în urmă
căci am plecat în iad,
Mințindu-mă singur.
De ce am orbit,
Trăindu-mi toată viața.
Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu...
Gone, Gone
I don't care that I was so hurt
Because I've learned so much with you
You were the greatest school for me
And now I'm leaving as far as I can
Listen, listen, listen carefully
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving you anymore
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving
Loving you anymore
I don't care that I was so hurt
I don't mind that I've completely changed
That I have lost the most beautiful of feelings
Who can I trust after you?
Listen, listen, listen carefully
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving you anymore
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving
Loving you anymore
Listen, listen, listen carefully
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving
Loving you anymore
There's no more love left
It's gone, gone, gone
The tears have drowned all of it
It's gone, gone, gone
And you know, it falls apart sometimes
It breaks, breaks, breaks
My heart can't stand loving
Loving you anymore
The Baltics Are Waking Up!
Three sisters stand by the coast of sea
They are pressed by weakness and tiredness.
There waded land and spirits
Of honour and sense of three nations.
But in the towers of destiny belling loud
And the sea starts to wave.
Three sisters wake up from the sleep,
Come to stand for theirselves.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters sleep by the sea
They are pressed by the bond, desperation
Wandering like a beggar by the sea coast
The spirit of nations' honour
But the bell of the destiny reechos again
And the sea tousles its waves
Three sisters wake from the sleep
To defend the honour of theirs.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters with faces of sea,
they were made sleepy by the song of waves.
Three nations fighting here for centuries
sacrified ancient honour.
When the bell rings in towers,
the sea is taken by the will of freedom.
To protect the fate and life,
three sisters wake now.
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
If you ask how I'm doing, I'm fine
I have put my life in order
I have thrown away the old habits
Since then, everything's changed
But the nights away from you don't go by easily
And moments like this I look for you
I don't say it, I don't dare to say I love you
I'm going through difficult times without you
I'm panicking
How to come back?
I'm panicking
How can I persuade you?
If you ask how I'm doing, I'm okay
But a mistake I've made burns me
I'm trying to convince myself
To get you out of my head for good
But the nights away from you don't go by easily
And moments like this I look for you
I don't say it, I don't dare to say I love you
I'm going through difficult times without you
I'm panicking
How to come back?
I'm panicking
How can I persuade you?
Lucky girl
You have been lucky all your life
I am jealous of you because many love you
They all ask, want to be around you
To share the air you beautify
And you give life to everything
I think about you
I think about you all alone
Αt a military camp at a godforsaken place
I think about you
And I dream
That I see a tear for me in your eyes
Lucky girl, there's a word meaning loneliness
You don't know it, but I know it well
It makes the nights endless, it brings darkness
You want to cry, laugh, hit and kick
Bang your head on the wall but I...
I think about you
I always think about you
At a military camp at a godforsaken place
I think about you
And I dream
That I see a tear for me in your eyes (x2)
Summer love
Don't be afraid of me, be certain
That I've come to stay
I don't want to play with your heart
I only want to be near you
I'm not looking for a summer love
I'm not looking for adventure in you
You're the brightest star of the sky
I won't risk you, I can't bear to lose you
And in September, when leaves fall
You won't feel melancholy in your heart
You won't be alone when it gets dark
You'll see, you won't be able to pry me away from you
I'm not looking for a summer love
I'm not looking for adventure in you
You're the brightest star of the sky
I won't risk you, I can't bear to lose you
One Step Ahead (Reprise)
They say I'm garbage?
They say I'm a thief?
That's really a shame... but
This lifestyle I have
I'll show you that some day
I will change it
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.
Let Her Go
Tell me what she did except troubles
I don't want her to come, our love is over
Because of her I rejected my life my love
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go
She'll see how easy to be loved so hard to love
Let those doors close and you come back
That day will come when all her hope is gone
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go