Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 180
Fi calm
Eu îmi cânt melodia fi calm
noi suntem liniștiți de aceea fi calm
ți-se accelerează pulsul fi calm
eu negru ți-am spus fi calm
buruiana aproape fi calm
blugii se infiltrează se aprind fi calm
fata mea dar lângă tine fi calm
fata ta lângă mine fi calm masă jocuri de noroc fi calm
dacă iubita ta ți-ar suna soția fi calm
venind la secție fi calm
da și când te întorci acasă fi calm
1 uitându-se la tine fi incitat
sex-ul nu are nici o importanță fi incitat
până mă întorc liniștit capul meu fi calm
problema sectă pe scenă fi calm
nimic nu merge cum trebuie fi calm
nimeni nu este pe drumul meu fi martor
nimănui nu-i pasă de nimic fi calm
eu nu am absolut nimic în buzunar fi calm
dacă nu ai fi calm înțelege fi dominat
altfel te liniștim noi fi calm
uite fiind calm cu excepția a o mulțime de melodii
totul este negru în fața mea în spate fon
fiind pasăre pe străzi pune în parc
fiind bush pune o bombă în Irak
viața la mine nu este fără durere du-te întreab-o pe ea
și ai noștri No.1 mi-au spus ''pune-o în fundul tău'întoarce-te, boy boy am văzut eu gangsta boy
makes a noise bitches makes a noise
nu ai fost niciodată top 10
ca un popon japonez te uiți dar dă kapon
viața nu te poate interoga fi calm
porno-urile cu fosta iubită fi martor
oricum pe drumul apei este plin de teste pentru a sparge
ce ocazie ai dacă o folosești fi tăcut
dacă dreptatea ta plângerea ta fi criminal
acum linsând în cadrul întâlniri fi calm
toți de la dreptate se plâng fi calm
și noi apărăm plăcerea fi inclus
și tu faci asta dar nu merge
banii tăi până la curaj se înțelege
la închisoare întins întins se termină atacul
nu mă iubești în acest moment capul tău se atacă!!
Ege Kökenli
La Boheme
I could play with like-minded people like you
You're a wanderer of sinful fingers
I try to see you, you sway your waist colourfully
Tonight you'll surrender to that girl
On the midnight stage, with black sunglasses
You play the guitar with a cigarrette
Yeah, save you, save me, play loud
Make me forget that I'm a gypsy
Yeah, save you, save me, tiré mi amor
The nails of your sinful fingers follow the whereabouts of a red wound
The gaslight smokes in my favourite club
If I dress flashy, the night becomes merry
If you turn your arm like if you hold your guitar
You pump a blue phrase
You too are La Boheme
Your soul is a wanderer
I'm of the kind that can't forgive a lie
Though if I recognize it, that's love too
As if you cut in pieces the obstinate sadness
You play the guitar with the timbre of someone bent backwards
Yeah, save you, save me, it's the melody
That makes me fly like a bird again
Yeah, save you, save me, make me feel it
The horizon that will burn sweating one day embraces the white night
If you invite me, my heart will go running
I want to take you away of that girl
Because it's a night of mixed petals raining
While I get wet and moved I want to walk
You too are La Boheme
You're a wanderer in this city

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Passion is a glass door
It chills so sad that it burns
If we could get together like a constellation
Like the day we met
The fire of the night won't fade away
I want to love and be loved
But your hands one day will hold a beautiful woman
Hidden in the coat of my heart
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
You behaving like a brat and drunk
I feel like holding you on my lap
A woman only waits
I'm more a lonely pierrot than men
Even bad dreams shine
I understand this is a foolish love
I'd forgive a hundred sins with a rose
Just as much as shortening the distance to love you
Even if the farewell comes, it wouldn't be strange
Ah Ah Ah
I want to love and be loved
But your hands one day will hold a beautiful woman
Hidden in the coat of my heart
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
Ah Ah Ah
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I missed the shock
Because of the night of a long day
I got used to not understand you
More than any kind of severe novel
My heart is sad. A rainy day
A very slept circuit, unnoticed for me
Is leaving my heart behind
The sure kiss of that time
Had faded in my dreams. Slow down
I missed the shock, without being aware
All starts to fall apart
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Because of the loneliness afraid of the rain
Someday I'll get used to desolation
The old days that continuously chased me
Are leaving a dim shadow behind
Believing instead of doubting
Is something that now I hanged up
The weight of the night drawing near pressures me
I predict that tomorrow is just a day
I missed the shock, without understanding
I've lost the future
I missed the shock, The tears
That tried love are calling me. Shock!
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Nothing is seen. I can't see the sky through the glass
I can't tell anyone the sighs of tears that aren't heard
Being beautiful, being tender
Is not being empty
I missed the shock, without being aware
All starts to fall apart
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Oh no, oh yes
One by one are fading out
The lights of the windows at the office streets
Lowering the noise of my heels
To meet you
I go walking fast
More than a ring on a ring finger
I chose a love hidden to the public gaze
Even if I show that I'm a strong woman
Always in my heart
I'm shaking of pain
Oh no, we're two sinners
But no, we can't separate
Oh yes, I want to be loved this way
Oh no, loving you is not right
But no, don't take me home tonight
Oh yes, so baby won't you hold me tight
A theater that was left desolate
And a pharmacy that closed its doors
If I cross the street immediately
There's the hotel where you wait
But I'm bewildered
Lovers that walk down the road
How happy they seem
I fall in your lovely chest
A very late meeting
I'm burying with tears
Oh no, these are impossible affections
But no, I need nothing
Oh yes, if you embrace me
Oh no, it's not the way I planned
But no, don't let it be 'one-night-stand'
Oh yes, so baby try to understand
Oh no, we're two sinners
But no, we can't separate
Oh yes, I want to be loved this way
Oh no, loving you is not right
But no, don't take me home tonight
Oh yes, so baby won't you hold me tight
Oh no, it's not the way I planned
But no, don't let it be 'one-night-stand'
Oh yes, so baby try to understand

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Southern wind
The sea breeze salutes me
My body takes the rhythm to nature
I whirl my panama hat revolving the finger
The fruit wine they sent to my table
Is a message of someone unknown
I look on my back an I'm perplexed by a strong gaze
With the feet crossed in a white chair
And resting the chin in a hand you draw my attention
Like in a movie
I comb my hair up a little melancholically
Dangerous heart
Under the silhouette of the shadow of a coconut tree
My burnt body rests
Ignoring your transparent gaze and your pose
If you're a man dead of temptation
The seaside distracts me
Spontaneously you waved your hand attracting me
A beautiful boy on a white yatch
Dazzling eyes
If you're a man dead of temptation
You call me to the hotel window
Making me wave my freshly washed hair
In an instant I wink at you playing
Is it dangerous?

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Both quiet (from The Noh Mask Murders)
'Surely because I loved you too much'
It's innocent the finger that arranges the fallen petals
In the back of time saying 'goodbye'
Wanting to kill you is sad because I loved you too much
Sleep with me, I'll give you an eternal hug
I wish you good dreams. The night cherry blossoms
Make the brief dreams merry
To take off the clothes of the pale dragonfly of happiness
I want to show my way of life that tried the coldness
Because I've been so sad that I even yearned for you
Sleep with me, if in the new moon you sleep in my pillow
Your soul will become a reborn phoenix
A heaven river with a momentary flash of light
Wanting to kill you is sad because I loved you too much
Sleep with me, I'll get close to fate
Push your completely cold palm against my chest
Warm up
Sleep with me, I'll give you an eternal hug
I wish you good dreams. The night cherry blossoms
Make the brief dreams merry

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Forget (Special live version)
Last summer, I went buying
A swimsuit that I anxiously was looking for
Bursting into laughter
I put on airs of being on a summer holiday
As if I pile up everyone's sunburns
I pile up memories in my heart
On my shoulder reflected in the mirror
My memories with him dissapeared
Wanting to lose you, wanting to lose you
I bought a swimsuit
Wanting to forget you, wanting to forget you
I tried changing my favourite design
Today I bid farewell with this
But I want you to listen one thing
Many things worry me
I want you to forgive me from the heart
On this stage I stood up until yesterday
In my dreams there was only anxiety
That me now is bathing
In the warm eyes and the smiles of everybody
Don't forget, don't forget
My love for you won't change
Stare at me, stare at me
Because since tomorrow I'll be what I was until now

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Flowers arranged in the water
From the crescent moon a platinum light leaks out
At the sigh I woke up in the corner of the room
I saw an angel shaking
The hem of her lace spreads to the ankle
Instead of wings. Brefly and fleetingly
She says sweet words
Come, let's return
to when I was a girl
I'll be able to return once again to the day I was loved in my way
You maybe when you sleep innocently
She feels good while she lays on your shoulder
When I fall in love, time isn't bound
Everybody get hurt, it's a sin
But it's lovely too
Ah, sorry
Therefore, I can't go
I have again the pain that changed its form
I'm worried about the flower withering in the vase
I forgot it's arranged in the water with loneliness
That's why alone, homding my shoulders
I dream

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Tango noir
With your cold fingers you grab me by the wrist
Because my black satin shoes moved forward
The night without an end has begun
A black pas de deux
Cutting the rhythm, my shoulders tremble
The heat haze in your eyes gets red
I can't go back anymore. A beautiful devil
Possesses me, loves me, torments me so.
Just by turning around you're a criminal
Burning my life we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
You kiss my chest bended backwards
Tango Noir
While I get covered in all the jealousy
I brecome an extraordinary lady
The battle of so called love becomes precious
A black pas de deux
Grab me by the waist with my silk bustier
If you decide to turn, my breath cuts short
Let's go to bed. The beautiful ruin
Possesses me, loves me, washes me away so.
Just by living you're a criminal
Since I want to burn in flames, we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
Even opposing is a pleasure
Tango Noir
I can't go back anymore. A beautiful devil
Possesses me, loves me, torments me so.
Just by turning around you're a criminal
Burning my life we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
You kiss my chest bended backwards
Tango Noir

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
It's fine if I could forget only love
If I cried as much as I wish
In front of my eyes a different love
I think is shown maybe
Showing that show of courage
Is for forgetting you
I'm too lonely and broken
I'm the shipwrecking of love
Spreading my broken wings
I want to fall over you
If I sink in the bottom of the sea
I want to cry and I want you to hold me
If I loved someone else
I shouldn't be chasing you
Rather than continuing with a miserable love
I choose the pain of farewell
With a single word and without turning around
That morning when you left
I didn't recognized this loneliness
I'm the shipwrecking of love
Even if they laugh at me saying that I'm foolish
I want to chase you and hold you
Leaving our bodies to a whirlwind
I want to sink in your sea
I won't be able to meet you in this city
Tonight I walked alone
Everybody faking ignorance
Remain quiet and pass by
Just with losing a lover
Everything dissapeared
I'm lonely, I have nobody
I'm the shipwrecking of love

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love
There are times that I'm so bored that is unbearable even if I'm with you
If I start talking, I wanna dance now in a glass discotheque
Everyone are fallen angels. Sweat flies instead of wings
Can I get obsessed with something? Lovers in a time where love isn't shown.
Fall head over heels, desire
Burn up like fire, desire
Until love dance, dance, dance, dance
Not getting used to obsession is so lonely
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning heart
Quit your arm. Sorry. I'm not in the mood for being kissed.
I feel I kick of my heels. The night is long and lonely.
Maybe I understand the extravagant problems, however
Can I believe in something? Even a scandal is an ecstasy of the time
Collide and turn, desire
Gather the remmnants of stars, desire
Dreams are in front of me
If I wake up, they become nothing
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love
Fall head over heels, desire
Burn up like fire, desire
Until love dance, dance, dance, dance
Not getting used to obsession is so lonely
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning heart
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Meu amor é
Looking for you, the extended fingertips
Wind up in the whirlpool of the dance
A crowd of people surround me
The city of Rio is a carnival
Silver confetti, black eyed dancers
Feathers that shine making the sweat fly
At night in the city of an exotic country covered in magic
When it threw a spell on our hearts
It was a chance
Hesitations, make me hesitate carnival
Because it's a dream, tonight
Invitation, if I'm invited by the carnival
I sway in and out of your arms
Hold me, because we're embraced by the carnival
A kiss is the fire of life, amor é
On the other side of the parade I stared at you
In order to wake up from my dreams
You were in a corner standing still
Fireworks blast in the sky
The samba rhythm
For a thousand and one seconds
Tell me to not do it yet
Dance, make me dance carnival
In the circle of lights I beg you
I was requested by the carnival
To take my hand, amor é
Hestitations, make me hesitate carnival
Hold me strong
Invitation, if I'm invited by the carnival
Because my heart slips away
Hold me, because we're embraced by the carnival
A kiss is the fire of life, amor é

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Să nu îndrăznești!
Atât de mult ți-am dus dorul,
Atât de mult doare sufletul,
Cu lipsa ta, crede, nu sunt obișnuită,
Fără tine nu pot trăi!
Tu departe, eu aici, între noi sunt drumuri,
Cu asta cum să rezist eu?
Tu departe, eu aici, între noi sunt drumuri,
Cu asta cum să rezist eu?
Să nu îndrăznești să mă înșeli acolo,
Să nu îndrăznești să-mi rănești inima în profunzimea ei
Să nu îndrăznești să mă faci să plâng,
Mă voi ucide, nu pot trăi.
Ten commandments (1984)
Just acting like an indecisive person
You can't do anything for yourself
You look too overprotected
Kindness is an excuse for weakness
I'll start a fire under you. Solve your problems!
Until you change your soft way of living
These are my limits. Boys irritate me.
You immediately talk about love
But you don't fix anything with that
Everytime I go easy on you
You have the bad habit of taking advantage
Just being tender is not enough
All the boys now feel like crying
They behave spoiled. Stop, it's not a joke.
I'm clear and serious in these circumstances
I'm frustrated to the limit
Hopeless people makes me sad
I hope you have a method if you love me
If not, say goodbye. It's not a joke.
I'll start a fire under you. Solve your problems!
Surely if you change your soft way of living
I'd like you. Boys irritate me.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
She gave me her hand
She told me I love you
And I was on cloud nine
And found my old self again
I don't know, maybe she loved me
But one night she said
With me she learned to open her wings
And that's how she flied away from me
Angela, Angela
I'll always have you in my heart
Angela, Angela
Even if you shattered my dreams
Oh, how wrong I was
I saw everything the way I wanted
I saw in you all I wanted to see
A spontaneous, simple romanticism
Angela, Angela
I'll always have you in my heart
Angela, Angela
Even if you shattered my dreams
Protected by raincoat
So just like that
You wake up from dream
I'm here
After winter, the catkins
Want to be in the sun
So safely
My world grew
I got to learn
I want to experience all the stains, rock bottoms
I'll go, I'll go
My dreams start only when I dare to
Dreams can only live when they're free
I notice that nothing scares me anymore
When I'm wearing a raincoat, I'll be protected
When I'm wearing a raincoat, I'll always be protected
When I get older and close my wings
I'll still remember the morning fog
When I got to love your strong hands
I'll go, I'll go
Dreams start only when I dare to
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Breaking Up
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Woo woo baby
Something’s different today
We met up as usual
But you look prettier today
Woo baby
I’m happy because the weather’s so nice
I want to see your smiling face
Why did your makeup smudge?
(I saw your face reflected on the shop window)
I know it’s the face of a break up, I’ve seen it before
(The spring wind swallows up your voice)
Baby, not now
Don’t leave me today
Let’s say the tearful goodbyes tomorrow
Don’t leave love behind
Let’s leave the world without you for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Even your shadow sticks to you beautifully
No matter how much you push me away, I’m your man
It’s right before the sunset
It’s too early to let go of my hand
I’ll pretend I don’t know
I’ll avoid your eyes, as you bite your lip
I don’t like that look
(You didn’t put on your ring today)
The hand that captured my heart is now letting go of me
(There’s no more meaning in that smile)
Baby, don’t leave
Don’t leave me today
Let’s say the tearful goodbyes tomorrow
Don’t leave love behind
Let’s leave the world without you for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Time, please stop for today
I’m still not ready yet
I can let her go tomorrow
Sky, please don’t close your eyes
I’m still not ready yet
I can’t let you go right now
Those words aren’t easy
So don’t open your mouth and leave sadness for tomorrow
You can push it back a day
So hold my hand and leave the pain for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Woo woo baby
Hey, please tell me what songs you like
Hey, let's slip out together to somewhere
and talk without hiding blue in our hearts
Yeah, we get up and sleep
let's make it the best day
Well, come on, come on
Everyone, everyone sometimes feel lonely
Even teachers don't know
Even your friends don't know
You don't want to talk to anyone, do you?
However, I want you to let me hear
I don't need ambiguous attitudes
You aren't to be blamed for feeling sad
You don't want to talk to anyone, do you?
However, I want you to let me hear
Please tell it to me
Hey, please tell me the person you love
I wish this world was full of love
So, shout out without hiding your blues of instinct
Hey, let's try to communicate
and be excited as possible always
Well, come one, come on
Everyone, everyone sometimes feel they're alone
There are many things you don't know
You haven't even realized them yet
You don't want to talk to anyone, do you?
However, let me be here
I don't need ambiguous attitudes
Sadness has no limit
However, I want you to let me hear
Please talk to me about it
Let's dance cheerfully till the morning comes
and celebrate our first kisses
Let's talk about your hobbies or special skills
without hesitating
But what you really want to know
is nobody but ''yourself'', isn't it?
Who and what the messages you flicking are sent to?
''If I don't teach to you, you will fall
and if you don't learn, you will get hurt.''
''yourself'' nobody in the world knows
Even teachers don't know
Even your friends don't know
You don't want to talk to anyone, do you?
It's all right, let's talk on
I don't need ambiguous attitudes
Let's play, let's fly
You don't want to talk to anyone, do you?
However, I want you to let me hear
Please talk to me about it
Dacă mi-aș închide ochii
Parcă dragostea ar fi o boală
Eu te-am întemnițat pe tine, inima mea sa blocat
Eu in camera mea cu miros acum
Am vorbit cu pereți tăcuți
Numele respirației mele.
Aceștia acuma ard pe loc
Absența ta în flacără focului
Spune care era motivul să pleci
Dacă închid ochii îți văd chipul
Dacă m-aș depărta ziua nopțile aș fi un orb
Dacă as închide ușile mi-ar fi frig singur
Dacă aș zbura ca o pasăre aș putea să ma duc mai sus
Ege Kökenli
Hear Me
Don't waste your time looking for
Witches, fortune-tellers or matchmakers
Don't waste your time getting around
Only we can save ourselves
It's hard
Ask yourself
Who agrees
See, love is dying
I can't see forward
I can't know the end
It's so hard
Don't you have the guts, dear
Didn't your mum tell you
When you put on airs
It sure is hard to hold your horses
Don't you have the guts, dear
Didn't your mum tell you
When you speak out of turn
It gets hard to shush
Hear me
Sin is Mine
The sin is mine, guilt is mine
I dreamed, let me go, the dream is mine
The bribe I've given myself
Don't touch, I just have my dreams
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
I'm alone myself in the night again
I'm lonely in the Christmas
I realized that I'm on the start again
Sometimes I hugged my wrongs though
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
Is it always pain? Knives on your arms
Tell me darling, is it butcher or always bills?
The things you've done, isn't it insane?
Club or pub? Is that a compliment?
My heart is deserter with you, is it discipline?
I'm far away now, the thing we've lost was communication
Tell me, is it dirt or rust in your heart?
Is the thing what makes me write those, kick or bass?
Is gambling passion? Go on or pass?
Is that a strange mourning? Afghan or Moracco?
Wrong or coincidence? Is it always killing?
Is love the terrace in the house with sea view?
I'm alone myself in the night again
I'm lonely in the Christmas
I realized that I'm on the start again
Sometimes I hugged my wrongs though
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
The sin is mine, guilt is mine
I dreamed, let me go, the dream is mine
The bribe I've given myself
Don't touch, I just have my dreams
[Versetul 1]
In partea de jos o sa merg
Simt lumina zilei sufocind
In raul devin
Sint mereu in schimbare
In recea eterna lumina
Sint fiorul ce dispare
Fiecare cicatrice pe care încercăm să o ascundem
Eu sint falsul pe care l-ai facut
[Versetul 1]
In partea de jos dau drumul
Vad intunericul apropriinduse
In tacerea devin
Sint increderea parasita
In recea eterna lumina
Sint fiorul ce dispare
Fiecare cicatrice pe care încercăm să o ascundem
Eu sint falsul pe care l-ai facut
Nebuno, lasa[-ma]
Sint cel care imbratiseaza
Nebuno, fidelo
Sint ruptura ce sparge
In recea eterna lumina
Sint fiorul ce dispare
Fiecare cicatrice pe care încercăm să o ascundem
Eu sint falsul pe care l-ai facut
Nebuno, lasa[-ma]
Sint cel care imbratiseaza
Nebuno, fidelo
Sint ruptura ce sparge
I love you
What fills me is love
When your eyes touches mine
If I don't hear your voice, every dream is pain
When your hands go away from mine
Please, take sun, please, take the night
When your dreams fill my dreams
Be my past, future can be love
When your heart finds mine
I love you too much
Take my heart too, It can be yours.
I love you too much
Take my life, It can be yours
Teşekkür etmeyi unutmayın.
Te iubesc
Sufletul mi-e plin, o lume de iubire devine,
Ochii tăi in ochii mei pătrund,
Dacă nu aud vocea ta, fiecare vis devine suferință,
Mâinile tale dacă părăsesc mâinile mele.
Zilele ia-mi, nopțile ia-le, te rog,
Când visele mele sunt de gânduri pline,
Fii trecutul meu, viitorul va fi iubire,
Inima ta în inima mea o vei găsi.
Te iubesc mult,
Și inima mea ia-o, dacă vrei, ia-o, a ta să fie,
Te iubesc mult,
Și viața mea ia-o, dacă vrei, ia-o, a ta să fie!
Te iubesc
Te iubesc așa ca pe pâinea presărată cu sare,
Ca presărată cu sare,
Noaptea, cu fierbințeli în suflet mă trezesc,
Lipindu-mi buzele de robinet,
Ca și când aș bea apă.
Ori de câte ori mă gândesc la tine,
O gazelă coboară să bea apă,
Cât timp iarba crește, te văd, trandafirul meu.
În fiecare dimineață, în fiecare seară cu tine,
O fărâmă de măslină verde,
O fărâmă de mare albastră mă cuprinde.
Gândindu-mă la tine, plantez un trandafir
În locurile atinse de mâinile tale,
Dau apă cailor,
Iubesc mai mult munții, trandafirul meu,
În fiecare seară cu tine,
O fărâmă de măslină verde,
O fărâmă de mare albastră mă cuprinde...
My Bêrîtan
As long as I live I will never forget my Bêrîtan
Melodies and hymns resting on her lips, my Bêrîtan
Flower of the meadows and mountains, my Bêrîtan
On the front lines has she given her life, my Bêrîtan
You mastered the battle of life, my Bêrîtan
Like waves did she stroke out, my Bêrîtan
She did not surrender her trench but kept on fighting, my Bêrîtan
Backwardness was what she condemned, my Bêrîtan
On the front line she was ahead of all, my Bêrîtan
Leading the rank in martyrdom, my Bêrîtan
She was bright and shining like sun rays, my Bêrîtan
And adorned in red, like a bride, my Bêrîtan
I present this day to you only
We'll celebrate it (your birthday) together at last
'Cause I used to be locked up before
You've warmed up my world and we'll call a feast
I'll be with you all day long (Ahchoo!)
Elsa, aren't you drafty?
No way. Besides, I've always liked the cold.
Follow the string!
This day will be full of special surprises
Nothing will be able to cast a shadow on it
I've even achieved the impossible —
Made Sven and Kristoff take a bath
All I need is to start
I don't know the word 'no'
Your holiday will celebrate
The Moon and the stars, the Sun, the whole world!
I present this day to you only
Preparing a surprise, I glow with awaiting
You're my magic twinkle, flying into the dawn
I present this day to you only
Have you got a cold?
Surprise, one more surprise, here you go (Ahchoo!)
This is great, but I'm worried about you
It's time for you to go home and get into bed
No, here's a crystal ball for you and there's a snowstorm inside of it
Elsa, but what if you have a fever?
No way, steam comes out of here!
You should take medical care
Having any pain? There's a syrup with medicinal herbs!
No thanks
I'll take it
I present this day to you only
(This whole holiday is for you!)
And let this song make your dream come true
(Make the dream come true!)
We all love Anna!
(I love you!)
So this whole day is for you only
(For our mischievous princess)
This whole day is for you
I'll make it alright!
Let's go!
Now to the tower
Elsa, that's too much!
You need rest
You're gonna like it, I've sneezed everything, I mean, calculated
To feast, to dance
Come on, follow me!
Anna don't worry , just believe
Your best friend!
What? Come on!
We're gonna play, we're gonna sing
Gonna dance spinning around and fly
(Wish you) Happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness and love
In your birthday!
Elsa, stop! You've got a cold, you're burning up!
Enough, you've exhausted yourself
You don't spare yourself
So be honest with yourself
Yes, I'm ill
Sorry, Anna
I wanted to congratulate you properly
But I ruined everything...again
You ruined nothing
Now, get to the bed quickly
I present this day to you only
Let this song tell everyone how much I love you
To me, it all is chaos
And to me, hulabaloo!
So this whole day is for you only
I (present) this day to you only
I present this day to you only!
Happy birthday
And the whole world will be hearing my song
I love you!
You're my magic twinkle, flying into the dawn
I swear!
I (present) this day to you only
I (present) this day to you only
This whole day is for you only
For you only!
To the bed, I'll take you there
Hidden Love
Versions: #2
It can be yours take my lifetime but,
We should hide now
You're right,the love is not crime but,
Maybe we should be cleared
I love but I don't bow to this
I avoid my love but don't hide
While my every cells call you
I cannot live love the forbidden and secluded.
Come and See
Come and see how great our God is
Let's rejoice at all that He has done
With strength He answers us
There's no one like our God
'How awesome are Your works!'
We shout
'You have such great strength
Your enemies bow before You
Let the whole world worship You!'
Come and see how great our God is
He won the victory for us
The joy of the nations
There's no one like our God
Merry Christmas to You
The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you! We like the sound of that!
Christmas is ours this time
The hour has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
It's time for holiday presents
Yes, a night for pranks
Yes, they'll remember this
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
A vampire is sending you a souvenir
Unlike anything the world has ever seen
It's so interesting
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
And there's Jack!
I waited for happy days
And my dreams have come true
Yes, my fantasy is here
I'll make a smart beret from an old rat
What a beret, what talent!
You'll amaze with such a present!
But I suggest a variant
Try using a bat
No, no, that's not right
It all falls apart before our eyes
Find something younger
That won't fall to pieces
Go ahead, we can do it
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Now a long-awaited hour has struck
It's time to celebrate
The moon will appear soon
Christmas is here!
Don't cry
It became longing, it became a separation
The hours split into sadness
I saw two drops of tears fall*
Along with love and separation
Like a song, like a poem
The pain my soul has lived
are the memories from you now
I saved the loved sorrows
I hide you like a secret
Like a promise, like a secret dream
I can bear this heavy burden, go
go, don't get hurt**
Don't cry, I can't bear it
Don't cry my dear***, I can't stand seeing you sad****
Take my heart, it's all yours
If my heart stays with me I won't be able to live