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Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 180


Dragoste Ascunsa

Dacă-mi vrei viața ia-o, dar
Trebuie să ne ascundem acum.
Ai dreptate, dragostea nu este o crimă, dar
Poate ar trebui să fim achitați.
Te iubesc, dar la asta nu mă pot supune.
Îmi păstrez dragostea, dar o ascund.
Fiecare celulă din mine te strigă
Dragostea e un refugiu, nu pot trăi departe de ochii tăi...
Dacă-mi vrei viața ia-o, dar
Trebuie să ne ascundem acum.
Ai dreptate, dragostea nu este o crimă, dar
Poate ar trebui să fim achitați.
Te iubesc, dar la asta nu mă pot supune.
Îmi păstrez dragostea, dar o ascund.
Fiecare celulă din mine te strigă
Dragostea e un refugiu, nu pot trăi departe de ochii tăi...

O master, good guests have arrived

O master, good guests have arrived,
Hey, they brought you good news.
Your flock has lambed, o master,
Hey, half of it got twins.
Your wife has given birth, o master,
Hey, she gave birth to a boy.
O master, today we will eat and drink,
Hey, today we are making a wedding.
If you are sleeping, o master, wake up,
If you are drinking, o master, cheer up.

Tears are not for adornment

I've never been in tears
At the corner in the dark
I was pushed into a reckless car
That spun suddenly but not any scared
I saw red scarves streaming
Feeling a strange sensation
But I felt it was wrong to cry
I've never been in tears
In the middle of a cold night
I went through different people
Catching kisses and throwing them back
As new friends replaced old ones
My mind got littered with memories
But I felt it was wrong to cry
Tears are not for adornment
I'm telling you I love you
Tears are not like pearls
If only they were just beautiful
But they're all too saddening
I've never been in tears
I don't know what's true love
Whether before someone or alone
I've held back tears behind my eyes
But when I find a true lover
And my world starts to change
Somehow I feel I might really cry
Somehow I feel I might really cry
Tears are not for adornment
I'm telling you I love you
Tears are not like pearls
If only they were just beautiful
But they're all too saddening
Tears are not for adornment
If only they were just twinkling
Tears are not like diamonds
If only they just made you blue
But they're all too saddening
La la la...

Jurnalul Ioanei

Daca ar fi trebuit
M-as fi pus chiar langa tine
Asa ca lasa-ma sa te intreb
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Si nu m-ar deranja
Daca ai fi spus ca dragostea asta este pentru ultima data
Asa ca acum te intreb
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi încerca să-mi găsesc locul în jurnalul Ioanei
Asa ca spune-mi cum ar fi trebuit sa fie
Incerc sa aflu ce te face ca o capusa
Ca eu sa ma intind
Inflamat si bolnav
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Ti-ar placea asta ?
Exista o linie fina intre dragoste si ura
Si nu m-ar deranja
Doar lasa-ma sa-ti spun
Imi place asta
Imi place asta
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa cum o sa ard o alta pagina
Asa cum o sa ma uit in alta parte
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa ca spune-mi cum ar fi trebuit sa fie
Disperat ma voi târî
Asteptand atat de mult
Nici-o dragoste , acolo nu este dragoste
Murind pentr-u oricine
Ce am devenit ?
Este ceva in cale
Este ceva gata sa se rupa
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei
Asa cum o sa ard o alta pagina
Asa cum o sa ma uit in alta parte
Voi incerca sa-mi gasesc locul in jurnalul Ioanei

Niciodată Iarăși

Poartă-mă în jos, fă-mă să fiu părăsit
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Supărare frumoasă care frânge obișnuința
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Gol și desăvârșit, sfărâmat și fără valoare
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Tragându-mă mai departe, uit să-mi amintesc
Arată-mi ceea ce a rămas, arată-mi ceea ce a rămas
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Și după ce această lume este de neatinsă
Treaz și tăcut, estompat și silnic
Disperat, mă lupt să cad în mijloc
Niciodată nu cedez, în afara tăciunilor
Deci să cruți un loc înlăuntru pentru mine
Ia culoarea de pe ochii tăi
Sângerez pentru tine, sângerez pentru tine
Adu-i la viață pe frânții
O să trecem, o să trecem
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie
Niciodată iarăși, nicodată iarăși
Timpul nu-mi va lua viața mie

Danger Zone

If I didn't say good-bye first
You'd never set me free from you
How cunning―you're one of those sly people
Every sigh you give makes me mesmerized
My fascination with you blinds my mind
If I go even farther I'm not sure what'll happen
I wanna turn back but can't―feeling divided
Ambivalence means falling hard―danger zone ahead
I wish this was just a fling with a way out
You might tell me to find somebody else to love
But that's a tall order, I'd say
You've worn a clouded face for some reason
Now I can make sense of it
You must be thinking, 'It's about time,'
Since your side face looks different
Puzzled by your inscrutable smile
I turned around on my way home in the twilight
I wish for an ordinary lover―my heart divided
I can't love anyone but you―however dangerous
While being kissed I think deep in my heart
Are you gonna make me say good-bye first?
But that's a tall order, I'd say

A perfect day

Elsa: We haven't celebrated you before
Because when we were kids, you just sat there and looked at my door
Now we'll have a party, eating cake next
I'll be your guest, if I may?
Anna: Elsa, I think you have a cold
Elsa: I never have colds, because...
A little snow has never bothered me
(Anna: Fancy!)
Elsa: Follow this string!
(Anna: Wait, what?)
Elsa: I've planned everything, something will happen today
Nothing will interfere, everything will be alright
I've worked hard, planned every detail
And your friends should get a medal
No, nothing can stop me now
There are gifts on the menu
It's my sister's birthday today
And I want to raise you high up, up in the sky
(Olaf: My brothers!)
Elsa: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
It'll be a day full of fun, we haven't begun yet
You're my sister and my friend, your moment is now
Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Anna: It's usually three
Elsa: It's fine
There, this one I want to give you
Anna: Oops, apprently I should go fishing, but I'm more concerned for you
It's probably time for you to go home, we won't have a party
Elsa: Don't want to stop, what comes now is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you're not thinking clearly
Elsa: But the party will start soon
Anna: Let the doctor take a quick look
Oaken: Are you sick? I have a cough medicine, the recipe is secret!
Elsa: No, thanks!
Anna: We take it...
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Elsa: Absolutely perfect, you deserve it
Choir: We sing a song for you and hope you're having fun
Elsa: You'll have fun!
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: And we're singing it now
Choir: Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
(Olaf: I can fix that!
Kristoffer: No, no!
Olaf: Now it's done!
Elsa: Now come! Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa, take it easy! You have to rest!
Elsa: Yeah, we have to start with the party-chill, I meant the party-snuggle!
It's a party, like a dream!
Come, come, come, come!
Follow the string again, you, my dearest friend!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Yeah, what? It's fine!
It's as it should be! Follow me!
Follow the string here, to a thing!
Happy, happy, happy, on your, on your, on your, warm, cold, warm birthday
Anna: Elsa, look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
No, it's enough for today
Our entrance will have to wait
Hey, you have to agree
Elsa: Okay, I'm pretty weak...
I'm sorry, Anna!
I just wanted that you would have a perfect birthday
But I ruined everything... again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, get to bed now
(Kristoff: No, no, please, please, stop!)
Choir: Happy birthday!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Laugh much more and come closer and enjoy
Kristoff: This has turned into pure chaos
Olaf: The cake will break soon
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Choir: Everything is perfect, because you deserve it
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Have a good time and lots of fun and we begin now
Kristoff: Beloved Anna
Choir: You are our sister and friend, your moment is now
Kristoff: To you
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Elsa: The best day
Anna: Okay, to bed with you now
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
The only missing thing now is that the queen blows the birthday horn
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
Anna: The best birthday present in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you

Let This Day Be Perfect To You

Elsa: Psst...Anna!
Anna: Huh?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you...
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: Mine...
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come!
Anna: It's my birthday?
Elsa: Uhm!
And it's going to be perfect, because...
On every your birthday so far
You were knocking on my cold doorstep in vain
Because of that now everything will be just for us two
And all those missed years
Anna: Elsa, you've got a cold
Elsa: I can't catch cold
I never get bored of snow
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Just follow the string
Anna: Wait, what?
Elsa: Because along the way there will be many surprises
And nothing will cut our ties
I've been working for days to get everything set
And even Kristoff and Sven took a bath!
And I don't mean to stop
Because this is my plan
Olaf: Sumer!
Elsa: To give you celebration as a gift
And the whole world will become yours today!
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: Let this day be perfect to you
Anna: Oh, sandwich!
Elsa: I'll do everything to put the world in your hand
Everything you've gone through with me
Now it's an old dream
Let this day be perfect to you!
Anna: The third is coming!
Elsa: I'm fine!
Kristoff: Hey!
Elsa: Look now, this is special!
Anna: Pretty interesting, but I'm still worried
It's time for you to go home and get some rest
Elsa: There's no stopping!
The next one is even be...
Anna: Elsa, that's enough now!
Elsa: Not now because party is starting!
Anna: But you need care!
Oaken: You're sick?
Take a bit of honey...
From my flower meadows
Elsa: No, thanks
Anna: We'll take it!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you!
Elsa: Let this day be special to you!
Choir: We're singing our birthday song aloud to you
Elsa: Aloud to you!
Choir: We love Anna
Elsa: And I love you too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Let it be perfect to you!
Olaf: I'll fix this!
Kristoff: No, no!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Tenant, mess, lonely?
Elsa: Come on!
Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa that's too much!
You need rest!
Elsa: We need to get to the birthday colds...
I mean fireworks!
I've got a dream, I've got a plan
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Sister follow that string, you'll have a perfect day!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Oh, come on...
It's not the end yet...
Follow that string...
I can't hide, it will be...
Dear, dear, dear
Happy, happy, happy
Cool 'n' hot birthday!
Anna: Elsa!
Look at you, you've got a fever, you're burning up!
It can't go on like this...
There will be a lot of chances...
And now it's the time for you to admit...
Elsa: I caught a cold...
Sorry Anna
I wanted to give you one perfect birthday
But I've ruined it, again...
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
But you need to bed immediately
Kristoff: Oh no, wait, wait, wait, stop!
Choir: Surprise!!!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow!
Choir: Let this day be perfect to you!
Let it be perfect to you like the most beautiful dream!
Kristoff: It's getting really chaotic here!
Olaf: But it's fun!
Choir: Let this be a perfect one...
Let this be a perfect one...
Anna! Anna!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you
Kristoff: Happy birthday!
Choir: Be perfectly happy today with us!
Kristoff: I love you Anna!
Choir: We're happy because you're ours
And we're yours!
Kristoff: And I'm yours too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Elsa: Perfect!
Anna: Okay, now straight into the bed!
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
Only what's left to do is that queen must play a birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
The best birthday present ever!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You letting me take care of you

A Lovely Day

Elsa: You have been taken your birthday away from you before
You just sat completely alone infront of my door
So I know it's a bit late but I mean it in the best way
It's all gonna be so nice, just wait and see
Anna: Elsa, I think you're having a cold, my friend
Elsa: I never have a cold, remember...
The ice cold mountain was my one true home
Just follow the string!
I know exactly what you're gonna do this whole day
Just wait and see, I have a top secure plan
There's check on the table plan, on the music and cake platter
And I got Kristoff and Sven to take a bath
Whether you want it or not, you'll get love
I'll open up the door for you
And bring all the stars in the sky down here
See, now you're gonna have the best birthday ever
And it's gonna be a hugh blast, 'cause that you should have
I owe you it all, so I'm raising a flag
'Cause now you'll get the best birthday ever
Anna: The're one more!
Elsa: No, no... Achoo!
So the first surprise is.... Achoo!
Anna: Wow, and I'm so excited but also really worried about you now
So to be honest, it's probably for the best if you slow it down
Elsa: No, it can wait, look at the present number two.. Achoo!
Anna: Go to bed now, please
Elsa: No, we're gonna paint the city red
Ana: But you really need some care
Oaken: Are you sick? Here's something for the snout! It's your sickbed!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take it
Choir: We want you to have the best birthday ever
Elsa: The best birthday ever
Choir: Our birthday song, we hope you think that it's cool
Elsa: That it's cool
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: Oh, what's happening now?
Choir: That is why we're yelling a high hurray
Yes, everybody has to yell a high hurray
Yell a high hurray in your nice birthday
Elsa: Come on, now we'll climb
Anna: Elsa, it's too much, you need to rest
Elsa: We need the sweetest birthday sneeze... Eh, I mean thrill!
Dream a dream, make a plan, then go ahead
Follow the string on ?, see where it'll take you
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What?! Don't worry, I have an advice, follow your string
? and to something you have gotten
Yell hurray, hurray and a lot of happiness, thrill, sneeze, sneeze, birthday...
Anna: Elsa, listen, you have a fever, you're burning
That party is gonna have to wait a bit now
Till you feel better again
Don't lie to yourself
Elsa: Okay, I'm a bit sick
I'm sorry Anna
I just wanted to give you the perfect birthday
Bit I ruined everything, again
Anna: You haven't ruined anything at all
Just go to bed
Choir: Hurray!
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Wow..
Choir: We hope you'll get a lovely birthday
A day that's full of hapy smile, 'cause that's what you should have
Kristoff: There's not far from chaos
Olaf: And from party and hurray!
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday today
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday and we're gonna get some cake
Kristoff: I love you, Anna
Choir: So thanks you for all the ? and everything you gave
Kristoff: I do
Choir: So now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Elsa: A big hurray!
Anna: Okay, go to bed right now
Elsa: No, wait, wait! We just need the Queen to blow in the big birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no, no...
Elsa: Achoo!
Anna: The best birthday gift in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you
Elsa: Achoo

The most festive birthday

Elsa: This is your first birthday
If you don't count the ones I was away
After all these years I congratulate you like this
If I can now celebrate you
Anna: You haven't caught a cold, have you?
Elsa: I don't catch a cold!
And hey! This cold wind can blow now!
Anna: Pretty!
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Hey... what?
It's my turn to happily surprise you
Nothing, nothing can stop that
I already did my job, I organized what I could
When even those Kristoff and Sven had a wash
If you're going to stop me now
You will see my power
Olaf: Summer!
Elsa: Like this the presents start to trundle
You'll get the whole world from me as a present
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: This birthday is the most festive
And the greatest birthday fever just gets stronger
Because you are the dearest to me, it comes true
This birthday is the most festive
Anna: There are always three of them
Elsa: No worries
Hooray, hooray, this is your surprise
Anna: You've made an effort but I am concerned
You have to go home and rest
Elsa: Away such words, because the next one is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you have to give up
Elsa: Don't even say that
Anna: You have to see a doctor
Oaken: Sick? A good flu medicine from Oaken!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take that
Choir: This birthday is the most festive
We wish you good luck with this song
You're the dearest, Anna
Elsa: You're my dearest as well
Choir: So this festive day is of course a wonderful day
We give the best to you
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: No! Nope!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Nonna has a banana
Elsa: Come! Now we climb!
Anna: Elsa, it's too much! You have to rest!
Elsa: We have to go to ice soon... I mean the party!
Dream, dreaming
Soon, soon, soon, soon
We follow the string, because you are my best friend
Anna: Elsa!
Elsa: Hui hai!
We climb and sing
Our string's way takes us there
Good, good, good, nice, nice, nice
Hot and cold
Anna: Elsa listen to me! You have a fever
You are on fire
Oh, now this is enough
We'll celebrate later
Come on, now admit it to yourself
Elsa: Well, yeah...
I'm feverish
I'm sorry Anna... I just wanted to offer you
a perfect birthday, but I ruined it again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
Now you go to rest
Kristoff: Stop, stop, stop, hey!
Choir: Surprise!
This birthday is the most festive
And the birthday fever of everyone just gets stronger
Kristoff: Chaos is really close
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
This birthday is the most festive
Kristoff: Congratulations
Choir: Birthday, now the sun gets brighter
Kristoff: You're my dearest!
Choir: You're our dearest, we thank you like this
Kristoff: Well yeah!
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
Elsa: The most festive!
Anna: Alright! Now to bed
Elsa: No! The Queen has to blow the birthday toot!
Anna: No, no, no
Anna: The best present of all time
Elsa: What?
Anna: When you let me take care of you

Breaking Bad

Life has changed me in a strange minute
Too much glow, too much impact
It's too big for me, to be exact
I know it's no big deal.
Glory has knocked me down in the second assault
Too much smoke, too many deals
The anonymity was an odd loss
I know it's no big deal.
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big

Heroic Dream

My sword / Where is it from?
Love and hate / Two sides of a coin
My blade / Cuts across the sky
Right and wrong / Do you understand?
Drunk / In a haze
Kindness and revenge / Just empty words
Awake / 'Twas but a sweet dream
Life and death / Are nothing at all
Come like the wind / Go like the wind
Never stay for long
Love like the wind / Hate like the wind
Easy come easy go
A wild cackle / A deep sigh
The sound of joy / The sound of sorrow
Who will join me in this journey?
I cry / Tears in my heart
Sad and happy / The whims of the gods
I laugh / Crazy and insane
Heaven and earth / Like a surging storm
Drunk / In a haze
Kindness and revenge / Just empty words
Awake / 'Twas but a sweet dream
Life and death / Are nothing at all
A wild cackle / A deep sigh
The sound of joy / The sound of sorrow
Who will join me in this journey?
Who will join me in this dream?


The swordsman laughs
A dismissive laugh
Exchanging blows
Dagger in a smile
Laughing at the world
A lonely laugh
The heart is high
Cannot be reached
The bright moon shines (bright moon shines)
On a far away road (far away road)
Men grow old
The heart does not
Cannot love
Yet cannot let go
Cannot forget
My love for you
When nothing is what it seems
The surging current cannot be stopped
A righteous spirit, a heart of steel
Heroes fated to loneliness
The swordsman laughs
A laugh of freedom (laugh of freedom)
Start the music
Bring the wine
A laugh of abandon (laugh of abandon)
Forget it all (forget it all)
Carefree floating like the wind

Full moon

That too is over
Maybe it wasn't meant to be like they say
One more night finds me alone
I start counting mistakes I've made from the start
I can't even think about
Maybe not seeing you every again
I speed in highways past over 200 km/h
I speed as much as I can to clear my thoughts
Tonight that there's a full moon
Someone has taken you in his arms
Tonight makes a year away from you
And I've missed your embrace so much
I come by your house
I see some kind of light but can't get in
How I've missed each and every corner of it
I still have the keys in my pocket
I stand across on a corner
I wander if everything is like the old times
You liked spending time with me
And hang my pictures everywhere
Tonight that there's a full moon
Someone has taken you in his arms
Tonight makes a year away from you
And I've missed your embrace so much

Freakin' Out

I didn't notice you before
But when I looked at you
So cool, so wonderful
I feel so close to you, without your looks
Without your voice, nothing of this would have happend
Nothing would have touched me
You are so incredibly cool
And my heart, it goes crazy!
And now I'm freakin' out
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
But that was not your fault
Oh yes, I'm freakin' out
It is a strange feeling
To know that you exist
You take away my sanity
And make me totally crazy
Everything I dreamed of
It was so beautiful
Only one little wrong word
Everything collapsed
You are so incredibly cool
And my heart, it goes crazy!
And now I'm freakin' out
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
But that was not your fault
Oh yes, I'm freakin' out
You appear
You mess up everything
One touch
And I collapse
Yes this whole love is one
Single wish
That I can't get out of my system
That I can't get out of my system anymore
Oh, that I can't get out of my system
Can't get out of my system
Because every time I see you again
My heart makes a huge jump
Oh every time I see you again
I ask myself
Why do I feel so much for you?
You are so incredibly cool
And my heart, it goes crazy!
And now I'm freakin' out
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
But that was not your fault
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
And now I'm freakin' out
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
Oh boy, I'm freakin' out
And now I'm freakin' out

I Will Give You A Perfect Day

You never had a birthday yet
Except of those that you spent outside my door
And although I'm here late to celebrate today
This special day with you
You took cold, it seems to me
I don't take cold, besides...
Take cold never bothered me
Follow the rope
Today I've got plans and surprises for you
Nothing nor no one will prevent us
I took weeks planning this day
And even Kristoff and Sven have taken a shower
And if someone wants to prevent (it)
They will see it with me
Your birthday will be happy
I want to give you the sun, the sky and the sea
I will give you a perfect day
I even make it to be great for be together both
For that you passed, I'll compansate you
I will give you a perfect day
They go in threes
I'm fine...
This surprise is specially...
Bless you, your cold does not seem to improve
I think you have to go home to rest
Wait a moment, the best is for arrive
Elsa, you have to lie down
Not to mention, we have to paint the town
A doctor should see you
I've got a remedy, that you can drink it
No, thanks
We'll take it
Child choir:
I will give you a perfect day (it'll be a special day)
With this song your dreams today will come true
We all love you (I love you too)
Today you'll have a perfect day (a fantastic day will be)
You'll have a perfect day
C'mon! We have to climb
This is already passed, you must rest
Now we have to see your colds... I mean, the guests
I have to prepare a party
Follow this rope on here
Do not separate yourself from me
What? I am fine
We have to climb, we have to sing
Follow the rope till here
Birthday, birthday, birthday, birthday, cold and hot
Elsa, look, you've got a fever
You're burning up
Don't you see that you can't continue?
Postpone it is better
C'mon, you gotta admit (it)
Okay, you're right
I'm sorry Anna, I just wanted your birthday to be perfect
But I've spoiled it, again
You've not spoiled anything
Come, get into bed
I will give you a perfect day
A great smile today I will dedicate to you
Watch out for the cake
Incredible party
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have a perfect day
I will give you a perfect day
Happy birthday
A happy day from the heart I'll dedicate you
I love you Anna!
For everything you do for me
And what you are
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have...
Come to bed, Elsa
No, wait, wait
There's only left that the queen blow the celebrations' horn
Oh, no no no no no no...
My best birthday's gift
What gift?
That you let me take care of you


At that moment the ears are ringing
I am here inside you
Do not you cry
Hide us in tears
Unforgettable unforgettable
What happened to us
How is it forgotten
At that moment your lips are sore
When someone else kisses
oh don't you scream
Keep your pain on your lips
Unforgettable unforgettable
What happened to us
How is it forgotten
what shall we do?
Once it escaped this love vapor
How about these coasts, can we forget them?
Unforgettable, Unforgettable
People who have been to us
How is it forgotten

Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu

Elvis e-un erou, e un superstar
Şi-am auzit că Paul McCartney conduce un Rolls Royce
şi Dylan cântă pentru milioane
iar eu cânt pe mai nimic...
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Neil Diamond cântă pentru diamante
şi iote-l pe ştrasu de mine
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Am auzit că Alice Cooper are-o tipă focoasă
să-i mângâie şarpele şi să-l ţină bogat
Iar Elton John are două tipe
şi Doctor John chiar trei
iar eu încă văd aceleaşi strâmbe pe care le vedeam
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Eu am carismă
şi personalitate
Cum de fiecare are succes, numai eu nu?!
M-am machiat pe faţă
cum face şi Bowie
şi port aceeaşi mascara
cum are şi Mick Jagger
şi mi-am dat şi cu ruj
speriindu-i pe ai mei
Şi fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Au fane pentru trupele lor
şi tot ce am e mâna dreaptă
Fiecare are succes, numai eu nu!
Fiecare are succes, are succes, are succes
Fiecare are succes...

Despărțirea este grea

Despărțirea este grea, știu...
Poate încă te iubesc.
Sunt rănit mult mai mult cu fiecare zi ce trece,
Chiar nu există un final fericit pentru noi?
Sufletul meu arde, ce fel de suferință e asta?
Este necunoscută pentru mine, oricum.
De parcă ochii ei s-ar fi prăbușit peste mine, în inima mea.
Nu mă lăsa să mor, chiar nu există nici o soluție pentru noi?
Despărțirea este grea (2x)
Sunt rănit mult mai mult cu fiecare zi ce trece,
Chiar nu există un final fericit pentru noi?

Fiecare val care se sparge

Versions: #1#2
Fiecare val care se sparge de mal
Ii spune celui din spate ca va mai urma unul
Si fiecare parior stie ca a pierde
Este motivul pentru care esti, de fapt, acolo
Vara am fost neinfricat
Acum las mesaje pe telefon
Asemeni fiecarei frunze purtate de vant
Pe care iarna nu vrea sa o lase in pace
Sa o lase in pace
Daca tu pleci
Daca tu pleci pe drumul tau, iar eu pe al meu
Suntem chiar atat de
Suntem chiar atat de neputinciosi in fata curentilor?
Iubito, fiecare caine de pe drum
Stie ca iubim infrangerea
Suntem pregatiti sa ne lasam purtati in voia sortii
Si sa incetam sa mai fugarim
Fiecare val care se sparge?
Fiecare marinar stie ca marea
Este un prieten care se poate transforma in dusman
Si fiecare suflet deznadajduit stie ce inseamna
Sa traiesti lipsit de intimitate
Am crezut ca aud vocea capitanului
E greu sa asculti in timp ce faci morala
La fel ca fiecare val care se sparge de mal
Doar pana aici am reusit sa ajung
Daca tu pleci
Daca tu pleci pe drumul tau, iar eu pe al meu
Suntem chiar atat de
Suntem chiar atat de neputinciosi in fata curentilor?
Iubito, fiecare caine de pe drum
Stie ca iubim infrangerea
Suntem pregatiti sa ne lasam purtati in voia sortii
Si sa incetam sa mai fugarim
Fiecare val care se sparge?
Marea stie unde sunt stancile
Si a te ineca nu este un pacat
Tu stii unde este inima mea,
In acelasi loc in care a fost si a ta
Amandoi stim ca ne este teama sa castigam
Astfel ca ne oprim inainte de a incepe
Inainte de a incepe
Daca tu pleci
Daca tu pleci pe drumul tau, iar eu pe al meu
Suntem chiar atat de
Suntem chiar atat de neputinciosi in fata curentilor?
Iubito, fiecare caine de pe drum
Stie ca iubim infrangerea
Suntem pregatiti sa ne lasam purtati in voia sortii
Si sa incetam sa mai fugarim
Fiecare val care se sparge?