Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 10
Down a long road
They were riding on the troika with sleigh bells,1And the lights flashed in the distance.
I would now, dear strangers, follow you,2
To dispel my soul from the yearning.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
Yeah, we sang, it turns out, in vain,
Wasted away night after night senselessly,
If we've been done with the old,
Since these nights were over as well.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
From now on we're destined to go to the native country
Down new ways.
They rode on the troika with sleigh bells,
But now have come a long time ago.
They rode down a long road аt moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
Nu-i cale de-ntors
E un anotimp trist, viscol e-n inimă,Și-ți amintești cum înainte nu puteam unul fără altul?
Atât de scurtă ne-a fost întâlnirea,
Iar noi am crezut că veșnic va dura.
Dar la-nceputul toamnei, arțarii și-au aruncat frunzele,
Nori înghețati plutesc deasupra mea.
Ce-am făcut oare? Nu am salvat dragostea,
Și pentru noi doi nu-i cale de-ntors.
Așa se-ntâmplă des: apare dragostea,
Și cu ea despărțirea, nu-i pe lume durere mai adâncă.
Mi-e greu să mă-mpac cu o așa pierdere cumplită,
Și tu crezi că ziua de ieri se va întoarce.
Dar la-nceputul toamnei, arțarii și-au aruncat frunzele,
Nori înghețati plutesc deasupra mea.
Ce-am făcut oare? Nu am salvat dragostea,
Și pentru noi doi nu-i cale de-ntors.
Lumina tristeții
Voi decora versurile cu note stângace,Și romanța va răsuna în razele apusului.
Și, așa cum albinele se rotesc peste faguri,
Se va roti tristețea, tristețea față de trecut.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Deschide cufărul de fier din sufletul tău generos,
Căci poate undeva, la fund, mai există încă
Bănuțul vechii noastre iubirii, de cheltuit.
În el tremură, reflectată, tristețea de demult.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Fie ca păianjenul să-și țeasă pânza pe strunele chitarei,
Fie ca frunzele anilor trecuți să fie smulse de vânt.
Pictorul Dragoste va face un al tablou,
Dar sigur îl va încercui cu albastru pal.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Calul alb
Am vrut să intru în oraș pe un cal alb,Iar hangița mi-a zâmbit.
Pe pod, se pare că morarul m-a privit pieziș.
Și am rămas cu acea hangiță peste noapte.
Calul mi-a smuls frâiele, cerând la drum să ne grăbim,
Dar îndrăgostiții n-ascultă de cei mai buni prieteni.
Din noapte până-n zori m-am ospătat în acea crâșmă,
Și calului priponit i-a fost dor de mine.
Cal alb, cal alb, eu te-am pierdut pe tine.
Cal alb, de mine prin stepă ai fugit.
Cal alb, cal alb, mi-am pierdut murgul,
Numai nea, albă nea mă acoperă.
În zori m-am trezit cu durere de cap,
Nu puteam să pricep ce mi s-a întâmplat.
Unde-i a mea gazdă, cu care toată noaptea m-am îmbrățișat?
În câmp deschis, singur, în zăpadă zăceam.
Unde mi-e calul alb, unde-i a comorii desagă?
Ieri a fost vară, și azi este iarnă.
Am vrut să intru în oraș pe un cal alb,
Iar hangița mi-a zâmbit.
Cal alb, cal alb, eu te-am pierdut pe tine.
Cal alb, de mine prin stepă ai fugit.
Cal alb, cal alb, mi-am pierdut murgul.
Numai nea, albă nea mă acoperă.
Meaningless Words
Versions: #3Pour a little magic into that crystal wine glass,
Mirrors are reflecting the shimmering candle light.
I'm tired of issuing meaningless words.
My flame has burned out, and you've not relighted it.
Meaningless words are the essence of falsehoods.
Meaningless words are easy for me to say.
Meaningless words. But just don't misjudge me.
Meaningless words. I'll soon finish talking.
Your doorbell won't be ringing.
You won't hear me hurrying to visit.
Just don't tell me, when our end is beginning.
No hurry for meaningless words to resolve our fate.
Think of a time of tenderness, of spring,
Of matted grass, cornflowers with their aroma,
Centuries old, scattered everywhere.
Meaningless words, meaningless love.
Meaningless words, the essence of falsehoods.
Meaningless words, easy for me to say.
Meaningless words. Just don't misjudge me.
Meaningless words. I'll soon stop talking.
Your doorbell won't be ringing.
I'll not be hurrying to visit.
Don't let me know, when our end begins.
No hurry for meaningless words to seal our fate.
Summer night
I will never realize youEven if we’ll be close for ages
You’re an ethereal dream,
You are image of life.
Charming smile like the spells that allure,
Eyes make drunk me like elixir lakes,
Where some fading stars sink
To find relaxation and love.
How long will my happiness last?
I don’t know this secret.
You look princess who suddenly
Came to the feast.
So I hold your delicate palm
At my face and I quite understand,
It’s a gift of a mystery planet
That was in the East.
So I hold your delicate palm
At my face and I quite understand,
It’s a gift of a mystery planet
That was in the East.
This summer night will end very soon
But I will bathe in your love, oh my dear.
A river’s lamenting under the Moon
Sending a mist as a ransom of silver
A river’s lamenting under the Moon
Sending a mist as a ransom of silver
I would give for an evening with you
An empire of stillness and quiet.
I would change heaps of verses
For wakeful sweet nights.
And a golden morning will send
With a dawn warm and fresh clear rain
It will wash off the sins
With its golden rays
And a golden morning will send
With a dawn warm and fresh clear rain
It will wash off the sins
With its golden rays
This summer night will end very soon
But I will bathe in your love, oh my dear.
A river’s lamenting under the Moon
Sending a mist as a ransom of silver
A river’s lamenting under the Moon
Sending a mist as a ransom of silver
Love and a parting
Your dress for your wedding is not yet unpacking.And anthem won’t sound just for us.
But time as a driver it doesn’t like waiting,
The horses want racing at once.
The horses want racing at once.
If only the horses don't lose their main line
The bell under the arc would ring long.
‘Cause love and a parting as faithful companions
Are never by one. They come both.
We ourselves opened gates. We got driving
And yoked lucky horses as a team.
You saw straight ahead something calling and shining,
But something went out as a dim.
But something went out as a dim.
To hear each other is so sacred science,
Overcoming time and storm it will rule.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
The more we live here, the years are shorter.
the friends are more valuable to us.
If only the bell under the arc would ring longer
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
The shore and an ocean are two antipodes
like storm and the sun, like swifts and crows.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
Light of sad
I will ornament rhymes with a simple new melody.My song will start sound in the rays of twilight.
And as bees all the time whirl above their honeycomb
Sadness whirls and recalls me the days that were bright
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true
Open chest of your soul. It was so generous.
Look and see if you find something that wasn’t spent
Little coin of your love it was precious for both of us.
Our sorrow trembles recalling love and reflects.
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true
Let a spider build web on the strings of my guitar then.
Let the leaves of my past go away with a wind with its squall.
May new Love as an artist paint another sweet painting.
But I guess it will use blurry blue to encircle that will draw.
The light of sad from labyrinth of memory.
The light of sad is always blurry blue.
I feel our life looks as a beggar there
It’s praying fate for love that must be only true