Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1


Would I found my happiness

Was I once little really?
Was I once really lying in cradle?
And you too, they say, were little,
And you too, they say, were lying in cradle.
Would I were little, would I lay in cradle,
Would I slept peacefully feeling my mother's warmth.
Was I once really flying in dreams?
Was I once really running barefoot?
And you too, they say, were flying in dreams,
And you too, they say, were running barefoot.
Would I saw dreams, would I ran barefoot,
Would I forgot the hardships of my life.
Was I once really living joyful?
Was I once really living loving?
And you too, they say, lived joyful,
And you too, they say, lived loving.
Would I got to live joyful, would I saw love,
Would I found my happiness in this world!