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Come on
MelodiesRinging through my head
When you lay eyes on me
The rush is from above
It feels so heavenly
Come and charge me up like electricity
My remedy
All in my, in my head,
All in my lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I’ll show you what it’s like beyond your fantasy
My remedy
All in my, in my head,
All in my lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Oh my god, oh my god
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Come on
Melodies ringing through my head when you lay eyes on meThe rush is from my perfect view, so heavenly
Come and charge me up like electricity
My remedy
All in my, in my head
All in my, lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You can be my only one
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I'll show you what's it's like beyond your fantasy
My remedy
All in my, in my head
All in my, lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You could be my only one
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You can be my only one
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Let this night be mine
Don't want you to leave,T'is such a very cold night
Protect me with the warmth of your arms,
Till the day comes back again.
Your pillow can't wait anymore
Let it caress your face
Maybe it'll persuade you 1,
Maybe it won't.
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
On leaving this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
To leave this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
- 1. Lit. Maybe it gives you some advice
- Lit. Postpone my death
I have a story like that
Versions: #1I have a story just like yours.
Laced with joys and failures
You and I, we had the same things.
And, sometimes those same things we lacked
We had a place we grew up
Perhaps the same street or that neighborhood that was so generous to us.
And at some point we turn our backs on it.
I had, like you, that girlfriend who kissed so terribly one evening that it was etched in our memories forever.
And one day, you and I, from that street we walked away without looking at what remained
We had our eyes fixed on a new sun to shine upon us.
We stumbled through life like a corso heading in the wrong direction.
And we disguised the truth in other people's clothes.
And maybe we both wore the same disguise
Like the needles on a clock, we chase each other
to the inevitable encounter and noo, don't shy away
Embrace me, yes me
You haven't noticed
I have a story just like yours
Ochii mamei tale
Plouă de câteva minute,te privesc și mă simt epuizat
în timp ce nu-ți pot explica
cu mine ce s-a întâmplat.
Era o seară normală,
am venit să te-ntâlnesc,
nu erai acolo, dar cu mama ta
am început să vorbesc.
Și când am avut-o în fața mea,
ce glumă mi-au făcut ochii,
credeam că erai tu și era ea.
Atunci mi s-a părut firesc
s-o privesc așa cum te privesc.
Tu de ce-ai ieșit, de ce?
M-au făcut să mă-ndrăgostesc
ochii verzi ai mamei tale,
zâmbetul unui apus de soare
unde te poți vedea-n oglindă.
Pașii tăi dintr-o dată
și cu inima în scufundare,
când mă gândesc,
când mă gândesc.
Ploaia continuă să cadă
și tu continui să nu vorbești,
arăți ca o lebădă muribundă,
știi cum să faci pe victima.
Desigur nu-i acel suspin
care poate șterge ceea ce ești:
tu rămâi tu, și ea este ea.
Nu e vina mea că îmi place
tot ce seamănă cu tine,
acum ai înțeles de ce.
M-au făcut să mă-ndrăgostesc
ochii verzi ai mamei tale,
zâmbetul unui apus de soare
unde te poți vedea-n oglindă.
Pașii tăi dintr-o dată
și cu inima în scufundare.
M-au făcut să mă-ndrăgostesc
ochii verzi ai mamei tale,
zâmbetul unui apus de soare
unde te poți vedea-n oglindă.
Pașii tăi dintr-o dată
și cu inima în scufundare,
când mă gândesc,
când mă gândesc.
You are laughing
How many years does love lastKeeping a tear secret
Dying every morning in the air
Blooming again every night.
Your love is an unbearable folly
A stabbing ravaging the day
A body tossed into the mud
Hugging tenderly the light
You are laughing, you are laughing, you are laughing
You are torturing me
You are laughing, you are laughing, you are laughing
You are torturing me
You were a flame in the snow, do you remember that?
Who knows where you might be in December
Oh, my soul, the night took you from me
In which sea are you now wandering?
I get drunk at the port at nights
I am asking the moons like a lunatic
If time, the thief , will bring you back on July
into my heart
You are laughing, you are laughing, you are laughing
You are torturing me
You are laughing, you are laughing, you are laughing
You are torturing me
If only you were just a dream
Why were you born, why?To torture me?
Driving me crazy
ripping off my heart?
If only you were just a dream
that is over and gone
If only my heart would stop
asking for you.
If only you were a dream
you were a lie
and upon dawn
I could get over you.
Why were you born, why?
Who sent you to me?
So that I would walk alone
with my wings cut off?
If only you were just a dream
that is over and gone
If only my heart would stop
asking for you.
If only you were a dream
you were a lie
and upon dawn
I could get over you.
If only you were just a dream
that is over and gone
If only my heart would stop
asking for you.
If only you were a dream
you were a lie
and upon dawn
I could get over you.
It's gone
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babeI've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Don't act surprised
If you're always suffering and crying
In the bathroom it's because you choose to
It's not my fault, I wasn't trying to harm you
You fell in love when I least expected love
Because I don't want to relive the past
I won't share my heart
It was crushed and hasn't recovered
I don't share it but when I do, it's without reserves
And I always end up giving too much
There wasn't a connection, so it's better to stay as we started
This situation, I'm truly sorry it got out of hand
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Now we're trending because of our breakup
People don't understand that this never worked
Accusing me through social media as if it was my mistake, mistake
I keep it together, it's better for me
Love leaves, leaves, it's gone
Forget about TBT's1
I already ditched you and I don't want to see you, don't want to see you
Don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Our relationship can not be, can not be
Find yourself someone who makes you feel what I couldn't
Just don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Forget that time I kissed you, I was confused2
And if I said 'I love you'
I promise it won't do it again
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Oh oh, Ovy On The Drums, On The Drums, On The Drums
Adso Alejandro
Say it Mosty, Mosty.
And I Already Loved You
God was overworking, he wouldn't restHe was creating The First Day
The Nothingness was about to be born,
Neither dawn nor night existed.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
The river was without water,
The sea, without the water and shores
The sun was barely warming
The birds didn't even know how to fly
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
I loved you.
The rules of love weren't there,
No kiss in a mouth would burn,
Barely the song of the waters,
The music and the rhythm were sleeping.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
A not handmade icon
The witches warn me about a danger, a black cloud17.12.2021
The requiem of the seal
This was Akrivoulathe grand-daughter of old-Loukena
She is crowned1 with seaweed
she is given shells as a dowry2
And the old-lady is still mourning over
her births of the past.
As if sorrows and sufferings
are ever going to come to an end.
- 1. στεφάνια= during the greek-orthodox wedding ceremony, the priest puts on the head of the married couple olive wreaths, reminding the ancient greek κότινος who crowned the heads of the athletes winning in Olympic games. Those wreaths were kept sacred in a frame and were put on the wall, above the bed inside the bedroom of the married couple , for a lifetime
- 2. Akrivoula was the heroine of the novel ' Μοιρολόγι της Φώκιας' , a young girl that fell by accident of the rocks into the deep sea and got drowned while her grandmother, Loukena, was doing laundry by the sea mourning over her lost beloved ones, near the cemetery.
Τhe song of the gypsy
With the batter, with the sledgehammer1the gypsy wakes up the village
The village, the village
Tralala, laro, laro...
For the hammer, for the hammer
the fine young lady is crazy for it
the young lady, the young lady,
Tralala, lari, lari...
Inside the fire, inside the fire
the gypsy plays with this glance
the glance, the glance
Tralala, lara lara
- 1. βαρειό>βαριοπούλα> big heavy hammer
Once again i am headed to your yard, my Christto bend over your beloved doorsteps
that my soul longs for, with an insatiable desire
Near you, my flesh rejoiced as my heart did too.
Τhe swallow found a nest and the turtle dove a shelter,
so that they would place in there poor chicks to lie down
into your holy altar, my immortal Christ.
Just one day spent in your yard, is better than thousands ( somewhere else)
If only i would be thrown aside in the shadow of your Temple
it would be better, than live where sinners hang out.