Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 36
Don't play with fire
Black eyes, black hair
A woman's body
You lives in life, you make a slaves
Everywhere you go
Misappropriation of feelings
You plays with love
You plays dishonestly without consciousness
What can you lose?
I dont want to be a victim of your love
Dont try to play with fire
You can burn oneself
Don't play with fire
Don't try to use
Your spells never more
You can go to devil
You will like it
Pack a travel to the hell
Not for a return
You will be there at good hands
Don't play with fire
My angel
Sweet red lips
Depressed eyes
I melt when you look at me, you're lifting me up to heaven
You're a sickness of mind
My God don't look elsewhere
Don't set on fire our hearts
I'm lovestoned
Keep me next to you
My sweet eyes
Into your blood, into your heart
Let me run one more time
My angel for you I'm crazy
And i'm dying for a look of yours
My angel kiss my lips
To get burnt in the same fire
Black eyes and black hair inti your warm arms
When you look at me I faint
you're lifting me up to heaven
You're a sickness of mind
My God don't look elsewhere
Don't set on fire our hearts
I'm lovestoned
Keep me next to you
My sweet eyes
Into your blood, into your heart
Let me run one more time
My angel for you I'm crazy
And i'm dying for a look of yours
My angel kiss my lips
To get burnt in the same fire
My Feelings
Now more than ever
I need you next to me
Do not forsake my love
As I've given myself in surrender to you
I won't be able to survive, I need your warmth
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)
It pains me to realize
That I've been nothing but another stepping stone
As you walk the path of your love affairs
And that you're going to go away
Without a motive or a reason
My heart tells me so
How easy it is for you to abandon me
How easy it is for you to abandon me
Making off with my feelings
Making off with my feelings
(O lay lehr oh lah...)
Ingerul meu
--- 1 ---
Ingerul meu ... daca ai cobora pe pamant
Vreau sa vii ... sa vorbim impreuna
Astept neimpacat... sa imi dai un sfat
Cum sa vindec deindata ... o inima injunghiata.
--- 1 ---
Ingerul meu ... rana este incurabila
Dar ca prin minune ... inima e in functiune
In adanc este ranita ... ca de-o lama ascutita
E plina de dezamagire ... dar si de multa iubire.
--- R ---
Ingerul meu ... o favoare iti mai cer
In visul meu doresc ... sufletul sa-mi mantuiesc
Vindeca inima mea ... daca poti asa
Cu o lacrima de prunc ... din al sufletului adanc.
--- R ---
De-o salvezi din uraciune ... voi spune o rugaciune
Ca la Dumnezeul cel Adevarat, sa fii mereu binecuvantat
Pentru a deveni ... intre ingeri comandant
Si ostiri ceresti ... de ingeri, sa primesti.
Ingerul meu ... Ingerul meu.