Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 13
All That Fits
Only take all that is usefulTo take this trip with me
Leave all the fears ashore
Someone will consume them
At times it's the darkness of the night
That hides the most beautiful things
And at times we don't realize
How real our dreams are
It doesn't matter
If even if you don't come
If you don't recognize me
If you haven't seen everything
I want to tell you
That in every single breath I'll take with me
The desire of being stronger in front of you
And if drops of sweat fall from the forehead
And when September isn't enough for you to forget
I'll come look for you, I'll come look for you
In all the places that you want to love
I'll see a thousand clouds falling close to me
But only those that are stronger are saved
And out of nothing I'll build all that is useful
To smile
It doesn't matter
If even if you don't come
If you don't recognize me
If you haven't seen everything
I want to tell you
That in every single breath I'll take with me
The desire of being stronger in front of you
And if drops of sweat fall from the forehead
And when September isn't enough for you to forget
I'll come look for you, I'll come look for you
In all the places that you want to love
I'll come look for you, I'll come look for you
And if drops of sweat fall from the forehead
And when September isn't enough for you to forget
I'll come look for you, I'll come look for you
In all the places that you want to love
You want to love
In all the places that you want to love
Un nou sărut
În ochii meiești deja acolo
cine știe dacă cu aceeași privire
mă vezi în ochii tăi
Atunci da
trebuie să-ți spun
în timp ce încercam să nu mă gândesc la tine
mă gândeam la tine din ce în ce mai mult
Suntem un pic prea aproapiați acum ca să fugim
Tu habar n-ai
înaintea ta
a fost altul care a lăsat
rănile dinăuntrul meu
Nu-ți fie frică, jur iubire, sunt aici să te apăr
cu timpul îți voi vindeca inima ștergând vânătăile
și toate zilele viitoare te voi respira
O să-ți spun lucruri ce n-au fost spuse vreodată
din această iubire noi vom fi îngerii
pieptul meu - pernă
pentru o viață îți va fi
Se pare că a început deja
o poveste nesfârșită
Voi face lumea să se-nvârte jurul nostru
Crăciunul va veni fără nori
duminicile din august
câtă zăpadă va cădea
și în timpul ce va veni
inima mea te va surprinde
Ce frig este
ține-mă puțin
reaprinde toate dorințele aproape stinse din mine
cu degetele îți ating profilul
apoi mă opresc o clipă
să mă joc cu părul tău care zboară în vânt
înainte să descopăr un nou sărut
care va avea savoare
O să-ți spun lucruri ce n-au fost spuse vreodată
din această iubire noi vom fi îngerii
pieptul meu - pernă
pentru o viață îți va fi
Se pare că a început deja
o poveste nesfârșită
Voi face lumea să se-nvârte jurul nostru
Crăciunul va veni fără nori
duminicile din luna august
câtă zăpadă va cădea
și în timpul ce va veni
inima mea te va surprinde
Duminicile din luna august
câtă zăpadă va cădea
și în timpul ce va veni
inima mea te va surprinde
Conviction and happiness
Give me the strength not to betray the timeThat always makes you step back
I remember the clear sky when I was a child
And something shining on the horizon
Now I'm here in the same skin
Maybe I've gotten stronger, but I don't think so
After all those who started dreaming as children
Never give weight to defeats
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
A full-length movie smooths us like the wind
And we're ready to face the reality
Take my hand, let's cross that courtyard
With its unchanging beauty
Waiting for you at the airport
You had never gone away before
Distance does nothing but teach
To never stop dreaming
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
It's the conviction to happiness
It's the conviction to happiness
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Italian Christmas
Feel the warmth of the cityFeel the madness singing
See this sun over me
It brings back the cheerfulness I've lost with you
Free to live like this
Still walking south
I find how this sea can enchant
How I can sail my longing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
We'll keep dancing together
As long as our cheerfulness is intact
Look how this face changes
When I see your smile
When I sing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
De câte ori ar trebui, dar nu știi cum să evițiAcele cuvinte spuse anume ca să rănească
Care provoacă greață
Și care se transmit prin ceea ce rămâne
Nu las amintirile să mă bântuie
Ca apoi să mă conving iarăși că tu nu exiști
Dar unele nu-mi dau pace, nu le pot uita
ele înconjoară ceea ce rămâne
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Îmi vorbești despre o lume care ne învață să urâm
Dar care apoi e același loc în care încă mai pot iubi
Despoaie-mă, umilește-mă, varsă-ți nervii pe mine
dar nu-mi lua ceea ce rămâne
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Mândria noastră ne-a făcut rău
Ea ne-a pus bețe-n roate de-a lungul călătoriei
Exprimăm un sentiment ce se pare că astăzi nu mai înseamnă nimic
Și cu toate astea, această însemnătate nulă e doar o aparență
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
A New Feeling
I was like that - nostalgic and disconnectedIt was already said: 'You know you're no longer the same'
I was like that - a hurt eagle
Afraid of starting a new life
When you lose love, you stop believing
That it can heal, that your heart can start singing again
I already thought of running away
So far that I could at least not think
But I was here - looking up to the ceiling
Not wanting to get up and redo my bed
When I had already turned off the lights
Of this already peaceless soul
Your ray of sun woke me up
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
Love, love again
I taste you again
A sweet elixir, magic that makes us forget
All the pain within the soul
It turns that farewell that spat the bitterest poison
Into a black and white movie
A new feeling
Is as strong as the winds
Of a hurricane
I was like that - dramatic and absent
A desperate actress in an empty theater
I'd chain myself to the boredom of the memory
Without gracing the word with nothing more than a glance
When I had already turned off the lights
Of this already peaceless soul
Your ray of sun woke me up
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
Love, love again
I taste you again
A sweet elixir, magic that makes us forget
All the pain within the soul
It turns that farewell that spat the bitterest poison
Into a black and white movie
We know that time mends everything
But thanks to you it was fast
There's an unlimited horizon for us
And a calm sea, bluer than the sky
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
(A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything
A new feeling
Erases every regret
Only you are my world - now you are everything)
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Our souls at night
So many lies we told each other, darlingSo many words to forget
And continuing to deny it is only a weakness
Being distant from each other is never the end
If you're brave enough to start over
But it's not easy when you lose the complicity
And now we're here
Eye to eye, without hiding places
Without defending our mistakes anymore
Or defying each other
And it will end like this
And maybe it's what we both want
But I understand it from the way you look at me that after all you know
We can never lose each other
And the more I look at you, the more I see the best part of us
But now it's useless to delude ourselves
There's no need to pretend to be strong, and after all you know
That our souls at night...
So many lies we told each other, darling
And it's not easy to forget
That those unfinished sentences hide the truth
And now we're here
And we're naked for the first time
Without being afraid of making a choice and end up never choosing
We can never lose each other
And the more I look at you, the more I see the best part of us
But now it's useless to delude ourselves
There's no need to pretend to be strong, and after all you know
Our souls at night
Are clearer than ever
Are clearer than ever
I could leave behind the best part of us
But now it's useless to delude ourselves
There's no need to pretend to be strong, and after all you know
Our souls at night
Will never lose each other
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
A cere iertare.
Ca să rămân aici. Am depus mult efort. Cat trebuie ca să îți ți respirația. Ca să rămân aici. Am renunțat la tot. Și mam întors împotriva la toată lumea pentru tine. Dar când las întunericul în spate. Drumul meu merge în față de la sine. Refren........................... Este un timp pentru a rezista. Este un timp pentru a lăsa. Ca să ne spunem ca este imposibil și să continuam. Lumina rămâne aprinsa dacă la ori ce greșeală încetezi ca să ceri iertare................ Ca să plec. Am umblat mult. În locuri pe care nimeni nu le cunoaște. Ca sa pot pleca am pus împreună timpul, fricile și persoanele în care credeam și le las toate în urma. Iar acum că știu sa stau și singura dacă mă schimb mă schimb doar pentru mine. Refren............................... Este un timp pentru a rezista. Este un timp pentru a lăsa. Ca să ne spunem că este imposibil și să continuam. Lumina rămâne aprinsa dacă la ori ce greșeală încetezi ca să ceri iertare............. .Iartă-mă pentru.... dacă nu mai ai loc.... Pentru zilele când o sa am brațele închise. Acele zile când inima ta va fi ruptă și aștepți sa se termine acele zile. Iartă-mă dacă nu mai pot aștepta ca să se termine de la sine.... . Refren.............Este un timp pentru a rezista. Este un timp pentru a lăsa. Ca să ne spunem că este imposibil și să continuam. Lumina rămâne aprinsa dacă la ori ce greșeală încetezi ca să ceri iertare.
The Biggest Love Out There
I let you leaveWithout doing anything else
I let you say 'It's not your fault'
And I left you few things
To think of, at least
And stay only for another day
I don't know how to hate you now, how could I
If I don't know how to love you the way you want
I don't know how to stop you the way I'd like
I didn't hug you as tight as you wanted
I never did it
And forgive me if I feel bad
Now that she is with you
She, who is so brave in interpreting
The biggest love out there
So big that sometimes the heart
Seems to explode within me
And you understand it when you know
That it's over by now
But if the roads of love
Take huge turns, will
We find a day to tell each other 'How are you?'
Maybe I'll tell you 'I love you' once again
I'd hug you stronger, as you want
Like I never did
And forgive me if I feel bad
Now that she is with you
She, who is so brave in not letting
The biggest love out there walk away
So big that not even the sea
Can hold it within itself
And you feel sorry because you know
That you don't have it
And the sun shines over you
That only gives love
The night laughs at me
Since I let walk away with her
That love that I wanted to live with you
The biggest love out there
I didn't hold you close to me, dear
But now you're not here with me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The rainbow
At the beginning there was youTill being sick of it
As long as the scene changes
I, as a fool, and you
That take me and then throw me away
And you say 'it's not that bad'1
With no more respect, you come back to this bed
And you lightly touch my hands now
You tell me you're coming back tomorrow
And you kiss me, I can't help it
A storm that gets back to sunny
And I suddenly feel unsafe
Resigned and confused again
I would like to lock you inside a thought
Transform it into a rainbow
This night either love me more
Or never love me anymore
What are you thinking, I'm keeping standing
But now tell me you love me more
Or never say that anymore
As you see, I'm falling on my feet
Now don't go away
At the beginning there was me
In your games only me
Satellite for rent
Of a never perfect time
With the usual lie
Sooner or later I'm taking you away
Deluding ourselves again
For a single instant
And you take my hands again
You tell me you're coming back tomorrow
And I like it, I can't help it
A storm that gets back to sunny
And I suddenly feel unsafe
Resigned and confused again
I would like to lock you inside a thought
Transform it into a rainbow
This night either love me more
Or never love me anymore
What are you thinking, I'm keeping standing
But now tell me you love me more
Or never say that anymore
As you see, I'm on my feet
You always live in my heart
You always did, even if you're not here...
This night either love me more
Or never love me anymore
What are you thinking, I'm keeping standing
Now you can go
- 1. Literally 'what do you want it to be?'
Close to You
A woman has a sincere smile if she is talking to youShe puts on a light dress if she is going out with you
A woman has a steady walk in the night with you
(Because she is holding your hand)
She lets a starry sky make love with you
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll count, close to you
Close to you
A woman touches her hair if she thinks of you
(In a single one of your gestures)
A woman forgets about her problems if she is crazy about you
I'll only think of you
And I'll mimic your gestures
I'll only get crazy for you
And you know how many stars I'll look
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll love
If you can, you hope
That this woman will grow up
In no hurry
If you can, you hope
Because a girl that dreams
Has no choice... Close to you!
She loves and it's enough... Close to you!
So she stays... Close to you!
And she doesn't make mistakes... Close to you!
I'll smile
I'll get crazy
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll see
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll count
Close to you
Close to you... I have no choice
Close to you... I have no hurry
If I'll have you later
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.