Rezultatele căutării pagină 1
Număr de rezultate: 42
New Voices 002
You thought that destroying what separates means unifying. And you destroyed what separates. And you destroyed everything, for there is nothing without that what separates.01.03.2021
New Voices 003
All of my thoughts are only a single one. Because I never stopped thinking.12.09.2020
Voices 179
The ones who gave their wings are sad, for not being able to see them fly01.09.2020
Voices 103
Versions: #1I longed to tread right paths to get to what was right. Thus, in life, I began to go the wrong way.
New Voices 045
I realize that dishonesty, not truth, is deceit. Yet, both have deceived me.01.09.2020
Voices 015
All things are akin to rivers, created by the ones who are waiting.01.09.2020
Voices 047
He who remains much with himself is humbled.01.09.2020
Voices 050
In plain light, we are nobody.01.09.2020
Voices 049
All that is created is merely what you may create with all things created.19.06.2020
Voices 134
Nobody is a light in themselves: not even the sun.05.05.2018
Vocile 003
Prima mea lume am găsit-o pe toată în micuța mea pâine.© Vladímir Sosnín
Vocile 094
Niște lucruri, ca să-mi arate inexistența sa, s-au făcut ale mele.© Vladímir Sosnín
Vocile 004
Tatăl meu, după ce a plecat, a dăruit jumătate de secol copilăriei mele© Vladímir Sosnín
Vocile 006
Omul nu merge nicăieri. Totul vine la om, la fel ca și ziua de mâine.© Vladímir Sosnín
Vocile 009
Sărăcia mea nu este totală: îi lipsesc eu.© Vladímir Sosnín
Vocile 010
Dacă nu-ți ridici privirea, vei crede că ești cel mai înalt punct.© Vladímir Sosnín
Voices 007
The one who ties me up with a thread, is not strong, but the thread is.Just learning.