Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 85


Pretty little bird, you that is singing

Pretty little bird, you that is singing
or rather weeping over your time foregone,
and seeing night and winter around you
and behind1 you the day and the merry months
if you, as you know your heavy sorrows,
also would know my similar state,
you would come into this insoluble bosom
to share with each other our painful grief.
I don't know if the shares would be equal,
for her, for whom you're weeping, maybe is alive

Your fight

Versions: #1
Come on, I won’t let your arms lowered any longer
Come on, I won’t release you, I won’t release you, hear me
No matter how many time it will take
Your fight, hear me
Is my fight
When happiness fades
When love cracks
When life doesn’t smile at you anymore
The people whom you see passing by
Are vivid, while you
You shout at them claiming that you don’t endure it anymore
Plus, nothing compensates
Your eternal absence
When you just see the walls
More sun, more storms
More mad laughs, no rage
When you just see the future
It will suffice that a hand touches yours
That your glance meets my eyes tomorrow
Come on, I won’t let your arms lowered any longer
Come on, I won’t release you, I won’t release you, hear me
No matter how many time it will take
Your fight, hear me
Is my fight
Before the first sign
Before you fall apart
Before you lose your feet
We will make every effort
Towards your bliss
It doesn’t matter how much it will cost
I will take you to the corners
Where your singing resounds
And nobody judges anybody
We will rebuild a live
Step by step, you shall heal, you will heal
It will suffice that your hand touches mine
That your glance meets my eyes tomorrow
Come on, I won’t let your arms lowered any longer
Come on, I won’t release you, I won’t release you, hear me
No matter how many time it will take
Your fight, hear me
Is my fight

The other day beside a hedge

The other day beside a hedge
I found a humble shepherdess
Full of joy and good sense
Like the daughter of a peasant girl


Verse 1]
I want a stringy
I want one now
I want a man who knows how to touch me
I want a guy who knows how to love me
[Verse 2]
I want a stringy
I want one now
I want a man who knows how to touch me
I want a guy who knows how to love me
And, for sure who knows how to wiggle
I'm looking for a chill guy
Who has good sentiments
Who is such divine
I know that in order to find him it will now be very hard
Very, very, very but
How to decide?
I am like a hand fan from one side to another one
Looking at every man that passes by, I fuss
And if I stop, I swear that I explode
I assure you, daddy, they'll take me to the mental hospital
I want everything from your body
I want all your laments
You are the one I long for the most
(The one I like is you)
(The one I like is you)
I want everything from your body
I want all your laments
You are the one I long for the most
(You are in me, oh no)
I want everything from your body
I want all your laments
You are the one I long for the most
(You are in me, oh no)
I want everything from your body
I want all your laments
You are the one I long for the most

Stingher şi plin de gânduri

Stingher şi plin de gânduri, adesea rătăcesc
Pe drumuri neumblate, cu paşi înceți, târzii,
Şi în ţărână caut cu ochi atenţi şi vii
Vreo urmă omenească pe care-o ocolesc.
Cum să găsesc alt mijloc mai bun, mai înţelept,
Să scap de ochii lumii ce mă ghicesc ușor?
Căci ce fac atâta-i de trist şi tânjitor:
Pe faţa mea se vede ce clocot am în piept!
Dar dacă frământarea-mi de fiecare zi
O ascunsei de oameni, - cred astăzi c-au aflat-o
Şi văi, şi munţi, şi codri, şi ape, şi câmpii.
Căci nu-i cărare aspră pe care n-am călcat-o
Şi-n care-adese Amor tovarăş să nu-mi fie,
Eu lui spunându-i multe şi el vorbindu-mi mie.

Fiţi binecuvântate zi, lună, an şi ceas

Fiţi binecuvântate zi, lună, an şi ceas,
Şi ţară prea frumoasă şi loc şi punct în care
Privirea ei cea dulce şi învăluitoare
M-a fost pătruns, şi-n mine de-a pururi a rămas.
Binecuvânt şi-ntâia mea dulce întristare
Din clipa când iubirea, vicleană, m-a robit,
Şi arcul şi săgeata ce m-a străpuns cumplit,
Şi rana până-n suflet adânc sfredelitoare.
Binecuvânt şi zvonul stârnit de mine-n lume
Când chem Madona dragă de-atâtea ori pe nume,
Şi dorul şi suspinul şi plânsul ne-ncetat.
Binecuvânt şi gândul născut numai de Ea,
Şi stihurile-mi toate şi osteneala mea
Prin cari iubitei faimă pe veci i-am câştigat.

De Babilonul-acesta - încălcător de crez

De Babilonul-acesta - încălcător de crez,
A greşurilor mamă, durerilor lăcaş,
Neruşinării pradă şi binelui vrăjmaş -
Fugii departe, viaţa curată să-mi păstrez.
Şi la Vaucluse stau singur.
Precum mă-ndeamnă-Amor,
Culeg când flori şi ierburi, când rime cu-nţeles.
Vorbesc ades cu dânsul, şi mă gândesc ades
La vremi mai bune: - aceasta mi-i sprijin şi ajutor.
Nu-mi pasă, nu de lume, nici de noroc nu-mi pasă,
Şi nici de mine însumi ori de-asprele nevoi,
Şi nici de patimi nu mi-i lăuntrul străbătut.
Doar doi mi-i vreau aproape: iubita, sfioasă,
Cu inima-mblânzită

Tell me, God of Love

Tell me, God of Love, tell me what
my dear freedom is doing.
Since it went away, as you know,
to tie itself to a handsome head of hair,
this -my- heart has not
seen it ever again.
Tell me, God of Love, tell me what
my dear freedom is doing.
The heart sent a thought
to find it lying in chains

Lovers & Friends

If you don't call me, I'll call you
I won't let ourselves be frozen
If we burn with a kiss
I prefer the hell when we do it1
I know you can't answer me
You have don't to explain to me
We always meet each other in secret
But the feelings can't be hidden
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while
But I'm the one you have chemistry with
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while (with you)
But I'm the one you have chemistry with
Call me if you want to be cured
I don't think what you two have will last (will last)
Love me slowly, don't rush
In bed I make our feelings rise
And my desires increase
When you say you don't have desires anymore
You have a disease (disease)
That only I can cure (cure)
Baby, you betray him because I don't betray you
When you get lost, baby, I'll find you
You ask for more, and if you want more
You already know what number to call
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while
But I'm the one you have chemistry with
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while (with you)
But I'm the one you have chemistry with
If you don't call me, I'll call you
I won't let ourselves be frozen
If we burn with a kiss
I prefer the hell when we do it
I know you can't answer me
You have don't to explain to me
We always meet each other in secret
But the feelings can't be hidden
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while
But I'm the one you have chemistry with
I'm your lover and your friend
The one who does what he doesn't do with you
He's been sleeping with you for a while (with you)
But I'm the one you have chemistry with (with me)
Dímelo Flow
Arcángel, pa'
Las Maravillas
Slow Mike
(And my desires increase
When you tell me you don't have desires anymore, yeah
You have a disease
That can only be cured with me, yeah)
  • 1. in case it isn't obvious he means when they have sex


Her nose is pink
Hair is curly, woman
She is holding a cigarette
I wish I was your breath, woman
wish I fall asleep next to you
and hug you, woman.
Wish I could lie down a little
Sleep a little
I got tired, I wish I could sleep
Sleep on your knees
Please woman
Your beauty is beyond my ken
I can't call the shots, woman
I always get jealous.
Sometimes I say wish I was the only one
who can see her.
Wish you smiled largely woman
and stayed with me, woman.
Wish I could lie down a little
Sleep a little
I got tired, I wish I could sleep
Sleep on your knees
Please woman
Your beauty is beyond my ken
Her nose is pink
Hair is curly, woman
She is holding a cigarette
I wish I was your breath, woman
wish I fall asleep next to you
and hug you, woman.

The blue boat

I wake up and all I think about is the present
Tomorrow there's time
And it's no longer the usual September
Look how it's raining,
My heart in the shade will overflow
And I ask heaven for now
Even just one word
To describe silence
And his scream banging us in.
I stay here and I'm conscious
You look at it from a screen and it seems far away
that blue boat disappears forever
One-way ticket and go
The sea seems a little rough
But you won't suffer it
Sorry if I'm a little too cheeky
But I guess now I look back
I won't save you
You laugh well, he said, ma'am
But you'll be the last one to laugh again
As I ask you with my heart in my throat
Permission to escape now
I stay here and I'm conscious
You look at it from a screen and it seems far away
that blue boat disappears forever
How is your beauty based on nothing
That blue boat, it disappears forever
You look at it from a screen and it seems far away.
That blue boat disappears forever
Disappear forever.

Loud laugh

Dap dara
darap dap dara
dap dara
darap dap dara.
There're some people that want
to get rid of me
(dap dara darap dap dara)
because I say what they don't want to hear.
(dap dara darap dap dara)
Because I'm their privileges'
because I'm the truth, naked
and exposed to the sun
without any censorship.
(dap dara darap dap dara)
They want me to change my character,
(dap dara darap dap dara)
and to put on my mask of a good woman.
(dap dara darap dap dara)
What matters is to pretend,
to suppress our desires.
The right thing to do is to be a perfect hypocrite.
And then my loud laugh is heard,
while I break the mold
made for their imperfect farce
of morality.
Chorus: And my loud laugh is heard
and they can't even look at me,
because they feel envy,
because of their mediocrity.
It thunders and resounds with an eternal echo
and through the end of the centuries:
my loud laugh.
They think they're saint-er than the Pope.
They judge me, they attack me, and they actually are nothing,
they only, only... Only God could change my ways,
but he's a nice guy, so he lets me choose.
The devil gets entangled in my body,
his breath stinks, I won't obey him!
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no.
They want me to do what they please,
(dap dara darap dap dara)
to regret everything and
to apologize, for starters.
I don't give a damn. 1
I can't stand them anymore.
And then my loud laugh is heard,
while I break the mold
made for their imperfect farce
of morality.
  • 1. Literally: 'I make them pass bellow me', which comes from 'I make them pass through my arch of triumph', which is the crotch. It's a vulgar way to say that you decide not to listen to something.

Oh White Boat!

Oh white, naked, pure boat
You who, under a black sky, blue velvet, float!
Sweet, bitter, strange poison: do cure
This blind face... Oh mother! Oh moon goddess!
Illuminate with your cold light,
Oh moon of lust and jealousy,
That house's facade:
The cause of my lament!

Oh moon of innocent vampires,
Passion of dogs from undefined breeds!
Oh moon of incoherent sighs,
Emblem of all the loose women...
Illuminate with your cold light,
Oh moon of lust and jealousy,
That house's facade:
The cause of my lament!

Illuminate with your cold light,
Oh moon of lust and jealousy,
That house's facade:
The cause of my lament!

Oh moon of innocent vampires,
Passion of dogs from undefined breeds!
Oh moon of incoherent sighs,
Emblem of all the loose women...
Illuminate with your cold light,
Oh moon of lust and jealousy,
That house's facade:
The cause of my lament!


Deportation / History of the Elder

I remember once upon a spring I walked along an aul.
I was cheerful and young, I lived life to the fullest.
Those who is not cheerful in the prime of life, is begging for another life from God, friends!
Suddently, I saw a feeble elder walking towards me,
He was trailing barely, hunched over at all.
And the elder's eyes were being fulfilled with such love,
While he was glancing at my mountains...
I invited him to my home and treated him with food I could share,
He was tired after the road and I suggested to him: 'Take a rest!'
'It turns out that mountain spirit has not yet died in Chechnya' - he said and told me the following story.
'Once upon a time I was also young and youthful,
But the trouble fell on us and Chechnya.
And a soldier, who wore star, pulled me,
yong and fulfilled with power,
into a wagon.
With shout 'Betrayers!' he shot my sick mother
lying exhausted right here.
And what we had to endure on the road,
entered into our memory evermore.
Famine and typhoid have taken so many of our lives,
So many children have passed away without knowing the pleasure of life.
Until nowdays I often hear their moans
But I can't clarify it is in reality or in a dream.
And in the cold steppes we survived all the same,
And I know, only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us.
Only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us'.
Having told all this to me, he set off journey again
And added: 'Don't forget everything I said'.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains'.

Barcagiul din Roma

        (pe româneşte)
Câtă durere în seara asta
este pe râul care unduieşte aşa,
nenorocit e cine visează şi speră,
toţi pe lume trebuie să suferim...
dar dacă vreun suflet îşi caută pacea,
el n-o poate găsi decât aici...
Barcagiul o ia contra curentului
şi când el cântă, ecoul răsună!
Dacă-i adevărat, râule, că tu dai pacea,
râule vrăjit, nu mă refuza...

Mai mult de-o lună a trecut
de când i-am spus într-o seară Ninetei:
- Această iubire e de-acum apusă.
Ea răspunse: - O văd şi eu...
Suspină, apoi îmi spuse: - Adio, iubitule,
eu însă nu te voi uita.
Am alergat după ea, dar... n-am ajuns-o,
încă o mai caut şi n-o întâlnesc...
Dacă-i adevărat, râule, că tu dai pacea,
eu m-am căit, lasă-mă s-o găsesc...

Chiar lângă barcă
văd o umbră sub apă: mai încoace,
se răsuceşte şi e un vârtej,
apoi se scufundă şi apare mai încolo...
Grăbiţi-vă... e o femeie înecată...
Biata de ea, suferea, cine ştie?
Luna de acolo sus apare...
luminează faţa Ninetei fumoase...
Mi-a cerut pacea şi eu i-am refuzat-o...
Râule blând, i-ai dat-o tu...

Vreau să mă pierd oriunde pe râu,
aşa, cine te iubeşte moare cu tine...


The Rome Boatman

How much pain tonight
is on the river that snorts like this,
unlucky is who dreams and hopes,
we all in the world have to suffer...
but if a soul seeks peace,
it can only find it here...
The boatman goes against the current
and when he sings, the echo resents!
If it is true, river, that you give peace,
fairy river, don’t deny it to me...

More than a month has passed
since one night I told Ninetta:
'This love has now gone down'.
She replied, 'I see it from me...'
She sighed, then told me, 'Goodbye, love,
but I don’t forget you'.
And from that day I left her,
I still look for - and never find her.
If it is true, river, that you give peace,
I have repented, let me find her...

Right close to the boat
I see a shadow on the water: over here,
it turns, and it’s a whirlpool,
then it goes down and resurfaces back.
Hurry up... is a drowned woman!
Poor her... she was in pain, who knows?
The moon, from above, peeps out...
it brightens the face of beautiful Ninetta...
She asked me for peace and I denied it...
river, why did you steal her from me?

I want to get lost up or down the river,
so, who knows, I die with you...



Like cherry blossoms that bloom in riot, the hotly-burning blade I held aloft
Pierces the sky.
The wailing's of the darkness of imminent war pierce my breast.
Hesitating in the crowd, growing used to exhaustion,
Shake off the emotions
What should I kill, what should I love, to be able to live?
The heartless devils are rampant idols.
The moment that sprang from the tangle is a RHAPSODY
Whose spirit is always with you.
The gate will be opened to those
Who crossed through the abyss of despair.
The end fate that I struggled to reach
As I sought for an answer
Is this gleaming ARCADIA
Now, let the sleeping souls awaken.
My friends, who have the same will,
Let's rise up to heaven
The end fate that I struggled to reach
As I sought for an answer
Is this gleaming ARCADIA
Engrave the proof we lived here
On this endless world.


In the backcountry there
It's a creature flies like an airplane
It's a mean bird
With a crooked beak like a hawk's
When it sees the scorched crop
It flies away, screeching,
Going on a hunt
Caracara eats charred snake even
When the chill weather comes
In the backcountry there's no more scorched crop
Caracara doesn't starve though
The mules that roam downhill
Gonna snatch, kill and eat
Not gon' starve
Got more guts than men
Gonna snatch, kill and eat
Caracara is mean, is a bully
It's the eagle there of my backcountry
The little mules they can't wander off
It pulls on their belly 'till they dead
Gonna snatch, kill and eat
Not gon' starve
Got more guts than men


O inimă frântă e tot ce a mai rămas
Eu încă fixez toate crăpăturile
Am pierdut o mulțime de bucăți cand
Le îngrijeam,îngrijeam,îngrijeam acasă
Mi-e teamă de ceea ce sunt
Mintea mea se simte ca o lume necunoscută
Liniștea răsună-n capul meu,
Te rog , du-mă , du-mă , du-mă acasă
Am cheltuit toată iubirea pe care-am salvat-o
Noi întotdeauna am pierdut în acest joc
Un băiat dintr-un oraș mic într-o arcadă mare
Sunt dependent de a pierde în acest joc
Tot ce știu , tot ce știu
E că iubindu-te pe tine e un joc pierdut
Câți bănuți pe aparate
Renunțăm , nu mai facem
Am văzut sfârșitul înainte ca acesta să înceapă
Încă mă gândesc , mă gândesc , mă gândesc
Tot ce știu , tot ce știu
E că iubindu-te pe tine e un joc pierdut
N-am nevoie de jocurile tale , joc pierdut,
Dă-mă jos din montagne russe
Tot ce știu , tot ce știu
E că iubindu-te pe tine e un joc pierdut


Versions: #2
Laughing, laughing and laughing once again,
war isn't scary anymore.
At night, uniforms burn in bonfires
and plenty of wine burns the throats,
sounds of tambourines until dawn,
a soldier who had been dancing all night long,
saw that lady in black in the crowd,
he saw she was looking for him and got frightened.
'Save me, save me, your Highness,
help me escape from here.
She was standing next to me during the parade
and she was giving me the evil eye'.
'Give him, give him an animal
bred from lightning, worth of a king,
faster, faster, so that he can escape
give him the fastest steed'.
'Gallop, horse, gallop, I beg you
I will guide you to Samarkand,
don't stop, fly, I beg you
run like the wind and I'll be safe...
Oh oh horse, oh oh horse, oh oh horse,
oh oh horse, oh oh...'
Rivers, then fields and then a purple dawn
the towers he finally reached were white,
but that lady in black was in the crowd,
and he was tired of fleeing and bowed his head.
'You were there in the crowd in the capital
I know you were giving me the evil eye
I ran away among crickets and cicadas
I ran away and I meet you again here!'
'You are wrong, you are mistaken, you are wrong, soldier,
I wasn't giving you the evil eye
It was just an astonished gaze,
what were you doing there the day before yesterday?
I expected you to be here in Samarkand today,
you were so far away two days ago,
I feared you'd stay and listen to the band,
and you'd never arrive here on time.'
'Samarkand is not so far away,
gallop, horse, gallop in that direction...
I have been singing with you all night long
run like the wind that will get there.
Oh oh horse, oh oh horse, oh oh horse,
oh oh horse, oh oh...'

My mind, you foresaw the harm to come

My mind, you foresaw the harm to come,
already pensive, sad, in happy times,
intently seeking in that beloved sight,
continually, for your future trouble:
by her actions, words, face, dress,
her fresh pity mingled with sadness,
warned by all this, could you not have said:
‘This is the last day of the sweet years.’
O wretched soul, what sweetness it was!
How we burned at the moment when I saw
those eyes that I might never see again,
when, in parting, to guard that noblest body,
like two most faithful friends, I left with them
my dearest thoughts, and my heart!
“Avoir une autre langue c'est posséder une deuxième âme.”
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
- Charlemagne ❤



Taxi, take me to the farthest place away from home.
Taxi, carry me far away from the lost dreams,
on another avenue.
Taxi, make me lose my way in the city streets.
Taxi, make my mood somewhat more subdued
in the city streets.
Oh yes, you know
how I no longer knew
which way I needed...
You know how to light up the avenue.
I waved my hand, you saw me,
just a bit closer...
I'm coming back to who I was.
Taxi, take me to the farthest place away from home.
Taxi, carry me far away from the lost dreams,
on another avenue.
Taxi, make me lose my way in the city streets.
Taxi, make my mood somewhat more subdued
in the city streets.
Taxi, carry me away...