Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 146
If I Could Be Reborn
In this night of ashes
That doesn't stop crying
I face my soul that, by now,
It's tired of me,
Of the usual nice masks
That I wore to live
This sweet habit
I never betrayed it
If I could be reborn
And suddenly change reality,
That doesn't stop insulting
This amazing and short eternity,
If I could be reach
The core of myself
With a train that doesn't exist
And be able to admit
That I need you!
How many night of ecstasy
Among a flock of acrobats
I pretended believing that God
Was proud of me
Those sleazy loves with no sense
That I consumed to live
This cold loneliness
I never leave it
If I could be reborn [If I could be reborn}
And thrown reality into the bog
That keeps to defend [ ... keeps to defend ...]
This useless and dirty truth,
If I could be reach
The core of myself
With a flight that doesn't exist
And be able to admit
That I need you!
'Cause I believe in something profound
Beyond the borders of this trench
'Cause I want the revenge
Not to regret
All the love I dropped away!
[If I could be reborn
And dream reality again,
If I could be reborn]
If I could be reborn ... [This amazing and short eternity!]
If I could be reach
The core of myself
Freeing of myself,
And be able to admit
That I need you!
I need you!
Little Chopin
I buy you the piano,
my dad said, if you promise to me to study
Pull on the blankets
On Christmas' Eve
And in my dream
I already saw and played it
This is the music
It takes you away
And you become alone as a little Chopin
And my youth
Was been all an exercise
Near a window
While the others played football
By now, I was different
Life had another smell
This is the music that takes you away
And more you seek and more you find there
The key of your whys
And when it caresses
Music gives you vibrations
Of a girl's body
The first time you touch her breasts
From conservatoire
We graduated of hope
Necessary love
I felt strong near you
Little Chopin
'Cause it doesn't Christmas
'Cause I no longer want to play
This is the music, it takes you away
For this reason, I'm closed here yet
Waiting for myself
On the ebony and ivory
Of this not granted piano
I do my job
In the cabaret of the time which goes by
But when I come back home
I wear my tail-coat and I open my music sheet
This is my secret
Nobody knows that closed inside me
There is a little Chopin
Little Chopin
But this my concert
It's a scream among the stars and infinity
For who doesn't understand
That inside me there is alone and misunderstood
A little Chopin
'Till The Lifetime There Is
Look at you
What is your mean?
You live waiting a never-tomorrow [1]
Look at me
Without brakes
Always out of the time
Of my thirty-three
Too much beautiful
This dip in the sky
Hi, brother
You walk, I fly for you!
'Cause I live on the limit
Of just one life
And I feel free
To betray the world
And save from myself!
Look at you
Are you in or out?
never win.
Look at me
What I would give
To be able to love
Over my limits.
Too much beautiful
This stall in the soul
Hi, brother
You walk, I fly for you!
'Cause I live on the limit
But without the heart in the throat [2]
And I feel free
To betray nothing
And save from myself!
Too much beautiful, I don't want step down anymore
Hi, brother, hi!
You walk
I fly for you!
I don't care
If I'm lost
Into this forfait universe
I want myself free
'Till all the lifetime there is!
'Till all the lifetime there is!
In the stores
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I met the traffic warden who told me:
My light and my colors
Come to me from the Lord.
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I met the chaffinch who told me:
My life and my good mood
Come to me from the Lord
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I met a cloud who told me:
All my dreams of greatness
Come to me from the Lord
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I met an old oak tree who told me:
All my strength and vigor
Come to me from the Lord
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I met Sister Adèle who told me:
My smile and my happiness
Come to me from the Lord
In the stores of God's love,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We always find better
In the stores of God's love,
We receive for free, joy and life.
I Want To Fly
Without mercy, I'm killing something of me
Among friends and enemies of a bar
In this way a pain becomes skinhead
In the story of a Saturday ... Saturday
Treacherously I vomit ... I vomit on the floor
I want to fly to you, I want to fly to you
This city of highways and overbridge
It's a Luna Park's skeleton
In a bright sky of refinery
There is a knife in the soul ... soul
an obsession, the last ... the last crucifixion
I want to fly to you, I want to fly to you
I want to fly, fly, fly, fly, fly to you
Invisible love, grain's hair
You're too far, too far from me
My heart is a tired bottle in the sea
And I can't fly, fly, fly to you
I want to fly to you, I want to fly to you
I want to fly, fly, fly, fly, fly to you
No, without mercy something of us is dying
This life is a Bach's Fugue
In the stunning silence of my corridors
I would be free ... free
As the Icarus instinct ... Icarus, from the labyrinth
I want to fly to you, I want to fly to you
I want to fly, fly, fly, fly, fly to you
Round dance in the sun, child love
You're too close, you're inside me
My wax wings melt in the sea
But I want to die, die flying to you
I want to fly to you, I want to fly to you
I want to fly, fly, fly, fly, fly to you
No, without mercy something of us is dying
This life is a Bach's Fugue
In the stunning silence of my corridors
I would be free ...
The Chinese Mystics
And now it's already the time to know what
It's expected of us from heaven
Do you know what they meant?
The one who said that wisdom is like water?
And it seems that we were, without choice,
Getting closer and closer
We're like a couple along an avenue
Just walking and walking
And in light of the really simple things
We live our lives
For example, without explanations, only accepting and giving
It's not easy but what else is still there between us?
I sometimes remember the past childhood
Before the time of the computer and high-tech,
On the train tracks waiting for the locomotive
And shouting at it when it comes
Yes, it was a good life
As the optimists say
And sometimes a strange life, so they say
The Chinese mystics
And maybe this is a great life
After all, we lived them in a frenzy
Look at me and see me
A little happy, a little sad
And when I wear a white dress again
You ask what happened to you and to us
You once wore that same dress
In November when we got married
Yes, it's clear to me that sometimes you want to
Go back to the things that we had
I also want the same things
Because of the exact same thing
Yes, it was a good life...
And now you don't talk, you just come to me
Silently, silently into the room
Like two friends lost in space
Noting it's already mid-November
The leaves are falling again - this is the quiet time
We won't know what awaits us tomorrow
I wrap you in warmth and we dance
And we turn yet another page
Yes, it was a good life...
Get Out Of Here
Get out of here, before I call his wife
Every Wednesdays you worked, yes, but with his desires
Get out of here, he could be your father
And in the care, there,
Your mouth that opens and closes
Go out of here, take all your mysterious gifts
You rhyme with joy but you are a boredom
And if I lose you is the lesser of evils.
Get out of here
Listen to me, it's better for you.
I can't stand the idea of your goddess' body
Between orc hairy arms
But is not jealousy, you are already born mine
I don't want a woman with a dirty soul.
I'm not content of what you give to me
I don't want a woman like you
If I become violent I put me in trouble
My wrath grows, clean, and get out of here.
Go out of here, with your amazing bottom
It seems a heart, you know, you have not a heart
While you play with yours garters
Stop there, stop in this way, still in this way, still in this way, no
I'm not half done about you with nobody
But I need of an hour of peace
I need, you know, to die if you want
Chocked, spreading your body of kisses
Tell me yes, that you want it too
Tell me the usual cruel yes
I don't ask you more that another time more
Make me the last love game and then
Get out of here
Get out of here
Get out of here
But I need, you know, of this hour of peace
Turn off the light and then lay down
Because we love more in the darkness
I can't say you goodbye and I accept you in this way
I can't say you goodbye because you're already out of here
Get out of here
Get out of here
Get out of here
You're already out of here
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti,
poate nu de mine.
Vei rămâne acolo
și se va întâmpla de la sine,
de la sine.
De libertatea
prietenilor tăi
nu-ți va păsa
când te vei îndrăgosti,
vei vedea.
Va fi frumos de privit
ca un poster al lui James Dean.
Teama va fi dulce
lansând blugii.
Va fi la fel de mare ca marea,
Va fi puternică precum Dumnezeu,
va fi prima iubire adevărată -
ceea ce eu nu sunt.
Te vei îndrăgosti
de un ticălos ce-ți
va spune minciuni
pentru a te îndepărta de mine.
Cine te va apăra
de întunericul nopții,
de această viață care nu-ți dă
ceea ce promite?
Te vei îndrăgosti, știu
cu siguranță nu de mine,
în profunzimea
ce nu știi că o ai in tine, (Te vei îndrăgosti)
în tine. (Te vei îndrăgosti)
Vei fi singură impotriva tuturor
pentru că eu nu voi fi
când plângi și speli vasele,
iar viața spune nu.
O întârziere de șase zile
ce nu știi dacă să-i spui lui,
vei dori să te gândești la mine
tu, care acum nu mă vrei.
Te vei îndrăgosti de mine
Dar nu voi fi eu cu tine.
Te vei îndrăgosti
când de-acum va fi târziu (Te vei îndrăgosti)
și cerul va plânge,(Te vei îndrăgosti, te vei îndrăgosti)
îi va lipsi o stea (Te vei îndrăgosti, te vei îndrăgosti)
Pleacă cu fericirea ta,(Te vei îndrăgosti)
ești foarte frumoasă.
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti, nu de mine
Dar te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti,
Te vei îndrăgosti,
Te vei îndrăgosti
nu de mine, dar te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Te vei îndrăgosti
Mai bine să nu înceapă deloc
Mai bine să nu înceapă deloc
Să rămână incompletă povestea asta
După atâtea răni,
Nu poți crea o nouă iubire.
Un copil de care s-a abuzat,
Asta e întreaga mea poveste
Oricâte iubiri ar trece prin inima mea,
Nu poți repara frânturile astea.
Mai bine să nu înceapă deloc
Ne-am găsit cu întârziere
Ne-am petrecut atâția ani bătând la uși greșite,
Nu ne mai putem întoarce în prima tinerețe.
Mai bine să nu înceapă deloc,
Să ne promitem reciproc...
No Harm Will Find You
So love me that everyone who sees us gets jealous.
So hold my hand that may increase my heartbeat.
I am afraid that if you leave, how can I breathe?
You were my beloved, my man.
No Harm Will Find You(1), your smiling face will never fade away
Maybe this is my last text to you, I may die, I may end.
Do you miss me? Do you mind If I ask?
Let my pain surrounds me on, you're already there(2).
I can't consider, nobody should ask me what's going on.
I'll be in trouble
Versions: #1
Mountain, hill, earth smells of love
Friends come to your defense
This eda, this naz is worth a lifetime
Her job is crazy
I am not fed up, I do not give up
I'm after, I'm not tired again
I couldn't hold on, my rose, I couldn't get enough of you
I devoted my life I couldn't benefit
I play one right and one left hop
For the sake of me, I become a slave
I'm a fan, I'm a divan, but
I'll be in trouble
I am nice, something happens to me
I got drunk, my body is shaking
This eda, this naz is worth a lifetime
His job is crazy, his quirk.
Shut Up, Don't Let Him Hear
Shut up, don't let him hear that how i cried
When he left me
Shut up, don't let him hear
Don't say
Those love letters he sent me are shaved in my soul
Every birthday is covered with sadness
I searched the mountain and hill
For there is
Shut up, don't let him hear
Don't say
I've never forgotten for years
My friend, my confidant
Tell him, come back to me
Let us forget the past and return to the old days
Shut up, don't let him hear
Don't say
I've never forgotten for years
Just don't let him hear that
Still i want him, i love him, i wait him
Go, tell him now
Time Machine
The time machine
Has taken me away
It drives so far away
Maybe to you
Maybe I'll be scared on this long road
Maybe it will be tough in the distant future, but it is interesting
High-beams are turned on
I believe that you are waiting for me with hope out there
That hope will not die
The coordinates will lead to where love is
I will beat the spaces
The time machine
Traps me
I feel in my body how
We are running through time
Maybe I'll be scared on this long road
Maybe it will be tough in the distant future, but it is interesting
High-beams are turned on
I believe that you are waiting for me with hope out there
That hope will not die
The coordinates will lead to where love is
I will beat the spaces
I believe that you are waiting for me with hope out there
And that hope will not die
The coordinates will lead to where love is
I will beat the spaces where you are
I am going to where you are, where you are, too
I am going there where you are, where you are, where you are, too
Ambulance car
Her fingers garlanded with rings of Saturn
She smells worse than a spitting urn,
Her granddad is Marquis de Sade,
Her papa is Schicklgruber.
She is more dangerous than virus of AIDS
She is bloodier than bullfighter's blades
She calls me back to her,
To the gloomy Kingdom of Hades.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Early autumn, pleasant night.
Arbat street. House number eight.
Here once resided Tanya,
(I can still remember this!)
Someone cuts his wrists in bathroom
Walls are shaking from love-making
We drink vodka on the kitchen,
Three, including Jimi Hendrix.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Oh, my dull-eyed child,
You cherish syringe's glide.
But in vain, yes, in vain,
You are flying in the clouds.
Clouds give a poor support,
You will soon fall back to dirt,
And you will be taken without delay,
To the graveyard mounds.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
© Uncommon
Be Prepared!/آماده باشید! [ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
It has radiated to my dark heart
the hard darkness of grudge
We must do something
to make me a satisfied lion
I have a view of the future
I am evil-minded
From now on, I am free in this kingdom
If you'll be my friends from now on!
Come on, my dear brother!
I dreamt a tiny dream (=I have an evil plan for [killing] you)
He entreats under my knees
I don't understand
Just listen to me!
I'll rule to this kingdom
I'll shout the destruction
Vanity fits to me
when this word becomes my name!
The king!
Yeah, be prepared! Haha! We're prepared! ah! For what?!
For the death of the king!
Why? Is he sick?
No, fool! We're going to kill him (&) also Simba!
Great idea! Who needs a king?
King, no king! la la la la la la!
Ridiculouses! There will be a king!
Hey, but you said…
I'll become the king! Stick with me, then you'll never be hungry!
Hurrah! You're the best! Alright!
We need the king!(2)
We're under your command, the king of darkness!
I command my army
to kill the only brother!
On this kingdom, come (& stick with me)
I'll warmly accept you well
I'll become the lion king
You'll fill the stomach with preys!
The fire of my anger spreads
The brother makes me angry
I'll make his child
sad & alone
He'll be tired & groaning
He'll be deplorable & distressed
I'll capture the throne
The prosperity will come to me
I'll reach the top of the world
We'll make the earth deplorable & poor
The king!
We'll make the earth deplorable & poor!
The king!
Per Revolution
If I'm in the wind, can I comb my hair?
Wherever I am, like bul-bul are you chasing on my shoulder?
From each saliva not case sadness,comb your hair.
You're not the Bulbul, you're going to this mountain.
I'm crying tears just to see you, he said to the cheek of the flower.
In the mountain breast getting a whole spring honey lip.
Come on, the Moon in the beautiful swimming I know that wasn't the half of it.
I miss believe you know that girl is a boy.
That's what I was trying to fall in love with you if I see the grapes laughing.
You my of the credit in is, that all know this love.
I tears tears tears tears only to you.
In the mountain breast getting a whole spring honey lip.
light haired Rita (Yeah!)
Was falling down alone
And you too (o-o-o)
And you too
Not noticing, like a leaf went out
My light haired Rita
And you too (o-o-o)
And you too
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
(*God dammit!)
Where is my airplane?
But, where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
We are handsome pilots
Flying to our fleet (Yes!)
Flying to our fleet (To Baghdad!)
With airplanes
We are handsome pilots
Flying to our fleet
Flying to our fleet
With airplanes
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is my airplane?
Where is it?
Ești a mea
Ca otrava neagră ma înnebunit dragostea
De această dată altfel
7 8 9 locuri dragostea ma reînviat
De această dată altfel
Și fluturi albi să te găsească, poate îi spun destinului
Să ardă acest oraș să fie cenușă
Uscat și strict ca un pistol pielea ei brunetă
De această dată altfel
În limba mea ca o înjurătură mi-a șoptit
De această dată altfel
O să mă iubești mai mult decât pe mine sau pe tine
Încălzit tăbărât motivul meu să rămână la mine
Dar tu ești a mea.
Cine are loc în inima ta
Cine se distrează în inima ta
Cine are cerul va fi fericit
Uite eu sunt aici
Ege Kökenli
Tu ești un vis rău
Bună domnule Can
Astăzi v-ați spălat din nou mâinile
Sau v-ați pieptănat părul
Uite domnule Can cu adevărat un rapper minunat
Turcia nu-l înțelege oamenii nu-l înțeleg
Fi blestemat aruncă-ți imediat acel pistol de la talie
Să nu ajungem până acolo amice
Doar vorbind ne vom înțelege
Dar vorbind este greu să te înțelegi ai dreptate
Dacă vrei mâncăm împreună tantuni* de spui
(Se poate)
Haide să plecăm de aici blestemați
[Versul 1 No.1]
Ai îmbrățișat fața bebelușului ca o cizmă, nevinovat, în sufletul meu ai lăsat urme?
În înregistrări tăcut sufletul meu, am șters zgomotul înăuntru
Acum un loc gol înăuntrul meu dar voi lăsațil baltă pe acest plod
Acum indiferența aduce indiferență!
Tu ești un vis rău 2014
Bună domnul Can vă plictisește
Sau nu aveți bani sunteți sărac
Problema dumneavoastră este că faceți multe albume
Uite rezolvarea mea ascultați-l imediat pe domnul Can
Acum domnul Can va spune și noi îl vom asculta
Ve-ți spune bine că a făcut oh ve-ți spune
Jur ce bine a făcut oh să-l ascultăm
Spune domnule Can mai spune puțin că sufletul nostru să tremure cu vocea ta frumoasă
O am scris o poezie pune-o și pe asta în albumul tău Can
Ege Kökenli
Am dus dorul chipului tău vreme îndelungată,
Crede-mă, sunt lipsită doar de un cuvânt din partea ta,
Dacă implor, dacă plâng, dacă îngenunchez,
Ne vom reîntoarce la vechile zile?
Măcar de-am fi împreună precum în vremurile de odinioară,
Măcar de-am uita evenimentele trecute,
Chiar dacă viața se sfârșește și lumea se oprește,
Chiar dacă moartea există, măcar de nu ne-am fi despărțit...
Spune-mi, ai găsit iubirea pe care o căutai?
Sau ești singur din nou?
Ca mine, disperat?
Înlăcrimat, singur?
Spune-mi, ai găsit iubirea pe care o căutai?
Sau ești singur din nou?
Ca mine, disperat?
Înlăcrimat, singur?
Coconut Wine
(come) drink (some) Coconut Wine, young laddie!'
'I shall not drink,
(The) Coconut Wine (is) bitter, sour!'
(come) drink (some) Coconut Wine, young laddie!'
'I shall not drink,
(The) Coconut Wine (is) bitter, sour!'
The Coconut Wine (sold) along the shore,
befits a patent,
*(for just) a little shot-glassful,
(mouth) full of spittle!*
The Coconut Wine (sold) along the shore,
befits a patent,
*(for just) a little shot-glassful,
(mouth) full of spittle!*
Come on, (just) go for it!
(just) go for it!
Make a pose (if it warrants it), whatever!
*Down the hatch!*
Come on, come on, (just) go for it!
(just) go for it!
Make a pose (if it warrants it), whatever!
*Down the hatch!*
Come on!
(come) drink (some) Coconut Wine, young laddie!'
'I shall not drink,
(The) Coconut Wine (is) bitter, sour!'
(come) drink (some) Coconut Wine, young laddie!'
'I shall not drink,
(The) Coconut Wine (is) bitter, sour!'
The Coconut Wine (sold) along the shore,
befits a patent,
*(for just) a little shot-glassful,
(mouth) full of spittle!*
The Coconut Wine (sold) along the shore,
befits a patent,
*(for just) a little shot-glassful,
(mouth) full of spittle!*
Come on, (just) go for it!
(just) go for it!
Make a pose (if it warrants it), whatever!
*Down the hatch!*
Come on, come on, (just) go for it!
(just) go for it!
Make a pose (if it warrants it), whatever!
*Down the hatch!*
*Down the hatch!*
The cars are running, here is another rushed by..
Versions: #2
The cars are running, here is another rushed by us-
All of them towards precise and ultimate aim,
Perhaps, from the song of Ancharov- *'MAZ',
Loaded with Caspian herring.
I wander the roads, like a beggar sack in the hand,
Wisely all my kopeks saving
And also wisely use up my strength,
And in a quilt jacket muffle my scream.
Where to am I and why?- one can live, if he knows it.
And you can, without any straining
To wake up and get up, if only I could sleep,
And if not for a blizzard, then to sing.
De unul singur
Versions: #2
Fii oricine ai fi,
Fă orice ai face,
Și tu ești în lumea asta singur (de unul singur).
Mama în brațele tale,
Tatăl în drumul tău,
Fratele alături de tine,
Dar tu ești de unul singur,
Suntem singuri, mereu singuri.
Cuvinte de aur,
Priviri de aur,
În lupta ta pentru viață ești singur
Când inspiri și expiri,
Când râzi și plângi ești singur.
Singuri rămânem,
Unde e mama, unde e tata?
Ceea ce vezi, ceea ce iubești,
Unde e fratele și prietenul?
Cap lângă cap,
Suntem risipiți în lumea asta,
Unul intr-o parte, altul în altă parte,
Ne-am imprăștiat/ răspândit în lumea asta
Suntem singuri, mereu singuri...
In a few moments
The sunshine
Will spread all around
It's majestic to see
The birds and insects
are singing
To the sound of the bell
they're singing along
The children
playing in the yard
picking up
their toys
then go to the house
there they'll find
Grandpa and grandma
and their sweet parents
(Sort Solo)
six in the evening
time of prayer
it's quiet in the field
while it grows dark
And it is a sight to see
to get blessing from parents
from grandparents, its a sign of respect
'mano po' is what the children say**
while holding the hand of elders
mano po mother mano po father**
we're glad to see
in the simple way of life
the customs that I see
wish it remains
a golden example
this is one trait
that we should treasure
jewel of youth
should be cared
'mano po' is what the children say
while holding the hand of elders
mano po mother mano po father
we're glad to see
in the simple way of life
Thoughts floating
Don't know where it ends
My ongoing feelings
Cries of my weary heart
My movement shows
And you're the guide
Listen to my pleas
Every step, you're beside me
In sowing and joining
Your memory invigorates me
The promises given
Tomorrow shines
Red sun signals it
Century of dreams
Hope you light it
Everyone's' spirit
Show the truth
Invade it my dear
Our times apart
It's for our freedom
There's only one in my mind
My country is to free you
Accept my offering
of a unified heart
Tomorrow shines
Red sun signals it
Century of dreams
Hope you light it
Everyone's' spirit
Show the truth
Invade it my dear
Our times apart
It's for our freedom
My grandma used to say
My life is mysterious
Can't grasp time
And the beginning has ended
My pretty bird keeps flying
Flower that's colorful to the eyes
Listen to the song of the melodious wind
Look at the rich soil of our hardship
Where will you stay my fellow
Tell me, time is running
World of life won't wait
for you hmm..
Give way the spirit of others
This comes from a ripe mind
The shine of your life in the streets
They need to be heard
You don't waste a thought
On what has happened
in recent years
Have you been right ?
have you been wrong?
Or do you even know
What the hell you're doing?
Think of yourself, think of yourself
Use your brain, my friend
Your past
Don't try to force it back
Think of yourself, think of yourself
Use your brain, my friend
Get off your old tracks
Change your heading
The clock is ticking
The sun is setting
And is rising again
You have a new hope
If you'd only sober up
Give up your earlier ways
Surely in your steps
You're bound to stumble
Sorry for you, pal
Use your brain, my friend
You're stuck in the past, bud
Don't try to force it back
think of yourself, think of yourself
Use your brain, my friend
Get off your old tracks
Change your heading
Make way
For (your) change
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
What matters
Peace, is not just quietness
Serenity, is not just calm
Every morning, we have this promise (1)
For Food, when we're hungry
We've got our soil to till
And grow our dreams
That's what matters
That's what matters
A home is not just a house
(But) a family united as one
Through good and bad times
A secure workplace
Modest abundance, a sufficient income
Day after day
That's what matters
That's what matters
Sincere love, honest giving
Will soon be returned
Just one word, faithful to the promise
That's what matters, this is true
A home is not just a house
(But) a family united as one
through good and bad times
A secure workplace
And land to till and cultivate
With many dreams
That's what matters
That's what matters
Yes, it is true
Yes, it is true
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
Love and affection
When is a song formed within the heart
When is the circle of (our) earth beautiful
When the light shines in the dark
When are the stars of heaven sparkling
When is the savory wind blowing
When can it be felt to be light
Don't you love it
Love, Love and affection
Is the grace of God, the creator
Love, Love and affection
Is truly a gift
When will the world finally come to rest
When will the country be restored peacefully
When will all the animals cease to exist
Is there not love (enough) ?
When will come the sudden end
When will we reach the sky
When will we taste eternity
When will there be real love
(Guitar Solo)
(Repeat 1st and 2nd stanza)
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
We are leaves
We are only leaves
Of a sturdy tree
We come from the same source
But we don't all grow the same way
You might be a playful leaf
And me a shriveled leaf
We'll both fall to the ground the same way
My friend, do not worry
Because it gave up its life
The leaf lost its color
Yet there is happiness in your sadness
Cause you're not the only leaf of color
If there is sadness in your eyes
If there are feelings of bitterness inside of you
If your love turned out to be untrue
Then think of the branches and other leaves as well
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
Rosas Pandan
Here is Rosas Pandan
Just arrived from the mountains
To be with all of you
To celebrate the fiesta
This song is my livelihood
An inheritance from my parents
A most ancient song
The pride of our hill country
Ayayay ayayay ayayay
Hey!, my song
Is nice to dance to
Like fog on a cold day
Tigadong tigadong tigadong
Look at Dodong (young man)
He's looking at the young lady
His drool is falling
He's looking at the young lady
His drool is falling
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
For Agnes
two months have passed
i really found it difficult
of the happenings i can't understand
and thinking unendlessly
oh how long has the dream
the would-be life in the future
in two months that slipped by
my thoughts and tomorrow went along
just remember friend
the things we shared
in two months that passed
is like two centuries in thoughts
always put in mind
that I am like a plant
that will wither when not watered
and a hope I also will lose