Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 12
I'm rushing again, another day's ahead of me,And once again I'm sticking to the same plan.
I'm wondering if there is anyone at all
That could help me find some courage.
Some days everything goes wrong
And I lose myself again.
What's this voice inside my head?
I much rather tell myself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.
Sometimes this burden seems so pointless,
For a moment there's too much on my mind.
But this happens to each and every one of us sometimes,
And everyone can sing to themselves happily.
I don't run away, I seize the day,
Even if it seems as if my effort is in vain.
This truly is not my heart speaking,
So I always tell myself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.
When it seems like there's no solution,
Look at life from another perspective.
It always gives you what you long for.
Always tell yourself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.
Passed (and) Forgotten
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learnedI neither love you nor hate you.
Alone again by myself, you are inside my mind
Look at me, now stop pretending anymore
I forget all that you had said for me
Alone by myself I get along better
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you
It finished with your last lie
Τhe cycle closed for me and you
I laughed, what if you had made me upside down
Ι forgot, Ι go further
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you
As much as you insist
You will be staying alone by yourself
With yourself you wage war again
You don’t understand
Αs much as you intervene
Τhe distance gets bigger for us
Passed (and) forgotten all of your mistakes
I put them away and forgave you
Passed (and) forgotten, however, I have learned
I neither love you nor hate you
Trecutul l-am uitat
Versions: #2--- 1 ---
Să uiți trecutul este bine,
Dar să nu uiți tot și să ai grijă de tine
Oriunde vei fi, de bine să mă vorbești,
Și ca să nu te arzi de ispite să te ferești.
Să uiți trecutul și doar înainte să vezi
În urmă să nu privești dar să păstrezi
Sacrificiile mele pe o albă hârtie
Cu semnătura ta, ca pe o poezie.
--- R ---
Greșelile pe care le-ai făcut, râul să le înghită
Marea să le cuprindă, departe să le ducă.
Îmi deschid brațele cu ardoare
Căci și stelele sunt căzătoare
Deschid ochii mei
Și palate văd cu ei,
Vise pe care, tu mi le trimiți
... cu un sărut de-ndrăgostiți.
--- 2 ---
Trecutul l-am uitat, sunt ca o albă hârtie
Cândva te-am desenat dar am și ars ca o făclie
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca un fum sunt eu
în ochii tăi, care-mi deschidea cerul mereu.
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca să îmi fie bine
Dar să îți amintești că nu îmi ești dator puține
Din vina ta cu mama mea m-am certat fără rost
Te știe de băiat bun, dar tot necopt ai fost.
Trecutul l-am uitat si toate ne merg bine
pentru că te iubesc ca la-început, la fel și tu pe mine
Ca păsările închise, care mai au o cheie-n colivie
Dragostea nu-i o închisoare și totuși poate să ne fie.
--- R ---
Greșelile pe care le-ai făcut, râul să le înghită
Marea să le cuprindă, departe să le ducă.
Îmi deschid brațele cu ardoare
Căci și stelele sunt căzătoare
Îmi deschid ochii mei
Și palate văd cu ei,
Vise pe care, tu mi le trimiți
... cu un sărut de-ndrăgostiți.
--- 3 ---
Trecutul l-am uitat, sunt ca o albă hârtie
Cândva te-am desenat dar am și ars ca o făclie
Trecutul l-am uitat, ca un fum sunt eu
în ochii tăi, care-mi deschidea cerul mereu.
I'm Up (I'm In My Chaos)
I'm up, in the clouds I fly,When I hold you in my embrace baby,
I'm up, I don't know where I'm going,
I only know one thing, how much I love you.
I'm in my chaos,
When I have you next to me,
And when you are apart,
My sadness eats at me.
I'm up, in the clouds I fly,
When I look into your eyes baby,
I'm up, no one can catch me,
With your love, you have made me into a bird.
I'm in my chaos,
When I have you next to me,
And when you are apart,
My sadness eats at me
Broken bottles
In an empthy houseSolitude and sorrow
You made me feel
And regret
Everything I've given you
My heart knows
What you've done to me
How much it suffers
Broken glasses everywhere
Broken bottles everywhere
For your own sake, I became a mess
Broken glasses everywhere
Put out cigarettes everywhere
Because of your bitter lips I became a mess again
I hurt inside
You're away and I break down
I don't sleep at nights
When I remember you
For all I've done
Only I know
From your mistakes
How much I suffer
Broken glasses everywhere
Broken bottles everywhere
For your own sake, I became a mess
Broken glasses everywhere
Put out cigarettes everywhere
Because of your bitter lips I became a mess again