Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 362


How does it work?

I am not young, neither am I old
I am neither big nor very small
Hardly belonging to the elite
But this is how it is, I would like to know
how you go about it so I won't have to search
Wondering just what her name might be
It will probably be pretty hard
but inevitable
How does it work?
I just mean
What if she wants to?
What am I going to do?
Everything is standing still
I often wonder when
Should you really be so engaged?
The wisest thing must be to stay in your lane
That way you make yourself interesting
But what happens if she wants to come close?
Na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na
It will probably be pretty hard
but inevitable
How does it work?
I just mean
What if she wants to?
What am I going to do?
Everything is standing still
I often wonder when
It will probably be pretty hard
but inevitable
How does it work?
I just mean
What if she wants to?
What am I going to do?
Everything is standing still
I often wonder when


The cat has died
Yeah, I found it behind the farm
The neighbour's wife has given birth
So I guess it evens out then
My wife has gone into town
Not coming home until tomorrow
So I will spend the day in
lonely, lonely, loneliness
The boy has gone
to a friend who has a moped
I have bought beer
and also pizza and crispbread
I have read the newspaper
Nothing exciting there
Yeah, I will spend the day in
lonely, lonely, loneliness
What should you do
when you suddenly realise that
the house is empty
and in the basket, there is no cat?
Your fantasy is too weak
The bottle is too banal
So I will have to accept my
lonely, lonely, loneliness

Oh yeah, oh yeah!

We met at the library
I borrowed Tintin
and she le Carré
Then we took the scooter
and went around
and looked for something
that she had forgotten
Then we went to Boulognerskogen1,
around the park and back again
She is in the heart of mine and lets me stay at hers
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
Looking through the window
when she leaves
I've put a piece of tape
in her hair
She went out a few hours ago
I'm waiting until she comes home again
She took the scooter down to the cinema
Tickets are taken between twelve and five
She is in the heart of mine and lets me stay at hers
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
Going around in bus number one
She is going to get a big, nice kiss
Now I fell into her chest
She has closed my door forever
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I love that girl
  • 1. Park in the city of Gävle

Go away

Well, I have so much trouble standing your bubble gum style
and our conversation has been turned into a worthless fossil
I can make it without your social circles
and I don't give a shit about your horoscope
Go away
and never come here again
Go away
You are nothing for me
Oh, please, please, please
go away from here
I tried for a few years, but it mostly flopped
and my lip hurt so much from always biting the bullet
I am tired of your panties lying everywhere
No, I will not become your servant
Go away
and never come here again
Go away
You are nothing for me
Oh, please, please, please
go away from here
I want to play on my accordion and buy a budgie
I just want to be alone and I want to be it pretty soon
You can take your furniture and your expensive tableware,
your complex and your fancy crisis
Go away
and never come here again
Go away
You are nothing for me
Oh, please, please, please
go away from here
Go away
and never come here again
Go away
You are nothing for me
Oh, please, please, please
go away from here

Făcând dragoste

Azi s-a întâmplat ceva ce m-a făcut fericită
Clipa când te-m întâlnit
Și faptul că am știu că am găsit pe cineva pe care să-l iubesc
Serios, cum e să iubești, e drăguț
Cum ar fi un sărut pe o alee întunecată
S-ar transforma cerul în alb și aș auzi clopoței?
Vorbe despre dragoste, vorbe despre a ne sta bine împreună
Probabil mâna altor oameni, cuvinte distante de adio
Inima îmi sare din piept, ochii mi se contractă
Cum pot iubi?
Te iubesc, asta cred că e dragoste
Fără el nu pot zâmbi
Faptul că el e iubirea mea, inima mea începe să-mi schimbe mintea
Mintea mea e cu susu-n jos
Uită de toate cuvintele reci, oh
Oh, chiar dacă îmi curg lacrimi, am nevoie doar de el, iubirea mea
Ia-mă în brațe, strânge-mă frumos
Spune-mi mereu că vei sta cu mine
Îmi faci inima s-o ia la galop și devin iar timidă
Mă emoționează, ce să fac
Fin și dulce ca ciocolata
În fiecare zi mă face să mă gândesc mai tare
Ca gheața rece, îmi topește inima
Sper că dragostea lui caldă va fi ca la început
Inima-mi bate și încep să roșesc
1 minut, 1 secundă fără tine, continui să mă uit la ceas
Nu e nimic, cred că-i place când plâng și râd
Te iubesc, asta cred că e dragoste
Fără el nu pot zâmbi
Faptul că el e iubirea mea, inima mea începe să-mi schimbe mintea
Mintea mea e cu susu-n jos
Uită de toate cuvintele reci, oh
Oh, chiar dacă îmi curg lacrimi, am nevoie doar de el, iubirea mea
Lăcrimez când mă gândesc că ar putea pleca
Nu am putut exprima sau nici măcar nu am știut
Probabil că deja te iubesc
Te iubesc, trăiesc într-o lume roz
Soarele strălucește pe mine toată ziua
Vreau să fiu fata lui, dar probabil mă schimb pe interior
Mă simt cel mai bine când sunt lângă el
Vreau să te păstrez în privirea mea
Oh, te iubesc așa cum mă iubești, iubirea mea

Ardea lumânarea

Ningea, ningea pe-ntreg pământul,
În toată zarea.
Ardea lumânarea pe masă,
Ardea lumânarea.
Cum, vara, roiesc musculiţe
În jurul luminii, noian,
Toţi fulgii, toţi fulgii din curte
Se-nvârtejeau la geam.
Lipea pe geam viscolul cercuri,
Săgeţi indicând depărtarea,
Ardea lumânarea pe masă,
Ardea lumânarea.
Strângea tavanul luminat
Tot umbre bizare,
Destine ale încrucişării,
Încrucişări de mâini, încrucişări de picoare.
Şi doi pantofiori lunecau
Cu zgomot sec jos,
Pe rochie lumânarea îşi picura
Lacrimile, sfios.
Şi totul pierea în pâcla zăpezii,
Albă, căruntă,
Ardea lumânarea pe masă,
O rugăciune de sfântă.
Şi un ungher sufla în feştilă
Şi focul ispitei învolburate
Îşi ridica precum un înger
Două aripi încrucişate.
A nins toată luna, în februarie,
Şi mereu, ca ninsoarea,
Ardea lumânarea pe masă,
Ardea lumânarea.

Toamnă aurie

Palate rupte parcă din povești,
Deschise larg, să le privești,
Pe la răspântii de drumuri prin păduri,
Splendoarea, oglindindu-și-o în lacuri.
Ca la o expoziție de picturi,
Săli multe, camere de tot felul
Ulmi și stejari bătrâni și frasini,
Purtând maiestuoși vestmânt bătut în aur.
În jur, fac teii aurii
Cordon, parcă ar fi mirese,
Mestecenilor ce-aruncă de sub valuri,
În jurul lor, priviri sfioase.
Pământul și-a, cu totul, îngropat,
Canale și gropi sub gros frunzar
Iar galbenii arțari nu prididesc de fluturat,
Din aripioarele suflate-n aur.
Acolo în septembrie, copacii,
Perechi, perechi, se-nșiră-n zări
Și răsăritul pe-ale lor coji,
Presară praf de chihlimbar.
Acolo, în râpi, nu trebuie să intri,
De nu vrei că toți apoi să știe,
Căci furioase, mârâie sub pași,
Căzute, frunze de copaci.
Acolo, ecoul nesfârșitelor alei,
Coboară abrupt și repede se stinge,
Și tot acolo al vișinilor clei,
În boturi, ca un cheag, se strânge.
Toamnă. Un vechi cât lumea, colțisor
Haine, arme, vechi catastife,
Unde catalogul cu comori,
E răsfoit de frig, pe îndelete.

Golden autumn

Autumn. Such a magic place!
Open to every heart to amaze
With clearings of forest trails,
Peeped in lakes with pure grace.
Admiring the fabulous pictures
Of fairy-tale golden halls
Slender ashes, elms and aspens
We delight this beauty all.
The hoop of yellow graceful lime
Is like a crown on a bride!
A birch under a gorgeous veil
Looks like a virgin newlywed!
Brightly coloured leaves fly beneath
And cover all the ditches, pits…
The wings in yellow maple trees
Look like in gilded frames indeed.
September trees are very fair
And at dawn they stand in pairs
The gentle sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trace as a mark.
The leaves are twirling slowly
And falling gently down
And everyone can clearly feel
The rustling leaves around.
Sounds at the end of the lanes
Echo at a bluffy slope.
And the dawn of cherry shade
Autumn. Such an ancient nook
Of old books, clothes, weapons!
Where extremely severe cold
Scrolls through the treasure catalog.

How long should I resist and wait for you?

I suffered and I
Just let it go,
You lied to me, but I will not forget
And I can not bear anymore, my love!
How long should I resist and wait
For you to love me?
You always say that
Today you love another man.
(chorus x 2)
You're not calling me,
You do not send me a message anymore
And I know
That secretly you meet.
My little heart
Cannot laugh,
You see/ meet with him
Even if you are with me.
I always cry and argue
With my soul,
How long should I resist? I can”t
Stay without you ...
I'm tired and I can”t bear
This torment and this longing
Either you come back,
Or you let me die peacefully...
(chorus x 2)
You're not calling me,
You do not send me a message anymore
And I know
That secretly you meet.
My little heart
Cannot laugh,
You see/ meet with him
Even if you are with me.
Share music and kindness! :)

Un gust al mierii

Vânturile reci pot sufla peste marea îngheţată
Dar eu voi lua cu mine căldura ta
Un gust al mierii
Un gust mult mai dulce decât vinul
El se va întoarce
Se va întoarce
El va veni înapoi
Pentru miere şi pentru mine
Voi lăsa în urmă inima mea s-o porţi
Şi fie ca mereu să-ţi amintească
Un gust al mierii
Un gust mult mai dulce ca vinul
El se va întoarce
Se va întoarce
El va veni înapoi
Pentru miere şi pentru mine

Stăpânii războiului

Hei, stăpîni de război
Cu pistoalele-n mîini,
Cu alai de-avioane
Şi cu gloanţe în pîini,
Voi, ascunşi după ziduri
Şi păziţi de birouri,
Văd prin măştile voastre ca prin nişte găuri !
N-aţi făcut niciodată
Decît gropi şi dezastre,
Jucărie e lumea
În minţile voastre,
Voi îmi puneţi în mînă
Un pistol şi fugiţi,
Vă ascundeţi departe cînd de gloanţe-auziţi.
Ca şi Iuda sînteţi,
Mincinoşii de voi,
Tare mult vreţi să cred
Că e bine-n război,
Că-i uşor de luptat
Şi că vom cîştiga,
Da' minciuna-i prea mare şi plata prea grea...
Voi faceţi doar puşca,
Alţii trag pentru voi:
Cei pe care-i uitaţi
Prăvăliţi în noroi...
Şi cînd staţi şi-adunaţi
De-a ieşit vreun folos
Nu simţiţi că-i de sînge cifra cea mai de jos ?
Spaima cea mai cumplită
Aţi adus-o cu voi:
Să nu vrei s-ai copii
Pentru vreun alt război !
Şi de-aceea v-o jur:
Eu copii n-o să am,
Dar şi zidul de piatră pentru mine-i un geam.
Puteţi zice orice:
Că sînt tînăr şi prost,
Că nu ştiu nimic,
Că n-am nici un rost...
Un lucru tot ştiu,
Şi vi-l spun răspicat:
Nimic din ce faceţi nu va fi iertat !
Şi vă-ntreb înc-un lucru:
La ce bun munţi de bani,
Peste munţi de eroi,
Peste munţi de duşmani ?
E-o pată de sînge
Pe ei, aşa grea,
Că nici apa din ceruri nu o poate spăla !
Eu tot sper să muriţi,
Să se-ntîmple curînd,
La mormintele voastre
Voi sta-n primul rînd !
Peste voi, tot pămîntul
Îl voi bătători,
Să fiu sigur că-n groapă veţi încremeni !

We are on Air

We were on air
to another travel
Princes of a youth
so distant
The years passed
and it's like one day(passed)
Everything we did
noone erase them
Bodies and friends
passed over me
Motherland, enemies, jobs
and some crazy's kisses
But deep inside me
the spark was left
I was expecting you would show up again
And suddenly, suddenly
We are on air
like old times
Like old times...
We are on air!
When we scattered, I thought
it won't be for long
That something would brought us
together again
Anger and sadness I got from people
before I got away from them
Before I built my own prison
Because in the out world
wolves were wondering around wanting to persuade me that I am a sheep
So, my dreams were known to the four walls
Until you showed up again
And suddenly, suddenly
We are on air
like old times
Like old times...
We are on air
Like old times...

you told me you're leaving so you can become an immigrant

You told me you're leaving so you become an immigrant
a Wednesday night in a foreign land
and you were broken glass
and star scattered in a small yard
Like a candle that lights my life you burn
Left me alone in the slopes
and became a night my whole life
our rebetika (a genre of songs for the common people ) groans
You told me you're leaving so you become an immigrant
a Wednesday night in a foreign land
and left a bitter scar
a danm life without change


Everything looks the same
And everyone looks like each other
Is it possible to be bored to death?
Or to be bored out of your wits?
Dreams are nothing but burdens
Where we are
And masks
So easily entrench
And time passes
So sing along like the others do
As you've heard it before
You are still a star
Sing along like the others do
Take a chance if the others dare
What you see I've seen
Where I walk you've walked
The dream, be prepared
On always missing something
Dreams are nothing but burdens
Where we are
And masks
So easily entrench
And time passes
So sing along like the others do
As you've heard it before
You are still a star
Sing along like the others do
Take a chance if the others dare
So sing it to death
Kill it with love
Embrace your destiny
Sell your soul
Sing along like the others do
Take a chance if the others dare
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

The Three Huastecas

To talk about Huasteca,1 you had to have been born there
Savoring the dried beef, with a few drinks of mezcal,
Smoke a leaf cigarette, light it with a flint,
And the one that wets it best, smokes it the longest
That Huasteca, I don't know what it has
The one who visits once, returns and remains there
Beautiful Huasteca, I cannot forget you
I was born with your love, and born with your singing
Huasteca Potosina, has bunches of flowers
Mountains full of mist, and hillsides of dreams
In the Hidalgo Huasteca, one's heart is not for rent
Whoever doesn't say 'excuse me', does not wake up
in his mattress
This Huasteca, I don't know what it has
The one who visits once, returns and remains there
Beautiful Huasteca, I cannot forget you
I was born with your love, and born with your singing
Huasteca Veracruz, who calms herself with the sea
That sings with the mountains, and sleeps in the palm grove
They lasso the ladino bulls,2 running through the wilderness,
While the violins cry,3 dancing the huapango4in the corral
This Huasteca, I don't know what it has
The one who visits once, returns and remains there
Beautiful Huasteca, I cannot forget you
I was born with your love, and born with your singing
  • 1. La Huasteca is a geographical and cultural region located in Mexico along the Gulf of Mexico which includes parts of the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí(Potosina), and Querétaro
  • 2. Animals that are wild and brave
  • 3. The musical composition that accompanies this dance is performed with one or two guitars, a harp and a violin.
  • 4. Typical dance of the Mexican region of the Huastecas, especially of the state of Veracruz, that is danced zapateando with fast and complicated steps on a wood platform.

M-ai învățat să urăsc

Nu mai ai dreptul să ceri iertare
Tulburi liniștea inimii mele
Şi te distrezi cu durerea mea
Abia reuşisem să te las să pleci
Ai pierdut din putere, am uitat să simt
Nu ştiu de ce eşti aici
Gata, îți defăimez numele şi săruturile
Vocea ta şi buzele tale perverse
M-ai învățat să urăsc când te-am pierdut
Gata, timpul tău s-a dus şi e târziu deja
Zbor în înaltul unui cer care arde
Vreau să aterizez, dar nu la tine
Gata, deja îmi calmasem furtunile
Sufletul meu iar s-a tulburat
Dai foc la puținul care mi-a mai rămas
Gata, îți defăimez numele şi săruturile
Vocea ta şi buzele tale perverse
M-ai învățat să urăsc când te-am pierdut
Gata, timpul tău s-a dus şi e târziu deja
Zbor în înaltul unui cer care arde
Vreau să aterizez, dar nu la tine
Vrei să distrugi ce timpul abia a reparat
Deschizi o punte care duce spre trecut
Eşti expertă în a cere prea mult
Gata, îți defăimez numele şi săruturile
Vocea ta şi buzele tale perverse
M-ai învățat să urăsc când te-am pierdut
Gata, timpul tău s-a dus şi e tarziu deja
Zbor în înaltul unui cer care arde
Vreau să aterizez, dar nu la tine
Nu mai ai dreptul să ceri iertare
Tulburi liniştea inimii mele
Şi te distrezi cu durerea mea

The Fairest Rose Is Found

The fairest rose is found
Up through the thorns she is risen
Our Jesus the dearest bloom
Grown up among mere mortals
For since we lost the honour
To carry God's image in the heart
The world lay in desolation and disorder
And death harried us harshly
But the Lord made a rose bloom
For all the world to rejoice in
The scent to the heavens rises
Our earth to God's garden it hallows
So blooms God's church with honour
And the sweetest fruits can carry
In Christ she breathes and lives
And liquid to the growth he gives
Now surely the world should joyfully
Sing songs of praise for the saviour
But many look upon the thorns
And see not the heavenly rose
Thou sinner! Why make yourself hard,
Like a thorn bush yourself guard?
With prideful thoughts in mind
Just like thorns long and dense
Step down from your self-made height
And cry for your saviour down low
Then you shall his love know
And roses will in the dales grow
Now Jesus, you ever shall be
My rose, my adornment, my honour
You alone shall my heart take
Your sweetness I ever shall taste
My rose adornes and contents me
My rose gladdens and assists me
The sinful urges she drives off
And under the cross keeps me
Let the world threaten and compel me
Let the thorns rip and sting me
When the heart eventually ceases
The rose upon my chest I will fasten

Shin Chan [Opening] (English)

A funny boy, amusing and extroverted
And I tend to make everyone angry
Shinnosuke never stops and he won't leave you alone
When you have to conquer
I am a complete professional
I am a very flirty boy
With the strength of a cyclone
Come on baby, come on baby
The peppers tastes very bad
Look at that trunk! How big is that trunk!
Trunk! Trunk! And everybody knows I am Shinchan
Fear, much fear
Everybody feels afraid if they see me showing up
If you come with me you'll have a good time
And you'll see that I'm special


And once again, it's that time again,
The circus is ready to go
And every clown and every animal
Knows it's that time again
The music plays the last note
In the morning it will be gone again
But this time I don't want to leave with it
I have met a girl now
I stand in the circus in front of empty circus rings
A few years ago, it was the high life here
But acrobats, they don't stay long
Now it's off to the next place
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
I take off my mask,
A clown from a grave of masks
Out of the hateful city,
Come with us and the burden falls away
Disappear in the blue see
No falling or tumbling any more
And then the wedding ring is a must
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
Coaster, coaster,
On my rollercoaster, coaster
And when the wind hisses past us
Back there, where talk does not count for anything
Then I'll stand up on my two wheels
And I take you up into my life
I take you up into my life
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
Coaster, coaster,
On my rollercoaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster

I can't let you take the love away

I can't let you take the love
I can't let you take our love away
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
can't let you take our love
can't let you take away the love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
Don't take the love,
can't let you take our love!
Can't let you take our love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Don't even think I can live without you
Or, bear if anyone touches (you)
Let's begin from the start
Come on, let's begin from the start
I don't even want any friends
Anyway, there was no one counting me as his friend
In the city, raining start (It has started to rain in the city)
On your street, raining start
Cloud has become around us
And sky start childish cry
The melody reminds (me of) you
Tell me anyone who is like you
Or being solo, if doesn't annoy you - kills me
I can' let you take the love away
The love, what should I do, but not let you take away the one
Every shot (photo) that reminded me of you -
I threw them from the 10th floor
If I carry these days on
If I wash the dark colors off
I don't wanna dream as you are with me
and I still touch your hair
Mama told me - time will pass and heal everything
but time doesn't move, but it doesn't rotate
If you want take away the materials I have left, too
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love
I can't let you take the love away
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
I can't let you take the love
Can't let you take away our love
Come on, let's run far away
They won't find us (two)
Let's run away for the love or I am done
and can't revive
Here everyone lies to us, plays the role
Don't believe them, give up - it's better for you
I have been fighting for you and I will go on
And I believe I will win the war
Come with me, don't follow another
Come with me or I will die for you
As you see, I'm all alone. Whom I had in my back yesterday
no more can call him the 'bro'
Come with me and We together will find a way
Hurry up, we have no time
If we miss the ship at the shore,
We will swim the sea together
Mama told me - time will pass and heal everything
but time doesn't move, but it doesn't rotate
If you want take away the materials I have left, too
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take away the love
Can't give you our love
If you want, take our beautiful days, take them all away
take what I have, whatever I have remained, take the feelings with you
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love
Can't let you take the love
Don't ask me, I can't let you take the love
Take the words, beautiful words, being said from the past
Take the sea, take the sky, take the earth
I can't let you take the love away
Can't give you our love!

Take My Hand

Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god
Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god
Me and these cold and dark nights
Wandering a moment (x2)
Why from the eyelids of the lonely night
It rains a moment (x2) (1)
Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god
Me and a feeling that's overflowing with love
Rain and kisses (x2)
Flowing from the wave of my gaze
Rain and kisses (x2)
Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god
Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god
Take my hand, understand my feeling
Meeting you was a work of god

Too late

Maybe it's too difficult for us to be together
I think I prefer to disappear than to be afraid
I don't want more wounds, I don't believe us in a word anymore
It's impossible to start again so quickly
You are so unlike yourself
Former me is also gone since some time ago
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
It's late ...
We have a trouble
I think I prefer to disappear than to continue playing this
I'm just a background, I close my eyes
I lie to myself again
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...

One must know what one wishes for

There is something, I want to say to you
I hope you are listening.
If you open both ears,
then perhaps you will understand.
It is hard to be honorable,
When the dreams go away.
One must know what one is wishing for,
to get when one wants to have.
But now you stand like hucksters
at Verona's vegetable market
and pretend to sell your wares
from a flat willow basket.
And you are negotiating your offers
and you know your price
that how even the customer is humiliated,
the store is never a deal.
Yes, it is hard to be sick,
when the medicine is done.
You know it well..
But if there is no help,
for one to cure oneself
in order to come out.
You say that you love animals,
because they are exactly like children.
and then you shriek hysterically
when we send you a vulture.
And you say that you love us
and you will heal the world's distress.
But you give your love somehow when
you give a poor old one bread.
Yes, it is hard to be sick,
when the medicine is done.
You know it well..
But if there is no help,
for one to cure oneself
in order to come out.
Now we stand here and wait,
while the rain pours down.
And although it is raining cats and dogs,
then we only become more and more.
And soon the train is starting,
you have said you want to be along.
But if you don’t come now,
then you come too late.
Yes, if you don’t come now
then you come too late.

Ai venit tu

Nu mai credeam
Ma facusem un indolent,un afemeiat
Nu mai credeam
In iubire
Nu mai simteam
Caci drumul ma facuse sa fiu rece
Nu mai credeam
No oh
Pana ce ai venit tu
Cu fetisoara aia pe care o ai tu
Acea gurita pe care o ai tu
Si acea atitudine ce indragosteste
Pana ce ai venit tu
Sa te tin aproape e o nebunie
Nu ma desprind de talia ta
Decand ai venit tu
Ce se intampla?
Ce simt?
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit
Si cand ne-am vazut fata-n fata
In fata atator oameni
Am fost complice al unui act indecent
Cea mai divina de pe Instagram
Mami esti tu,deja nu-mi mai pasa de celelalte
M-am indragostit,indragostit
Spun câteva momente și suntem impreuna
Inainte eram trist si doar jos,jos
Dar tu ai venit si am zis wow, wow, wow
Ce se intampla?
Ce simt?
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit
Ce se intampla?
Ce simt?
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit
Nu mai credeam
Ma facusem un indolent,un afemeiat
Nu mai credeam
In iubire
Nu mai simteam
Caci drumul ma facuse sa fiu rece
Nu mai credeam
No oh
Pana ce ai venit tu
Cu fetisoara aia pe care o ai tu
Acea gurita pe care o ai tu
Si acea atitudine ce indragosteste
Pana ce ai venit tu
Sa te tin aproape e o nebunie
Nu ma desprind de talia ta
Decand ai venit tu
Ce se intampla?
Ce simt?
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit
Ce se intampla?
Ce simt?
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit
Asa de violent
Eu m-am indragostit

Master and Margarita

Versions: #2
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
My ship is on fire, my ship is in distress
And the “storm petrel” brought a letter with bad news
That we will never ever meet again
No seashore, no bottom, only the stairs to heaven
Days and nights in loneliness, it’s like a thousands years
I plead to you , I am in pain , I am begging, God, turn off the lights
I covered every centimeter of these walls with my blood
But this foolishness is not of concern (or business ) to you
Thousands of pages about you I melted in the fireplace
My heart is a stone but, alas, it is bleeding granite
I am your mistake, you can't fix it, it’s easier to eliminate me
Forget about me on our deserted island
I am freezing , like in the winter, inside I’m in anguish
There is heat and swelter, but It is freezing me and it gives me the chills
It’s incomprehensible as to why our destinies are connected
I love you despite everything
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
And nobody will stop us, nobody will bring us together ( or reconcile us )
And my way to you is an impassable labyrinth
I am carrying towards you my sick heart ,
do you hear me? you can take it
I’m waiting for your call. Do you hear me? Call me
We turn our backs away from each other and sleep like this -
there is a bottomless abyss between our backs.
There are Fumes in my lungs, there is alcohol in my veins
There is something “unoriginal” or fake in my notes , there is loneliness in my songs
[I will write about how my heart bleeds.
I will make you laugh with the corniness of my hastily put together rhymes.
I am a drunken clown who never joked.
You will ask me to leave, but I have been on the road for a long time.
The world without you, means that I am here accidentally (by chance
In a muted black and white film of MR Charlie Chaplin
And my heart is burning low in fire
But I made this fire to warm you up
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master

Un singur vis

Când inima mea tace,
Când mi-am pierdut visele,
Caut răspunsul la toate de pe lume
La tine, dragă prietene.
Am o singură iubire,
Iubirea întregii mele vieți
Este cântecul, este cântecul.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Am o singură iubire,
Iubirea întregii mele vieți
Este cântecul, este cântecul.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
© Vladímir Sosnín


De fiecare dată, încerc să aduc înapoi ziua de ieri
dar de fiecare dată când încerc să te ţin,
îmi pare că îmi pierd direcţia
Iar acum, mă gândesc la dragostea
ce mi-ai oferit-o înainte de a pleca,
aprind lumina şi fac dragostea noastră
să strălucească mai tare deasupra...
Ştiu, toate zilele astea s-au dus
dar totuşi, dragostea noastră devine tot mai mare
tu iei cevaul acela din mine,
dar cred că într-adevăr, voiam mai mult
Nu-mi pot salva sufletul,
nu e nevoie să te conduc, dar
acum că ai plecat cu adevărat,
de ce aş mai trăi?
Acum simt cum stau cu spatele la lume
aud voci care-mi spun:
'Băiete, ai pierdut, ştii...'
Niciodată nu am înţeles viaţa mea înainte
dar acum ştiu, cel puţin sunt sigur
că ar trebui să fie ceva mai mult!
Ştiu, toate zilele astea s-au dus
dar totuşi, dragostea noastră devine tot mai mare
tu iei cevaul acela din mine,
dar cred că într-adevăr, voiam mai mult
Nu-mi pot salva sufletul,
nu e nevoie să te conduc, dar(nu-mi pot salva... salva sufletul!)
acum că ai plecat cu adevărat,
de ce aş mai trăi?
Nu-mi pot salva sufletul,
nu e nevoie să te conduc, dar(nu-mi pot salva... salva sufletul!)
acum că ai plecat cu adevărat,
de ce aş mai trăi?
Nu-mi pot salva...(nu-mi pot salva...)
Nu-mi pot salva sufletul (nu-mi pot salva sufletul)
Am să-mi salvez (am să-mi salvez)
salvez sufletul (sufletul meu...)
Salvează-mi sufletul!

Wait a little

If the windmills
defeated me one more time,
wait a little
so I can recover
and find myself again
I'll be back tomorrow,
when the wind will blow
madly or more...
If a friend would have sold me
for nothing more than 30 silver coins,
I'll understand
that he didn't see
the point...
Wait a little
so I can recover
and find myself again
Wait a little
so I can recover
and find myself again
Wait a little
so I can recover
and find myself again
Wait a little
so I can recover
and find myself again

Sky, erase the stars

Sky, erase the stars
Someone else is holding her in his two hands tonight
And I am in pain.
She's embraced another man
She values nothing
And I'm drowning in complaints
If only I could become a flame
So I could burn all the lies that she's hidden inside her heart
If only I could become the wind
So I could leave, far away from her
Sky, erase the stars
And the pain of the knives
That were nailed into my heart tonight
And when you see her, she'll weep
Tell her that I haven't stopped truly loving her
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


You left me a voicemail
I won't answer you
We will meet someday,
but not yet
Like a shadow, you walk beside me
You have already been close
We will meet someday,
but not yet
Yeah, my departure is waiting in the terminal
Last call, but I'm not ready to leave yet
Aye, I have to stay here still for a bit
Hey, wait at the destination, we will meet there
Listen, brother, I have a future
I'm not missing yesterday
My 30th birthday has already passed
With rear-view mirror blackened, now it's time to [husklata]
I repeat like a mantra
my time is now
Now it's time to double up, I can afford more growth
I see my only opponent in the mirror.
As a child I used to fold my hands please don't answer the call I become stiff
Yeah, then I want to collect,
the harvest that I've been through all my life (?)
I go through everything that is poured in my neck
but a message in my voicemail breaks me to pieces
You left me a voicemail
I won't answer you
We will meet someday,
but not yet
Like a shadow, you walk beside me
You have already been close
We will meet someday,
but not yet
Look I fly again,
I'm going through a wall.
You can't feel it too much when everything's good,
damn what kind of luck I had.
I didn't answer when you called, the message frightened me
That's enough for today,
two fingers in the air and peace out
Sometimes in the evening I imagine that you'll visit my dreams
to whisper ancient native American wisdom
Brother, be like water, no matter what happens, stay true to yourself
and I believe, I believe how you believed in me but not really as much
Aye, let's take tomorrow in,
exhale yesterday out like it's nothing
Aye, I know I have to
still answer your invitation, but that day isn't today
You left me a voicemail
I won't answer you
We will meet someday,
but not yet
Like a shadow, you walk beside me
You have already been close
We will meet someday,
but not yet
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.


Your Honour*,
You're asking for my name
And my identification
But I haven't been born yet.
Your Honour,
If you were with me
In my own prison
You would kill yourself, too
Your Honour.
They judged me with other laws
Laws that come from the sewers
The place where the flesh sells the soul
Come with me and judge there.
Your Honour,
For all your life
This has been your conscious
Ask her to tell you the truth.
Your Honour,
There is no light
And the entire earth has become the devil's house
Your Honour.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Boys Don't Cry

Boys don't weep (No!)
Boys don't sob (No!)
Bo-boys don't dance (No!)
Boys just lead! (?)
Last night I had nightmares, I woke myself up screaming
I always return to that time when I tricked my conscience
The first day in a new school, with a poker face, almost shitting my pants
In front of a mirror testing faces, checking out this 'Rest-in-peace' -face
They made me eat hay, pressed my head against a wall
They couldn't break me, I swore they won't see my tears!
Boys don't cry, they grit their teeth, no matter how deep they're in a wolf's mouth!
I had a hard shell, I took a fight, cried like a baby in the evenings
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
The year and style are my resource, the woman is nagging, I wish I had beer!
Always with a hangover or feeling tipsy
I don't cry even at funerals!
Wife left, maybe it was my fault
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
I haven't really been reaching for the stars, I've kept my head and the head is in my grip (?)
Goddamnit, I've stayed strong, I don't need anything else than sauna and sausage!
Let's rest in peace in the grave, at last a man who nobody laughs at!
I wake up again to a throbbing, 'Oh-ohoh I'm alone!'
Something new is coming, opening, fall back in love!
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
There's no such thing as tough guys, we're all soft inside!
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
La-la-la-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-la-la-la-laa. (Boys don't cry!)
Sweep problems under a carpet (Boys don't cry!)
it feels better already! (Boys don't cry!)
This was taught to us (Boys don't cry!)
we hold on to it! (Boys don't cry!)
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.