Rezultatele căutării pagină 22
Număr de rezultate: 1379
Mountains of Aosta Valley
Mountains of Aosta Valleyye are my beloved,
hamlets, bell towers, fountains,
I will always love you.
Nothing is more beautiful than my homeland,
nothing is sweeter than my friends.
O mountain men
sing all together
of my country
the peace and the fortune
Halt, halt, halt there
The mountain men are there.
Mother Earth
You are the smile that makes you come backyou are the Mountain whose heart you feel
with the universe I would not change you!
Madreterra of Men and Gods
You are the winter that manages to warm up
the ancient summer that makes you fall in love
you are the comet that I would follow
Madreterra of Men and Gods
Sicily my triangular land of light in the middle of the world
Sicily my land an honest sun that has no sunset!
Sicily you are like this, paradise is here!
History was born in your arms
on your lips 'Brothers of Italy'!
and to defend you I would die
Madreterra of Men and Gods
Sicily my triangular land of peace for the world
Sicily my land you 'long-lasting scented rose'
Sicily my land freed flag in the middle of the wind
Sicily you are like this, paradise is here!
A young soldier
Our unmown grass are green,As well as the forests, rustling for hundreds of years.
There's a young soldier in the new forage cap here,
His uniform is the same color.
The formation walks through forests and copses,
You can barely see it behind the leaves,
A young soldier n the new forage cap -
He's a private of a a rifle company.
The beautiful white birches lined up a row,
As if they're seeing off the warriors.
A young soldier n the new forage cap -
The birches are looking after him.
Years will pass, and many springs will come off,
But like a song, that was sung in formation,
Young soldier in the new forage cap -
You'll remember your youth.
Our unmown grass are green,
And the mighty forest is full of silence,
A young soldier n the new forage cap -
He's a defender of the peaceful land!
Good friends are for
You can't clean up the rain anyway1You can't turn the wind around anyway
Age is seeping through your fingers
It's floating like a gray dust and the minutes carry it away
Good friends are for
Bringing you back the long lost dream
On a beautiful day
Good friends are for
Reminding you at a chilly dusk
Of a happiness that has disappeared
You can't stop yourself from seeing the dream anyway
You can't hide the feeling anyway
Age is seeping through your fingers
It's floating like a gray dust and the minutes carry it away
Refrain (x2)
Good friends are for
Reminding you at a chilly dusk
Of a happiness that has disappeared
- 1. Literally:
You can't soak up the rain anyway (as if the rain was something you've spilled on the ground).
Victory to you Mother Karnataka
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,The daughter of Mother India!
Hail the land of beautiful rivers and forests!
Hail the abode of saints and seers!
A new jewel in the crown of Goddess Earth,
You are a trove of sandalwood, beauty and gold.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India,
where Rama and Krishna had their incarnations.
Resonance of the Vedas is the Mother’s lullaby,
Your fervour is what gives Her life.
Rows of green mountains are your necklaces.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India
who is hailed by Kapila,
Patañjali, Gautama and Jina.
You are a sacred forest where Shankara, Ramanuja,
Vidyaranya, Basaveswara and Madhva dwelt.
You are the holy abode where Ranna,
Shadakshari, Ponna, Pampa,
Lakshmisa and Janna were born.
You are the blessed resting place of many a poet-nightingale.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
the daughter of Mother India
The progenitor of Nanak, Ramananda and Kabir.
This is the land ruled (in the past) by Tailapa and Hoysalas,
The beloved home of Dankana and Jakkana.
This land blessed with the waters of the Krishna,
Sharavathi, Tunga and Kaveri.
Victory to you Mother Karnataka,
The daughter of Mother India!
(The India) of Chaitanya, Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda.
Garden of peace for all communities,
A sight that allures the connoisseurs,
A garden where Hindus, Christians, Muslims,
Parsis and the Jains (can grow together)
Walk Through
Never believing in legends,it is the fog that covers reality.
Despite passing through all obstacles,
everything hasn't ended.
Looking at the face in the mirror
after waking up from dreams many times,
It's as if it's saying
that there's no turning back.
Walking side by side
through deserts and swamps,
Not backing down
no matter how dangerous the mountain peak is.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.
Never believing in legends,
it is the fog that covers reality.
Despite passing through all obstacles,
everything hasn't ended.
Looking at the face in the mirror
after waking up from dreams many times,
It's as if it's saying
that there's no turning back.
Walking side by side
through deserts and swamps,
Not backing down
no matter how dangerous the mountain peak is.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.
Your Gaze
Everyone is born towards kindness,Destiny yearns.
Head to toe fearlessly in gear,
Wandering this world.
No one wants to be forgotten,
Names give that hope.
Filled with uncompromising faith,
Even facing enemies isn't a problem.
Even if fate is a dangerous piece of the game,
In the end, we sign onto it forever.
As long as we trust and rely on each other,
PingXie*, Iron Triangle*, HeiHua*
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
No one wants to be forgotten,
Names give that hope.
Filled with uncompromising faith,
Even facing enemies isn't a problem.
Even if fate is a dangerous piece of the game,
In the end, we sign onto it forever.
As long as we trust and rely on each other,
PingXie*, Iron Triangle*, HeiHua*
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
On this journey, I have you by my side.
The usual
I woke up and bade my heart good morningDawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
- 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.
Hug me
In hundred years we'll be gone,but stars won't go.
Hug me around shoulders,
today forget about everything,
Oh, now we're here, maybe tomorrow,
we won't be here anymore.
Stars are each night,
for thousand of years they shine.
We are only for a moment,
so just kiss me tonight.
Oh, now we're here, maybe tomorrow,
we won't be here anymore.
Hug, hug me, let me be yours,
believe, I want to be with you.
Hug, hug me, let me be yours,
believe, I want you tonight.
The morning banishes the darkness,
it turns off the shiny night.
You lay next to me
our nest is warm.
Oh, now we're here, maybe tomorrow,
we won't be here anymore.
E foarte ușor să spui adio
Aici, în ceața înghețatăa palidei toamne,
am venit să spunem ultimul cuvânt
Am desenat o inimă
Când eram mică, pe geamul aburitdesenam luna,
cu gura, ochii și nasul
mereu întoarse în sus...
Dar azi am plâns pentru că m-ai părăsit
și te-am văzut plecând,
în timp ce pe geamul ce s-a aburit
de la suspinul meu...
Am desenat o inimă,
o inimă doar a mea,
care nu mă va face să sufăr,
care nu va ști să-mi spună adio.
Am desenat o inimă,
o inimă ca a ta,
dar poate e mai sinceră
și nu mă va înșela!
Îl voi căuta
pe cel ce nu mă va-nșela
și cu mine
pe veci o să stea.
Am desenat o inimă,
o inimă doar a mea,
care nu mă poate părăsi,
care mă pe veci mă va iubi!
Îl voi căuta
pe cel ce nu mă va-nșela
și cu mine
pe veci o să stea.
Am desenat o inimă,
dar poate e la fel ca a ta:
o clipă a rămas
pe geam în preajma mea.
O clipă numai
în preajamă, ca tine.
Versions: #1Onwards, onwards, play the drums, onwards, countrymen, hooray!
Holding bags onto your backs, guns into your hands, hooray!
Be it sunny day or be it day with cloudy skies,
Be it rain or snow, we keep on marching on, onwards!
Onwards, onwards, play the drums, onwards, countrymen, hooray!
Holding bags onto your backs, guns into your hands, hooray!
Let our flag shine bright, for the flag is indeed our cause,
Let our land blossom, for we pledge our life for it, onwards!
Onwards, onwards, play the drums, onwards, countrymen, hooray!
Holding bags onto your backs, guns into your hands, hooray!
Be it sunny day or be it day with cloudy skies,
Be it rain or snow, we keep on marching on, onwards!
Keep on marching on, onwards!
Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings
Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings.I always feel all these feelings, toward you.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep looking at you without showing my tears.
That day, I was watching at the distant sky.
I left my youth and experiences half-done.
I was dreaming of eternity that day and now
I'm not going to repeat it again and I will live without going back.
I couldn't do it. I kept adoring.
But, little by little I started to understand. How to fight.
Even when I am sad, want to cry and want to shout,
I believe in you. I can't put into words.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep believe in you without showing my tears.
Without getting anyone's attention,
A poster on street corner fades and disappears.
But, my feelings toward you
will not disappear and will stay on without hesitation.
It might be a coincidence, I couldn't find you.
But, I want to tell it to only one person in the world.
Loving feelings and painful feelings and reliable feelings.
I always feel all these feelings, toward you.
You are going forward without fear of making mistakes.
I want to keep looking at you without showing my tears.
If only
It's the same as yesterdayJust another day missing the old way
One question about us is put on replay
If I hadn't done what I did
I wouldn't have regretted it
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
It's been torture missing you
You wouldn't understand how I long for you
If I could go back to say how much I love you
I want you so much it aches
I'd give whatever it takes
If only I'd done what I felt inside
If only I hadn't been scared to speak my mind
If only I'd followed what my heart desired
The loss wouldn't have been so dire
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
Wish I could turn back the clock
I wouldn't repeat the same mistake
And I wish I could collect every moment lost
I'd tell you everything I did not
Tell you all the love I've got
Never Too Late
Is it too late?There's one question on my mind
If I did that then
How would it be now?
Is it too late?
How many chances wasted?
If I'd known I wouldn't have done so
If I'd known I wouldn't have let you go
The thought keeps running through my head, if I had a chance to go back
I'd fix what happened in the past
Just keep thinking it in my head, it wouldn't put me on the right track
Cuz I can't turn back the time
Hurt because of what you've done is better than doing none
You'll be sorry if you let your one chance go to waste
Hear what your heart says, listen and follow all the way
Late is not in our vocabulary
Never too late
Would you regret? If you love but don't profess
You think but don't dare to say it
You end up watching them go away
With me
Give me kisses, darling,take everything you want
bring the sad heart
with your heart.
Give me a joint, witch,
like a little duck
the pain of your intense eyes
heal it with me.
Cold feet at night, words on the radio
I’d like a bit of warmth
talk quietly, take my hands
don’t leave any caress undone.
Then when you wake up leave
your strawberry scent behind
and don’t think that it’s not easy
to think beautiful things.
Mike Teavee
As far as I know, the most important thing,The most important thing about children
Is to never, ever, let them sit in front of the TV
Even better! Don't get
This stupid thing which dumbs them.
It destroys the soul, the senses
And rot the imagination,
The child then become blind and foolish,
Gets his head hoarded and crushed
(Blind and foolish,
Blind and foolish)
He can't identify anymore
To fairytales characters
His spirit gets tangled and sinks,
His forces are diminished,
He sees everything but can't interpret it.
About Mike Teavee, today
We regret to inform you that
We're only waiting to see, see, see
We regret to inform you that
We're only waiting to see
If you can get his height right again
And if we can't... Well, that's the way it is!
Fină destrămare
Cât răsuflarea curmatăÎntr-o seară târzie de vară.
Îngerii plecaseră înainte
Cu chipurile iluminate de alb.
Cred că-i prea târziu
Să-ți destăinui că mă dor
Inima ce fin mi se destramă
Și amintirile pictate în alb.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Ploaia-mi lunecă pe tâmple,
Fulgerul pogorârea ți-o cântă.
Aciuată în propria viață,
Îți aud râsul cum răsună și cum se destramă apoi.
Cred că e prea târziu
Să-ți spun că mă doare.
Inima mea nu mai este așa cum a fost odinioară
Pentru că adoarme liniștită.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Nineteen ninety-sevenNovember, I still remember it
It was by the end of the year, I didn't have anything and you had a new job
It was then when everything happened
Life was hard, but together everything was fine
A few fights of course, but that's so normal when you want someone
Like I wanted you
I wanted to kill all your friends
Fakes and pretenders. That would smile at my sight
And found company in a glass of booze, a cigarette or some other drug
Since I didn't had you anymore
Relearn the way home wasn't simple
On the first few days I'd get lost in my footsteps without you,
I barely knew what to do
From time to time we would run into each other by the stairs
I tried to say something, you would always laugh, everything is gonna be fine.
Almost ten years later, I can understand
That I had to keep going, with or without you
I don't even know how I got here
But know that I'm happy
Your absence almost killed me,
Today I have everything that I've always wanted.
Nineteen ninety-seven, I still remember everything that I want to forget!
Născut pe deltă
Atunci, când eram doar un băiețelStăteam pe genunchiul tatălui meu
Acesta mi-a spus: „Fiule, nu-l lăsa pe bărbat să te prindă
Fă-i ce mi-a făcut el mie !'
Pentru că te va lua, pentru că te va lua acum, acum
Și îmi amintesc de ziua de 4 iulie
Alergând gol prin pădure
Și încă îl mai aud pe bătrânul meu câine lătrând
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Mi-aș fi dorit să mă întorc pe deltă
Să mă plimb cu o regină Cajun
Îmi doresc să fiu într-un tren de marfă rapid
Să cobor la New Orleans
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, o, Doamne
Oh, întoarce-te, băiete
Îmi amintesc de ziua de 4 iulie
Alergând gol prin pădure
Și încă îl mai aud pe bătrânul meu câine lătrând
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Urmărindu-l acolo pe vrăjitor
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Născut pe deltă
Bine, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, fă-o, oh