Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 17
Oceanele Timpului
Te văd întorcându-mi, întorcându-mi spateleȘi suntem gata să plecăm spre podurile păcatului, da
Șapte minuni, suntem pregătiți să zburăm
Ca un vultur, atingem cerul
Am navigat peste ocean
Pe vântul de pe mare
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Ne mișcăm prin amurg
Am trecut luna neagră prin calea noastră
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Cum soarele se ofilea în lumină slabă, știam
Că nu mai exista vreo cale de întoarcere
Toate stelele treceau, călătorim prin cer
În călătoria noastră fără de sfârșit prin spațiu
Șapte minuni, suntem pregătiți să zburăm
Ca un vultur, atingem cerul
Am navigat peste ocean
Pe vântul de pe mare
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Ne mișcăm prin amurg
Am trecut luna neagră prin calea noastră
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Praful s-a transformat în piatră, luna neagră se suprapune cu răsăritul soarelui
Cum încercam să scăpăm, din această lume de frică arzătoare, ooooh
Șapte minuni, suntem pregătiți să zburăm
Ca un vultur, atingem cerul
Am navigat peste ocean
Pe vântul de pe mare
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Ne mișcăm prin amurg
Am trecut luna neagră prin calea noastră
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Continuăm să navigăm
Oceanele timpului
Și nu ne uităm vreodată înapoi
Continuăm să navigăm
Te văd întorcându-mi spatele
Și navigând în depărtare
(Nu ne vom mai întoarce vreodată acolo)
Continuăm să navigăm
Peste oceanele timpurilor
Continuăm să navigăm
Peste oceanele timpurilor
Oceanele timpurilor
Nu-ți întoarce spatele
Nu-ți întoarce s- nu îți întoarce spatele
Nu-ți întoarce spatele
Oceanele timpului
Am navigat peste ocean
Pe vântul mării
Navigăm peste oceanele timpului
Oceanele timpului
Oceanele timpului
Nu-ți întoarce spatele
Spring song
Lord of vanir*, king of elvesThe sap is rising in the stem
Frey stands proud and spring is young
Hail thee, warm times!
Desire and life from Sunna's light
The sap is rising in the stem
The gift of gods to the houses of humans
Hail thee, warm times!
Song of birds and humans' choirs
The sap is rising in the stem
That which never dies is born
Hail thee, warm times!
Hail to yearly growth, hail to peace
The sap is rising in the stem
Hail, for this is our custom**
Hail thee, warm times!
Tell Me That You Love Me
I’m jumping through lifeTrying to find, trying to figure out
Which finger the ring belongs on,
Where destiny is, and I can’t do it.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like rowing in the sand.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like flying underground.
Do you think it will take long
To tell me with your body
What the look on your face is crying out?
Just tell me that you love me,
Tell me that you love me, tell me already!
I can’t stand your silence anymore.
Just tell me that you love me,
Tell me that you love me, tell me already!
I’m crazy from all the mystery,
Let’s end this game.
I’m jumping through life
Trying to get there, trying to arrive
To that forbidden place
In the center of your world, and I can’t do it.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like lowering the stars.
Do you think it will take long
To tell me with your body
What the look on your face is crying out?
Dragostea rezistă
Uită-te-n ochii mei,Există o inimă pe cale de-a se sfărâma.
De atâția ani,
Nu au mai rămas secunde înlăcrimate.
Când ești lângă mine,
Inima mea continuă să pulseze
Ca odinioară,
Chiar acolo, de la început.
Vino doar mai aproape și continuă să crezi:
Sentimentele reale nu mor niciodată.
Oh woah, dragostea noastră rezistă,
Două inimi împreunate.
Oh woah, dragostea noastră nu poate da greș.
Dincolo de zare, veșnic
Dragostea rezistă.
Hei da!
Poți să-mi vorbești, poți să mă minți,
Cu cuvinte care nu pot fi înșelate,
Dar rămâi cu mine, căci tu ești alesul.
Ei bine, în visele și-n mintea mea
Nu sunt cuvinte care să se predea,
Nici probleme de rezolvat, totul e gata.
Dacă într-o zi, într-un loc anume,
Știi că voi dispărea,
Nu-i niciun motiv, și lași în urmă
Ce notă e greșită.
Oh whoah, dragostea noastră rezistă,
Două inimi împreunate.
Oh woah, dragostea noastră nu poate da greș,
Dincolo de zare, veșnic
Dragostea rezistă.
Rezistă, dragostea rezistă,
Două inimi împreunate, împreunate.
Oh woah, dragostea noastră nu poate da greș,
Dincolo de zare, veșnic
Dragostea rezistă.
Nessaja (Niciodată n-am vrut să fiu major)
Niciodată n-am vrut să fiu majorM-am apărat mereu
Din exterior am devenit tare ca o piatră
Și totuși am fost rănit de multe ori
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu, prea târziu
Jos pe fundul mării
Unde toată viața pentru totdeauna tace
Încă mai pot vedea visele mele
Ca aerul cel se ridică din adâncuri
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu, prea târziu
Alunec prin întuneric
Și aștept lumina zorilor
Atunci mă joc cu raza de soare
Ce se sparge argintie în apă
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu
Prea târziu, prea târziu
Undeva adânc în mine am rămas un copil
Doar atunci, când nu mai pot să o simt
Știu, (că) pentru mine e prea târziu (prea târziu)
Prea târziu (prea târziu), prea târziu (prea târziu)
Prea târziu
The List
Now that I know about everything,I hope there's some way
to bring back the kisses I gave you,
and all my time wasted with you.
I'd rather be alone,
go find another fool,
to give you what I gave you,
you're already late.
I don't believe you, no, I know that story, no
don't say anything, with you, I understood.
When you told me that I was everything for you,
that was a lie, and I believed you,
even though it hurt, I realized
I was not the only one in your life.
One more on the list, one more on the list,
you think you know it all, you think you are clever.
But you're always calling me to go back,
ask me to stay the whole night,
baby, you know how to play, but I taught you so,
in a couple there's no space for three,
let me tell you, everything is fine.
Now that I know about everything,
I hope there's some way
to bring back the kisses I gave you,
and all my time wasted with you.
I'd rather be alone,
go find another fool,
to give you what I gave you,
you're already late.
I don't believe you, no, I know that story, no
don't say anything, with you, I understood.
When you told me that I was everything for you,
that was a lie, and I believed you,
even though it hurt, I realized
I was not the only one in your life.
One more on the list.
Your smile is for meLike the sun on waking,
the sky that is in you opens,
ray of light in my garden.
Your look is the crystal
where can i discover,
when is true love
There is nothing left to say.
And for you I give everything,
Everything without waiting.
I don't know another way,
love is to deliver.
I'll take care of you always and until the end, until the end,
wherever you go, I'll be there with you
Your sunset lips
they fall slowly on me,
as Aguaribay flower from the cup to the root.
In your embrace there is no pain,
you complement my existence,
when is true love
there is nothing left to say.
And for you I give everything,
Everything without waiting.
I don't know another way,
love is to deliver.
I'll take care of you always and until the end, until the end
Wherever you go I'll be there with you, I'll be there, I'll be there
I'll take care of you, always and until the end, until the end
Wherever you go, I'll be there with you
My Dear
Here we crossed paths with each otherMaybe you left when I came
I saw you sometimes with others
And I felt like I hated them
Our paths eventually separated
And you never became my friend
My thoughts are racing
You're still with me in my heart
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
This morning
You're smilingThis morning, by my side
I feel so good
I don't need anything more
Life is beautiful
Easy as pie
I endure your hugs
I'm sleepy, next to you
I'm not complaining
This suits me so well
That I forget
The worries
That are awaiting me at the step of my bed
And whatever this day will bring
Nothing can spoil it
You're smiling
This morning
I feel good
You're smiling while you say
That you don't get how people can create trouble
Everything can be so simple
We don't need anything
Life is beautiful
Easy as us
I answer, that I don't know
I'm sleeping and that it's visible
And why do we care about people
Tormenting themselves
Me, I forget
Me, I love you
After all, that's not my problem
And whatever my day brings
Nothing will be able to spoil it
(or) Stress me
You're smiling
This morning
I feel well
I'm smiling
Because life
Is easy
This morning
Your star
I don't intent to save with this songyour world,
either pretend to make peaceful your planet,
I only want, for a moment,
that you don't be scared of yourself,
being natural is your beauty.
Feel the pulse of my heart,
I give you my strength
nothing can stop us,
if you surrender yourself.
Only inside you, you'll se the happiness,
only live the present, don't waste more time,
there's much life to walk,
the love you give me will always come back
don't search outside anymore, there's nothing I can
show you, that there's not inside you now.
Only inside you lies truth.
Don't pretend from my salvation,
I'm not who you think I am
you are the star,
don't drown from what happened,
don't be thinking it over
it's time to elevate your consciousness.
Feel the pulse of my heart,
I give you my strength
nothing can stop us,
if you surrender yourself.
Only inside you, you'll se the happiness,
only live the present, don't waste more time,
there's much life to walk,
the love you give me will always come back
don't search outside anymore, there's nothing I can
show you, that there's not inside you now.
Only inside you lies truth.
Only inside you, you'll se the happiness,
only live the present, don't waste more time,
there's much life to walk,
the love you give me will always come back
don't search outside anymore, there's nothing I can
show you, that there's not inside you now.
Only inside you lies truth.
Just learning.
Versions: #2(Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam)
Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam
Today i say there was Once a time
Tales full of Anxious and pain
Elves, Prince and good fairies
Were not intended for us.
Hold me you have often said
How do i asked you then?
Love has totally failed
In Amsterdam.
Come we’re going to Amsterdam.
I know that nothing can happen to us
You and I we can do it
We remain the longest on the sinking ship.
Stay with me you have often said
How i asked you then?
Love has totally failed
In Amsterdam.
Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam
Rainbow Gold
do we wanted
Red Roses must fall down from sky
and shouldn't fade
Come we’re going to Amsterdam
It was clear that i couldn't hold you
Love choosed the stronger one
You have lost, if you belong to the weaker ones.
Stay with me i often said
How do you asked me then
Love has totally failed
In Amsterdam
Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam
Rainbow Gold
do we wanted
Red Roses must fall down from sky
and shouldn't fade
Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam
Rainbow Gold
do we wanted
Red Roses must fall down from sky
and shouldn't fade
Dream from Amsterdam
That took away the hope
Alone in a foreign town
Alone in Amsterdam