Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 45
Sweet talk
Why you don’t talk? The sweet conversations?
Why are you hiding your feelings?
Try to blame me, I will accept your blame,
I will smile and respond with mumbling.
I just asked for more love and affection.
I just want you to understand my feelings.
You are loyal but I want more attention.
Your appreciation to my heart I want you to translate it for me.
I ask you, please tell me is this fair?
Depriving the closest person in your life !?
I want you to do something and not just a word and peace.
Even my heart knows that you delude him!
Every time I believed you before I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I found it like the dream I had.
Come tell me and say your sweet words.
The word from you will shine my dark world!
Not your habits
Not your habits .. Tell me who changed your habits
Tell me who ??
This isn't you .. Yes, not you .. And this can't be you
Not your habits .. Tell me who changed your habits
Tell me who .. Made you harsh and underestimate my love for you ?
Tell me who .. Made you harsh ..Who ?
And who .. Who made you .. Forget my promise with you who?
Tell me who ??
We used to meet and the love's longing shown in your eyes
You used to talk and your voice had a whisper of gentleness and tenderness
You were more precious than your life .. the precious right was my life
My life was in your stories .. My name is a song that you used to tell it daily
From all this, nothing left besides some few memories
And today we speak of it as if it was a love story that ended
This isn't you .. Yes, not you .. And this can't be you
Not your habits .. Tell me who changed your habits
Tell me who .. Made you harsh and underestimate my love for you ?
Tell me who .. Made you harsh ..Who ?
And who .. Who made you .. Forget my promise with you who?
Tell me who ??
We used to melt from the distance, if it reached more then two days
The longing used to take us and we stayed awake
And if i fought with you .. you couldn't be patient
From the alienation's fire .. you couldn't wait
You approched me more
And the yearning grew and increased
From all this, nothing left besides some few memories
And today we speak of it as if it was a love story that ended
This isn't you .. Yes, not you .. And this can't be you
Not your habits .. Tell me who changed your habits
Tell me who .. Made you harsh and underestimate my love for you ?
Tell me who .. Made you harsh ..Who ?
And who .. Who made you .. Forget my promise with you who?
Tell me who ??
Oh ... On the thing that was between you and me and the time killed and threw it
Oh ... On the thing that got lost in us .. oh dear and we forgot it in the path of life
I knew everything that preoccupied your mind
Every word, every thought in your imagination
As the cup became full from what i suffered with you
I lived with patience, complaining from your love
And the heartache made me suffer alone
I lived with him all my days in your distance
This isn't you .. Yes, not you .. And this can't be you
Not your habits .. Tell me who changed your habits
Tell me who .. Made you harsh and underestimate my love for you ?
Tell me who .. Made you harsh ..Who ?
And who .. Who made you .. Forget my promise with you who?
Tell me who ??
Warrior Break
Except for sadness, it is not exploited by experiences
Don't test my patience with too much blame
I come to relax, not to fight
All according to what is said they have enough
My feelings for you with no trick
Clear, and nothing to hide
I come to your world with a lot of pain running away
Wipe to my heart instead of suffer me
I will get away from you like a warrior break
I don’t have anything more than this to do
Time is a sword, my seconds is a hour hand and the age is one there is not much left of it
Play the Tanbur*
Versions: #3
Play the tanbur* that I'm heavy-hearted tonight with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
I'm gloomy about the alley, about the home,
About you, about me, about anyone who's singing like us,
Play the tanbur always for me, and the one singing before me,
I'm gloomy about the one who remains loyal in love,
Play the tanbur that tonight I'm heavy-hearted with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
To die for love, to shield against a dagger with the heart,
Is not easy for everyone,
For being immortal,
There's no way for a lover but to forget about life,
I'm gloomy about the alley, about the home,
About you, about me, about anyone who's singing like us,
Play the tanbur always for me, and the one singing before me,
I'm gloomy about the one who remains loyal in love,
Play the tanbur that I'm heavy-hearted tonight with the world again,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play so that I sing a song no one is a fan,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play the tanbur on and on,
Play the tanbur on and on.
Eventually You Stayed
I always forget
To thank for what I do not have,
Come with me, I'm running away
From everything, before we grow old.
Tell me why? The world is turning...
And in the sky I have a star,
God knows that I'd almost
Lost you between my hands.
How good, that eventually you stayed.
I always forget
The line between us,
There is none, what am I running from?
What else is left for us to fix?
Tell me why? Is the world is turning?
And in the sky I have a star...
Hey dear (Tu as abusé de mon hospitalité)
Hey dear
You've stayed here too long
You've stayed just a moment too long
and it ruined the mystery
Hey dear
You’ve stayed here too long
You’ve overstayed your welcome
And now it’s time to go
Now it’s time to go
Hey dear
It's not as if I didn't love you
but too much is just like not enough.
Give me time to get bored.
Hey dear
You know that I love you
But if you don’t leave soon
I just might have to kill you
Hey dear, it might be time to hit that dusty trail
Hey dear, it might be time to hit that dusty trail
Hey dear
I'm just saying,
but I'd be happy
to help you pack your things
Hey dear
Time is a-tickin’
And I’ll be happy and a-willin’
To help you pack up and go
Pack up and go
Hey dear, it might be time to hit that dusty trail
Hey dear, it might be time to hit that dusty trail
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Dear doll i would die for you, your heart is broken too
So a hundred dew of tears are in your eyes
I was just like you, they left me alone one day
They left a sea of regret tears in my eyes
How much slander we heard, how much bitterness we tasted
Dear doll you know, how much regret we felt
Dear doll, destiny left me at this corner
Instead of a love bridal chamber, it made a prison of grief for me
Death to the one who wanted to see us crying
Wanted to see our heads, our chests, ruined from grief
Dear doll look at me, there is no shine in my eyes
Its winter in my heart, with no warmth left
We must dry here, in a broken flowerpot
Not because there is no gardener, but the greenhouses door is closed to us
How much slander we heard, how much bitterness we tasted
Dear doll you know, how much regret we felt
Dear doll, destiny left me at this corner
Instead of a love bridal chamber, it made a prison of grief for me
Death to the one who wanted to see us crying
Wanted to see our heads, our chests, ruined from grief
I wish one day after many years, to see the swallow of prosperity
I dont want to see signs of fear and despair in each other faces anymore
I dont want to see signs of fear and despair in each other faces anymore
I wish one day a smile sits on our lips, away from sorrow and grief
Maybe that day sapling of our desires come to life again in our chests
Maybe that day sapling of our desires come to life again in our chests
How much slander we heard, how much bitterness we tasted
Dear doll you know, how much regret we felt
Dear doll look at me, there is no shine in my eyes
Its winter in my heart, with no warmth left
We must dry here, in a broken flowerpot
Not because there is no gardener, but the greenhouses door is closed to us
greenhouses door is closed to us
greenhouses door is closed to us
Pianul la care nu se cântă
Vino să mă vezi
cântă-mi să mă adormi
vino să mă eliberezi,
ori strânge-mă dacă am nevoie să plâng
Ori poate nu e timpul,
poate nu e anul,
poate nu există vreun motiv bun
pentru care sunt închis înăuntru,
doar pentru că ei vor să mă ascundă.
Luna strălucește
cu cât ei îmi întunecă mai tare noaptea.
Pianele la care nu se cântă
deseori sunt lângă o fereastră,
într-o cameră în care nu intră nimeni iubit,
Stă singur cu cântecul său tăcut.
Cineva să-l aducă acasă!
Pianul la care nu se cântă
(Pianul la care nu se cântă)
Ține încă melodia
(Ține încă melodia)
Cu lacăt pe capac
(ani și ani trec)
într-o cameră lâncezită, lâncezită,
(în schimbările lunii).
Poate nu-i așa simplu
(sunt prea multe ferestre)
Ori poate nu-i așa greu
(în camera lâncezită, lâncezită)
Poate m-ar putea elibera
(camera lâncezită, lâncezită)
Să-i lăsăm pe oameni să decidă,
eu nu am nimic de ascuns,
eu nu am făcut nimic rău,
deci de ce stau aici de atâta timp?
(Refren x2)
Pianul la care nu se cântă
(Pianul la care nu se cântă)
Ține încă melodia
Anii trec,
cu schimbările lunii
Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
I'm away from my home, portionless and tired
Away from my friends, broken winged from the storm.
Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
Desire had left my hearts limits. Day and night, whom to tell inside the cage? Oh, inside the cage.
Destiny had taken my wing. Day and night, all i can sing is groans.
Only groans
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm, oh
Woe to this injustice
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice
Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
I'm away from my home, portionless and tired.
Away from my friends, broken winged from the storm.
Desire had left my hearts limits. Day and night, whom to tell inside the cage? Oh, inside the cage.
Destiny had taken my wing.
Day and night, all i can sing is groans.
Only groans
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice
O My darling
O my darling, o my darling
O my good voice lover
O my specious, o my friend of our way
O my religion, o my belief
You are well going in my hearth
O your pain is my cure
If you are going do not go without me
O my life do not go without skin
I cut seven sky
I surpass from seven seas
O my eternal flame
You are my guide also you push me to go out from the truth
You are here also in the otherside
My eternal light
If you are going, do not go without me
O my life do not go without skin
My religion is seing you
My belief is your face
Yourself is lost in my individuality
If you are going do not go without me
My life do not go without skin...
Bahar Bahar
It's again spring(Bahar) time, all hearts are excited
But being far from home
Spring is like Autumn for me
Spring in home has it's own aroma, home is always spring, But being far from home
Spring is like Autumn for me
Home has thousands memories, reminds me of childhood, eidi and gifts
Jasmine vase and violet in garden, mirror and candlestick of mom's dowry
On niche
It's again spring(Bahar) time, all hearts are excited
But being far from home
Spring is like Autumn for me
Spring in home has it's own aroma, home is always spring, But being far from home
Spring is like Autumn for me
Home has thousands memories, reminds me of childhood, eidi and gifts
Jasmine vase and violet in garden, mirror and candlestick of mom's dowry
On niche
your hear is gold
your hair is a lined gold
with the elements of sun and wind
my heart neighs
screams like horses
your hair is gold
and it requires a golden ribbon tie
but the gold is buried
inside the town
if it's in the town
if it's in the town
all the gold is within reach
I have got flowers and flirts for you
like aged wine
I have got beeswax and honey for you
it comes from flowers
but from the bees of poetry
your hair is gold
and it requires a golden ribbon tie
but the gold is buried
inside the town
if it's in the town
if it's in the town
all the gold is within reach
your hair is long and smooth and it's a wheat that's finely grained under the sun
and the smile on your sweet face is a stare in the prisoner's sky
your hair is gold
and it requires a golden ribbon tie
but the gold is buried
inside the town
if it's in the town
if it's in the town
all the gold is within reach
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
The Initiator Is More at Fault
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
If you cried your whole life you wouldn't change my feelings
I wouldn't turn towards you if blood ran from your eyes
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Your presence became unnecessary for me
Being prevented from your kindness is better that that
I impose my presence by being pride and selfish
Because believe that I no longer care about your feelings
Your presence became unnecessary for me
Being prevented from your kindness is better that that
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Do what you think and I will do what I think
But the day will come when you'll cry and be regretful
And if you talk about me in my absence or my presence
I don’t care about who talks about me
Do what you think and I will do what I think
But the day will come when you'll cry and be regretful
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault