Rezultatele căutării pagină 13
Număr de rezultate: 833
Day after day, you’re stuck in place, you want a push
Sleepless night, spent all day on your mattress
Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow things will change
This was the last night you’ll spend tossing and turning
You go back, despite you promises, and sit in the same chair
You say that’s how it is, who cares what I’ve got inside
Just deal with it
Make yourself vanish
But the next day it all changes
We’re lost, we’re not listening
Who cares what happens today, we’ll forget it tomorrow
The next day arrives, you wake up (hungry) you want more
Yesterday [we](were) tongue tied, today we’re letting go (ride the wind) to wherever
You want all eyes on you, pick up the pace
You say I’ll stay here, I’ll stay here
Suddenly your body’s moving, before your mind commands
Words come out quickly, before you can stop them
Who cares what happened yesterday, what comes tomorrow
We’re living an illusion, waiting for this moment to pass
We’re lost, we’re not listening
Who cares what happens today, we’ll forget it tomorrow
[We’re] tired physically, mentally
Tired of thinking of the future
Tired religiously, socially
Materially tired, morally tired
Who’re we lining up behind? Conscience quiets, come what may
Reality is sold cheaply, let’s be the change
Let the voice get loud get conscious, think outside the box
Stop people from making the world blind and poor
We’re lost, we’re not listening
Who cares what happens today, we’ll forget it tomorrow
Just once
I have the lips that you have never bit
The steps that you didn't accompany
I have the heart where you immersed yourself
That time just by looking at me
But you're so close and so far away
I am the path that you didn't discover
The body and the blood you never tasted
For fear, for love, for not regretting
I am the mirror where you didn't look at yourself
But I'm so close and so far away
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
I know that love and chance don't coincide
It was no coincidence to meet you
I have the hope that you need me
So that your love won't become a landscape
It's that we are close and so far away
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
Just once, does it feel like this
Once in a lifetime
Just once, try me
And you will see the way out
For your love I give everything
Malicious pleasure
The ghost from station didn't come
And although the basement is different yet, the head is the same
From Korona toloneliness - from Łokietek to banality
From Silesia to dusk - from Krakow to morning
With the stubbornness of a necrophage - without volleys, bugle calls and without drums, I grave the history of my fall
The ghost from station didn't come
It was just a handful of stolen dramas
Will of powerlessness
Carefree emptiness
Blessed decade underground
Because every truth is a lie
Like mark on the winners' routs
I answer tenderly and I won't lie:
'I lied, I lie and I will lie!'
And lying
With appearances measuring identity
And lying
Lies looping for our curiosity
Me - the city of walls, towers, fortifications
Children of elegance
To take down those from above towards you, and to trample down the throats of those below
And be a smile
cântă: Warda Al-Jazairia
versuri: Mohamed Hamza
muzica: Beligh Hamdi
Ah, despărțirea...
Pe lumea asta nu mă tem decât de despărțire și să mă simt pierdută.
Atunci când ești departe, simt cu adevărat ce înseamnă să fii singur..
Rămâi aici cu mine, nu pleca!
Îmi spui mereu 'doar două zile' și tu pleci pentru un an!
Mă lași îngrozită când îți aud pașii spre ieșire
Și mă tem când îmi spui 'pe curând'...
Mi-e frică de mâine și de ce mi se va întâmpla
În lipsa ta, un an de zile,
Căci lași în urmă o iubire rănită...
Iubite, urăsc despărțirea asta!
Tu nu vezi câți ani am irosit așa?
E mare păcat că faci asta și ți-o zic direct: E mare păcat!
Rămâi dar-aici cu mine și nu mai pleca!
Anii au trecut și cu ei și viața noastră,
Căci au fost mulți ani de separare,
Ce ne-au mâhnit și obosit...
Însă, uite, acum ne-am regăsit
Și dragostea a biruit anii pierduți.
Am suportat cu răbdare chinurile
Și ne-am regăsit cu dorințe și mai vii
În noaptea de iubire, gustând cupa fericirii.
Dar de ce vii să-mi spui iar 'pe curând'?
Ca să-mi fie frică din nou de ziua de mâine
Și să simt iar gustul amar al singurătății?
Mi-e frică de mâine și de ce mi se va întâmpla
În lipsa ta, un an de zile,
Căci lași în urmă o iubire rănită...
Inima mea se vaietă, plânge și cântă tristă despărțirea,
Spunând că distanța dintre noi ne va înlăcrima în multe nopți,
Dar, îți jur că îți rămân fidelă,
Chiar dacă nu vei fi cu anii lângă mine!
Ce? Ce ai spus? Pleci iarăși?
Știu acum: spui două zile și lipsești un an,
Tu te pierzi acolo, iar eu rămân singură aici...
Iubite, urăsc despărțirea asta!
Tu nu vezi câți ani am irosit așa?
E mare păcat că faci asta și ți-o zic direct: E mare păcat!
Rămâi dar-aici cu mine și nu mai pleca!
Who is playing the harmonica
in this pink-blue dusk?
I don't see the player, the concrete
has hidden him far, far away.
Behind trees, fences and roofs
he's concealed, but with his song
he is here around me
and perhaps seeks my soul.
This hard soul has not shed a tear
from things way darker
but some small harmonica
is able to make it cry.
Ah, play, play, play,
you small harmonica, play!
Unable to find its own tones,
you turn my soul into a song.
Ah, play, play, play,
no matter who you are and where you're from.
Unable to find its own tones,
you turn my soul into a song.
Who is playing the harmonica
in this pink-blue dusk?
I don't see the player, the concrete
has hidden him far, far away.
Behind trees, fences and roofs
he's concealed, but with his song
he is here around me
and perhaps seeks my soul.
This hard soul has not shed a tear
from things way darker
but some small harmonica
is able to make it cry.
But some small harmonica
is able to make it cry.
On night's forhead (beginning)
Other than that was, I don't want x2... give me back the time, it's enough
Oh life we are older... and to this world, visitors
Give my heart its fire.. and color to my cheeks
Other than what was.... other than what was, I don't want
Yesterday they were close to me... and today no one,
sends a word... and I don't want to ask, about anyone
Like the bees they were.. on spring's flower
Like the stars they were... in this vast universe
They left softly... and got lost in the distance
And no one has seen them... and I don't want to, ask about anyone
On night's forehead (beginning) I wrote this song for you... oh the night's misfortune if your parents know about me x2
On night's forehead (beginning) I wrote, oh night's misfortune from your parents
Oh night's misfortune if your parents know about me
On bay leaves I worte to you my life.. a bouquet of poems adorned with my songs x2
And night and day, I am running away from my friends x2.. and If people find out, don't say it's my wrongdoing
(In light's shade why do you hide your smiles...
To make the light go for and uncover your looks) x2
A bird's dance, I will dance on your tunes x2 ... the love's tunes keep singing for me
(On nights forehead, I wrote this song for you... oh the night's misfortune if your parents know about me) x2
On night's forehead I wrote for you... oh night's misfortune from your parents
Oh night's misfortune if your parents know about me
I start collecting my affection
I start collecting my affection and begin writing songs for you
With the sweetest and most beautiful meanings,
And my eyes start dream of two letters as a gift
From one of the most beautiful letters of the alphabet
With dewdrops falling,
With my echo sound,
I will not tell anyone,
I started drawing your eyes
I start collecting my affection and begin writing songs for you
With the sweetest and most beautiful meanings,
And my eyes start dream of two letters as a gift
From one of the most beautiful letters of the alphabet
When the sun rises,
When the night gets dark,
I plant a bouquet of flowers,
From your eyes, they glow and bloom
I start collecting my affection and begin writing songs for you
With the sweetest and most beautiful meanings,
And my eyes start dream of two letters as a gift
From one of the most beautiful letters of the alphabet
Men Burn Too
I wanted it so much aah
They didn't give your hand to me.
What a spite
Oh you cruel father.
Fear God aah
You won't get away with it aah
Looking at beauties is rewarding.
That's it.
Men burn too,
oh how they burn.
Burning is no solution.
Only wedding will purify us.
Men burn too,
oh how they burn.
Burning is no solution,
only the bed will set us free.
I've come to love too.
Mine is somewhat different.
How many beauties I've seen,
from night to morning.
I've become a spinster,
an old maid.
They won't give their daughters
to those who are jobless. aah
What will we do now aah
We will just sleep it off
since we cant be robbing
a bank.
Running over the evening sky scattered with stardust
Endless excitement goes to a love of galaxy
Sometimes she dances with a dangerous rhythm
Like an angel
Even there is a chance in a thousand eyes
She can’t hug a love of glass
Everybody only looks at the liberal wings
Silver wind blows in a small heart
The moon would light her even she mingles in the crowd
Sometimes she looks like enjoying thrill
Even she fades out with love
Even there is a future in 1000 kisses.
She can’t draw a snow dress
Everybody dreams of longing far away
At the daybreak after a sleepless night
Love was reflected day by day
She dreams of
A spilling tomorrow
Sometimes she dances with a dangerous rhythm
Like an angel
Even there is a chance in a thousand eyes
She can’t hug a love of glass
Everybody only looks at the liberal wings
Even there is a future in 1000 kisses.
Even there is a chance in a thousand eyes
She can’t hug a love of glass
Everybody only looks at the liberal wings
An old love story
Versions: #1
Don't mess with ashes to light again the fire
our love is dead for good.
But even there are some sparkles that exist
with a blowing of the wind, these also would be lost for good.
With a new love, I will find my new path in life
you have been and an old love story for me
you have been and an old love story for me
with a new love, I will find my new path in life.
Once you laughed when I was crying
you treated me like a dog pushing me from here to there.
But now those years have passed forever
and the new times are not the same
now it's my turn to laugh and it's your turn to cry.
With a new love, I will find my new path in life
you have been and an old love story for me
you have been and an old love story for me
with a new love, I will find my new path in life.
Your image has been erased from my heart
spiders are covering it and it is hidden inside its shame.
In order for you not to be my life's shadow
go and search to find someone else
before your heart would grow old.
With a new love, I will find my new path in life
you have been and an old love story for me
you have been and an old love story for me
with a new love, I will find my new path in life.
This is our last night together
Versions: #1
This is our last night left
that we will spend together
you will be far away from me
before the morning comes
because this is our last night together
My love, I am losing you
it was written in the stars
but as long as I live in this world
I would be waiting for you to come back to me
My love, you will be gone
it was written in the stars
but as long as I live in this world
I would be waiting for you to come back to me
This is our last night left
that we will spend together
you will be far away from me
before the morning comes
because this is our last night together
My love, I am losing you
it was written in the stars
but as long as I live in this world
I would be waiting for you to come back to me
My love, you will be gone
it was written in the stars
but as long as I live in this world
I would be waiting for you to come back to me
This is our last night together
that we will spend together
you will be far away from me
before the morning comes
because this is our last night together
The World is Overflowing with Thank You!
Looking up at that sky, my tears won't stop overflowing for some reason.
It's a beautiful sunset.
So then now, I'll speak up.
Thank you, my life!
Thank you, mother!
Thank you, father!
Thank you, family!
Thank you, the Earth!
Thank you, friends!
Thank you, lovers!
Thank you, everybody!
Overtaken by the concept known as 'time'
that is passing by in the blink of an eye,
I missed the wonderful scenery from the day known as 'today'.
The voice from this Earth that I can hear from my heart
is making me recall it somehow.
Who do you love? Who do you care about?
Happiness is in a place that you can view in this world.
In this sole day that's almost done,
I've got nothing to give but thanks.
As if I'm talking to myself, it comes out of my mouth very naturally.
Having those feelings deep inside my heart, I can't say it face-to-face.
In a casual time,
everybody will become honest.
They can talk without exception.
And thus, everybody will be reminded to say:
Thank you, my life!
Thank you, mother!
Thank you, father!
Thank you, family!
Thank you, the Earth!
Thank you, friends!
Thank you, lovers!
Thank you, everybody!
Let's turn this all into memories,
and even if we were to lock them up inside our eyes,
only 'now' that can't stop makes the gaps between my fingers spill.
While being blunt in my emotions with somebody noisy,
I can't do anything but try to touch the memories in reality.
What did you find?
What did you manage to earn?
Life thoroughly goes on to vanish.
Don't make things like memories your purpose.
Life is just that.
Yes, I'm sure I can hear it from my surroundings.
It's not an auditory hallucination.
Before anybody can know, it's muttering.
These lips are willfully moving so much that it's mysterious.
In order to devote a prayer to God,
let me yell.
It's turning into a wind of casual words,
and it's not only nice, it's even in this forest.
Sunlight of kindness filtering through the trees shakes.
If it always does that, then there's nothing to notice.
There are a lot of those existences of love.
Looking up at that sky, my tears won't stop overflowing for some reason.
It's a beautiful sunset.
So then now, I'll speak up.
As if I'm talking to myself, it comes out of my mouth very naturally.
Having those feelings deep inside my heart, I can't say it face-to-face.
In a casual time, everybody will become honest.
They can talk without exception.
And thus, everybody will reminded to say:
Thank you, my life!
Thank you, mother!
Thank you, father!
Thank you, family!
Thank you, the Earth!
Thank you, friends!
Thank you, lovers!
Thank you, everybody!
Why are ordinary words
resounding in me
in such a way
as if they were trivial?
Thank you, every day!
Strangers Can't Be Lovers
I have drowned by sorrows
I have fallen hopelessly, I'm smashed
What does my heart search for in dead-ends?
The cure is in your hands, life
Strangers can't be lovers, listen to me
Your only friend is only you, again
Open your eyes, watch the world
Look what your heart window sees
Whether I am one step ahead or behind
What is this rush, darling?
Mama gave birth to me once,
I won't come to this world once again.
Our Love in Exile
Everything is so far away like dreams, I'm that lonely.
My soul got wings and flew away all of a sudden
How hard to be forgotten everyday a little more
I have never forgotten, my heart doesn't know what forgetting is
You are sealed to my life
To my crabby, tired heart
We are the last fire in hearts
We are two wounded, separate now
We are innocent with you, sinless
Our love in exile in another one
We are the last fire in hearts
We are two wounded, separate now
We are innocent with you, sinless
Our love in exile in another skin
Oh my friend
Oh my friend
I will sit on a stone, your place in my memory!
I will come to the shore, my call is groaning!
I will call, but if you don't answer
I will scatter the ashes* over my head!
Darling, spring has come,
when will you come?
Time to collect thistle flowers** came,
when will you come?
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)
I ran to the path
I saw you in joy
Flowers of joy in basket***
Oh my friend, my friend (2x)
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)
I know since my youth
Pearl wisdom:
There is no life without water
There is no life without love
Oh my friend, my friend (4x)
Tell me why
Why is that, that it hurts
Why is that, that wherever I go
Under the cover of darkness
You find me again and again
Why are you afraid?
You already gave up
And every night you're waiting to see what tomorrow will bring, but you know
Everything is going to be the same anyways
And you give up again
Yes, today I want you to bring me back to life
Come in and give me that, which I felt before
Come in and give me that, which I felt before
I wasn't brave
I wasn't good
Yet I'm still waiting for you
Because nothing really matters to me anymore
I didn't even want anyone else*
I locked into my heart
All my problems that come back to me in the morning
I didn't even want anything (/anyone) else
I locked into my heart
All my problems
That come back to me in the morning
I can't do this, you can't
Time is passing by and I haven't woken up
I can only reach you in my dreams
But then the alarm goes off and it's over
I don't want it to hurt
I don't want it to injure
I don't want it to offend
I'll always wait for her**
She's my dream
In this life
But why does this hurt, where are you going, girl
We didn't get each other***
You don't have time for me, who are you visiting?
But you're the only one
Just wait
It hurts so much inside
I don't want anyone else
Because nothing really matters to me anymore
I didn't even want anyone else
I locked into my heart
All my problems that come back to me in the morning
I didn't even want anything (/anyone) else
I locked into my heart
All my problems
That come back to me in the morning
I know she'll find her way back home one day
I'm gonna keep waiting for a while
I know you'll come back home
Because nothing really matters to me anymore
I didn't even want anyone else
I locked into my heart
All my problems that come back to me in the morning
I didn't even want anything (/anyone) else
I locked into my heart
All my problems
That come back to me in the morning
Longing of beloved
Let me be the weeping lover with longing of beloved
Let me be the weeping lover with longing of beloved
Let me burn with the fire of love
I couldn't see her beautiful face, I lament for you
I couldn't see her beautiful face, I lament for you
What will I be with the sorrow, shedding my tears
The fire of separation, beautiful grief wreathed me like a glimpse of mirage
I am afraid that I'll be burned until the judgement
Beloved, have some mercy! Don't hurt my heart
Come, I'll be the helot in the dungeon like Joseph if you wish
I am suffering like a nightingale, I shriek in the rosery.
I'll be happy with the hope of coming together with beloved.
Your Love Reconciled
Your love is reconciled with the world, all the world.
It has made my view of the world rosy
And it has changed my understanding of things...
once I grew accustomed to the quarreling
I felt sadness when people mistreated me,
Then your love came one day and overcame me.
It gave me back my heart and made me love everything around me.
Your love reconciled me with this world.
Your love is spring, compassion, peace.
It is the best gift my destiny could bring.
It made me see the best of what man has achieved.
It made me love life again.
I had told my heart, 'That is enough, there is no goodness'.
Oh! My goodness, it seems that in most people,
All this is an illusion and a lie.
I am the one living without a heart.
He who has not loved,
Has never loved and enjoyed this blessing
Zăpadă în ocean
Am văzut zăpadă în ocean în ochii tăi.
Tu și cu mine - nu vom deveni niciodată această zăpadă.
Și să se topească totul, pentru că între vise
Pierdem dragostea ca zăpada în ocean.
Se pare că este o răceală în noi
Chiar între noi, este un dezastru.
Se pare că suntem orașe,
Există atât de multă apă și gheață în noi.
Și este atât de frig să-ți
Atingi gândurile cu degetele mele
Cum să nu te îndrăgostești din nou
Spune-mi cum să nu mă îndrăgostesc din nou de tine?!
Am văzut în ochii tăi zăpadă în ocean.
Tu și cu mine - nu vom deveni niciodată această zăpadă.
Și să se topească totul, pentru că între vise
Pierdem dragostea, ca zăpada în ocean.
Am văzut în ochii tăi zăpadă în ocean.
Suntem străini și nu vom deveni diferiți.
Lasă totul să se topească, să picure între degete
Nu sunt rănit
Și nu ești înfrânt deloc
Am învățat să iert
Și sufletul meu este pur, da
Dimineața devreme
Salut un taxi către o nouă adresă
Nu dormi pe palme
Gândurile mele sunt ocupate
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
Nu îți voi confunda niciodată mirosul
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
În mintea mea
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
Nu îți voi confunda niciodată parfumul
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
În mintea mea
Nu știu
Până acum, ce a fost între noi
Dar ceva se strânge în mine
Și nu există nicio modalitate de a mă răcori
Dă-mi un început
Îmi înclin ochii de parcă sunt vinovat
Și nu mă pot păcăli
Îmi va zbura de pe buze:
'Te iubesc!'
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
Nu îți voi confunda niciodată mirosul
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
În mintea mea
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
Nu îți voi confunda niciodată mirosul
Parfum cu o aromă plăcută
În mintea mea
Respiră, de-a lungul fluxului de cuvinte
Poate însă să rămân tăcut.
Nu, nimic nu este mai îndrăzneț
Acei ochi albaștri în mine.
Tu nu mă vei ierta și eu nu voi ierta
În câteva secunde am dispărut.
Prin coloana de apă sunt liniștit până la fund
În gol, în tăcere
Și nu există nicio îndoială despre asta.
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, mușcându-mi buzele până când sângerează.
Am făcut tot ce am putut și tot ce nu am putut
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, din ce în ce mai departe de stâlp
Întreaga lume este în bucăți și este dusă de apă.
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă - auzi?
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă, iubirea mea.
Iartă-mă pentru ultima oară
Și respirăm la unison.
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă, iubirea mea.
Ei bine, fă-mă să mă prefac că sunt al tău pentru o clipă.
Cum pot să cred din nou, în aceste lumi subtile.
Deci ultimele picături de secunde lacome
Înghit cuvinte rele ca aerul.
Recunoaște fără pasiune vina noastră
Și după aceea lumea va îngheța pentru totdeauna.
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, mușcându-mi buzele până când sângerează.
Am făcut tot ce am putut și tot ce nu am putut
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, din ce în ce mai departe de stâlp
Întreaga lume este în bucăți și este dusă de apă.
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă - auzi?
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă, iubirea mea.
Iartă-mă pentru ultima oară
Și respirăm la unison.
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Iartă-mă, iubirea mea.
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, mușcându-mi buzele până când sângerează.
Am făcut tot ce am putut și tot ce nu am putut
Iartă-mă iubirea mea, din ce în ce mai departe de stâlp
Întreaga lume este în bucăți și este dusă de apă.
Iubirea mea...
Iubirea mea...
O briză ușoară de noapte
Ca un parfum scump
Am primit un premiu sectorial
Te voi fura
La lumina farurilor neon
Ți-am găsit farmecul
Dansează pentru mine
La dracu cu toate regulile
Ce ne poate împiedica?
De îndată ce scânteia se aprinde
Un vis-a-vis fierbinte până dimineața
Tu și cu mine vom zbura
Unde nu poți cumpăra un bilet
Vreau să ard pentru tine
Prinde cu mine
Aceste valuri ale orașului de noapte
Flăcări în întuneric
Să uit de tine dimineața
Va fi ca o lovitură în cap
Nu voi putea
Sunt prins
Sunt prins, oh-oh
Sunt prins
Razele ne vor arde
Răsăritul le va aduce
Cum pot uita acum
Noaptea asta nebună?
În strălucirea părului luxuriant
Nenumărate carate
Culoarea valului mării
Este privirea ei zdrobitoare
Unde te pot găsi?
Poate că a fost un vis
Iar telefonul dvs. nu este disponibil
Știu că vei fi acolo
De unde a început briza
Vrem să repetăm totul
Prinde cu mine
Aceste valuri ale orașului de noapte
Flăcări în întuneric
Să uit de tine dimineața
Va fi ca o lovitură în cap
Nu voi putea
Sunt prins
Sunt prins, oh-oh
Sunt prins
Sunt prins
Prinde cu mine
Aceste valuri ale orașului de noapte
One Thousand and One Nights
I still remember that night
I am turning away try to forget everything
But your eyes cannot deny it
That our love is still out there
In the long night, I am running so fast
I'm trying to get rid of all these fantasies
My little heart still says:
'One day in future, we'll stay remain together'
I am running from the past
A lonely heart in this crowd
I tried to throw you out of my mind
But your shadow always comes to me
I have buried you in the depths of my heart
As if it was lost in the darkness of the night
But as long as we are alive
We'll be back together
Black Night
Even if I stay shy escaping my face
Even if I open deep lands between us
Even if you fend to me with your everything
Your eyes don't hide our this love
Even if I escape from you with my fears
Even if I stay in that fully black night
As long as we stand in the life
We live living and meeting on the skin
Even if I keep escaping without looking my behind
Even if I stay alone my hands are on the space
Even if I send you from my heart
My eyes don't hide our this love
Even if I escape from you with my fears
Even if I stay in that fully black night
As long as we stand in the life
We live living and meeting on the skin
Like a Small Lump of Ice
Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I become a sip of water
I become a dark river
And you drown in me
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I disappear in an ocean of love
Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice,
hidden in your hands,
quietly in your heart
And I disappear in you
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
Breathless, I die by your side
Like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I become a sip of water
I become a dark river
And you drown in me
like a small lump of ice
I melt like a small lump of ice
I disappear in an ocean of love (×3)
Sing Sing
One thing is certain, I made a mistake
I shouldn't have drowned my wife in the Thames
But I couldn't know someone would see me doing it
And that Scotland Yard would take the case
To keep them off my tracks, I tried everything
I traveled the world changing my identity
But these guys are stubborn, they found me soon enough
My road ended in this penitentiary
And I break rocks, I work in the assembly line
I break rocks, that's where it leads
Keep the rhythm, it needs to swing, it needs to swing
You don't sing every day in Sing Sing
Forced labor for life
Here, minutes pass like years
Irons around my wrists, a ball around my feet
I hit stones all day long
Like everyone here, I have only one thing on my mind
Leaving this penitentiary as soon as possible
I have a plan to escape, but you know
Sing Sing is a mistress that's rather hard to leave
Listen to me carefully now
Here is the moral of my story:
If you want to get married, think before you do it
Or soon you'll be singing the convicts' song
You don't sing every day in Sing Sing {x4}
The Guest
Lullaby, you are a guest
You won't stay with us
Little mother's dear
Tomorrow, you are the man of battles
Lullaby, the pretty flower
The light of dad's home
God protect you
May you be under Mowla's support
May you be under Mowla's support
Lullaby, the flower
O flower, sleep
O reaper of lavender, sleep
O flower, sleep
O reaper of lavender, sleep
My flower whether asleep or awake
I hope he/she will never get sick
If he/she is going to be sick
O God, protect him/her
Lullaby, you are a guest
You won't stay with us
Lullaby, the rose flower
Don't stay away from your mother
Don't stay away from your mother
Don't stay away from your mother
Rode out the Kozak beyond the Danube
Versions: #2
Rode out the Kozak beyond the Danube - saying: 'My girl do forgive me!
You, dear Raven horse carry me - go and promenade!'
Do stay, do stay, my dear Kozak, your maiden now is weeping so,
So who are you, now, are leaving - you do think upon this.
It would have been better, have been better not to go out,
It would have been better, have been better not to have loved,
It would have been better, have been better had I had known,
But O now. O but now how to forget.
She came out wringing out her hands and despairing crying out :
So how are you, now leaving me - you do think upon this!'
'Your white hands do not wring out, you bright eyes do not wipe out
Without you
Nights filled with sorrow
Kills me lonely.
I drown alone at nights
In the memories of the past
The poet's tears
Can destroy the world
One look of you
Can heal my wound
Without you 8x
The ship is happy
It leaves the shore.
And warms
The heart of this cold sea
There's a scent on my chest
The traces of my beloved
Just one night without her
Kills the poet.
Without you 7x
Again rust on me
I'm walking, moreover I'm rotting, ah!
And to let them laugh for a bit
We keep dancing in the dump
Again a bowl in my hands
And then birds are hungry and there are so few hyacinths
Step on the ground firmly
The life is shorter than three days
What grey are you talking about you ass, it is all light pink (ha ha)
There is plenty of food on people's plates (yeah, right)
Seagulls are not crying in the dump
You'll be better off if you return back before it's too late
You will also see the black children
Is it only the shirt that holds the tie, dear
We are sober, winking out also
Dude what is it you want from us, take it if it's a kidney
In this place there is mark of a whole city
And its fog on us
All oxygen is at minimum
Everywhere biting your arms
Releasing their wolves
Glancing away
As if its a forest of death
When you lose a limb the section is over
I put my mind in the trash, didn't have my eyes filled with tears
This dump will burn and its smoke will smother you
Again rust on me
I'm walking, moreover I'm rotting, ah!
And to let them laugh for a bit
We keep dancing in the dump
Again a bowl in my hands
And then birds are hungry and there are so few hyacinths
Step on the ground firmly
The life is shorter than three days
Here longing is coal gas
The back seat of a big bus
Some are envy branch of a bat
I don't have a garden on my side it is gloom and distress
This is the peak of the junkyard of souls
Take your piggy bank away it's wolf trap honey
Mourning for the masters but our jackknife is rusty
Nobody has any colors but everyone is power
Know who is rotting beside you
Carry who is walking
Down with your name
The most modern era is taken over by oxide
Nature getting rid of toxine
I have a lump in my throat again
Shut up!
It's dark now
Unloaded harmful wastes of trucks
Will be shared out on us, we got under it
Son, you cannot weigh memories with scales
Again rust on me
I'm walking, moreover I'm rotting, ah!
And to let them laugh for a bit
We keep dancing in the dump
Again a bowl in my hands
And then birds are hungry and there are so few hyacinths
Step on the ground firmly
The life is shorter than three days
Dedicated to you
Versions: #1
I was looking at life
But without ever seeing it
I looked in you eyes for a moment
And I saw how you are
How you will be, how, how you will be.
Dedicated to you
What I would not do for you
When closed in silence
Ideas are confused
You are the time that
Dedicated to you, goes away.
You are the desire for a love
That I have never lived
You are here always present
Today more than yesterday in my mind.
Now you are in my thoughts
Among the colors that do not go away
A mirror as big as the sky
Between the moon and my life.
And I would like you
The times I cried.
I swear I would do it, stop you in time.
Dedicated to you
The impossible does not exist.
How many times have I looked for you
Who knows how many times you
How many times we
We lose ourselves but then
Every journey into the wind
Sooner or later it will stop.
You are here always present
Today more than yesterday in my mind
I would like you, my love, you do not know how much I would like
More more more more even more
But more than that, what's there
But if there is, I want to dedicate it to you.
Dedicated to you...
Dedicated to you...
Every journey into the wind
Sooner or later it will stop
You are here always present
Today more than yesterday in my mind
I would like you, my love, you do not know how much I would like
More more more more even more, but more than that, what's there
But if there is, I want to dedicate it to you.
Dedicated to you...
Dedicated to you...
Every journey into the wind sooner or later it will stop
You are here always present today more than yesterday in my mind
I would like you, my love, you do not know how much I would like.
Do you remember me
If one day I can't meet you
I'll turn away from life with that
That's how I felt, I'm a woman in love
Do you remember me that way?
The summer sun shines
I have committed to memory the beach now
I said I want to be happy
Do you remember me that way?
Do you do you remember me?
Time passes so quick
Do you think that too?
'Soon will come the farewell day'
It was when we start to feel each other
You went alone on a trip
And came searching for me. Do you remember me?
Do you do you remember me?
Time passes so quick
Do you think that too?
Do you do you remember me
remember me
Do you do you remember me
remember me