Oh time
Oh time, You stole away my ageOh time, You stole away my age
In what safe you've kept it in,In what safe you've kept it in
Oh time, I beg to you, I insist before you
Please bring back my childhood days.Please bring back my childhood days.
Oh time, You stole away my age
Fearing the beatings from stick, grabbing my school bag
I've hidden so much, sometimes in mangofarms, sometimes in river islands
Tearing the old notebooks, making paper boats from it
I've sailed them in rainwater, in our courtyard
I've lied so much to my mom, have sneaked in and stolen mangoes
I've been busted during petty stealings, have been punished for it
Oh time, I beg to you, I insist before you
Please bring back my naughty days.Please bring back my naughty days.
Oh time, You stole away my age
Moving upstairs and downstairs, me and my sister
We created so much noise, we became angry at petty things
By convincing mom, without informing dad, I've gone to see natak at midnight
I've spent summer vacations in my mom's house, have fallen from tree
I've caught fishes in floodwater, have burnt my arms while bursting crackers
Oh time, I beg to you, I insist before you
Please bring back my lost days.Please bring back my lost days.
Oh time, You stole away my age
Oh time, You stole away my age
In what safe you've kept it in,In what safe you've kept it in
Oh time, I beg to you, I insist before you
Please bring back my childhood days.Please bring back my childhood days.
Oh time, You stole away my age