Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 50
You’re My End and My Beginning
You’ve filled me up inside
I’m counting it up
Suddenly, I smiled and started longing for you
That’s how you came to me
The blue stars are twinkling
Is it the same in your world?
Maybe we looked at the same spot
And felt the same thing
Through the skies, because I chose you
Destiny will envy us
Between your world and mine, wherever it is
I’ll give up my life to protect you
Even if we’re apart
In the same time, at different places
The wind, the sunlight and even the air
It’s all me and it’s all you
Through the skies, because I chose you
Destiny will envy us
Between your world and mine, wherever it is
I’ll give up my life to protect you
Even if I get lost, trapped in your time
It’s all part of my life
Past the horizon that I only looked at before
I’m holding you in my arms and flying
Through the skies, because I chose you
Destiny will envy us
Between your world and mine, wherever it is
I’ll give up my life to protect you
You are my beginning and my end
Babie's cradle made of pine
Babie's cradle made of pine
It rolled down from the roof
The father comes from Damascus
Nenni nenni
Nenni nenni
Nenni nenni
Nenni baby oy
Come on girls, let's cross the stream
The stream is dirty, where shall we drink?
The baby's dead, where shall we go?
Nenni nenni
Nenni nenni
Nenni nenni
Nenni baby oy
The journey begins
Wherever the journey takes us
Whatever stands in your way
Don't despair if you're laughed about
Come, believe in yourself and in your power
Often it must be chosen who strives forward
Whether he will get humiliated or will raise his voice
The destiny picks everyone at least once
And then you'll surpass yourself
There's not only right or wrong
Be brave and get ready
There's so much at stake here
See the way as goal
Even against wind
There's not only black and white
It's not about the big prize
When the journey begins
How should I choose? Will I see it?
Does the direction we're going make sense?
Whatever I've seen, whatever I do
We're together, me and you
There's not only right or wrong
Be brave and get ready
There's so much at stake here
See the way as goal
Even against wind
There's not only black and white
It's not about the big prize
When the journey begins
Do what no one else manages to do
Come, believe in yourself and in your power
There's not only right or wrong
Be brave and get ready
There's so much at stake here
See the way as goal
Even against wind
There's not only black and white
It's not about the big prize
When the journey begins
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Nici Sfârșit, Nici Început
Pare-se că nu putem renunța
Firul e așa subțire că nici nu se mai vede
Se pare că ne jucăm de-a șoarecele și pisica
Jucându-ne de parcă ne e teamă să trăim
Iar ăsta e un sacrificiu pe care... nu vreau să-l fac
Dacă nu există sfârșit
Nu poate exista nici început, nu poate exista nici început
Dacă nu există sfârșit
Se simte ca renunțarea la un răsărit, ne trezim și încă nu înțelegem
Dar sunt recunoscător în secret că trăiești această clipă împreună cu mine
Împreună cu mine
Putem vedea unde duce
Ca și cum nu poți, nu poți să ucizi monstrul care se hrănește din tine
Și indiferent ce-ai face te prinde de fiecare dată
Iar asta e o încurcătură dacă am dreptate
Dacă nu există sfârșit
Nu poate exista nici început, nu poate exista nici început
Dacă nu există sfârșit
Se simte ca renunțarea la un răsărit, ne trezim și încă nu înțelegem
Dar sunt recunoscător în secret că trăiești această clipă împreună cu mine
Da, sunt recunoscător în secret că împărtășești această clipă împreună cu mine
Doar o viață ni se dă, trăiești doar o dată
Îți simt atingerea aprinzând o dorință de nestăvilit
Acoperindu-mi durerea ca să ne ridice tot mai sus
În dragostea noastră, noi suntem păsări de pradă
Fiecare plânset servește să ne conducă pe căi greșite
Deci cară-mi suferința ca să înțelegi sentimentul
Pe dinăuntru sunt fragil, în afară de iubirea asta pe care o port
Deci contopește-ți viața cu nuanțele mele de gri
Sau ucide lumina și noi vom dispărea
When I begin a new life
Today also I begin my day
I take up the broom and do housework
First I shine, wash and dust
And I don't rest until 8
Then I forget everything with my books
My imagination spreads like a colour
Cithara and weaving and natural food
I want to begin a new life too
I play games, throw darts and cook
I make masks, dances and play chess
Then I relax with constructions
Stretches, drawings, mischief and clothes
And I glance at my books again
I add brushstrokes to each drawing
After, twice and three times I comb my hair
And everything again from the beginning
And I wonder this, gosh when, oh when
will I too begin a new life?
There up high, lanterns will appear
As if they want to wish happy birthday
Tomorrow I'll be 18 years old
Perhaps Mother will let me go out
Even If I Die, It's You (죽어도 너야)
Versions: #4
Creaking creaking
In my cracked heart
The chill of your sighs
Little by little
Like a withering flower
My heart aches
This damn love
Just because of you alone
I can’t stop even if I get hurt
Even if I die, for me it’s only you
Without you
There are only tears that pierce through my chest
And a dark hell I’ll fall into
To me, you are that kind of existence
Don’t leave me
Don’t leave me behind
Your heart that turned away
Please turn (it) back towards me
I want the you who is desperate
It’s everything that (I’ve) risked (my) life for
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
It was left to the heavens
The key to my destiny
Is once again in my hands
Swallowing a long breath and
Burning up my soul
I’m going to make you mine
This damn love
Just because of you alone
I can’t give up even if I get hurt
Even if I die, for me it’s only you
Without you
I have no blood or tears
I am just a dangerous shadow
To me, you’re that kind of existence
Don’t leave me
Don’t leave me behind
Your heart that turned away
Please turn (it) back towards me
I want the you who is desperate
It’s everything that (I’ve) risked (my) life for
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
I will sacrifice myself to protect you
I will try to do it (despite) being doubted
This crisis right now, I
Am going to try to turn it into an opportunity
You’re my best choice
You can’t stop me
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
it’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
it’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
na na na na na na
na na na na na na
It all starts now
Everything's so close, but so far
Everything's so big and scary
Now I need to take a leap of faith
But, no. Here I go!
The grass and the soil smell so amazing!
The sweet sound of summer is so beautiful!
At lasy, I can finally do what I want!
I can run and, dance and, sing and, play and
scream and, skip and, swim and really
feel happy and now I know
It all starts now!
At The Beginning Of Love
A strange feeling
Like it's for the first time
When you come closer, I feel like my breathing stops
Like a fire
My heart
Here and there
Hot, risky - you are like oil
I can't know where you will splash
You clumsily shake my closed heart
And don't even let me cool down
We are like fire on the frypan
Though it takes a long time
To kindle,
But if love starts,
It won't cool down
Hotly with you
Turning your heart on,
Boiling my heart,
I will grill love
With beautiful you
Like a biscuit
You approached to me
I like sweeties
I just like it
You keep making me look for you
Like blowing in the wind and passing by the tip of my nose,
Everyday you make me smile with a nice scent
We are like fire on the frypan
Though it takes a long time
To kindle,
But if love starts,
It won't cool down
Hotly with you
Turning your heart on,
Boiling my heart,
I will grill love
With beautiful you
Like there are just us, like there's no one else,
Like time has stopped, like there is just this moment
We are like fire on the frypan
Though it takes a long time
To kindle,
But if love starts,
It won't cool down
Hotly with you
Together with beautiful you
A new start for us
It seems like tonight, a star has brought us closer together
It seems like the sunshine
all of a sudden leaves a light on who we truly are
We both spoke the same language
but each of us heard a different story
I wish everything was different
but what I had
I just realized untill now.
Love, really, always wins.
We forgot that in the heat of the battle.
The old book, it's time to close it now.
We see each other in a whole different light.
A new start for us,
A new start for us
A new start for us
The sun comes out to a new start
When will my life begin? (Reprise)
I see the world in front of me and I want to explore it.
Look at it, so big, do I really want to go?
Look at me, it's clear, I have to risk it.
Should I? No, but I'll go.
The soft grass, the scent, as I dreamed of it.
I feel the summer wind, what have I been missing?
For the first time in my life I'm really free.
I could walk, run,
Could dance, be happy,
And jump, and skip.
Enjoy life
Shout out my joy,
I'm truly happy.
Now my life begins!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Leagănul de pin al bebelușului
Leagănul de pin al bebelușului
Sa rostogolit de pe acoperiș
Tatăl lui vine din Damasc
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
nani bebeluș oy
Am mers pe jos din Çamlıbel
Rezista-ți genunchi rezista-ți
Fratele pe cal sora pe jos
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
nani bebeluș oy
Copilul m-a așteptat pe mine
A fost distrusă acțiunea din cenușă
Toate ușile au acționat
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
nani bebeluș oy
Ege Kökenli
The baby's pine cradle
The baby's pine cradle
He rolled off the roof
His father comes from Damascus
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani baby oy
I walked on foot from Çamlıbel
Resist your knees resist
Brother on sister horse on foot
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani baby oy
The baby waited for me
The ash action was destroyed
All doors actedNani nani
Nani nani
Nani nani
Nani baby oy
Ege Kökenli
One Piece Opening 5 -The Trip starts-
The trip starts
The trip starts
And over us is flying the flag in the wind
Who knows what the ocean hides
and how much time passes
until you reveal a wonder
Who knows what the day will bring us
until the sun sets in the eve into the waves
Who knows this endless way
through the infinite sea
that don't reveals any secret
and who knows how our search continues
Soon when the waves are getting apart
then you dock on
after many hundred miles
new land is laying infront of you
And that is the goal
The trip starts
The trip starts
And over us is flying the flag in the wind
and maybe we soon find
what today just seems like a dream
We're sailing away
We're sailing away
and infront of us is just the wide horizon
we're searching for the distant beach
in a unknown new land
We're starting now!
The trip starts
The trip starts
and no one knows
where we tomorrow will be
cause it stays our secret
where our Heartbeat is carrying us
We're sailing away
We're sailing away
and infront of us is just the wide horizon
we're searching for the distant beach
in a unknown new land
We're starting now!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
In your position set!
All the experiences you made until yesterday
And your knowledge are only a burden
The wind will always pass by
And leave nothing behind
Look for a new road!
Don't open someone else's map!
When you raise your eyes that were looking at the ground you'll become zero
Are we dreaming?
Are we believing in future?
Afraid of nothing, careless of what's our place
As reckless as we are
Are we dreaming now?
We should be as brand new as a child...
Let's tear off the chains that controlled us
Change your mind
Change your mind
We don't need to know anything
Adults failed and felt ashamed
And suffering has become their trauma
Thinking they don't want to feel such pain again
They have become smart
Challenges are laughed upon
What are you protecting with your silly calculations
In order to avoid risks?
Are we alive?
Do we want to be alive tomorrow?
We pretend we understand, we feign a knowing look
While we haven't dreamed in a long while
Yeah, are we alive?
Aren't we wasting our life?
Feel now the rhythm pulsing through your veins!
Stand up! Together!
Remember the day you were born!
Everyone's a beginner!
Stand up! Right away!
It won't go well
Easily from the beginning
Stand up! Together!
You just need to go back to the beginning
A beginner again
Stand up! Right away!
Be defiant, be defiant
It will happen somehow
Tear away the old page
Come on, let's begin!
We can be reborn all the time
Are we dreaming?
Are we believing in future?
Afraid of nothing, careless of what's our place
As reckless as we are
Are we dreaming now?
We should be as brand new as a child...
Let's tear off the chains that controlled us
I can't do anything
I can't do it well
And so?
We're still young
I can't do anything
I can't do it right away
That's why we have possibilities
The rain has stopped
The wind has stopped
A light we've never seen before
Is shining
Now's the time
You are a reborn beginner!
It’s the beginning
Like a child dreaming of prince charming
A baffling and surprising feeling
I close my eyes and everything is so different
It’s the beginning, I feel it
I wasn’t told anything
I knew it was you
Another life started on that day
An evidence, a prayer, an urgency
Turning into “us”
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Two strangers into the same adventure
Two strangers are going to change the future
With one same hope, the need for truly believing it
It’s the beginning, I feel it
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
I was well aware that in the dark
Like me, somewhere
You were only living for me
I had so much faith in you
Counting the hours keeping us apart
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even when life scares you
I’ll be there
It’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Nothing will be like before
‘Cause it’s the beginning
I know
When will my life begin
It's seven am, morning just like any other
I'll mop the floor and sweep the entire floor
Then I'll wipe with a cloth and scrub for a long time
Sweep again, I won't sit down
This clock is so slow
I'll read a book or two, or maybe four-five
Decorate the ceiling a bit, draw a few flowers,
Play a guitar, dance, make my cake
But when will my life begin?
I eat breakfast, play, bake cookies
Doll world, then ballet and chess
Then pottery, ventriloquism, candles
A few exercises, then a drawing, a climb and then
I read a book or two, oh how the day is long
Then I paint some more, there's no space here I know
And then I brush, brush each golden coat
And count the hours in that tower
And then I ask myself, and ask, and ask:
But when will my life begin?
But tomorrow I know on my birthday
When the night falls the lights will shine inside her
Maybe then I'll make my dream come true
Maybe mother will finally let me out now
I'd be ready for an adventure
I get up to manage the challenges of the day
Clean the dust with energy
Waxing and scrubbing, then I was the laundries
I dust and sigh, I got that job to its end
It's time for a book and another, third
And after that I maybe could paint a little
And then I rock, knit, cook, dream
I'd be ready for an adventure
I play and throw darts and make buns
I disport or dance, still I'm gonna do it all
I sculptur clay, I'll probably make a candle
Exercising, coloring, then once again doing that again
I read the books again, if I just have the time
One drawing has always room on the wall, right?
And then I brush, brush, brush my hair
Oh, how I'm tired of waiting
And I believe, and guess, and know
That I'd be ready for an adventure
And tomorrow
Again a dark night
Creates the brightest stars to the sky
Where they may travel?
I would want to know
If mom would just let me go
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to! <<