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Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 9



Versions: #1
In my dreams theres no place, no time.
Everything happens but nothing simultainiously.
What will I give up on if I can't see it all. Am I afraid of living or that I don't have time to live?I go on with my eyes shut, without knowing thw direction. One step aside can change everything. I stop because I don't want to loose everything. Am I afraid of the darkness itself, or that I can't see anything?
Last night I was awakened that I could be anyone I want. I wore a strangers face. But those are only dreams. Aren't those dreams?
There's something exceptional about you. You talk alot even though there's not much to say. But there are words you aren't able to say. Am I afraid of loving or not being loved?
A soul writes the book, Dreams paint the pictures.
You will never get a more beautiful answer. When you give your self to the nigh, you don't know what you get. Are you afraid of the picture or the artist who paints it?
Last night I was awakened that I could be anyone I want. I wore a strangers face. But those are only dreams. Aren't those dreams?
Last night I was awakened that I could be anyone I want. I wore a strangers face. But those are only dreams. Aren't those dreams? Aren't those dreams?

One less than two

I really don't know how to be here either
I'm not wearing anything appropriate
What else would I do, who would I kiss
Would I stare at the wall inside my home
The TV fell, so I can't watch the news
They'll notice a decadent artist
She's partying away her good fortune
I hide the introvert, the liar
I put on a hat because I never comb my hair
I go home, but what if I can't fall asleep
The time is two till one
Again this turned into a series of excuses
And there is one less than the two of us
This thought will be left unread
I don't know yet what I'm missing [in my life]
I didn't get an entertainer, a lover
He started to love little too much
When you start to feel so much
It might hurt you
I don't want anymore impacts
Still I wait for you, how pertinent
Would you be like no one else
You couldn't fit in the same sentence
With those people
That I'm now avoiding
You would be worth the wait
And I couldn't get enough of you
The time is two till one
Again this turned into a series of excuses
And there is one less than the two of us
This thought will be left unread
I don't know who is missing from next to me
I take a walk outside where it's sunny
I believe in many things, but I don't think that I believe in fate
Even after many years, I see
The same woman who is just trying to find herself
But she will never open her eyes

Me or the world

Open the curtains and wake up to the shame
Apocalypse couldn't have happend today
I regret that I told [you]
About my tendencies to this particular problem
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world
In my opinion, other people are the biggest reason for when
I start to act inappropriately
It could be that I don't see any fault in myself
When the circle of drama starts to fascinate
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world
What if I'm not the only one after all
Is this what you're thinking about again
Who was it that said that
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world

Hey love

Where would I begin if I talked about you
Someone else would probably tell it more beautifully
But every step you take away from me
Is like being out of one's body, the mind is still screaming
Could this feeling outlive us
But to that, no one gives an answer
Hey love, tell me
What this feeling is
When I can't feel the ground beneath my feet
I could make a beautiful song
Or my home ready
But without you, they would be just walls
Hey love, tell me
What this feeling is
When even the milkyway isn't enough
I could make a beautiful home
Or finish my song
But without you, they would just be chords
If we are seeing the same dream, is it even a dream
If we say the same words at the same time
Then are we talking about fate
That I so cynically think about but I kind of knew
That the most beautiful day in the world would be the one when
You lift me up from somewhere underneath the bottom
Hey love, tell me
What this feeling is
When I can't feel the ground beneath my feet
I could make a beautiful song
Or my home ready
But without you, they would be just walls
Hey love, tell me
What this feeling is
When even the milkyway isn't enough
I could make a beautiful home
Or finish my song
But without you, they would just be chords
Hey love, tell me
What this feeling is
When even the milkyway isn't enough
I could make a beautiful home
Or finish my song
But without you, they would just be chords

In a knot

Let's look out of the window to the street
And tell me what you see
The same faces, same voices to our ears
You're getting bored
But what I want, is for you to see too
That every one of them is smiling
They seem like they had been happy
For so long the fingers of grief never reached them
And when you should talk
You are quiet, quiet
If you're in a knot, I'll sort you out
I remember you, I've been reading you
If you're in a knot, I'll open you
At last now I've promised it
That I'll never, never entangle you
You're turning around in your sheets for hours and you're drowning in thoughts
You're feeling like your pillow is glass too
Why do you feel like that
But what I want, is for you to see too
That under the fabric there are only feathers
You do know that you can't fly with someone else's feathers
But let's put our heads on them
If you're in a knot, I'll sort you out
I remember you, I've been reading you
If you're in a knot, I'll open you
At last now I've promised it
That I'll never, never entangle you
If you're in a knot, I'll sort you out
I remember you, I've been reading you
If you're in a knot, I'll open you
At last now I've promised it
That I'll never, never entangle you

From head to toes

I can be quiet and shout too
I know a little French and a lot more
Who knows how to hear when I lose words
Could someone know me from head to toes
No one ever asks me how I'm doing
More interested in how my songs sound
But there's a lot more in me, much more
If you asked, you'd get everything from head to toes
I want to feel everything that's in you
The situation is difficult, but I'll give you your turn to speak
You can hold on to whatever you want to
If you'll always hold on to me from head to toes
Sometimes I need some time so I wouldn't just talk
But the words already caused something much worse
I didn't mean at all what I said
Now everything in me regrets from head to toes
Explaining won't help but trying to change
Useless to specify reasons to get angry about
I am going to apologize if it's given too
If someone would accept everything from head to toes
I am very gentle but even sometimes too
With open palms everything hits the face
I won't let near me and that's why
No one is able to know me from head to toes
But over everything I would like
Someone to know me from head to toes

Hanging on

When I leave, I won't look ahead
I take a step, I trip over the curb
I would never swear to anything
Or by anything
But I swear by your name
Only you, and the way you are
A threat is not a threat
If it's done with a toy shotgun
That's why you'll find me again here
Collecting the last echoes
And I'm hanging on
You're watching me hanging on
Even when a new day dawns
The dependency stays
When I finally leave
I'm not really even leaving
I fall in the hallway
Only novices do that
That's what I am
Half of what you are
Who will determine what belongs to whom
Only you and the way you enter my every thought
I'm growing old up in the attic
When I'm screaming in distress
You're not turning your boat to this direction
And I'm hang-hanging on
You're watching when I'm hang-hanging on
Even when a new day dawns
The dependency stays
If there's a little bit of tendency
To crash every single day
A promise won't bring any relief
Nobody can live like this
I have a little bit of tendency
To crash every single day
A promise won't bring any relief
But I think that this is how I'm going to live
I'm hang-hanging on, always hanging on
Even when a new day dawns
The dependency stays

Apocalyptic shame

I never believed in coincidences
But when enough started happening
I talked things all over the place, I'm ashamed again, help me
If the size of the feeling is so gigantic
That it barely fits in a room
To who do I call when I already deleted all the numbers
I could rip all the curtains down I suppose
And easily bury myself under them
It looks cramped when skeletons fill up my closets
The number of successes on an annual level
Is a round zero as far as I recollect
And as that it says, which is a pity
But I'm the only one who cares
But never see someone else's shame
So be ashamed in peace
And of course it could be that you're part of the elite
Words don't weigh a lot, even if they're remembered at all
Still I think this will last forever
I don't think I ever did anything this stupid
There's a reason if you can't reach my number
Now there are curtains, rugs and me on the floor
Pictured on TV and widely
I, myself, don't hurry, I already decided to move in the closet too
The number of successes on an annual level
Is a round zero as far as I recollect
And as that it says, which is a pity
But I'm the only one who cares
But never see someone else's shame
So be ashamed in peace
Now there are curtains, rugs and me on the floor
Pictured on TV and widely
I, myself, don't hurry, I already decided to move in the closet too