Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 57



Fill it, roll it, press it, smack it
Sift the flour and crack the eggs
Knead the doughs every hour
And let them be repeated again
Fill it, roll it, press it, smack it
Shape the dough while stuffing its filling
Apply a little bit of egg
What a beautiful gift it is
There is a tradition of making mooncakes
They must be made with attention
Bake them with love and affection
Its sweet scent is full of fragrance
The magic of mooncakes
You will feel the wonder of mooncakes
Add five
Can they be twelve because my cousin is in my house?
They are usually, you know, they like it
Please add another twenty
Over the moon, there is a wisdom
'Appreciate life and the loved ones'
The wonder of mooncake
The wonder of mooncake
It is kept only for you
Magic for you
And the leaves have changed
The festival is going to start
A special feeling, the magical mooncakes
They are kept only for you
The mooncakes keep all the memories and moments of us together
The tale that Ma Ma shared with me makes me remember about them
Those wonders are embedded in the heart
Mooncakes and remembering you

A never ending story

Sidewalks and buildings
Reflect in shop windows.
Star diamonds are scattered all over.
I can't stop time
Even for a moment,
But I wanted it so…
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!
It is easy to do so,
I have enough notes,
Cobwebs of words I weave.
And now there's no reason
To take aspirine,
My depth is here.
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!

The Elder Sister

Everybody left, even my mother, and grey rain has been pouring since the morning.
My elder sister will get married today.
There will be a black car, there will be wedding guests drunk,
Women and men dancing, and only me all alone.
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?
You used to visit us for a long time, you used to greet me...
You stole a glance at me and left with my sister.
Why did you appear? Why are you with her now?
Why did you fall in love with her? After all, my love is stronger!
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?


Versions: #2
The Earth is empty now without you.
How would I live a few hours without you?
In the gardens, leaves are falling the same way,
And taxis are rushing somewhere as before.
But being alone on the Earth causes a feeling of emptiness,
Meanwhile you're flying, and the stars give you their tenderness.
The Earth was just as empty
When Exupery was flying,
In the gardens, leaves were falling the same way,
And the Earth didn't know how to be without him
While he was flying
He was flying, and all the stars were giving him their tenderness.
The Earth is empty now without you.
Come back, as soon as you can.

Marea albastră

În oameni ”buni” și ”răi”
Ne împart copiii pe toți.
Noi ne jucam de-a pirații feroci
Și de-a marinarii rătăcitori și bravi.
Uitam de orice necaz
Și ne pierdeam în depărtata imensitate,
Și niciodată n-am fi crezut
Că s-ar putea sfârși, că s-ar putea sfârși,
Că s-ar putea sfârși marea albastră.
Tu erai căpitanul nostru,
Diavol al mării într-un tricou ponosit.
Tu conduceai lotca tatălui nostru
Neînfricat, prin valuri turbate.
Aruncându-ți ghiozdanul deoparte,
Tu stăteai urcat pe gard
Și țipai, cu binoclul la ochi:
”E nesfârșită, e nesfârșită,
E nesfârșită marea albastră!”
Dar într-o zi a sosit un vapor,
Nechemat, pe neașteptate,
Și un oarecare Sinbad marinarul
Te-a luat brusc, spre țări depărtate.
La despărțire tu, ca întotdeauna,
Ai zbierat: ”Curând ne vom revedea,
Căci pentru noi niciodată
Nu se sfârșește, nu se sfârșește,
Nu se sfârșește marea albastră.”
Noi am jurat că te vom uita,
O așa trădare nu ți-o puteam ierta.
Dar sirena unui vapor străin
A țâșnit în sus, neliniștitor.
Și apoi a venit o scrisoare,
Ca o durere imensă.
În scrisoare era o revelație:
”Aici se sfârșește, aici se sfârșește,
Aici se sfârșește marea albastră!”
”Aici se sfârșește, aici se sfârșește,
Aici se sfârșește marea albastră!”

томас шелби

Я как Томас Шелби
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе, сам за себя
Я как Томас Шелби -
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе я
Я останусь собой - нет, я не стану другим
Не важно сколько мне лет - пойми, внутри я погиб
Перепутали пути с тобой, родная
Внутри меня идёт война - fire, fire
Пойми, что мы с тобою
В эпицентре войны - вместе, но одни
Над моею головою дуло пистолета
Сегодня есть я, а завтра нету
Я как Томас Шелби
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе, сам за себя
Я как Томас Шелби -
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе я
А ты так мило смотришь на меня
Заворожила меня своим голосом
Как жаль, что ты - ядовитая змея
Но ты разбила сердце Томасу
Перепутали пути с тобой, родная
Скажи мне, fire, fire, но в меня стреляют
Убегай, уходи, между нами дожди
Я останусь один, и снова
Я как Томас Шелби
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе, сам за себя
Я как Томас Шелби -
Всё с грустью так и шёл бы
И пусть меня никто не нашёл бы
Клянусь, мне так плевать на твои слова
Сам по себе я

Love and separation

Versions: #1
It's not sewn yet, your wedding dress
And the choir will not sing in our honour
And as time is hurrying past, the troika driver doesn't concern himself
And the horses want to take off
And the horses want to take off
Ah, if only the three don't get out of step
The bell fails to jingle on the shaft bow
Two eternal friends, love and separation
The one does not go without the other
Two eternal friends, love and separation
The one does not go without the other
We opened the gate ourselves, we ourselves
Harnessed the joyful troika
And now there's something shining before us
But something went out in the distance
But something went out in the distance
God allowed us to hear each other
On the wind for all time
Two eternal travellers, love and separation
They will share it with us in full
Two eternal travellers, love and separation
They will share it with us in full
The longer we live, the shorter the years
The sweeter the voice of friends
Ah, if only the bell had not failed on the arch bow
Eye would look into eye
Eye would look into eye
Shore, sea, sun, blizzard
swallows, crows
Two eternal roads, love and separation
Passing through my heart
Two eternal roads, love and separation
Passing through my heart

Fără tine, sunt dușmanul Istanbulului

Ca un surd care e dator cuvintelor
Mi-am revărsat inima astăzi, am vorbit cu absența ta
Ca un prizonier, ca o epavă, ca mine însumi
Am curs din interiorul meu astăzi, am vorbit cu mine în sine mea.
Ca un copil care își vede fața pentru prima dată
M-am văzut, am văzut
Oglinda s-a spart în bucăți
Toate sunt bucăți, indiferent ce e acolo.
În absența ta, cât de multe lacrimi merită numele tău
Te rog, vino, vino, vino, vino
Fără tine, sunt dușmanul Istanbulului.
Am făcut vele din speranțele pe care le-am sfâșiat, dar
În absența ta, nu puteam înainta, nici nu puteam rămâne,
Au fost reale cele pe care am încercat să le țin?
Despărțirile mele sunt oferite ca ofrande.
Ca un copil care este dependent să piardă
M-am îmbufnat, m-am supărat pe mine însumi,
Oglinda s-a spart în bucăți
Toate sunt bucăți, indiferent ce e acolo.
În absența ta, cât de multe lacrimi merită numele tău
Te rog, vino, vino, vino, vino
Fără tine, sunt dușmanul Istanbulului.
Oglinda s-a spart în bucăți
Toate sunt bucăți, indiferent ce e acolo.
În absența ta, cât de multe lacrimi merită numele tău
Te rog, vino, vino, vino, vino
Fără tine, sunt dușmanul Istanbulului.
Share music and kindness! :)

Night Moscow song

When suddenly you hear the sound of distant funnels in the dark,
The words of prayer like hawks of midnight escape the hot lips as they spark,
The melody is haunting people like sudden raindrops from above –
The little orchestra of hope conducted by the word of love.
In years of war and desolation when rains of treason, rains of lead
Attacked our backs with ruthless anger and there was nobody to help,
And officers had husky voices, what ruled our fortunes from above? –
The little orchestra of hope conducted by the word of love.
Clarinet has holes, the trumpet’s broken, bassoon is rubbed like wise man’s stick,
The skin of drum has gone to pieces, the clarinettist’s still all chic,
The flutist’s subtle as a young prince, conspiring people from above –
The little orchestra of hope conducted by the word of love.

Georgian song

Versions: #2
I will plant a grapeseed in the warm and fertile georgian soil,
I will kiss the grapevine and I'll gather the amber-ripe grapes,
And I'll call all my friends and I'll tune to love my heart and soul,
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place?
Come on gather my guests and partake of the meal in our session,
Come on speak to my face who i am , what you think is my worth...
King of heaven will pardon my faults and forgive my transgressions
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth?
In the dark red attire you'll be singing to me , oh, my darling,
In the black-white attire I will kneel with her hand on my face,
And I'll listen to her till I die of the sad love she's sharing,
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place?
And if sunset should fume all around me and sweep at the corners,
Let me see many times as a glimpse of a dream floating forth
The white ox, the blue eagle, and the golden forelle in their honour,
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth?


Versions: #2
Come on, artists, take your palettes, dip your brushes ,
In the hustle of Arbat yards and the dawn,
Let your brushes be like leaves upon the ashes,
Like October leaves on ashes in the morn.
Dip your brushes in the light-blue of the city,
In accord with old tradition of the town,
Paint the picture with affectionate precision –
Me and my love in Tverskaya walking down.
Let the pavement rock a bit as if in waking,
Let the things that haven’t started yet begin,
You’ll be credited with this, jus’ go on painting,
What’s the sense of guessing whether 'lose' or 'win'?
Paint like judges our fates and our dating,
Our summer, our winter, our spring...
Never mind that we are strangers – go on painting,
Later on I will explain you everything.

The fable of esthetics

The desert boat with no grass,
a camel with two lumps
passing through many many cities,
saw for the first time in life
A horse
A white horse
And said: 'Poor animal
who knows what big weight
stepped on his back
and flattened him in such a way'
This way...
A horse
A white horse
Poor animal
Flatened in such a way
In such a way
A horse...
I told you the concrete fact
because I wanted
to prove that in a matter of moral
and esthetics
the unipersonal position
may be erethic
A horse
A white horse
Poor animal
Flattened in such a way
In such a way
A horse
Flattened in such a way

Beauty and the Beast - Eternal Story

Eternal story
How very true it is
Two strange hearts
That secret gestures
Suddenly put together
A very little change
Small differences
Both are afraid
And they are not prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever the same
Ever strangeness
Ever as before
Ever more certain
Than the sunrise
Eternal story
Like harmony
Bitter and sweet
To see changes
To learn the wrongs
The dreamers are preparing themselves
To begin
Once upon a time for us there were
In eternal stories
Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time for us there were
In eternal stories
Beauty and the Beast

Night talk / Towards bright flame

Night talk / Towards bright flame
My horse is tired, worn down my boots,
Where should I head to, tell me, if you kindly would.
Along the red river, my dear, along the red river,
Till the blue mountain ridge, my dear, till the blue ridge.
And where is that mountain, that river, tired is my horse,
How do I get there, Please tell me, if you kindly would?
Towards the bright flame, my dear, towards the bright flame,
Head towards the flame, my dear, you'll find it then.
So where is that bright flame, where is its light?
Hundred years shouldering night sky, it's my plight.
It should have been lighted, but lamplighter's asleep,
Lamplighter's asleep, I can't help you with this.
Into the dark, on untrodden path, he heads,
Where goes you whilst night reached your eyes?
What have you lost, my dear, I yell,
If only I knew it myself, he answers, i'd tell.

A Patrolman of April (S)

Ah, what utterly amazing are the nights here
Only mama is in melancholy worry
-Why d’you walk around, my son, dear
So lonely, so lonely?
-Why d’you walk around, my son, dear
So lonely, so lonely?
From the start till end of April is my journey
And the stars have grown bigger and much gentler...
- Mama, mama, I am just patrolling
A patrolman I’m of April!
- Mama, mama, I am just patrolling
A patrolman I’m of April!
- My son, dear, I remember what has happened
And your eyes have filled with sorrow, my son, angel
Maybe she has left you all forsaken
Like a stranger, like a stranger? -
Maybe she has left you all forsaken
Like a stranger, like a stranger? -
From the start till end of April is my journey
And the stars have grown bigger and much gentler...
- Come on, mama, I am just patrolling
A patrolman I’m of April!
- Mama, mama, I am just patrolling
A patrolman I’m of April!

The roads of love

I walk aimlessly
through the roads of love,
your love tastes sweet to me
when I surrender my heart to it.
An endless rainbow
illuminates the illusion,
life is just a dream,
just a dream, just love.
Something on the path
towards fame without love,
how long are the hours
when I don't have your attention.
On the roads of love
I've entangled myself once again,
I wish I could fly
and I'm trapped once again.
On the roads of love
I've lost my heart,
desire is passion,
our love - an illusion,
I can't escape
the roads of love.
Chocolate kisses
if I have you, if not then no,
I've had many lovers
and it's only love that I've forgotten.
Something on the path
towards fame without love,
how long are the hours
when I don't have your attention.
On the roads of love
I've entangled myself once again,
I wish I could fly
and I'm trapped once again.
On the roads of love
I've lost my heart,
desire is passion,
our love - an illusion,
I can't escape
the roads of love.
On the roads of love
I've lost my heart,
desire is passion,
our love - an illusion,
I can't escape
the roads of love.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


The Old King

The king was preparing to invade a foreign country.
The queen has made for him hard chucks a whole bag
and his old mantle she has mended so accurately,
She gave him a pack of tobacco and salt in a rag.
And she put her hands on the king's chest and said
while caressing him with radiant gaze:
'Hit them harder, or you'll be famous as pacifist, your grace,
And don't forget to take from the enemy sweet gingerbread'.
And the king sees--his troops are standing in the yard and pray.
Five sad soldiers, five cheerful soldiers and a corporal in between.
The king told then:' we don't fear neither the press nor the wind,
we'll beat the enemy, and return victorious, and hooray!'
But at last the celebration of farewell speeches come to an end.
During the march, the king changed his army formation:
the cheerful soldiers he at once appointed as quartermasters,
but he left the sad ones as a soldiers-- 'Maybe nothing will happen'.
The days of victory have come, imagine that.
Five sad soldiers didn't returned from the fight.
The corporal, morally weak, took a captive for a wife,
but they capture a whole bag of gingerbread.
Play, orchestras, let's hear the songs and laughter sound.
It's not worth friends to indulge with a minute of silence .
After all, for the sad soldiers to stay alive makes no sense,
and ginger bread, by the way, always not enough for everyone around.

The last trolleybus

Versions: #2
When I am overwhelmed by hardships
and despair creeps in,
I jump on the first blue trolleybus I see,
be it the last one.
I jump in the first blue trolleybus I see,
be it the last one.
Race through the streets, my last trolleybus,
roam the boulevards around the city
to rescue all the castaways
marooned in the night.
to rescue all the castaways
marooned in the night.
My last trolleybus, please let me in,
for I know that in the chill of midnight
your passengers, your sailors
will come to the rescue
your passengers, your sailors
will come to the rescue.
Many times I escaped misfortune,
shoulder to shoulder with them...
There's so much kindness to be found
in their silence, their silence.
There's so much kindness to be found
in their silence, their silence.
The last trolleybus glides over Moscow
and the city fades away like a river,
and the pain that was fluttering at my temples
recedes, recedes.
and the pain that was fluttering at my temples
recedes, recedes.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

I'm afraid

How difficult is not loving you anymore
how difficult is trying to forget
the moments we lived, nights we shared
those minutes of life which gave us joy
How difficult is not loving you anymore
how difficult is trying to forget
the moments we lived, nights we shared
those minutes of life which gave us joy
I'm afraid to know you're not here
I'm afraid that you stop loving me
that I forget you even exist,
I'm afraid to wake up and don't see you there, by my side.
I'm afraid to see you leave, and you forget about me, forever
I'm afraid that, when you're gone I don't find Death.
Gave everything to have you, don't blame you, my life
If you rip me off from your life, I'm afraid to lose you.
I'm afraid to see you leave, and you forget about me, forever
I'm afraid that, when you're gone I don't find Death.
Gave everything to have you, don't blame you, my life
If you rip me off from your life, I'm afraid to lose you.
Just learning.

Thanks to life

Thanks to life, for blooming
thanks to kindness for staying
thanks to light that sow hope
when everything was wrong you made it change
thanks for your help, your good faith
thanks for saving us from falling again
thanks to light that sow hope
when everything was wrong you made it change
there's always a light that gives strength to life
brings calm back, and heal wounds
there's always a reason to fight in life
today I want to thank you and say I'm your friend
and say I'm your friend.
Just learning.

Last night

Last night I explored your body,
unintentionally, with my glance
and soon I realized you liked me
last night I calmed my thirst, drinking from your mouth,
Rain since I tasted it,1 impregnated your scent
last night the miracle happened
our lips melted together
we caressed our dreams for the first time.
Last night, we flew together
on a cloud of passion
last night the cold walls turned into
fire in our room,
last night, we flew together
on a cloud of passion
last night we won heaven
lost fear
and made love.
Last night, slipped from your body
unintentionally, my glance
and soon I realized you liked me
last night I calmed my thirst, drinking from your mouth,
Rain since I tasted it, impregnated your scent
last night the miracle happened
our lips melted together
we caressed our dreams for the first time.
  • 1. This makes no sense in Spanish either
Just learning.

Let The Moon Speak

Crescent Moon
That fell on the plain
The Stars are dim
Without a light
Aimless steps
Misguided on a bright street
I am lulled by the embrace of sins
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now

Nu pot găsi iubirea

Pe unele le cunosc după buze,
pe unele după ochi,
pe unele după vorbele care te fac să gândești,
pe unele după picioarele foarte lungi.
Pe unele după profil,
pe unele după mărimea șoldurilor,
după o parte sau după colțuri,
pe unele după părul în valuri.
Pe unele le cunosc după buze,
pe unele după ochi,
pe unele după vorbele care te fac să gândești,
pe unele după picioarele foarte lungi.
Pe unele după pântece,
pe unele după voce,
pe unele după respirație,
pe unele după aspectul plăcut.
Le-am plăcut pe toate, nu pot discrimina,
nu pot alege, nu pot renunța la nici una,
of, aman!
Nu pot fi nebun ca Mecnun*,
nu pot găsi iubirea astfel,
nu pot găsi o Leyla,
nu pot continua plângând.
Pe unele le cunosc după buze,
pe unele după ochi,
pe unele după vorbele care te fac să gândești,
pe unele după picioarele foarte lungi.
Pe unele după pântece,
pe unele după voce,
pe unele după respirație,
pe unele după aspectul plăcut.
Le-am plăcut pe toate, nu pot discrimina,
nu pot alege, nu pot renunța la nici una,
of, aman!
Nu pot fi nebun ca Mecnun*,
nu pot găsi iubirea astfel,
nu pot găsi o Leyla,
nu pot continua plângând.
Nu pot renunța și să văd mai mult decât una dintre ele,
Nu le pot cere numerele de telefon, pentru că le voi încurca,
Le voi adăuga pe amândouă odată,
mă voi strădui să nu le supăr pe niciuna.

The sleepwalker

Carmela is a nice girl
And she is my girlfriend...
But her mom is unbearable,
She doesn't want me to meet her daughter...
And then I've found
One good fact:
Carmela pretends to be a sleepwalker
To come to see me...
And she makes a fool of her mom.
And under pretense of being a sleepwalker
What does this girl do?
Every night to the ledge
She goes out for a walk at eleven o'clock.
To the ledge I also go out
And I tell her: 'I'm here for you'.
And a sleepwalker
Is this girl,
She pretends to be a sleepwalker
In my arms.
Her father, Don Arcangelo,
He doesn't give his consent to spite me.
He dislikes me
And he (has) said 'no' to me.
But who cares?
I leave my door open.
Carmela, as usual,
Comes to console me
And she makes a fool of her dad.
And under pretense of being a sleepwalker
What does this girl do?
Every night to the ledge
She goes out for a walk at eleven o'clock.
To the ledge I also go out
And I tell her: 'I'm here for you'.
And a sleepwalker
Is this girl,
She pretends to be a sleepwalker...
In my arms.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

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Farewell to Christmas tree(New Year fir-tree)

Versions: #2
Farewell to a Christmas tree
Raspberry colour trunk, blue crown
Clinking of green fir- cones
The wind passed somewhere in the room
There the lovers were greeted
He touched somewhere old strings-
Their sounds rebounds again and again...
And so it's January rolled-flew in,
Frenzied, like electric train
We are dressed you up completely, without rest,
We've served you faithfully,
Loudly blowing the cardboard trumpets
As if we were rushing for heroic feat
I've even believed for a moment somewhere,
In naivety of heart to know it
That woman enchanted face
Merged with your eternal feast
At the moment of separation in the hour of payment
On the day of the withering week
Why did you become so bad?
What, did they all got stupid?
And subtle, like nightingales
Proud, like grenadiers
Why did then their reliable hands
Your suitors are hiding?
There would be for them no getting together, time to ease
There would be for them no endeavor
But the wheels are beginning to turn
It is so hard to part forever!
But the bustle is starting once more
Time judges in it's own way
You were taken down from the cross in a stir
And there won't be no Sunday
Fir- tree, my fir- tree- like deer that's leave
You've tried, in vain, perhaps,
That woman shadow, so careful
Got lost in the fir-tree needles!
Fir- tree, my fir- tree, like Savior on the blood
Your silhouette in a distant lies
As if the light of amazing love
Flaring, unsatisfied