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Număr de rezultate: 203


Coin Locker Baby

Versions: #1
Collecting our nonexistent secrets
Into the locker, they go
Collecting all of our overlapped love
Into the locker, they go
My heart's been locked up inside of delusion of happiness
(I've got things to do, I'm too busy)
If some something's a burden, well to-to-to-toss it out!
Collecting all the sensations from my fingertips
Into the locker, they go
Collecting all the feelings scraped from my throat
Into the locker, they go
You're too needy, you're not needed at all
(Let's quickly be done with this secret)
Tell me when you'd like!
Well then, goodbye, goodbye my coin locker baby
Vent this grudge surrounding me
One after another the mixed seeds trembled, trying to raise their buds
But I'm sorry, I'm sorry my coin locker baby
Burning the life-cycle
Escaping from the painful reality and smiling into the world of dreams...
Collecting all the sensations rolling from my back
Into the locker, they go
Collecting all the feelings spat from the phone
Into the locker, they go
Take a step back and see the nonexistent secrets we share
Collecting all of our intertwined love
Into the locker, they go
Humans grow old in due time, just like how oil cools?
What's wrong with what I just said?
(Let's quickly be done with this secret)
Just quickly say 'I love you!'
A broken heart with unfulfilled dreams
I tried to restore the precious thoughts I had in the past
It's in pieces and pieces, all half-hearted and dirty
I waited and waited but I got scared and was soon too late...
(Well then, goodbye, goodbye my coin locker baby
Vent this grudge surrounding me)
(One after another the mixed seeds trembled, trying to raise their buds)
Burning the life-cycle
Escaping from the painful reality and smiling into the world of dreams
As you dozed off with a smile on your face
Your body went cold....?!

Let's Dance Baby

Splendidly replace sadness with a smile
With a brightly magic, Baby
Once we find each other
We will be trapped in a mysterious charm, Baby
I call you 'Icarus'
With your unbelievable wings
Flying in the cosmos of a happy tour
When you hear the love song
As if it's floating in the wind
Let's Dance Baby
Finger guns pointed at my heart makes me surrender
I was captured, Baby
A strange mystery that isn't seen on earth
I sold my heart, Baby
I call you 'Icarus'
With your unbelievable wings
Flying in the cosmos of a happy tour
Blues don't match with fast steps
Let's Dance Baby
Let's Dance Baby
Let's Dance Baby

Fi iubitul meu

În noaptea când ne-am întâlnit ştiam că eu
am nevoie de tine
şi dac-aş fi avut şansa, eu
nu te-aş fi lăsat să pleci.
Aşa că ai spune că mă iubeşti?
Te-aş face mândră de mine
îi vom face să-şi întoarcă privirile
oriunde am merge.
Aşa că n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Ia-mă, dragule (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(singurul şi unicul)
N-ai vrea, n-ai vrea, n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Ia-mă, dragule (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(fi singurul şi unicul)
Te voi face fericit, iubite,
aşteaptă şi ai să vezi
pentru fiecare sărut ce-mi dai,
îţi voi da trei.
Oh, de când te-am văzut,
te-am aşteptat pe tine
ştii, te voi adora
pentru eternitate
Aşa că n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Ia-mă, dragule (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(singurul şi unicul)
N-ai vrea, n-ai vrea, n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Ia-mă, dragule (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(fi singurul şi unicul)
Aşa că de ce nu-mi spui că mă iubeşti?(iubeşte-mă, iubeşte-mă, iubeşte-mă)
Fi iubitul meu(iubitul meu, iubitul meu, iubitul meu, etc)
Aşa că n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Spune că vei fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(singurul şi unicul)
N-ai vrea, n-ai vrea, n-ai vrea să fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu (Singurul şi unicul)
Spune că vei fi (Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu)
Fi iubitul meu acum(fi singurul şi unicul)
N-ai vrea să fi iubitul meu?
(Singurul şi unicul) ooh, da!
(Fi al meu, fi iubitul meu) Fi iubitul meu acum...


Can you sense, how it feels? (x2)
I can see through your crystal blue lies
I can see the way your alibis
You don’t fool me
You never really cried
and all of your broken parts
How does it feel now that you broke this heart
Now that you broke this heart
Baby, I wait for you
Baby, I wait for you to feel
I wait for you to feel
I can see through your crystal blue lies
I can see in the way you crucify
You didn’t feel me
You wanted me to cry
and all of your broken parts
How did it feel when I fell apart
When I fell apart
Baby, I wait for you
Baby, I wait for you to feel
I wait for you to feel
Can you feel
How does it feel
Can you feel
How does it feel
Can you feel
How does it feel
Can you feel
How does that feel
Baby, I wait for you
Baby, I wait for you to feel
I wait for you to feel

It isn't enough for me anymore

[Baby K]: Chiara 1, the time has come
[Chiara]: Shall we activate the plan?
[Baby K]: Affirmative, they're waiting for us.
[Chiara]: Operation launched, go with the hit 2
[Baby K]:
Yo, Baby K!
Windows in the chat with dreams of Pasha3
I'll ask it to the summer: 'don't play dumb'4
If happiness is a half-full glass
Tonight I'm diving in it5 while you're looking on your apps
I don't go under 6 I go top
Before it's go and then it's stop
Sweet and bitter, Curaçao 7
You got me at your first 'Hi' (hi)
Between all these dolls you look like Ken 8
You're in my head, like Pantene 9
You're a wheel from Monday to the weekend
I'm not scared of the waves anymore, I'm already in deep waters
If you give me just a sip, what am I staying here for?
I tell you 'okay' once, then I tell you it's over
But after this night nothing is like before
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
Wow, slow down, suave-suavecito 10
The heart is at diet, you're hungry
The body says what I don't say
'This is my favourite part!11'
Sense or sensibility, reply, baby there's time
On a roof, dancing slowly, like flags to the wind
Give me the finale, we are the movie
In the background there's a song that goes like this:
I'm not scared of the waves anymore, I'm already in deep waters
If you give me just a sip, what am I staying here for?
I tell you 'okay' once, then I tell you it's over
But after this night nothing is like before
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
The waves are getting bigger, I'm staying here and waiting
for the sun at the horizon to come down its stairs
Life in a night tell me what's wrong in it?
A night then becomes two, there's no two without a three 12
I'm not scared of the waves anymore, I'm already in deep waters
If you give me just a sip, what am I staying here for?
I tell you 'okay' once, then I tell you it's over
But after this night nothing is like before
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
It isn't enough for me anymore and it doesn't cool off of you
I want more, more
It isn't enough for me anymore
There's no two without three
There's no two without three
There's no two without three
Without you, you, you 13
One more time,
It isn't enough.
  • 1. Chiara Ferragni
  • 2. big song
  • 3. dreams like those that Pasha have
  • 4. don't mess around, be a good summer
  • 5. the glass
  • 6. to go under means getting whipped
  • 7. a fine liquor
  • 8. Barbie's boyfriend
  • 9. a brand of haircare products
  • 10. take it slowly
  • 11. track or part of a song
  • 12. Italian saying meaning: if there has been a second time, it'll probably happen another time again!
  • 13. three and you sounds similar in Italian: tre (three) and te (you)

Totul e greşit, iubito

În palatul cu o mie de camere,
în liniștea zidurilor cenușii
nimic nu este salvat, nici măcar
în aparenţă...
În proiectarea coridoarelor respective
întrerupte de portretele eroilor,
nimic nu este salvat, nici măcar intențiile
Nu există dragoste în catedralele partidului
în discursurile oficiale, nu există dragoste
în aplauzele false
... totul e greșit, iubito,
totul e greșit, dragă
te-ai gandit mereu,
dar nu ai spus-o niciodată! ...
Radiourile respective, în care rock-ul este absent
unde Bucureștiul nu se preface-n nimic
radiouri care transmit și par a fi radiouri oprite
Acele statui puse la dispoziție
în piață pentru a strica fiecare petrecere
numai atunci când cad, dau o emoție
În şedinţele de partid nu există dragoste
în trupe și coruri, în acele cântece
care nu sunt cântece
... totul greșit, iubito, totul greșit, dragă
te-ai gândit întotdeauna, dar nu ai spus-o niciodată! ...
Când China
nu a fost niciodată
atât de aproape
luptă lungă
viață lungă, totul greșit.
Tovarăși înainte
la petrecerea cea mare
tot trecutul s-a terminat
Într-o dimineață m-am trezit
totu-i greșit, iubito! ...


[Verse 1 – Ridsa]
Baby when I saw you, I admit, I fell for you
For the love stories, yeah I wasn't ready
You have that crazy side that makes you so perfect
Like an plane on a flight we'll leave the Earth
Your wedding ring will have some peace, I discover your body and our bed ignited
Your wedding ring will have some peace and you whisper again, of course you don't stop
[Pre-chorus – Ridsa]
Baby don't worry about letting me guide you
The temperature rises you make me feel warm
Don't stop yourself from screaming if you need to
I love it when you dig your nails into my skin
[Chorus – Souf]
Baby tell me what you want from me
I'll be up to it I promise
I'll give you all my passwords please just trust me
I'll be assured all night
Yeah, Oh La La La La La Oh Yeah (x2)
[Verse 2 – Ridsa]
I know you suffered a lot in the past
I'm not your ex, you won't get tired of me
Girl please trust me, I'm not here to hurt you
I manage my time gently, I'm not in a hurry.
So lift up your head, it's all behind you
Join me in the sheets that we know by heart
Tonight we'll be alone with no barriers
Confide in my arms, I'm your man, your soul mate
[Pre-chorus – Ridsa] + [Chorus – Souf]
[Verse 3 – Souf]
I've got the time, I'll be the one who never hurts you
Don't trust what other people say, choose who's really your role model
I'll be the only one to do everything to please you
For you, love won't be a mystery anymore
In my arms, I want you for life
Don't be shy, you got the whole night
[Pre-chorus – Ridsa] + [Chorus – Souf]

Only You

Whatever love it is, it’s alright
I wanna slowly wait by your side
Even if your heart is closed, you are my love
My heart flutters enough already
I’m going in for love
Only you are my everything
I’ll tell you with my heart
My love is only one
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
My heart beats so fast, I can’t even talk
But I’m only looking at you
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
I’ll go to you with a fluttering heart
Open your heart just a little, only you
Even the smallest interest, it’s alright
Day by day, slowly come to me
Even if you have a different love, you are my love
I’m only waiting for you
I’m going in for love
Only you are my everything
I’ll tell you with my heart
My love is only one
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
My heart beats so fast, I can’t even talk
But I’m only looking at you
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
I’ll go to you with a fluttering heart
Open your heart just a little, only you
Words I can’t say
It’s always you and me in my dreams
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
My heart beats so fast, I can’t even talk
But I’m only looking at you
Only you, you
Only you, you (only)
I’ll go to you with a fluttering heart
Open your heart just a little, only you


From a distance over there
I see you. My heart is pounding.
Do you know who I am?
You took my heart from the beginning
Even if I close my eyes and cover my ears,
My heart broken into pieces again
I’m going to run towards you.
If you’re listening to this song,
I want you to know that I mean it.
You are so beautiful
in any form
You are so beautiful
I’ll protect you.
Stay with me. Stay there.
Even if you get away from it,
You are so beautiful
I pray that my heart will reach you.
across the dawn
I’m going to tell you today
in a tiring day
I’ll be your light and light you up
Even if you close your eyes and cover your ears,
My broken heart again.
I’m going to run for you.
If you’re listening to this song,
I want you to know that I mean it.
You are so beautiful
in any form
You are so beautiful
I’ll protect you.
Stay with me. Stay there.
Even if you get away from it,
You are so beautiful
I pray that my heart will reach you.
I don’t know yet.
words that have been tolerated for a long time
I love you.
You are so beautiful
in any form
You are so beautiful
I’ll protect you.
Stay with me. Stay there.
Even if you get away from it,
You are so beautiful
I pray that my heart will reach you.

Generation Hard Knocks

Generation Hard Knocks
Hey, what kind of color will you give me?
Will Sekai love me?
Growing scratches Dirty Omoide
Hoshizora can't reach outside the window
Hey, the heart that seems to break is you
Do you love me without betrayal?
Hidden Hone and Haribote Kibo
I was dead long ago
I want to live
I want to live more
It's always beautiful
I want to live
I want to live more
Forever beside you
Hey, my falling pieces
If it's Hikari like Hoshizora
Your words, kindness, love
Who can respond more honestly?
It’s still changing
So that you won't lose
Don't lose today
Gently tell me softly
So that you won't lose
Don't lose today
Softly softly life and life
Let's put it together for you who met
As you can say, 'It's okay'...
I want to live
I want to live more
It's always beautiful
I want to live
I want to live more
Forever hey god
I want to laugh
I want to laugh more
Properly beside you
…like you…


As chilly days rolled by,
Here comes you I've been waiting for
You are still there
At the end of a long day
Your name is coming
Into my heart like a dream
I call your name quietly
I’M STILL WITH YOU at the same time
I’M STILL WITH YOU, I want to be with you
Bye my lonely days
Bye it was heartbreaking
For now, Goodbye
Terrifying, dark
And desolate days
You are still there
At the end of a long day
Your name is coming
Into my heart like a dream
I call your name again quietly
I’M STILL WITH YOU at the same time
I’M STILL WITH YOU, I want to be with you
Bye my lonely days
Bye it was heartbreaking
For now, Goodbye
Hope you don't go away
Like a dream fading away
I’M STILL WITH YOU at the same time
I’M STILL WITH YOU, I want to be with you
Bye my lonely days
Bye it was heartbreaking
For now, Goodbye
Bye it was heartbreaking

Iubito ador felul in care esti

Umbrele cresc atat de lungi
In fata ochilor mei
Si se misca
Pe pagina
Dintr-o data ziua se transforma in noapte
Departe de oras
Ei bine, nu ezita,
Pentru ca dragostea ta pur si simplu nu va astepta...
Oo, iubita, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi
Luna pare sa straluceasca si lumineaza cerurile
Cu ajutorul a catorva licurici
Ma intreb cum de au puterea sa straluceasca
Ii pot vedea sub pin
Dar nu ezita,
Pentru ca dragostea ta nu va astepta...
Oo, iubito, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi
Pot vedea apusul in ochii tai
Maro si gri, cu albastru pe langa
Norii urmaresc insule in soare
Mi-as dori sa pot cumpara unul in afara sezonului
Dar nu ezita, pentru ca dragostea ta nu va astepta, pur si simplu nu va astepta
Oo, iubito, ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi,
Vreau sa iti spun ca ador felul in care esti, in fiecare zi
Vreau sa fiu cu tine noapte si zi

Tiny Baby

Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?
Stay with me.
Your little hand,
you already reach out towards me.
I know what you want.
Tiny baby,
you want to dream.
In my arms,
you want to stay.
But, love, you don't know
what you want to say yet.
But, love, it is bigger than you
much more, much more, much more.
Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?
I know what you want.
You are becoming an important man,
you are growing up for me.
You want to win me over.
Tiny baby,
you want to dream.
In my arms,
you want to stay.
But, love, you don't know
what you want to say yet.
But, love, it is bigger than you
much more, much more, much more.
Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah!
Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?
Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah!
Oh my tiny baby,
where are you going, what are you doing?...

In A Little Baby Bar

In the little baby bar,
hidden deep in the city park,
there, I'm drawn to it every day.
There I have, and this is true,
discovered one or two girls
who I just can't get out of my head.
There I sit comfortably
and remember
how very beautiful the whole world is.
And then on the way home,
hidden deep in the city park,
there I kissed her for the first time.

Baby, baby

Naj nanana… nanana na nana…
Oh… na nanana… nanana na nana…
Lala lala la…
Baby, baby - what's the matter now?
Tell me quickly, am I yours?
Tell me a thousand times
Talk of love in every language
Love is fragile
It's just like porcelain
Oh... breaks in your hand
Before it can be completed
Let us be together
Baby, baby, I love you
I love you, yes, my love
It's so fine being together
But the seperation doesn't hurt
Though I know
A woman can do nothing alone
Oh... love happens
Only with two together
Let us be together
Sometimes love is only love pain
Even though you wished it could be different
Baby, baby - what's the matter now?
Tell me quickly, am I yours?
Tell me a thousand times
Talk of love in every language
Baby, baby, I love you
I love you, yes, my love
It's so fine being together
But the seperation doesn't hurt
Naj nanana… nanana na nana…
Oh… na nanana… nanana na nana…
Lala lala la…


My money is pink because it's self made
These kids are on a strike with Baby K memes
Stick or carrot it depends on who you are
Tattoos of lyrics signed baby (baby, baby)
She jumps on my SUV blue angel it has a blue soul (okay)
She asks me where we're going and I say the Moon, and even higher (hey, yeah)
She wants a life as an icon, you don't need a degree
Queen of hearts with dreams on Instagram and the peach in full sight (hey, yeah)
When I'll be grown up I'll be an icon
(she tells me) Britney, Amy, Whitney or Michael
(she tells me) all of the ambitions in the iPhone
(and she says) Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
My generation is an icon
I lived nine lives, did a thousand damages, said hi to the greats (ahh)
I called saints, I broke stages even till late (ahh)
My pains to cries, my life to others, satiated the discography (phy)
Me David against Goliath, born again like the Messiah, good luck (eh)
From the bedroom to the dressing room, from a part to the loot
Four continents in the gallery, a hundred K in France now I laugh
It's a work of art of a soap opera, choose Da Vince or Dante
You are born and you die in part, an icon lives forever diamond (oh yeah)
Mum don't you see me I'm an icon (okay)
In the dreams Biggie, Whitney, Michael (okay)
I'll die singing ona stage (okay)
Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
New generation new icon
Mum don't you see me I'm an icon (okay)
In the dreams Biggie, Whitney, Michael (okay)
I'll die singing ona stage (okay)
Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
New generation new icon

Little Child

Little child, dry your cheek
Let your cry quiet down
Rest your head on my lap
Listen to my song
Beloved child
Little child, come to me
Forget all wrong towards you
Life is often a bit sad
Not that good
Beloved child
Little child, calm your cry
Dry your cheek, it's wet
Dear child
Remember there's no one quite like you
Not to me, dear, my child
Dear child, dear child


Da, știi cum o facem
Subțirică, subțirică, oh, oh, (așa-i, da)
Subțirică, subțirică, oh, oh, (așa-i, da)
Subțirică, subțirică, oh, oh, (așa-i, da)
Așa o facem noi
De asta sunt sexy
Am revenit cu piesa asta, fiți atenți acum
Acum reflectorul strălucește asupra mea
Dacă ești la un alt nivel față de mine
Du-te în spate
Nu vreau să am de a face cu tine, cineva fără stil
Oh, nu, nu, e atât de evident, nu, nu, nu
Oh, nu, nu, încearcă un alt ritm
Oh, nu, nu, totul e la fel, nu, nu
Oricine vede, o să zică că e fain
Dă-te din calea mea
Subțirică, subțirică, împreună, hai, oh, oh,
Subțirică, subțirică, atenție, fii pe fază, fii pe fază, oh
Din cap până în picioare
Bling, bling, ce tare
Băieți, băieți, subțirei, subțirei, fete, fete, subțirele, subțirele
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, subțirico ești sexy
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, știi că nu mă pot opri
Dragă, ești atât de faină, ai un stil atât de tare
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, oricine te vede, ești sexy
Când încep, toți mă urmează
Urmează-mă, urmează-mă
Eu, și tu ești perfectă, de asemenea
Când alerg, mărește-ți viteza
Dacă nu te poți stiliza
Nu mă căuta
Oh, nu, nu, e atât de evident, nu, nu, nu
Oh, nu, nu, încearcă un alt ritm
Oh, nu, nu, totul e la fel, nu, nu
Oricine vede, o să zică că e fain
Dă-te din calea mea
Subțirică, subțirică, împreună, hai, oh, oh,
Subțirică, subțirică, atenție, fii pe fază, fii pe fază, oh
Din cap până în picioare
Bling, bling, ce tare
Băieți, băieți, subțirei, subțirei, fete, fete, subțirele, subțirele
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, subțirico ești sexy
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, știi că nu mă pot opri
Dragă, ești atât de faină, ai un stil atât de tare
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, oricine te vede, ești sexy
Începe, crește volumul
De acum, urmează-mă, oh
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, subțirico ești sexy
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, știi că nu mă pot opri
Dragă, ești atât de faină, ai un stil atât de tare
Subțirico ești sexy, sexy, oricine te vede, ești sexy

Dragă, nu te opri

Nu e nevoie de motive obișnuite
Am știut de când te-am văzut prima dată, am simțit
Din prima secundă până la a o suta
Simte magia dintr-un minut delicat
Sunt la capătul răbdării
Vreau să te cunosc
Ciudat și subtil
Tremur tot
Stai,dragă, nu te opri
Nu te opri, dragă, nu te opri
Doar eu știu acel semn special
Doar noi, dragă, nu te opri
Stai,dragă, nu te opri
Excită-mă și dragă, nu semna
Unul câte unul, semnul perfect
E frumos, așa că, dragă, nu te opri
Îmi joc, joc, joc, joc, joc, joc părțile
Rămâi un desen de aluat argilos, eu voi
Frământa corpul tău
Exact ce ai auzit
Voi străluci cu culori calde
Ține-mă toată ziua, ține-mă strâns
Ești flacăra care reînvie florile pe care nu le-ai văzut vreodată
Lasă-ți trupul în voia simțurilor și trăiește-ți visele
Tensiunea ce se intensifică între noi
Mă simt atât de bine, mai dulce ca oricând
Stai,dragă, nu te opri (nu te opri)
Nu te opri, dragă, nu te opri
Doar eu știu acel semn special
Doar noi, dragă, nu te opri
Trebuie, trebuie, trebuie, trebuie să obțin asta
Nu vreau să te pierd, trebuie să obțin asta
Trebuie, trebuie, trebuie, trebuie să obțin asta
Nu o să mă opresc niciodată, trebuie să obțin asta
Bumbac, vânt, suflat, bluză (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Păr, floare, aromă, parfum (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Rece, ochi, gheață, scufundare (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Atingere, cald, topit, buze (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Dragă, mă simt atât de bine
Dragă, mă simt atât de fain
Semnul perfect, oh, dragă, dă-mi-l
Stai,dragă, nu te opri
Nu te opri, dragă, nu te opri
Doar eu știu acel semn special
Doar noi, dragă, nu te opri
Voi zbura mai repede ca să te prind, dragostea mea
Mai sus pe cer, o să-mi găsesc culorile acolo
Doar vino și tu în zonă acum, da
(dragă, nu te opri și nu)
Sunt nebun, nuca mea dulce de cocos (dragă, nu te opri azi)
Trebuie, trebuie, trebuie, trebuie să obțin asta
Nu vreau să te pierd, trebuie să obțin asta
Trebuie, trebuie, trebuie, trebuie să obțin asta
Nu o să mă opresc niciodată, trebuie să obțin asta
Pi pa pi pa pa (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Pi pa pa ru la pi pa pa (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Pi pa pi pa pa (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)
Pi pa pa ru la pi pa pa (Stai,dragă, nu te opri)

No Kiss

Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
You know that I am dirty
You know that I am hard [like gypsum] (maybe he means he's dumb)
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
Call me to stay up till the morning
With you I want to drink lots and get rid of stress
(tell me baby)
I speak behind your neck, behind your ear
Let the hand go on your body, let me touch you
Maybe I laugh so [while I'm touching you] (he touches her when he laughs)
Maybe I laugh so [while I'm touching you]
Maybe I laugh so [while I'm touching you]
Yeahh maybe I laugh so [while I'm touching you]
I want to see you and get rid of the yearning
I want to go out with you and drink goods (do drugs)
Just me and you, let's drink
Just me and you, let's drink
And maybe I laugh so
When you talk in my ear
And maybe I laugh so
When you talk in my ear
Don't turn off your phone
Cause maybe I'll call you to say forgive me
Maybe you're not to blame
Maybe I am to blame, yeah...
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
You know that I am dirty
You know that I am hard [like gypsum] (maybe he means he's dumb)
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
Tonight life feels like a movie, baby
I'm feeling like on drugs even after 12
I have you close, the grass, the alcohol
The only thing I want to lose tonight is the loneliness
FUCK BONNIE & CLYDE, I am Feromeni
You are x-person that is around me lately,
You are x-person that I want close to me
You are the reason that I don't like my ex anymore
I want to see you and get rid of the yearning
I want to go out with you and drink goods (do drugs)
Just me and you, let's drink
Just me and you, let's drink
And maybe I laugh so
When you talk in my ear
And maybe I laugh so
When you talk in my ear
Don't turn off your phone
Cause maybe I'll call you to say forgive me
Maybe you're not to blame
Maybe I am to blame, yeah...
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
You know that I am dirty
You know that I am hard [like gypsum] (maybe he means he's dumb)
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole
Baby, I don't want no kiss
You know that I am an a**hole

I want a baby

I just want you!
I just want you!
I don't want to sit all alone every morning and eating breakfast
I don't want to see the flashing from the Cameras from the Photographs
I don't have to drink black coffee just to stay awake
I don't need to do it with different women at different corners
I want a baby and not a dog
I don't want to be rich just healthy
I don't want to be a model, I want you
And a different one I don't want
I just want you!
I just want you!
I don't like it
When women put up makeup for three hours
It doesn't taste
When they smell like cigarettes out of their mouth
I don't want
That people kiss me that I don't like
I don't have anything against marriage just something against a contract
I want a baby...
I want a baby...
I just want you!
I just want you!
I just want you!
I just want you!
I want a baby and not a dog
I don't want to be rich just healthy
I don't want to be a model, I want you
And a different one I don't want
I want a baby and not a dog
I don't want to be rich just healthy
I don't want to be a model, I want you
And a different one I don't want
I just want you!
I just want you!
I just want you!
I just want you!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful
Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles
Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Tryna keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral
Finding out eventually the feeling wasn't mutual
You were not invited 'cause you're nothing like the usual
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
You wanna see your friends, but you're stuck inside a hospital
Doctor walks in and he tells you that it's terminal
Tumor in your brain and they're sayin' it's inoperable
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
They'll kill your little brother and they'll tell you he's a criminal
They'll fucking kill you too, so you better not get physical
Welcome to America, the type of shit is typical
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Wake up in the morning, now you're doing the impossible
Find out what's important, now you're feeling philosophical
When I die, I'll pack my bags, move somewhere more affordable
Isn't life horrible? I think that life is horrible
You think she's adorable, she thinks that you're intolerable
You think you can do it, but your chances are improbable
Once you feel unstoppable, you run into an obstacle
Isn't life comical? I think that life is comical
And if you ever need a friend then you got me
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
Run away, make friends with the moon
Why you trippin'? You'll be with your friends soon
There comes a time, everybody meets the same fate
I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful

Shopee Baby Shark Jingle (Philippines ver.)

At Shopee pi pi pi pi
The're many ni ni ni ni
To shop shop shop shop
At Shopee
At Shopee pi pi pi pi
It's easy si si si si
To shop shop shop shop
Sa Shopee
Sa Shopee
Free Shipping ping ping ping
It's easy si si si si
Sa Shopee

Naked Females...

Naked females fly across evening sky -
Missile has hit the bath house on the fly.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

Baby Looney Tunes Intro

Hey, are you ready for commotion and noise?
With Baby Looney Tunes the day is sunny and fun
They have it good in grandmother's house
And get up to a lot of mischief
They thrive and live well, hurrah!
Sylvester spins Daffy around
Taz and Lola too
Pip is sweet as always
Yes, now you will see
Hey, are you ready for commotion and noise?
With Baby Looney Tunes it is fun
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.



Dance dance with me. Dance dance dance, pretty girl
Dance dance, move your body. The girl dances prettily
Dance dance with me. Dance dance dance, pretty girl
Dance dance, move your body. The girl dances prettily
It was too serious to call it a coincidence
We both had to pretend we didn't know each other
Both of us have changed, with our different lovers
We went to watch the same movie and saw each other
The moment our eyes met
I tried to act calm
But when you made that confused face
I stopped and became confused as well
You avoided me and I ignored you
But I wanted to see your new lover's face
I turned around and you were watching me
Silently we were aware of each other
Already two years have passed
How much have we wandered around?
I believed I'd never see you again
But fate brought you to my side once again
As we saw each other comfortable with our lovers
We both felt jealousy overcome us
We couldn't even turn back to look at each other
It will be a sad day when we wish for each other's happiness
Dance dance with me. Dance dance dance, pretty girl
Dance dance, move your body. The girl dances prettily
Dance dance with me. Dance dance dance, pretty girl
Dance dance, move your body. The girl dances prettily
It was too funny to call it a coincidence
As we crossed the tunnel, we saw each other again
You saw me and I turned my head away
Just like that, we ignored each other
The moment our eyes met
I tried to act calm
But when you made that confused face
I stopped and became confused as well
The signal was short when I turned to watch you
You were watching me from across the street
At that moment, a bus parted us from one another
My lover asked me what was wrong
Already two years have passed
How much have we wandered around?
I believed I'd never see you again
But fate brought you to my side once again
As we saw each other comfortable with our lovers
We both felt jealousy overcome us
We couldn't even turn back to look at each other
It will be a sad day when we wish for each other's happiness

Iubito, te pot avea?

„Îmi pare rău”
Este tot ce poţi spune
Anii trec şi încă
Cuvintele nu vin uşor
Ca”îmi pare rău, ca „regret”
Este tot ce poţi spune
Anii trec şi încă
Cuvintele nu vin uşor
Ca „iartă-mă”, „iartă-mă'
Dar poţi spune”iubito”
„Iubito, te pot avea la noapte?”
Poate dacă ţi-aş spune
Cuvintele potrivite
La timpul potrivit
Vei fi a mea
„Te iubesc”
Este tot ce nu poţi spune
Anii trec şi încă
Cuvintele nu vin uşor
Ca „Te iubesc”, ”Te iubesc”
Dar poţi spune”iubito”
„Iubito, te pot avea la noapte?”
Poate dacă ţi-aş spune
Cuvintele potrivite
La timpul potrivit
Vei fi a mea
„Iubito, te pot avea la noapte?”
Poate dacă ţi-aş spune
Cuvintele potrivite
La timpul potrivit
Vei fi a mea
Iubito, te pot avea la noapte?
Poate dacă ţi-aş spune
Cuvintele potrivite
La timpul potrivit
Vei fi a mea
Vei fi a mea
Vei fi a mea


Mi-am luat medicamentele dar nu simt efectul
stau asezat in picioare pe bordul patului (nu dorm)
de tineri in picioare pe bordul acoperisului
lasand sa cada chestii pentru a simti efectul (jos jos jos)
sinuciderea n o contemplu dar ma gandesc des
recunosc, in ultimul timp eram sa o trec
depresia e o conditie, crezi ca dureaza in etern
e tot in minte, e o lupta cu creierul
si nu zic asta fiindca sunt un psihiatru
dar fiindca sunt crescut in strada cu cacaturi gresite
mama iarta-ma daca sunt ceea ce sunt
craniu in flacari din totdeauna, nu-l poti tine captiv
merg si acum cu o lama, am paranoie de persoane
dar in acelasi timp as muri fara sa simt iubire
uneori sper ca o sa mor fara sa simt durere
doar o elevare si o plecare cu onoare, intr-un loc mai bun
Cosmin 13

Of Course

We said stop
But you pay little attention
You talk about the devil—here he is on the phone
(I'm not a believer)
You're calling up a storm
I've already got too much to do to answer you like this
You left me a month ago (I don't know what more to tell you)
Was it not you who broke up with me over DM?
You made me feel like a piece of shit
I cried until the stars faded away
Now you return to me as if it were déjà vu
Of course, of course, of course
Tonight you say that you'll stay sober
Of course, of course, of course
And then you end up doing the usual
Of course, of course, of course
Because it's your phenomenon
If when the morning comes, you search for me on the pillows
Between us it's finished, of course
Stadium banners in the closet
At the bottom, all the things that bring me back to you (bring me back to you)
I burned all your jeans
With your CDs and your Bruce Lee movies
What are we doing here? (we're always here)
It was you who didn't want to pull the trigger
I stopped looking for you in the crowds
And you tried someone new, but for one to bear it
Third time's a charm, there's no having her without cash
Of course, of course, of course
Tonight you say that you'll stay sober
Of course, of course, of course
And then you end up doing the usual
Of course, of course, of course
Because it's your phenomenon
If when the morning comes, you search for me on the pillows
Between us it's finished, of course
You and I are a show
You know the very drama
A series of errors with predictable seasons
You meet me at the finale
And tell me to do something that makes me cry, something that makes me cry
If you return to me, is it too strong for you, for you, for you?
Of course, of course, of course
Tonight you say that you'll stay sober
Of course, of course, of course
And then you end up doing the usual
Of course, of course, of course
Because you have to create your 'phenomenon'
If when the morning comes, you search for me on the pillows
Between us it's finished, of course

Sweetie Baby

It's raining, when you're sad
You pass by and don't even say hello
What have I done? What have I said?
I want you to smile happily
Baby, sweetie baby,
What should I do, so you'll understand
Baby, sweetie baby,
What should I do, so you'll smile
Baby, sweetie baby,
Believe me
Your smile is so important to me
Smile for me, smile happily
When you smile, the sun rises
When you are happy, the world changes
I wanna shout out, I wanna sing
I wanna see you always smiling happily
Baby, sweetie baby,
What should I do, so you'll understand
Baby, sweetie baby,
What should I do, so you'll smile
Baby, sweetie baby,
Believe me
Your smile is so important to me
Smile for me, smile happily
Baby, sweetie, baby
Give me smile, give me smile
Baby, sweetie baby
Down on me, tell me why?
Baby, sweetie baby
Talk to me for a while
Baby, sweetie baby
Let me steal your smile
Just wanna see you happy
Give me smile


[Luis Fonsi]
I know that you still like me
Three, two, one
Standing here in an empty room
I saw you there and my blood ran cold
Take me back to that long September
Don't know how I ever let you go
I was young, didn't know 'bout love
You were wild, couldn't get enough
Gave my heart to another lover
Don't know how I ever let you go
[Marina & Luis Fonsi]
Find me, in another place and time
If only, if only you were mine
But I'm already someone else's baby
Guess I had my last chance
And now this is our last dance
You fell through the cracks in my hands
Hard to say it's over
But I'm already someone else's (C'mon)
Baby, ahh
Baby, ahh
Baby, ahh
But I'm already someone else's
All caught up in the way we were
I feel your hands getting close to mine
Don't say the words that I love to hear
The beat goes on and I close my eyes
I was young, didn't know 'bout love
You were wild, couldn't get enough
Let's leave things the way they were
You'll stay with me like a lullaby
[Luis Fonsi]
Hey, I know that you still like me as much as you say
Also, I can see in your eyes
That you don't want to stay just friends
You have my heart, you are my obsession
I'm yours forever
[Marina & Luis Fonsi]
Guess I had my last chance
And now this is our last dance
You fell through the cracks in my hands
Tell myself be stronger
My heart's like a rubber band
And it's such a shame
You'll always be the one who got away
We both know that deep down you feel the same
Hard to say it's over
But I'm already someone else's (C'mon)
Baby, ahh (Not this, not this)
Baby, ahh (You deserve better)
Baby, ahh (And your warmth)
I'm already someone else's
Wish I met you at another place and time
If only, if only you were mine
This love story ends for you and I
'Cause I'm already someone else's
Baby, ahh (With you again)
Baby, ahh (You deserve much better, much better)
Baby, ahh (I see that what you have with him is not love)
But I'm already someone else's
Baby, ahh (Every night I miss you more, every day without you hurts me)
Baby, ahh (You know you deserve better, what you feel for her isn't love)
Baby, ahh (As much as you say we are more than friends)
I'm already someone else's (And time ends in four, three, two, one)

Downtown Baby

You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
Your house number is 628
I’m in front of your house so come out, let’s roll
Time is precious so hold my hands
I don’t wanna let go
With my hot pink hair and three piercings,
you liked using my arm as a pillow
Our actions that hurt each other are bad but
you’re my one and only downtown girl
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
Let’s watch a movie and drink all night long
Let’s talk all night long as we have a smoke
Come here to me when things get hard
Embrace me with your thin arms
Even if it hurts now, it’s alright
All time passes, it’s alright
Your hands and feet are always cold
so you told me to hurry up and hug you
I’ll make you rich, just wait a bit
On days without you, it’s raining
I’ll do anything, just wait a bit
The sky was sunny but now that I look again, it’s gray
You couldn’t drink at all until you met me
Buy a bottle of wine to bring
You couldn’t drink at all before you met me
My heart hurts
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
It’s okay, baby
I’ll stay in the same place as always
It’s okay, baby
I’ll leave my phone on for you
It’s okay, baby
I’ll stay in the same place as always
It’s okay, baby
I’ll leave my phone on for you
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore
You’re my downtown baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You’re a dream I want to dream every night
Baby, without you,
I can’t do this anymore