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The Ballad of Flemmingrad
Each December without accommodating
We praise a troll who has a great expression
And a memory of this friendship
The grace of this soul is Flemmingrad
Without ever forgetting, or without the past erasing,
The nostrils were used to feed.
It's one of us....
Balada Lisei
Lisa fuge de fericirea ei fără niciun motiv.
ea reface lumea în felul ei.
Ea vrea viață
pentru că nu a depus-o.
Tot ce e în el se stinge,
Lisa se întoarce la mine într-un vis,
merge departe.
Lisa a crezut că ar putea traversa
plictiseala asta,
această viață care i se impusese.
Cred că a rămas fără suflare,
pentru a nu mai descoperi.
Totul din el se stinge.
Lisa se întoarce la mine într-un vis,
Şi dacă Lisa renunţă,
o doare şi se oferă -
de ce, de ce?
Ea nu mai poate iubi pe nimeni
din nevoia unui om -
de ce, de ce?
Lisa este tandrețea unui sărut.
Se rănește,
este în stare constantă să scape.
Ea vrea viață
pentru că nu a depus-o.
Totul din el se stinge.
Lisa nu mai are nimic de iubit,
deci pleacă.
Şi dacă Lisa renunţă,
o doare şi se oferă -
de ce, de ce?
Ea nu mai poate iubi pe nimeni
din nevoia unui om -
de ce, de ce?
Julia (mourning for the South)
Versions: #1
A Gypsy guy,
Sugar-coated and sly,
Sold me a tambura...
Beggars and beys' great-great-grandson...
A finger on the string slips away,
The ill-fated song catches me off-guard,
I don't know anymore if it's mine - or his...
Oh, may the lightning strike me like it does the hay,
If there's anything I'd be mourning for...
Damn the prankster be, he hid me the sorrow along with the tambura
A rabbi granted me a book,
Deadly as a carbine
If one could only tell one lie from the other...
But for long I haven't been able to tell
If I'm reading it or writing it
I open my mouth, and the wise man speaks...
And so, a tear drops in the mastic...
It roils the glass, and then roils even the days...
I am made less of myself,
The Nomad makes the bigger part
And that weirdo's ranting something,
He doesn't ever get enough of the Sun
The barren poplars are mourning...
And while I'm listening to them
I'm always caught by the rhythm of the flocks
Mourning for the South...
The cranes are flying over the sky...
And this soul even tonight keeps plowing up there for that plow...
My love got stolen by a thief,
A doctor's son,
A priest's grandson,
He took her to the lands without snow...
She pops in my dreams,
I threaten her to stop,
In the dream is she mine - or his...
And so I'm cracking days as walnuts,
What gets bitter doesn't need to be bitten...
I'm sowing the world through a thin sieve,
Looking for something particular
For a penitent and a fugitive
Someone on the other side of the Sun
[Chorus x2:]
The barren poplars are mourning...
And while I'm listening to them
I'm always caught by the rhythm of the flocks
Mourning for the South...
The cranes are flying over the sky...
And this soul even tonight keeps plowing up there for that plow...
Stray Bullet*
Ever since you gave me up for the arms of another,
ever since you left off with another love,
I feel like I'm drowning in failure
and I want to give it a quick solution.
Although I've tried, I haven't been able to forget you
and I'm desperately searching.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.
Everything I gave you, you don't care to abandon it,
nothing that I gave you could make you happy,
I feel like I'm drowning in failure
and I want to give it a quick solution.
Although I've tried, I haven't been able to forget you
and I'm desperately searching.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.
Where You Are
I look up at the sky vacantly and
Sometimes be in thought
Everything that didn't
fill me up disappear
When I think of you
My wishes that I have dreamed when I was young
In the wait at the long time blooms
You, like aurora
My heart is overwhelmed at the thought
My earnest wishes that want to be together
I think it will pop because it is full of one of you
My wishes that I have dreamed for a long time
I think all of them will be fulfilled because of you
Where you are
Will the wind, the wind send it, to you
Where you are
Will the wind, the wind send it, to you
It falls down at the shining streets
You and I between the moonlight
Even when my eyes are opened, I feel like I'm dreaming
Whenever I think of you
My wishes that I have been dreaming when I was young
In the wait at the long time blooms
You, like aurora
My heart is overwhelmed at the thought
My earnest wishes that want to be together
I think it will pop because it is full of one of you
My wishes that I have dreamed for a long time
So that all of my heart is send to you
If I earnestly wish you, I heard that everything will be fulfilled
Try listening more attentively your ears
I'll whisper without missing a grain
So that only you can hear it
Wake up wait for me
Now wake up from your dreams Hold me
So that you can call me using your lovely two lips
Always I wish
Those stars embroidered in the night sky
are illuminating to us
As if they were caught in two hands
Will the brushing winds
hear my story
The blooming flower buds on top of your head
are like those illuminating stars in the night sky
My wishes that I have dreamed for a long time
I feel all of them will be fulfilled for some reason
Where you are
Will the wind, the wind send it, to you
Where you are
Will the wind, the wind send it, to you
Balad to a Naive Girl
You said that everything would work out for you alright
like in the books you read at school
everyone told you 'you are a heavenly couple' -
now the heavens are empty, in the meantime
Four in the morning, the dawn breaks forth
thinking maybe he will show up anyways
put on the kettle, light another cigarette
on the radio songs to close the night
A day comes and a day goes
and you remain
naive as you were before. (x2)
Dreaming by the stove and embroidering
crosses and lines for your child's shirt
your man, who knows where he is
drinks and escapes like Elijah
In the morning you will go out in a robe to shake
the Cyprus tree that sheds a drop of the shining night
from afar you will see a drunk man running to you
and again you will open your arms to him...
The Protopresbyter's Beautiful Daughter
I was still quite young, hunting the waterbirds when the beautiful prota's* daughter came for a swim.
She had no idea I was there watching her in secret through the reed and sedges and the night had fallen over the river like a cloak.
The moon was smouldering above the willow trees, a swarm of stars silvering in the sky and drops of water like pearls radiating all over her.
Oh, my crazy heart and crazy dreams, all of my friends were becoming lads already and I wanted only her, beautiful prota's daughter.
A strange song ringing on the road, that winter the wedding party came for her, from afar, some folks very foreign to me. And I was just passing by our street, the first snow was falling...And every now and then I still hear the jingle bells that are taking her away, nobody knows where...
In no hurry to get married, I remained a bachelor till now, you see, and I never met the beautiful prota's daughter again.
A life of peace and quiet, sometimes I play cards or write a verse, things are happening and I stay out of it.
I'm kissing the good ones and kissing the easy ones, some are 'the one' and some aren't, and they all are fairies and they all are Queens, and all are irrelevant in comparison to her.
Glonț pierdut
Dacă iubirea ar fi oarbă, ne-am îndrăgosti numai de întuneric.
Îi zicem „dragă” aceleeași persoane de prenume „necesitate”.
Obiectele trântite se sparg,
Altele se fixează pentru totdeauna.
Fac parte din acea clasă de împiedicați care nici nu vor să încerce.
M-au modelat după chipul lumii, dar numea nu-și mai amintește de mine.
Mai bine să fiu făcut din fragmente de cerneală ștearsă, decât din cioburi din cauza ta.
Nu vreau să mă ridici. O să-mi dai o mână de ajutor.
Să fie doar ca să sari cu mine în dezastru ca să fiu ferircit!
Încep să accept că problema e la mine înainte să caut vinovați și sunt
Cel care nu te poate avea pentru că nu crede în eternitate, iar azi se spune „te iubesc” așteptând un „te iubesc” și asta înseamnă să demontrezi.
Dacă vrei să știi cine îți va salva viața uită-te în oglindă și ăn sfârșit vei afla.
Îmi trăiesc viața mai mult condiționat decât cu adevărat în condiții.
Numesc normalitate ceea ce toți facă, știind că sunt mii de gerșeli.
Îmi pun limite fără să mă cunosc, fără să știu unde va ajunge mintea mea.
Sunte ființe umane care în fața problemelor luptă uneori ca zeii.
Mulțumesc că m-ai sfărâmat în mii de bucăți, așa pot să mă văd mai bine.
De ce nu știe nimeni ce suntem în interior până nu doare în exterior?
S-a arătat fața monedei de mai multe ori decât am făcut-o eu pentru ceva.
Îmi placi mai mult distrusă, decât atunci când te aranjezi. Așa nu mă minți, iubire.
Eu însumi am ajuns să-i susur diavolului care își face veacul pe umărul meu.
Mai bine singur, decât într-o companie proastă. Mă acompaniez în singurătate.
Nu știu cine e mai gol pe dinăuntru. Sticla sau eu? Nici nu vreau să mă uit! Poate că posibilitatea de a alege în ce colivie să triesști se poate numi libertate. Mi-e mai frică să fiu singur cu mine, decât cu tine și știu
Că cel puțin azi am controlul dezordinii pe care eu însumi am creat-o.
Dacă sunt un glonț pierdut, se datorează poate laturii mele sinucigașe, iar viața mă laurează cu același pistol din care am ieșit, ca să mă omor încă o dată.
Sale Nadj** died in his sleep,
the day was just starting to grey,
and I don't know what's suspicious there
since he also lived in his dreams.
They say he must've felt it was the end,
roomer has it he never set the clock.
Well now, he knew he was losing that war.
Some people have bad dreams,
to others, each sunrise is a nightmare.
The priest was moaning the Psalm
as if it were a verse learned as punishment.
In front of the Chapel the nobility and scum
from the same regiment of the defeated.
Luckily he didn't have what to leave,
'cos he wouldn't have to whom...
He'd squandered his life his way,
his Will but a sketch on a box of matches.
Chorus: The patient fingers of inevitability are dispersing the prelude of a song I know well, and if there's anything else left to forgive you for...there you go...that too, I forgive you tonight. A roaring ocean of unavoidability, the sky is heavy on the soft teal of the ceiling, but that's nothing that can't be treated with two-three drops of tenderness in the wine from Ravanica.***
Yes, Sale Nadj died in his sleep,
I guess he was dreaming of Srem.****
That water well cold at the bottom
and the vine shade shadowed porch.
I guess he was dreaming of her,
whose name's known only to God,
and that what happened in the yoke of that dream
simply had killed him.
Chorus: The patient fingers of...
*A female given name, derived from the name for the marigold flower.
**A man whose first name is Sasha and surname is Nadj /nɑːdʒ/. Sale is a version of Sasha.
***Serbian Orthodox monastery. Pronounced Ravanizza, 'ts' as in 'ragazza' Italian for a girl.)
****A district in Vojvodina, which is a province in Serbia.
Ballad to a Double Agent
He arrived to The Land (Israel) by twisted devious paths
He was a hidden agent, did not want to be revealed
He stayed in fancy hotels
He always existed on the accounts of others
He fought the Muslims and hid in Istanbul
He misled the Russians, he was a double agent
In a boat of slaves to the Land of Canaan he rowed
The Turks controlled The Land, to Egypt he returned
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
Within three and a half days he met with the Sultan
He took him in a taxi and murdered him in the garden
He it houses on fire at night, the Turks suffered during the day
They called him Zero Zero Yosef Yosef the awful
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
He rode to Palestine
On a three dimensional donkey
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a gnomish carrot
And his wife said to Yosef
Change your attitude
He said to her to be quiet
And he changed his wife
bathers at the balaton
How would she know what you see her as
Because what you see, she doesn't see
Of course her mirror, her mirror tells stories
Your friend is, of course, also her friend
A soul in her eyes and she's staring at her soul
She's fixing her hair while talking
And you're waiting for her to say it over her shoulder
It's nighttime, her bun has come loose
The devils wink at you
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
Life is deep water but you're the one rowing
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
Life is deep water but you're the one rowing
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
I see bathing angels at the Balaton
Sea of the fallen
Accountants on holiday
Writers and all of them have children
White swans and green lions
The women are laying on their bellies on top of them
Panthers, hyenas in ice cold sand
Desires between their teeth, the bush whispers
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
Life is deep water but you're the one rowing
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
You're standing in the door, well, what's up, you'll guess it
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You don't swim because the flow is too strong
You accept but don't take it
She speaks
She speaks
quiet as see whispers
and says
'Don't think about me anymore'
and says
'Forget, forget'
Her eyes
Her eyes tells me
She suffers a lot
She interferes my heart with her look
and digs
Hug me, hug me
Can you hear me?
Hug me, hug me
Don't ever stop
Don't go away from me
Don't stop
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me
Her lips
Her lips, delicious and soft
And warm
I don't know where to go with myself
Because of happiness
When I see her I don't know where to put my hands
I don't know how to say a single word
Perhaps she's suffering
Kiss me kiss me
And don't ever stop, don't ever go
Away from me
Don't ever stop
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me
Wherever You Go You Will Remember
On the moon, some tears are rolling
and the blue sky does not laugh
you leave who love me madly
you go away to other places to go
Wherever you go you will remember
the blue sky
our love forever
and Athens at sunset
Wherever you go you will remember
some small alley
a simple poor house
like a sweet dream
Once upon a time they planted a linden tree
Once upon a time they planted a linden tree
Old Nestorov, mister Čeda and one another
I was new in that story
Neighbor's kid whom they let watch
Old Nestorov, while burning the weeds
Said to me: You are Young
You will enjoy its shade
Once upon a time I loved truly
I'm talking about the real love, crazy and powerful
I drove a thousand miles
Just like that ugly Frenchman in the beautiful movie
I followed the tracks under the engine
But she saved me
And she extinguished all the others
Hey, everything comes to its own
I'm familiar with the rules
Only the sadness is counted
Hey, once again, bells sound the St. Luke's day
It's autumn's fault
That I am always in the blue
Once upon a time she passed by me
With a guy whom I have known
I was ready to say hello
But she turned her head in time
For me to feel the blues
In my head
We said a stupid hi, and nodded the heads
All that what one has to do
It's OK, my doll, it's OK
Once upon a time they burned the leaves from that linden tree
Smoke climbed under the heavens
Up there they are, because they are gone,
Old Nestorov, mister Čeda and one another
He who didn't understant the tree
Before planting it
He never did anything
And he will realise once
That he doesn't know what's shade
Ballad of Foreign Currency
I had my own potatoes my whole life,
Had my money and my own red vine with water
And now there are no greens
Frozen dentex fish and a bottle of vine
I bought in a store
Why did we gave birth to them
Why did we suffer with them
Mother, my mother
When not one of them are here
Where are our dear children
Mother, mother, tell me
In which corners
of the world did they hide?
It's in order to say that they do think of me
Me and their mom
And then they send us currencies
Dolars and a german mark here and there
Sometimes a letter comes too
Two or three words inside it
They ask about our health
And if we need something
What good are all the german marks,
Dolar and what not
When the pupils of our eyes are far away
In our old age
Grapevines dried
Olive broke
And the fig went to hell
Only the old pine above the house
That was always like this
In spite of time
Like it's mocking...
Where are your children
Men, women, tell me
In which corners
of the world did they hide?
Mom pick viburnum
Mom pick viburnum, singing songs
Her hair winds her hair
Really, mom is the thing
Loves more than others
Why only in its own way
You can not write the fate
I would write sweet words
I would not have entered the bitter mistakes
Mom, as if not a bunch,
And collects errors
With every bunch torn, her
Heart is breaking
In the palm of her so many bitter viburnum,
As bitter as our life
With this viburnum, when I say
On my heart, for some reason, it becomes easier
Mom pick viburnum, singing songs
Tears are running down her face
No, mommy, these are not tears,
These are bittersweet clusters of viburnum
Ballad for a thin woman
The sun comes up and still the cold
and around the worlds I look for you in vain
among cobblestones of horror and tired houses
and doors who have forgotten their voice.
My steps are heard at the mute dawn
and there are no rabbits on your balcony
and loneliness, my cat on the threshold
of a cathedral of dreams...
How I'd love to write a song
that would make you crazy
and fly you three years backwards
thin woman
May the dead movement of days not murder
your clean verses at the cemetery
searching among heavy gravestones
for the name of the name that had your laughter.
A cynical sky of grey bowed maps
covers the square like a ceiling.
This morning, there's no tomorrow/morning anymore here
under the broken cheeks of April...
How I'd love to write a song
that would make me another person
or myself three years better
thin woman.
How much is left from your window to that sacred Thursday?
that miracle on the road
with the thumb parallel to the smile
and you trembling (for) me on the side
How I'd love to write a flight
to make a song return
that could chase away our forgetfulness and the end
thin woman.
Spring Breeze
Versions: #2
It’s a miracle how
You and I have become « we »
It all seems like a dream
Even if I close my eyes
I see it vividly
I should have done better
I keep on regretting
That’s not what I mean
I just want to be with you always
Looking at bright light
after getting through a long tunnel
The warm memories we felt together
On my side at all times,
Making me shine bright (shine bright)
Your smile, your tears uh
The voice that called for me
It will keep on ringing in my ears
I will miss your eyes
in front of mine
But the love, the thrill, the feelings of first time lives on
See you again
when spring breeze passes me by
I will smile brightly then
when spring breeze have passed
See you again
when spring breeze passes me by
I will hug you once again
when spring breeze have passed, then I can
Sorry sorry
I just kept on taking from you
Thank you thank you
For you are so beautiful
For covering my empty mind
and filling it with you
Reach out for my tired soul
Only you can make me breathe
Now everyday is birthday
I am born again and up
On my side at all times,
Making me shine bright (shine bright)
Your smile, your tears uh
Your familiar face
may change in the future
Our memories of looking at each other
Will be just like now
The love, the thrill, the feelings of first time lives on
See you again
when spring breeze passes me by
I will smile brightly then
when spring breeze passes me by, then I can
I’m not afraid
I know how we feel
Don’t worry, I care for you
More than anyone else
See you again
when spring breeze passes me by
I will smile brightly (brightly)
when spring breeze have passed (when it’s gone)
See you again
when spring breeze passes me by (when spring breeze passes me by)
I will hug you once again (hug you once again)
When spring breeze have passed
Then I can
with all of this mess
come to me
After we've forgotten everything
I don't want to fall anymore
being mad at me again and and losing control
come to me
With all the mistakes We are people
And there are days that i want so much to fulfill
running with you, running with you
with all of this mess between us
You come back to me again closest
And how much We've both been through
Best for us
Dive without thinking
with all of this mess between us
You say you have a place for me
And how much We've both been through
There is no more fear
regret us today
come to me
You do not need any more reasons to fall in love
Because if Your heart is broken a long time ago
i will lay off a little of the pain
And there is a lot of it
Remember we are people
And there are days when there's nobody to blame
Maybe you'll come to me, come to me
with all of this mess...
Noaptea este frumoasă
Noaptea este frumoasă.
Pe cer strălucesc stelele.
Zâmbetele tale îi plac
Fiecăruia dintre noi.
Ești cea mai frumoasă - arăți ca o regina...
Alături de tine Luceafărul își pierde strălucirea.
'Vreau să plec de lângă voi! În jurul meu totul este întunecat...
Iar eu sunt frumoasă și tânără - vreau să plec de lângă voi'.
Nu pleca de lângă noi. În jurul tău totul este întunecat...
Iar tu ești frumoasă și tânără. Nu pleca de lângă noi...
Noaptea este frumoasă.
Pe cer strălucesc stelele.
Bărbații se îmbată - în onoarea ta.
Ești minunată! Frumusețea ta este îmbătătoare!
În noaptea aceasta, dinăuntrul tău vine pasiunea dragostei.
'Vreau să plec de lângă voi! În jurul meu totul este întunecat...
Iar eu sunt frumoasă și tânără - vreau să plec de lângă voi'.
Nu pleca de lângă noi. În jurul tău totul este întunecat...
Iar tu ești frumoasă și tânără. Nu pleca de lângă noi...
'Vreau să plec de lângă voi! În jurul meu totul este întunecat...
Iar eu sunt frumoasă și tânără - vreau să plec de lângă voi'.
Nu vei pleca de lângă noi. În jurul tău totul este întunecat...
Iar tu ești frumoasă și tânără. Nu vei pleca de lângă noi...
Nu vei pleca de lângă noi...
© Vladímir Sosnín
I love you
My good thought, unspoken
Has stopped in your heart
You gently touched my hand
You caught my gaze
Just don't say anything
I know that you'd like
To ignite a little star in my hair
Come with me, somewhere
Where we can dream
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
Only your love makes me float
When I'm by your side, I feel like I'm going insane
You give me power when I'm on the ground
You know to make me fly, laugh, sing
It's simple, it's good
When I'm next to you
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
All my dreams come true slowly
I touched the sky with you today, in flight
It's simple, it's good
When I'm next to you
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
On the way
Different scenery, we still play the same role,
You leave in a hurry, nothing's random
You say that both of us would have messed up
You want us both to share the blame
And contemplating negative infinity
You bring a war zone
You told me that it'd hurt a bit
That it would hurt and it would pass
But you left so calmly
You, man with a heart of stone
A good sign, another way
Shows up in the morning, which should change my life
I feel how the scales tip
On the way, on the way, on the way
I get lost with you in my soul, how can I stop
I can't be the way you want me to be, but I keep on messing up
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Stay With Me
[ Verse 1]
When even the last song has ended
The last sound has already faded,
Lonely objects on the deserted stage,
Overturned chairs and obstinate gloom.
Sheets, a torn poster under our feet
Who says how much of my songs will remain?
Stay with me, help me
Take me home, take my hand
Love me very much, I'm tired
And my heart is heavy
Comfort me, even if you don't believe
That the tomorrow will be better
Say that it may be... say that it may be,
Even if you don't know, that I believe you
[Verse 2]
When even the last song has ended
And the magic has already faded
What will happen to you, the noisy crowd leaves you alone
You're scarred, and you don't know where do you belong
Nu pleca departe de noi
Nu părăsi tărâmurile noastre, doar nu pleca de lângă noi
Spune-mi cine îți va lua locul?
Spune-mi cine va înlocui dragostea ta?
Spune-mi cine va întreba de mine când sunt trist?
Spune-mi cine?!
Adevarul este că viața ne-a batjocorit
Nici rămas bun, nici o atingere a mâinilor
Când în ziua aia m-ai îmbrățișat și ai plecat
De ce nu mi-ai spus că e ultima îmbrățișare?
Mi-as dori să mă fi lăsat să fiu lângă tine până în ultimul moment
Mi-aș dori să mă fi lăsat să îți spun cât de mult te iubesc
În ciuda distanței dintre noi, nu voi uita dragostea ta, te voi vedea cu bine într-o zi ...
Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high
I fell in love only when
I saw your smile
Plus when more than words
You used silence
I want to be with you
All summer winter fall
I'm thinking about staying alone
Would we have been able
To be our whole lives
Because only every night
Seems like it's not enough
And I've thought farther
Cause we are for longer
Me and you
You are making me
Feel comfortable
Whenever I have you close
I want to have you longer
And I don't want to leave
How are you laughing
It's not normal
And these feelings that I have in my stomach
You're drowning them slowly slowly oh god
We are a phenomenal couple
And together we take drugs
Until we're ready for the hospital oh god x2
Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high x2
Because we're making laps laps
Rap really good
I'm not thinking about fame anymore nah nah
The feelings you're giving me
Are making me feel
Like living and flying to the moon
We riding around the city blazing
We drowned this honey are we igniting the other one
What happens between us stays
So we keep on blazing
Until the morning closes us x2
Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high x2
How are you laughing it's not normal
And these feelings in my stomach
You're drowning them slowly slowly oh god
We are a phenomenal couple
And together we take drugs
Until we're ready for the hospital oh god
Drunk Fellow
The Young Fellow Wakes Up Early And Goes To The Pub In Town
He Doesn’t Tell His Wife Where He Goes Anymore
He’s Drinking A Carton Of Beer And Drinking That All Day All Day
When The Pub Is Closed He Doesn’t Say Where He’s Been Anymore
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
The Sun Comes Up And He Goes Back To His Area
He’s Been Rude To His Wife He Thinks His Wife Doesn’t Care Anymore
He’s Been Fighing With His Wife His Wife Ends Up In Hospital
And The Kids Are Crying Because They Have No Mother
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
He Says Sorry To His Wife When She Gets Back Home
He Says He Can’t Hit Them Anymore They’re His Family
The Beer Is Thrown Out He Sits And Guards His Wife And Kids
Everybody Is Happy Now Becuase They Stay Together
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
The Young Fella Wakes Up Early And Goes To The Pub In Town
He Doesn’t Tell His Wife Where He Goes Anymore
He’s Drinking A Carton Of Beer And Drinking That All Day All Day
When The Pub Is Closed He Doesn’t Say Where He’s Been Anymore
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Don't Come Close to Me Anymore
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
You are finished for me, let me leave your side
I don't want to tolerate you anymore
My heart will beat slowly if I forget you
You are finished for me, don't be in my thoughts anymore
In the final moments, I'll leave slowly
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
You are finished for me, let me leave your side
I don't want to tolerate you anymore
My heart will beat slowly if I forget you
You are finished for me, don't be in my thoughts anymore
In the final moments, I'll leave slowly
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
You Take Me Up
In the dark nights
I sat with you
In the foggy nights
I sat with you
I'm singing to you tonight
You are with me tonight
You take me up towards the skies
You take me up towards the skies
In the dark nights
I sit with you
In the foggy nights
I sit with you
I'm singing to you tonight
You are with me tonight
You take me up towards the skies
You take me up towards the skies
Balaton fever
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
I am fed up already with all the internal politics
So here is this [song], because I also have feelings
This is a happy song when I am in this mood
I just have to put it on and play it loud
'Cause life is beautiful and the other cliches
After solarium, finally plenty of sun tan
Cold beer, almost burns my throat
During a summer like this, only an idiot stays at home
I sit in the car, my back curves
I strech like a spider in a medick field.
But the milometer shows only 2
And when I see a beach, well, let's stop for a word
I go to watch and chase girls
and to present a handstand show in the water
I don't even mind if somebody scolds me
I have never been so well in my entire life
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
When the sun sets and the night slowly arrives
The gorgeous body of the girls in bikini is arousing
When the adrenaline passes a level in your blood
Real playboy bunnies are lying alone on the beach
You would take nightswimming with any of them
They are fresh meat, most of them barely mor than 20
Beautiful curves, tiny painted images
On the neat tiny booties, small butterflies are smiling
on You, just like, if they were calling you to do something
Don't just drink the sights in, eat some pieces from the cake
Well, you have got the appetite, 'cause you would gobble 'till dawn
The dessert at the Balaton's shore is like a bait fish for you
The summer has a positive influence on you
You are preparing for the night, fun awaits
You grab your best, freshly ironed shirt
The best summer of your life is ahead of you
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
-Fills my heart once again...
This is a bit too much...
White magic
1.I want to be bird, to fly freely
but in this chains you hook me!
I could run away from you
and to live day for day.
You make me white magic
to can't forget you!
You are white magic for me,
My soul submissives!
2.But what did it stops me with you now?
Whetever this magic or love?
I could run away from you
and to live day for day.
Chorus:(2x) x (2x)
You make me white magic
to can't forget you!
You are white magic for me,
My soul submissives!
Numa Numa 2
(You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.)
Mai-ha-ho (to the world right now),
Mai-ha-ha-ha (Marley Waters, Dan Balan).
This’s the new 'Numa Numa'
Bringing it back, 2004-2018
More joy, more love!
Hey mama say damé tell wassup
That new 'Numa Numa' is ready to drop,
Do what yo body won't say nah nah,
We don’t need much amore.
Oh, mama eh-ya
Mix that waist with the rhythm
With just a acapella,
Shout to dee world,
You know this for everyone
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure,
The special sister.
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure, pure, pure
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
Wah gwan where you been
The best time of life bring a friend,
Too many time I see man down,
More reasons to be grateful, yea yea
Oh, mama eh-ya
Mix that waist with the rhythm
With just a acapella,
Shout to dee world,
You know this for everyone
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure,
The special sister.
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure, pure, pure
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
Temptation from the sky
My adventure, my adventure.
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Little Swing
The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
On the platforms, it's all you hear (little swing)
And on the (little) radio, it's all you hear (little swing)
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
The swing levels are up
I see the people letting go
Getting into the dance
They can't resist, the swing takes over
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Go with the swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing (ah)
Little swing (oh)
Little swing (ah, ah)
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing
Little swing (ah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip