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Număr de rezultate: 35


Ten thousand WHY-s

The point is not to see you again, but to see that you come back,
if it is still worth it to lose myself or not to lose you, I don't know...
If the history is always written by the victors,
we who have lost talk about what killed us but
made us stronger,
how we miss each other and then face ten thousand 'WHY'-s.
The best puzzles are those that do not fit but as time passes they do, that's why my arms make you feel good.
And 'I don't know' was fate's favorite answer to kill us and mistreat us,
since there is no worse path than not even knowing where to run,
nor worse sigh than to look at you and see that nothing is going to change.
That you must do what you have to do because of necessity,
even though what you want leaves you.
That you've spent half of your life looking for your significant other,
just to spend the other half trying to forget her.
And everything comes and goes, but much more goes away,
that the things that remain forever are not the material things,
that love is not just doing it, it's only to make us love,
that it is not to depend on you, it is to give you my happiness.
And of course I miss you, that's why I miss me the most.
Of course I'm scared to death what if you can't save me.
Now I understand the 'FOREVER' that you promised me to reach...
'FOREVER' was a keepsake, not the fucking reality.
If everything is summarized in you, I don't know if I want to write anymore.
I'm still waiting for the day that compensates for all the bad things.
I prefer you'd say 'no' rather than 'I don't know, we will find out' because now I don't know anything anymore,
I only know that you will disappear )*
The point is not to see you again, but to see that you come back,
if it is still worth it to lose myself or not to lose you, I don't know...
If the history is always written by the victors,
we who have lost talk about what killed us but
made us stronger,
how we miss each other and then face ten thousand 'WHY'-s.
The best puzzles are those that do not fit but as time passes they do, that's why my arms make you feel good.
And I know that this will make you more free, I know I can't lock you up.
I, who entered your cage to stay and live, have begun to hate your freedom.
I know I'm lost but not losing,
that's why I stick around a little longer.
I would call you my luck - but I believe in you, I don't want to know your plans, I just want to make plans.
It is enough that in order to quiet down the screams to a silence,
in the future we will be drowning in everything we don't do.
We don't think about what we are but who the fuck we will be,
that's where begun the routine of shutting us up with a thousand 'BUT'-s.
With my eyes welling up, I understand calling you 'HEAVEN'
and with your eyes full of fury, I understand calling myself 'FEAR',
if your curves do not help me make the straight path,
Guide me with your silence so that we understand each other.

I'm sorry

You always said you would never leave if it didn't go well for you
Not fighting for what you want has only one name - and it is called 'losing'
If I did hurt you, it was not without wanting you, but without wanting to
Just tell me what do you prefer if you have to choose 'to have' or 'to fear'
You only think about how it ends
I only think about how will I end up
One day you tell me 'I'm not in the mood'
Another day I think so as I've never won you over
I did everything because you stayed
Now I think 'What was I left with?'
Lost time? Perhaps I have won it
to miss you so I would say I have missed you
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
I know that not caring about the past that was killing me before is just growing up
That we've never been 'us two' since including the fear we were three
Because we are so much alike that if you leave, I'll leave as well
Failure is having a problem and never learning from it
If you are going to stay, let it be with me
If you're going to run, let it be to the edge
I know that the future has not happened before
Now I do realize that it is with you
I've already won at the same time and it's not lost
I never remember, but I don't forget
There are more letters that were never given
because the person who wrote them does not have the strength anymore
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
Because your achievements will tell where you are and your failures just where to go
What good is quantity to me if only the intensity is going to make me happy?
Before doing what is going to destroy us, I prefer to save you and do it to you
You no longer get that I can't give you something I don't have and it doesn't live in me
I'm sorry for making you waste time
For thinking of giving it another try
For having you, fighting with you and making you feel that you'd be happy
I blow up, because sometimes I don't understand myself
How am I going to understand 'us'
If I never even understood you?
You always said you would never leave if it did not go well for you
Not fighting for what you want has only one name - and it is called 'losing'
If I did hurt you, it was not without wanting you, but without wanting to
Just tell me what do you prefer if you have to choose 'to have' or 'to fear'

Беретта(название пистолета)

Под запретным знаком?
На красном свете?
В одиночку.
С закрытыми глазами?
Я оставляю контроль,
ты его возьми.
В глубоких водах?
Нет, не совсем.
Удар от скал?
Похоже, да ...
И ты можешь плакать, это ничего не изменит,
Я хочу утонуть - именно так, именно здесь.
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Капли на щеках?
Идет дождь.
Усталые глаза?
Трещины на асфальте,
я считаю
Рискуешь быть любимым!
Но весь мир не означает человек.
Иногда стих?
На каждом стихе!
Интрига удалена!
И я удален ...
Где твой цвет?
Я отдал ей.
Кто она?
Ты кто такой чтобы спрашивать?
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
После полуночи.
Я люблю тебя, как ты оттаяла меня .
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
Ты ведь знаешь, что я чувствую.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
Может быть, последняя ночь.
Прости меня, как ты боролась.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
И это последний предел, ты говори, что хочешь,
Но ты знаешь, что я
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.