Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 104


O pasăre pe ramură

O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
O pasăre cântă melodia noastră.
Dragostea mea, dragostea mea,
Dacă inima mea e o pasăre,
În mâinile tale, dragostea mea,
Să o închizi de-ndată.
Aș dori ca din ochii tăi
Să culeg niște flori de câmp,
Căci păsările au nevoie de primăvară.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru tine cântă inima mea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Când pasărea își va sfârși melodia,
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Iubirea mea va zbura cu ea.
Dragostea mea, dragostea mea,
Eu ca o pasăre voi zbura
Din zâmbet în zâmbet,
Spre zile tot mai frumoase.
Culegând din inimi
Mici flori sălbatice,
Căci păsările au nevoie de primăvară.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
O pasăre cântă melodia noastră.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.

The pianist's groupie

Versions: #1
She spends all of her nights awake
Wasting her beautiful future, the pianist's groupie
God, how sad this girl looks
In love with a selfish man, the pianist's groupie
She's throwing all her life away, and all her life is not much
What else could she have done, except for dreaming alone in her bed
At night under her pink sheets ?
She spends her life waiting for him
For a word, for a tender touch, the pianist's groupie
In front of the hotel, backstage,
She dreams of an artist life, the pianist's groupie.
She would follow him to hell, and even hell is not much
Compared to being alone on Earth, and she thinks about it in her bed
At night under her pink sheets
She loves him, she adores him
More than anything she loves him, it's beautiful how she loves him.
She loves him, she adores him
It's crazy how she loves him, it's beautiful how she loves him.
He has rights on her smile
She has rights on his desires, the pianist's groupie
She knows how to stand still
While he plays his frenzies, the pianist's groupie
When the concert is over, she puts her hands on the keyboard
Dreaming that he will take her to spend the rest of her life
Just listening to him
She can understand his music
She can forget that she exists, the pianist's groupie
But God is that girl taking risks
Being in love with a selfish man, the pianist's groupie
She's throwing all her life away, and all her life is not much
What else could she have done, except for dreaming alone in her bed
At night under her pink sheets ?
She loves him, she adores him
More than anything she loves him, it's beautiful how she loves him.
She loves him, she adores him
It's crazy how she loves him, it's beautiful how she loves him.
The pianist's groupie, the pianist's groupie

I want to sing for those

This one spends all night
Looking up at the stars
Thinking that somewhere in the world
Somebody is thinking about him
And that little girl playing
Who never wants to smile again
And who sees her father everywhere
Who created her own dream empire
Wherever they go
They are sad at parties
Wherever they go
They are alone in their head
I want to sing for those
Who are a long way from home
And who carry in their eyes
Something that hurts
That hurts
I want to sing for those
That we forget about little by little
Who keep inside
Something that hurts
That hurts
Who stole their story
Who stole their memory
Who stomped on their life
Like one steps on a mirror
This one will dream of bombs
That one will count the days
Aligning wood sticks
Like prison bars
Wherever they go
They are sad at parties
Wherever they go
They are alone in their head
I want to sing for those
Who are a long way from home
And who carry in their eyes
Something that hurts
That hurts
I want to sing for those
That we forget about little by little
Who keep inside
Something that hurts
That hurts
I want to sing for those
Who are a long way from home
And who carry in their eyes
Something that hurts, that hurts
When I think about them
It hurts, it hurts
When I think about them
It hurts
It hurts

Made in Fire

I am not alive, but I grow

Even If You Forgive, I Will Not

Versions: #1
God, your evil servants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
You are God, you may forgive
You'd have mercy, you'd call them servants
You are God, you may forgive
You'd have mercy, you'd call them servants
You know, what I've been through
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who made us cry and then laughed
Those who betrayed us and then left
Those who are loved but don't love back
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who are loved but don't love back
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who crush my hopes
Those who blaze this world
Those who crush my hopes
Those who blaze this world
Those who leave on bad days
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who deeply sadden us
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them

Learning To Fly

It's possible that you feel neglected
i suddenly now understand this
perhaps i was too much into myself
perhaps i kept my distance
who waits for who in the spiritual arena
who doesn't call to who
i am me
staring into each others eyes
Now i am learning to fly, thinking about water
now i am learning to fly, closing my eyes
I waste rare energy on foolishness
making an impression on strangers
it's possible that you were left out on the side for a moment
come to me and don't give up
i love you more and more
perhaps i allowed myself too much
perhaps i exaggerated
But i am learning to fly, thinking about water
now i am learning to fly, closing my eyes
It's possible that you feel neglected
i suddenly now understand this
perhaps i was too much into myself
perhaps i kept my distance
who waits for who in the spiritual arena
who doesn't call to who
i am me
staring into each others eyes
Now i am learning to fly, thinking about water
now i am learning to fly, closing my eyes

The Holiest in the World

Versions: #1
Oh yeah, you are my truth
You are the confidence
that breaks all my doubts
And when it gets dark
you shine for me like sunlight
completely naturally
Do you know how beautiful you are?
You fill every room with warmth
It feels good
when you take all the heaviness away
In every place, at every time
you are ready to love
as if it were so easy
You are the holiest (thing)
I have in this world
I think I have never
told you this until now
Yeah, I write every one of your words on a poster
You name has to be written on every wall
The whole city, the whole world
should see you in a large scale
I paint your picture into the sky
And everyone looks up to you
Because for me you are the answer
because every day with you is incomparably different
You would risk everything
and I want to applaud you
and tell you that you are perfect
just the way you are
You are the holiest (thing)
I have in this world
I think I have never
told you this until now
My hallelujah, just for you
You are divine, the way you are
My hallelujah, just for you
Just for you
You are the holiest (thing)
I have in this world
I think I have never
told you this until now

La vita va avanti

Tomorrow came
The day we never dreamed of
Tomorrow came
And brought the end of what was
When yesterday
The future seemed so simple
And yesterday
I never saw the ghost in your eyes
Waiting there for us, it came to say goodbye
Now it’s taken hold and we can’t fight it
You said it yourself
love wants love
Let's talk about it
you'll see, you'll find the courage
If we whisper, it'll help
To not give too much bitterness to everything
But life goes on
Just beyond this pain
And life goes on
The world will turn again
To let yourself go
In things you've never done
Never dream again
And ask yourself why
We can't stay friends
For those like us who loved each other
Then maybe, you never can tell
Now it's too early
Never cheat again
My fantasy
People, you know (Petra answers: we built a dream)
Sometimes it means nothing
A fantasy (Safina answers: They'll say that)
Beneath a moon that no longer shines
On the faded memories of a better time
And they'll blame you
But life goes on
Just beyond this pain
And life goes on
The world will turn again
To let yourself go
In things you've never done
Never dream again
And ask yourself why
We can't stay friends
For those like us who loved each other
Never cheat again
My fantasy
And then die
into hypocrisy
From the windows of my life
I see love leaving
To find it again sooner or later
It leaves us free from ourselves
But life goes on
Like we'll go on

Mesajul S.O.S. al unui pământean în suferință

Versions: #1
De ce trăiesc, de ce mor?
De ce râd, de ce plâng?
Iată mesajul S.O.S
Al unui pământean aflat în suferință.
N-am fost niciodată cu picioarele pe pământ,
Aș prefera să fiu o pasăre,
Nu mă simt bine în pielea mea.
Aș vrea să privesc lumea de sus în jos,
Dacă ar putea fi mai frumoasă de atât,
Mai frumoasă văzută de sus, de sus.
Întotdeauna am confundat viața
Cu benzile desenate,
Mi-am dorit să mă preschimb,
Simt ceva
Ce mă atrage, ce mă atrage,
Ce mă atrage înspre înălțimi.
La marea loterie a universului
Nu am tras numerele câștigătoare,
Nu mă simt bine în pielea mea.
Nu vreau să fiu un robot:
Metrou, muncă, somn.
De ce trăiesc, de ce mor?
De ce urlu, de ce plâng?
Cred că recepționez semnale
Venite din altă lume.
N-am fost niciodată cu picioarele pe pământ,
Aș vrea să privesc lumea de sus în jos,
Dacă ar putea fi mai frumoasă de atât,
Mai frumoasă văzută de sus,
Dacă ar fi mai frumoasă.
Nani, copile, nani...


Sub acoperișul cel albastru, o casă frumoasă se rotește
Acolo unde razele soarelui luminează căile oamenilor
Acolo unde trăiește iubirea
Credința este mereu puternică
Acolo unde stelele ne privesc din ceruri dându-ne speranță
Vom sta împreună în cerc ținându-ne de mână
Încălzindu-i pe toți împrejur
Toți am trăi mai bucuroși
Dacă copii ar putea conduce lumea
Dacă am putea s-o conducem tu și eu
Sub acoperișul cel albastru, o casă albastră se rotește
O lume ferice de lumină pe care o vom construi împreună
Acolo unde trăiește iubirea iar credința este mereu puternică
Acolo unde stelele ne privesc din ceruri dându-ne speranță
Vom sta împreună în cerc ținându-ne de mână
Încălzindu-i pe toți împrejur
Toți am trăi mai bucuroși
Dacă copii ar putea conduce lumea
Dacă am putea s-o conducem tu și eu

SOS of an Earthling in Distress

Versions: #1
Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I laugh, why do I cry?
This is the S.O.S
Of an earthling in distress
I've never had my feet on the ground
I'd rather be a bird
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin
I'd like to see the world upside down
[f ever it were more beautiful [ ]
[I don't feel comfortable in my own skin] (French lyrics erroneous)
From above
I've always confused life
With comic books
It's like I have needs of metamorphosis
I feel something
That draws me, that draws me
That draws me upward
At the great lotto of the universe
[If ever it were more beautiful] (French lyrics erroneous)
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin]
If ever it were more beautiful
[I don't feel comfortable in my own skin] (French lyrics erroneous)
From above
Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I [laugh], why do I cry? (French lyrics erroneous)
I believe I'm capturing signals
Which came from another world
I've never had my feet on the ground
If ever it were more beautiful
More beautiful seen from above
If ever it were more beautiful
Sleep, child, sleep
Note: Dimash 'cuts and pastes' the original French lyrics in a number of places. To see and better follow the original lyrics, see:


Where are you coming from, shepherdess?

Where are you coming from, shepherdess, where are you coming from?
Where are you coming from, shepherdess, where are you coming from?
I'm coming from the barn, I was having a walk
I saw a miracle, it happened this night
What did you see, shepherdess, what did you see?
What did you see, shepherdess, what did you see?
I saw a little child in the manger
Nicely bedded on fresh straw
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
Holy Mary, his mother, under a humble roof
Holy Joseph, his father, trembling with cold
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
There is the oxen and the donkey in front,
With their breath they keep the child warm.
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
Nothing else, shepherdess, nothing else?
There are three little angels, who came down from heaven
Singing glory to God in the Highest


Under the Blue Roof
There is a beautiful House spinning
Where the sun ray
Is lightning people’s path
Where the Love lives
the faith is always strong
Where the stars are looking down from the sky
Giving us a light of hope
We will stand together in circle holding hands
We will make everyone around feel warm
Everyone would live happier
If only children could rule the world
If only we could rule the world
You and me
Under the Blue Roof
There is a beautiful house spinning
A joyful World of light
We are going to create there together
Where the Love lives
the faith is always strong
Where the stars are looking down from the sky
Giving us a light of hope
We will stand together in circle holding hands
We will make everyone around feel warm
Everyone would live happier
If only children could rule the world
If only we could rule the world
You and me

Singură fără tine

Nu ştiu motivul pentru care soarele să răsară,
Tot ce ştiu este că am fost făcută pentru tine,
De când mi-ai spus că s-a terminat şi ai spus ”adio”
M-am mirai cum cerul putea rămâne aşa albastru,
Este un gol în interiorul meu cu care nu pot lupta,
Nu pot să cred, trebuie să încerc,
Nu ştii că sunt
Singură ,fără tine,
Sunt singură fără tine în viaţa mea,
Oricine o poate vedea,
În fiecare zi voi simţi asta
Până la sfârşitul timpului,
Singură fără tine.
În ultimul timp nu am destul să-mi umplu zilele,
O jumătate de fată are jumătate de lucruri de făcut,
Şi doare să ştiu că nu mă voi trezi niciodată spre faţa ta,
Deci de ce stelele mai luminează cerul
Nu văd adevărul ?
Este un gol în interiorul meu cu care nu pot lupta
Deci cum ai putut merge mai departe
Nu ştii că eu sunt…
Refren x2


If you want to be a king
So here you go
I understood already
That i am not a queen
If u want to be pressure so here you go, i don't even have a little bit quiet, i don't have nothing to give you
If you want to be a king...
If you want to be a king...
If you want to be a lie
So here you go
I lied a long time ago
Since then i am with you
If you think that it's easy to me, so thank you very much
I hate fighting with you, I hate you
If you want to be a king...
If you want to be a king...

Qairan Elim

Versions: #1
Oh, My Holy Land!
Even if tears have touched your eyes,
You do not need to hide your feelings.
With love for you my homeland,
I pray for peace on earth!
What is the meaning of life without trials?
Difficulties temper,
And the tempered cannot be broken...
But only time will heal everything...
Oh, my holy land,
I pray for only one thing -
My your heart beat forever.
Let all sorrows and hardships be forgotten,
Let the sun and moon shine forever.
My there be joy in every home and children's laughter ring,
And I wish prosperity to the whole world!

Against Time

Even though I keep telling myself it's temporary
Every time, it's hell when you're not here
I really do everything upside-down
When you're not here, I hide1
I wanna skip all the hours
That separate us and I lock myself up
I hear your voice in the apartment
You know, when you sing out of time2
Don't worry when I leave
Don't worry, no3, don't worry too much
Don't worry when I leave
Don't worry, you'll see, it's gonna be okay, ooh
I admit, I'm afraid she might be afraid
Today, it's hell
She left, I was smiling reluctantly4
All that I want, it's her happiness
I reassured her, I told her I would keep an eye on her flowers
I hear her voice in the apartment
You know, when she sings out of time
Don't worry too much about the flowers
Don't worry, carry on5
Don't worry, see you soon
Don't worry, you'll see, it will be beautiful
It will be beautiful like the first time you have believed me
I have long entertained the idea6 that I pleased you a bit
I still have trouble getting used to it
You and me we are mammals
I am your leopard
A leopard alone in the zoo
I am your leopard
I don't mingle with the other animals
Wow, wow, wow
I call you and you answer
I call you and you answer
And tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon
There's no, there's no, there's no way
There's no, there's no, there's no way that we disappear
There's no, there's no, there's no way
That it disappears, the felines of our species
There's no, there's no, there's no way
There's no, there's no, there's no way that we disappear
There's no, there's no, there's no way
That it disappears, the felines of our species
It will be beautiful like the first time you have believed me
I have long entertained the idea that I pleased you a bit
I still have trouble getting used to it
You and me we are mammals
I call you and you answer
I call you and you answer
And tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon and tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon and tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow, it's soon and tomorrow, it's soon
And tomorrow
Syrah, the purple sun of the kitchen
Syrah, I don't give a fig about the smell of coffee
Syrah, wake up before the neighbors
Syrah, with the taste of wine in the mouth
Syrah, the purple sun of the kitchen
Syrah, I don't give a fig about the smell of coffee
Syrah, wake up before the neighbors
Syrah, with the taste of wine in the mouth
A duo of mammals -
That sings. Is it against nature?
I transform into a panther
When I miss you, when I miss you
A duo of mammals -
That sings. Is it against nature?
I transform into a panther
When I miss you, when I miss you
My love, you are out of time
My love, you are out of time
My love, you are out of time
  • 1. literally 'I cover myself with earth'
  • 2. The title of the song is difficultly translatable. On its own, it means 'a setback', but preceded by 'à' it becomes the expression 'out of time'. I have chosen the literal translation 'against time' for the title, since this might be the best reflection of what Flavien describes in the song (i.e. something that 'goes against time' or that 'is able to resist the cruel decay that time usually brings')
  • 3. 'Nan' is slang for 'non'
  • 4. Note the play with the title. Again, the idiom literally means 'against (the will of my) heart'.
  • 5. literally 'take over the torch'
  • 6. literally 'caressed the idea'

Maddy The Night

Oh Maddy, we can't get along1
So, I read on your lips
Everything lights up when you're here
Your absences are my obscurities
Oh Maddy, let's make peace again
We speak in flares2
When dawn comes, you disappear
Leaving me only your sandals
Maybe that one of these nights...
Oh Maddy, we can't get along
Your are mute, without words3
When, with the tip of my fingers, I run over
Your electric epidermis
Oh Maddy, let's make peace again
Let's avoid these sacrifices
My little firework
Maybe that one of these nights...
To love Maddy a bit too much
It's pyrotechnics
Even still, it's a drama
To love a hologram
Maddy loves me, she said it
She said it...
  • 1. literally 'we can't hear each other'
  • 2. 'feu de Bengale' is a type of firework, literally 'Bengal fire'
  • 3. While 'interdit' often means 'forbidden', it can also mean 'left speechless' or 'left without answers'


Travel in time
And invert the direction
Of the tides of my blood
Drowned in the ocean
I caress the flank
Of the great Leviathan
Travel in time
And invert the direction
Of the tides of my blood
Drowned in the ocean
I caress the flank
Of the great Leviathan


A photo of a mountain, we don't know more about it
On a bottle of grapefruit juice
He sees details he had never seen
This morning, it's not like usual
Your dress has the color of breakfast
It is the one you wore to the karaoke
When you asked yourself what became of me
I didn't know we would shock each other
I only sang onomatopoeia
To act American, but you mocked me
I remember, I remember
Between the clouds, a square in the sky
Eyes of giants that watch them all
From the valley, they take each other's hand
Things will never be like before
Your dress has the color of breakfast
It is the one you wore to the karaoke
When you asked yourself what became of me
I didn't know we would shock each other
I only sang onomatopoeia
To act American, but you mocked me
I remember, I remember

Red ocean

Night falls on the creek
And the rocks are crying colors
In the calm galactic water
You have no fear anymore, no pain anymore
The clouds are electric
Reflecting the mauve of the flowers
The mirages of these tropics
Are here to save your heart
The heart
The heart
Climatic inversion
This new gravity
Erotic emanations
Are released from the depths
In the volcanic currents
You give in to the warmth
This aquatic landscape
Is here to save your heart
The heart
The heart
Your heart (5x)
To invert the sky and the Earth
And to leave the desert for the sea of Mars
The green dawn was the last
And I leave behind me the sea of Mars


I said some things that I didn't think
Accelerating my execution
The life from before didn't suit me
Of course I was wrong
Telephone me, more
I promise not to answer
You change and it devours me
I don't want to see that
For a drop of Tantalus
You've tempted the Minotaur
It's disconcerting how you talk about it
You transform into a fort
Telephone me, more
I promise not to answer
You change and it devours me
I don't want to see that
I feel that time bites us

The black party

I dive in upside down, attracted by the ecstasy
A green whirl illuminates the mermaids
The reflection of the torches in turquoise vomit
The most beautiful of travels, it's the fun fair
The most beautiful of travels, it's the fun fair
Oh the party, fo-
The party fo-
Yes, the endorphin has flown away
Tracing an arch in the night
Of the colors of opioids
Under the vault, I pass out
I extrude my head out of our
Games in which I believe myself to be dead
I am alone with the gold of the water
Under the surface of the aurora
I leave the comings and goings of the souls
On the other side of the diving board
Far away, the reflection of the racket
Of a fun fair
Of a fun fair that has become black.
The black party
The black party
The black party
The black party
The celestial circle drawn by the screams
My glasses fray the specter of the fountains
Eyes glued to the sky, all the faces are glowing
The most beautiful of travels, it's the fun fair
The most beautiful of travels, it's the fun fair
Oh the party, fo-
The party fo-
Yes, the endorphin has flown away
On the other side of the diving board
Of the colors of opioids
Of a fun fair
Of a fun fair
That has become black
The fun fair
The fun fair

Jasmine Flower

What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

You shall be the emperor of my soul.

You shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall wear the purple all alone
You, you, you shall wield the sceptre
You, you, only you shall reign within
You, you, you move in as a winner
I know a country that has no barriers
I know a realm in which do grow
Probably a thousand tender thoughts
To my love's rose garden
This is the country I live in.
This is the kingdom I give to you
On whose throne I now elevate you
Is my heart's free state
You, you, you shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall wear the purple all alone
You, you, you shall wield the sceptre
You, you, only you shall reign within
You, you, move in there as the winner!

Qaldaibek’s Grief

A blessed place where my ancestors were living,
The Zhem river, precious country, my native land.
Atom exploded and wounded your body.
Could something be worse? What could be even worse?
Death has taken over your sanctuary,
The land was devastated in the evening
How many souls became ailing – got damaged,
Day of Judgment came here to stay for ever.
During in the time since the past council-era
Did not want to stay trampled at the bottom.
Today the steppe is without life, Ownerless
Only the Moon and the Sun are survivors.
You know, how many home-fires turned off the flame,
Your inhabitants have moved away from you
A lot of years have passed since then among tears
The native generation was disabled.
Even my grandfather had fair heritage,
You were a holy place, boys and girls grew up,
We stand as sinners before our ancestors.
For this land they gave their soul, paid with their lives.
The land of the victims was taken by force,
Qaldaibek has slowly healing painful wound.
Will be the country, the steppe rejuvenated,
Halls will be populated in the future?
Halls will be populated in the future?

Thousands of Miles, a Common Dream

The ever-budding willows in farewells
The ever-growing clouds in sights
The ever-echoing birdsong in ears
The ever-haunting lovesickness in hearts
The farewell had put us on the gateway
On horse I left for the ferry, seeing you away
Together or apart, near or far
Sharing a heart, friends still we are
In my arms sleeps the moon
Casting velvety dreams to lane and road
The twittering swallow, please
Bestow spring jasmines to every household
Guests from the east and the west
Travelers from the north and the south
Beyond all the mountains and rivers
We are bonded by an angelic soul
Through effort common dreams loom
In every home spring will bloom
(2× the whole)


Mama a plantat gălbenele
În țara mea natală, a zorilor
Și m-a învățat să cânt cântecele primăverii
Despre înflorirea speranțelor ei.
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânind.
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea.
Am cunoscut despărțiri și întâlniri
Le-am văzut pe meleaguri straine.
Gălbenelele de pe pamantul meu natal
Pe care tu le-ai plantat primăvara
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Și simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Îți văd mâinile, mama
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea

In the mountains - fragment

I went to the mountains to spend the night there,
I was singing from my landscape1 in darkness,
Below me my white-gray2 horse kicked up his heels3,
Looked around and turned his ear back toward me.
My white-gray horse, my magic steed,4
He soared happily, like a hawk.
And I took a deep breath of smell
Of the summer evening air.
A-ay, your silky hair,
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.

Balqadisha / Balkhadisha

You’re the daughter of Ybyrai, Balqadisha,
Your stature is slim-waisted, oh-wow, reed Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Eighty girls are walking together with you
Among them shines a bright star, my glamour, you Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Screw your head, as a fiery filly shake it,
Everybody tell of you ay, my darling, proud Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
Not only one but two of your sisters come on,
To take along away, my glamour, who’s Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
They call you, Balqadisha! Balqadisha!
Your husband is eighty five, oh-wow, guy, Qadisha! o-ay-Qadisha-ay
'Come' said they, Balqadisha, when I heard it ey,
In the woods by Zhylandy hugged the bare ground,
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed ow, my soul Qadisha
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed-ow, my soul Qadisha.

Love of tired swans (transcription + translation)

Versions: #3
pas-ma-TREE [look]
mne v gla-ZA [into my eyes]
ty* pras-TI mne [forgive me]
ya sa-zha-LE-you [I regret it]
ya l'ue-BLUE te-BYA [i love you]
zhiz'n' ma-YA [you're my life]
bes' tep-LA [without (your) wamth]
ya ta-BOY ba-LE-you [you're my illness]
u-der-ZHAT' [to hold on]
ne smag-LEE [^we could not]
my* us-TA-lee [we are tired]
nam O-chen' TRU-dna [it's so hard for us]
ya sav-SEM a-DEEN [i'm all alone]
ty* PIE-mi [please, understand]
bes' l'ueb-VEE [without (your) love]
ni-chi-VO ne NU-zhna [nothing is needed (everything is pointless)]
ne MO-goot zhit' v raz-LU-ke le-be-DEE [swans cannot live in separation]
pa-dazh-DEE, ne spe-SHI [wait, don't rush]
ne ga-va-REE chto CHUS-tva pa-za-DEE [don't say that our feelings are in the past]
net na-ZAD poo-TEE [there's no going back]
ne MO-goot zhit' v raz-LU-ke le-be-DEE [swans cannot live in separation]
pa-dazh-DEE, ne spe-SHI [wait, don't rush]
v raz-LU-ke bol' sil'-NEY [the pain is worse in separation]
lu-BOV' ma-YOU sa-GREY [(please,) warm up my love]
lu-BOV' u-STAV-shikh le-be-DEY [love of tired swans]
ma-i dni [my days]
bes' du-SHI [without a soul]
ya sku-CHA-you [I miss you]
vs'YO O-chen' SLO-zhna [it's very difficult]
my* ye-sh'YO bliss-KEE [we're still close]
ne mal-CHEE [don't be silent]
pa-za-VEE [call me]
bes' l'ub-VEE mne BOL'-na [without love I'm in pain]
ya pra-SHU [I'm asking you]
u-stu-PEE [to give in (meaning, to accept love)]
ma-i CHU-stva [my feelings]
ne-MA-ya PRO-za [like a mute prose]
i-nag-DA va sne [sometimes, in my dreams]
pri-ha-DEE [visit me]
za-be-REE [take me away]
ne i-SHI dru-GO-va [don't look for another (partner/love)]
v raz-lu-ke bol' sil'-NEY [the pain is worse in separation]
lu-BOV' ma-YOU sa-GREY [warm up my love]
lu-BOV' u-STAV-shikh le-be-DEY [love of tired swans]
le-be-DEY [swans]

Sinful passion

Versions: #3
You have appeared unexpectedly from a moonlight dream.
Oh, if you knew, all I needed was you.
Rain was pouring hard, nights were sleepless.
You were the only one who could warm up my frozen heart, like spring.
Let me, let me blaze in darkness and foul weather.
Let me, let me burn in the fire of sinful passion day and night.
The night had closed my eyes and silence reigned.
Sounds, hands, faces are forgotten - All I need is you.
I am enchanted by you, I will drink your love potion to the last drop.
You are the only one who can return me from the abyss to this world.
Let me, let me blaze in darkness and foul weather.
Let me, let me burn in the fire of sinful passion day and night.