Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 58


O pasăre pe ramură

O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
O pasăre cântă melodia noastră.
Dragostea mea, dragostea mea,
Dacă inima mea e o pasăre,
În mâinile tale, dragostea mea,
Să o închizi de-ndată.
Aș dori ca din ochii tăi
Să culeg niște flori de câmp,
Căci păsările au nevoie de primăvară.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru tine cântă inima mea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Când pasărea își va sfârși melodia,
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Iubirea mea va zbura cu ea.
Dragostea mea, dragostea mea,
Eu ca o pasăre voi zbura
Din zâmbet în zâmbet,
Spre zile tot mai frumoase.
Culegând din inimi
Mici flori sălbatice,
Căci păsările au nevoie de primăvară.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
În brațele tale iubirea mea și-a făcut cuibul.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
O pasăre cântă melodia noastră.
O pasăre pe ramură
Face frumoasă duminica asta,
Pentru noi doi cântă ea azi.
Acolo sus, pe ramuri,
Pană albastră, pană albă,
Aș vrea să pot cânta ca ea.

Even If You Forgive, I Will Not

Versions: #1
God, your evil servants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
You are God, you may forgive
You'd have mercy, you'd call them servants
You are God, you may forgive
You'd have mercy, you'd call them servants
You know, what I've been through
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
All the cruel tyrants
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who made us cry and then laughed
Those who betrayed us and then left
Those who are loved but don't love back
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who are loved but don't love back
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who crush my hopes
Those who blaze this world
Those who crush my hopes
Those who blaze this world
Those who leave on bad days
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them
Those who deeply sadden us
Even if you forgive them, I will not forgive them

Mesajul S.O.S. al unui pământean în suferință

Versions: #1
De ce trăiesc, de ce mor?
De ce râd, de ce plâng?
Iată mesajul S.O.S
Al unui pământean aflat în suferință.
N-am fost niciodată cu picioarele pe pământ,
Aș prefera să fiu o pasăre,
Nu mă simt bine în pielea mea.
Aș vrea să privesc lumea de sus în jos,
Dacă ar putea fi mai frumoasă de atât,
Mai frumoasă văzută de sus, de sus.
Întotdeauna am confundat viața
Cu benzile desenate,
Mi-am dorit să mă preschimb,
Simt ceva
Ce mă atrage, ce mă atrage,
Ce mă atrage înspre înălțimi.
La marea loterie a universului
Nu am tras numerele câștigătoare,
Nu mă simt bine în pielea mea.
Nu vreau să fiu un robot:
Metrou, muncă, somn.
De ce trăiesc, de ce mor?
De ce urlu, de ce plâng?
Cred că recepționez semnale
Venite din altă lume.
N-am fost niciodată cu picioarele pe pământ,
Aș vrea să privesc lumea de sus în jos,
Dacă ar putea fi mai frumoasă de atât,
Mai frumoasă văzută de sus,
Dacă ar fi mai frumoasă.
Nani, copile, nani...

SOS of an Earthling in Distress

Versions: #1
Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I laugh, why do I cry?
This is the S.O.S
Of an earthling in distress
I've never had my feet on the ground
I'd rather be a bird
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin
I'd like to see the world upside down
[f ever it were more beautiful [ ]
[I don't feel comfortable in my own skin] (French lyrics erroneous)
From above
I've always confused life
With comic books
It's like I have needs of metamorphosis
I feel something
That draws me, that draws me
That draws me upward
At the great lotto of the universe
[If ever it were more beautiful] (French lyrics erroneous)
I don't feel comfortable in my own skin]
If ever it were more beautiful
[I don't feel comfortable in my own skin] (French lyrics erroneous)
From above
Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I [laugh], why do I cry? (French lyrics erroneous)
I believe I'm capturing signals
Which came from another world
I've never had my feet on the ground
If ever it were more beautiful
More beautiful seen from above
If ever it were more beautiful
Sleep, child, sleep
Note: Dimash 'cuts and pastes' the original French lyrics in a number of places. To see and better follow the original lyrics, see:


Qairan Elim

Versions: #1
Oh, My Holy Land!
Even if tears have touched your eyes,
You do not need to hide your feelings.
With love for you my homeland,
I pray for peace on earth!
What is the meaning of life without trials?
Difficulties temper,
And the tempered cannot be broken...
But only time will heal everything...
Oh, my holy land,
I pray for only one thing -
My your heart beat forever.
Let all sorrows and hardships be forgotten,
Let the sun and moon shine forever.
My there be joy in every home and children's laughter ring,
And I wish prosperity to the whole world!

Jasmine Flower

What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

Qaldaibek’s Grief

A blessed place where my ancestors were living,
The Zhem river, precious country, my native land.
Atom exploded and wounded your body.
Could something be worse? What could be even worse?
Death has taken over your sanctuary,
The land was devastated in the evening
How many souls became ailing – got damaged,
Day of Judgment came here to stay for ever.
During in the time since the past council-era
Did not want to stay trampled at the bottom.
Today the steppe is without life, Ownerless
Only the Moon and the Sun are survivors.
You know, how many home-fires turned off the flame,
Your inhabitants have moved away from you
A lot of years have passed since then among tears
The native generation was disabled.
Even my grandfather had fair heritage,
You were a holy place, boys and girls grew up,
We stand as sinners before our ancestors.
For this land they gave their soul, paid with their lives.
The land of the victims was taken by force,
Qaldaibek has slowly healing painful wound.
Will be the country, the steppe rejuvenated,
Halls will be populated in the future?
Halls will be populated in the future?

Thousands of Miles, a Common Dream

The ever-budding willows in farewells
The ever-growing clouds in sights
The ever-echoing birdsong in ears
The ever-haunting lovesickness in hearts
The farewell had put us on the gateway
On horse I left for the ferry, seeing you away
Together or apart, near or far
Sharing a heart, friends still we are
In my arms sleeps the moon
Casting velvety dreams to lane and road
The twittering swallow, please
Bestow spring jasmines to every household
Guests from the east and the west
Travelers from the north and the south
Beyond all the mountains and rivers
We are bonded by an angelic soul
Through effort common dreams loom
In every home spring will bloom
(2× the whole)


Mama a plantat gălbenele
În țara mea natală, a zorilor
Și m-a învățat să cânt cântecele primăverii
Despre înflorirea speranțelor ei.
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânind.
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea.
Am cunoscut despărțiri și întâlniri
Le-am văzut pe meleaguri straine.
Gălbenelele de pe pamantul meu natal
Pe care tu le-ai plantat primăvara
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Și simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Mă uit la acele gălbenele
Și o văd pe mama mea îmbătrânită
Îți văd mâinile, mama mea
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea
Îți văd mâinile, mama
Simt tandrețea ta, draga mea

In the mountains - fragment

I went to the mountains to spend the night there,
I was singing from my landscape1 in darkness,
Below me my white-gray2 horse kicked up his heels3,
Looked around and turned his ear back toward me.
My white-gray horse, my magic steed,4
He soared happily, like a hawk.
And I took a deep breath of smell
Of the summer evening air.
A-ay, your silky hair,
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.
Your honey voice, your pitch-black eyes,
You’re the only one who know: I went to you.

Balqadisha / Balkhadisha

You’re the daughter of Ybyrai, Balqadisha,
Your stature is slim-waisted, oh-wow, reed Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Eighty girls are walking together with you
Among them shines a bright star, my glamour, you Qadisha! o-oooo-ay
Screw your head, as a fiery filly shake it,
Everybody tell of you ay, my darling, proud Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
Not only one but two of your sisters come on,
To take along away, my glamour, who’s Qadisha! aaa-aaaaay
They call you, Balqadisha! Balqadisha!
Your husband is eighty five, oh-wow, guy, Qadisha! o-ay-Qadisha-ay
'Come' said they, Balqadisha, when I heard it ey,
In the woods by Zhylandy hugged the bare ground,
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed ow, my soul Qadisha
Cried and sobbed, groaned and wailed-ow, my soul Qadisha.