Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 38
Mésange personal
Dar de vei crede într-o zi că mă iubești
nu crede că mă incomodează amintirile tale,
și fugi, fugi până-ți pierzi suflarea,
vino să mă reîntâlnești.
De vei crede într-o zi că mă iubești
și de, în acea zi, vei înțelege cu greutate
încotro te duc toate drumurile astea,
vino să mă reîntâlnești.
Dacă simți dezgust pentru viață,
dacă ajungi
plictisit de viață,
gândește-te la mine,
gândește-te la mine.
Dar de vei crede într-o zi că mă iubești,
să nu o vezi ca pe o problemă,
și fugi, fugi până-ți pierzi răsuflarea,
vino să mă reîntâlnești.
De vei crede într-o zi că mă iubești,
să nu aștepți o zi, nici o săptămână,
căci nu știi unde te duce viața,
vino să mă reîntâlnești.
Dacă simți dezgust pentru viață,
dacă ajungi
plictisit de viață,
gândește-te la mine,
gândește-te la mine,
Dar dacă tu...
And I Also Want to Live
Cold rain is hitting my face
On my search for myself I kept finding nobody but you
We exchanged so many words and tears
I lived at your place and I was never at home
And you ask me what I really want
Look at me, I'm telling you
I want strength, I want hope and courage
And I want not to lose myself
And I also want to live
With love and affection
And if your hand touches me on my way to myself
I'll gladly walk through the darkness of the night with you
But I also want to live
Little wars fought out of love
Every victory only means that the other person loses
But I know what I really want
And the time has come
I want temperament and I want to be proud of myself
Not to lose my attitude
And I also want to live
With love and affection
And if your hand touches me on my way to myself
I'll gladly walk through the darkness of the night with you
But I also want to live
And even all by myself, if that's the only way
Before the game is over and I ask myself too late:
'When did I ever really live?'
Before the game is over, I want to know what I need
And I also want to live
And I also want to live
Closing Ballad
So the robbers went off, got a bit of their gold
And they made for the children a deal
Up and down through the land was their story soon told
And that's why it's now over over and sealed
Many days lay a child at the orphanage door
They were given a home and a bed
And the children's flock grew, cloaks and hats they wore
Like the robbers, the three, but in red
And a laughter broke out, took through the air
The entire building would sound
You'd see children looking out the windows up there
Only happy faces to be found
And children grow up, first in size, then in age
Girls become women, boys men
And the women and men fall in love and engage
To add new kids to the band
a few words of love
Versions: #2
Missing someone near me
I turn everyone is there
Where does this weird feeling that I am alone
Among all those friends and girls who do not want
What a few words of love
From my capital village
Where the hot air can be icy
Where millions of people know each other so badly
I send you like a butterfly to a star
Some words of love
I send you my pictures
I send you my decor
I send you my smiles from the days when I feel stronger
I send you my travels
My days at the airport
I send you my best wins on the irony of fate
And in these boxes to dance
The nights go uninhabited
I listen to the beatings of my heart repeat
That no music in the world can replace
Some words of love
I send you my pictures
I send you my decor
I send you my smiles from the days when I feel stronger
I send you my travels
My days at the airport
I send you my best wins on the irony of fate
From my village to an hour an hour
Where doctors graft hearts
Where millions of people know each other so badly
I send you like a butterfly to a star
Some words of love
Jeg fodrer dig med min kærlighed
En puppe i et stille træ
Den mørke nat igennem lytter du til mig
Når jeg hvisker ødelagte ord i dit øre
Og du skubber mig, du skubber mig hårdt mod overfladen
Jeg er blind i mit hjerte men du vækker mig
Du vækker mig op fra sneen hvor jeg blev født
Nu kan jeg se
Hele verden er min
Jeg kan røre og føle
Jeg fodrer dig med min kærlighed
Du holdt en kniv mod min ryg
Og du udfordrer mig til at se angrebet i øjnene
Du siger: 'For kujoner er der ingen belønning'
Mærk varmen
Tag min hånd, jeg stoler på dit ord
Bring mig ilden, jeg er ligeglad om det gør ondt
Jeg har fremtiden på min tunge
Giv mig et kys
Nu kan jeg se
Hele verden er min
Jeg kan røre og føle
Så jeg fodrer dig med min kærlighed
Du holdt en kniv mod min ryg
Og du udfordrer mig til at se angrebet i øjnene
Du siger: 'For kujoner er der ingen belønning'
Jeg har fremtiden på min tunge
Nu kan jeg se
Hele verden er min
Jeg kan røre og føle
Så jeg fodrer dig med min kærlighed
Fodrer dig med min kærlighed
Så jeg fodrer dig med min kærlighed
Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?
Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?