Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Drinking Up The Sea

At the time when you could
drink up the whole sea for free
I tried everything to believe that
and drank it all without even trying
At the age of unripe apples
you're ready for everything,
but that age doesn't last more
than dreams or faith.
Drinking up the sea is a feat
never of any consequence.
Many have done it long before me,
and much faster than you'd think.
I drank it often myself,
without any thirst, I swear,
only to swim against the flow
or make my mouth purer.
I went sightseeing on that sea,
it has an exquisite landscape,
it's nearly hardly believable.
I though I owned the whole place.
Faces from my youth
merrily frolicked there.
I could make out a few weaknesses
and most of my torments.
It's a strange and beautiful sea,
truth be told, and all the oaths
a few beauties pledged to me
saw their endgame there.
For all games in this world
are bound to end one day.
The little mystery left
is all too easily foiled.
That sea belongs to another era,
we know we won't go back there again.
We lost the faces which were
buried in the lost paradise.
Our memory goes out so fast,
and the secrets from our twenties
have drowned in the drinkable sea.
How could I still be happy?
At the time when you could
drink up the whole sea for free
I tried everything to believe that
and drank it all without even trying
At the age of unripe apples
you're ready for everything,
but that age doesn't last more
than dreams or faith.

The drinkable sea is alive
deep down the memory.
From storm to strom
it rushes back to the head.
It's alive, the drinkable sea.

Tango (tu saruti)

Tu saruti ca o regina si este un compliment
pe care nu am avut obiceiul sa il spun cu lejeritate
Tu ai ceva si sunt sigur ca doar cu distractia
si tu imi dai sfaturi, tu poti sa iti faci o cariera
dar nu trebuie sa te zbati cu nimicuri,
nimic din prima alegere, tu ai aerul stiintific
si chiar un rafinat, cu tine aer toata cunostinta
uite-mi aici opinia, tu ai cadoul, iti lipseste doar tehnica
O frumoasa anatomie cand stim sa ne servim
asta te imbogateste mai bine decat sa fi facut studii
dar admiratorii, acestia trebuie sa aleaga:
Tu vei fi inteles repede, doar putina obisnuinta...
Gagicile pot spune ca ele imi cunosc intrebarea,
Am cunoscut campioni dar tu ii bati pe toti
Chiar si cand nu vorbesti, tu pari a conversa
Din fericire ca intamplarea m-a adus pe drumul tau...
Rusoaicele spun frumos, de cand ele vor sa sarute,
Ca ele au asta sub piele, nu e nimic pentru a le invata,
Nu este mai degraba terminat cand ar trebui sa inceapa,
Dar tu m-ai surprins si sunt greu sa fiu surprins
Tu m-ai innebunit cu piele de gaina, indraznesc chiar sa te privesc,
Este suficient ca tu sa te apropii si eu raman in transa
Se va intampla un lucru si acesta nu va intarzia
Haide, vino, iubirea mea: adu-te pentru ca noi reincepem.