Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 27


Kissing another girl

My girlfriend saw me kissing another girl
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
She said good bye I will not kiss you anymore
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
I run after her nad I tried to explain!
I told her come, that it was
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
just a small mistake
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
She told me: I do not want to see you anymore
I will not see you anymore (No no no no)
get out of here (No no no no)
you lied to me (No no no no)
I do not want to see you (No no no no)
Noooo Ohhhh Ohhhh Wow!!!
No no no I will not kiss you anymore
No no no I will not kiss you anymore
No no no I will not kiss you anymore
No no no I will not kiss you anymore
My girlfriend saw me kissing another girl
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
She said good bye I will notkiss you anymore
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
I run after her nad I tried to explain!
I told her come, that it was
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
just a small mistake
(No no no I will not kiss you anymore)
She told me: I do not want to see you anymore
No no no I will not kiss you anymore

Kiss me a lot

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later
I want to feel you closer, look myself in your eyes
See you next to me
Think that maybe
Tomorrow I'll be far away (from you)
Far away from here
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
Like this night was the last time
Kiss me a lot
Because I'm scared of of losing you, losing you later


Cum să descriu enigma ochilor tăi Oh, Cum voi ști, buzele tale roșii și frumoase,
Vreau să merg mai departe, că îmi dai totul Acolo vreau să-mi calmez, toate poftele mele,
Și când suntem singuri
Și tu ești numai a mea Săruturile de pe corpul tău, Va fi poezia mea
Sărută-mă, Vorbește în urechea mea și vino ucide-mă.
Turul corpului tău este o plăcere,
Vreau să te cunosc, îndrăznește și (x2)
Spune-mi Valentino, Oh cum mă săruți, cum o faci,
Cum mă mulțumești, Oh cum mă joci și sunt fericit
Mă ai în jos și cu dansul pe talie mă scoți pe foc și mă chinui, Acea gură mică, nebunatică, Dacă ești aproape ,atât de gustoasă
Sărută-mă, Vorbește în urechea mea și vino ucide-mă.
Turul corpului tău este o plăcere,
Vreau să te cunosc, îndrăznește și (x2)
Deja mă încălzești, cu mișcările tale,
Talia ta care se mișcă odată cu vântul
Un pic lent și în același timp violent
De păcatele mele cu tine, nu regret
Și mă țin de tine, ca să te pot săruta
Vino mai aproape de mine, vreau să te provoc
Eu mor pentru ca buzele tale să mă muște
Dacă-mi dai un pic, nu te voi putea uita Domnișoară, sărută-mă Cu puțin din tine, vino să mă omori
Cu mine nu te teme, îndrăznește
Știi că nu sunt ca cei de dinainte Domnișoară să-mi dai Cu puțin din tine, vino să mă ucizi
Cu mine nu te teme, îndrăznește
Sărută-mă, Vorbește în urechea mea și vino ucide-mă.
Turul corpului tău este o plăcere,
Vreau să te cunosc, îndrăznește (x2)
Valentino Manuel Turizo Spune-mi Vale Zaga Alb Negru Industria inc Iubito, pur și simplu (simplu)Totul despre tine
Vreau să te cunosc


David Bisbal:
Aș vrea să inventez poezia în corpul tău îmbrățișat în mare
Și că ne întoarcem la ceea ce am fost
Să pierdem farul în imensitate
Și să ne uităm la lună
Pentru mai multă distanță există doar una
Să vorbim limbi pe care le înțelegem , ce înseamnă a iubi
David Bisbal:
Sărută-mă, de parcă ar fi acum prima dată
Sparge timpul, fată, sărută-mă
Și în brațele mele te voi iubi pentru totdeauna
Vino să mă săruți
Juan Magan:
Ce fac dacă nu mă sună, sună?
Nu-mi mai scrie, nu mă iubește, mă iubește
Am visat-o goală și umedă
Și mirosul ei este încă aici în patul meu
Mă uit la fotografiile ei pentru a o privi
Că m-a uitat, că nu mai este cu mine
Trimite un mesaj, te rog să te întreb
Dă-mi locația ta, iubito să te urmez
David Bisbal:
Ce fac dacă nu mă sună, sună?
Nu-mi mai scrie, nu mă iubește, mă iubește
Am visat-o goală și umedă
Și mirosul ei este încă aici în patul meu
Mă uit la fotografiile ei pentru a o privi
Că m-a uitat, că nu mai este cu mine
Trimite un mesaj, te rog să te întreb
Dă-mi locația ta, iubito să te urmez
David Bisbal:
Sărută-mă, de parcă ar fi acum prima dată
Sparge timpul fată, sărută-mă
Și în brațele mele te voi iubi pentru totdeauna
Vino să mă săruți
Juan Magán:
Sărută-mă mult și nebunește
Lent , încetul cu încetul
Lasă-ți pielea să devină drăguță când te ating
Dă-mi un sărut intens care-mi întunecă gândirea.
Dă-mi un sărut moale, dar plin de ușurare
Juan Magan
Și chiar dacă crezi că sunt nebun, sărută-mă
Taci și salvează-mă
Aș vrea să te duc la casa bunicilor mei din Granada
Să facem o poză în Alhambra, să coborâm luna purpurie
Și să te fac să simți că ești singură, în mulțime și acum
Să facem dragoste de parcă ziua ar fi avut 30 de ore
David Bisbal și Juan Magán:
Sărută-mă, de parcă ar fi acum prima dată
Sparge timpul, fată, sărută-mă
Și chiar dacă crezi că sunt nebun, sărută-mă
Taci și salvează-mă
David Bisbal:
Și sărută-mă, de parcă ar fi acum prima dată
Sparge timpul, fată, sărută-mă
Și în brațele mele te voi iubi pentru totdeauna
Vino să mă săruți!

Forgetting promises

Leaves are turning green all around us
The wind blows, I paint to memorize
Leaves have fallen in your soul
In which we were alone - she and I
Believe me, because I lied so as not to kill us
(Forgetting promises)
Yeah yeah baby come here
I'm ripping the dress
The way it was before
I know that you wanted me so
I'm here now, melt me
Even if you forgot me (-me)
You won't be strong without me (strong, yeah)
And the whole routine pressed on you
And I wouldn't let you go there
Leaves have fallen in your soul
Where we were alone - she and I
Believe me, because I lied so as not to kill us
(Forgetting promises)
Yeah yeah baby come here
I'm ripping the dress
The way it was before
I know that you wanted me so
I'm here now, melt me
Wait, wait
Every time I go on a date
No, no, I can't really take them
Baby, can you tell me how to make you mine, how to get you
Oh no, I can't describe, she is my vibe
I know we're of the same tribe
Oh, I'm feeling her vibe
Leaves have fallen in your soul
Where we were alone - she and I
Believe me, because I lied so as not to kill us
(Forgetting promises)
Yeah yeah baby come here
I'm ripping the dress
The way it was before
I know that you wanted me so
I'm here now, melt me
Yeah yeah baby come here
I'm ripping the dress
The way it was before
I know that you wanted me so
I'm here now, melt me
Yeah yeah baby come here
I'm ripping the dress
The way it was before
I know that you wanted me so
I'm here now, melt me

Besame Mucho

Bésame, bésame mucho,
In our hospital a fashion show took place.
Interns came to join us, only they wore
plain shoes in the operation room . What were they thinking?
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Trouble has been brewing in our team for days.
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Someone's been sniffing ether - the dirty swine!
Bésame, bésame mucho,
God forbid we roamed the wards in a négligé,
we were tormented by a bitter cold
and coughing was heard on the second floor.
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Our patients are getting angry at the cosmonauts.
Why don't they chase the clouds away?
Well, it's Sunday. They must be on leave.

Kiss me

Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
[Zion & Lennox]
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Like the first time
[Daddy Yankee]
To open those lips, I already found the key
If you knock on the door, I already have the key
Kisses in the bandage
Tell me what it tastes like
Kiss me like the world will end someday
I remember the first time
When everything started
I thought this was going to be greeting and goodbye
But when I kiss her, I said score a goal
The hand of God accompanied me to Maradona
How you become
When my tongue electrifies you
Go ahead put, put, put
Get crazy that today it's your turn
To relive the past
That we are both present
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Like the first time
Like the first time
I spent the morning thinking about you, imagining you
That I already had you in front of me
Oh, from the morning still thinking about you and look how I got you
I even sent you flowers and I didn't get any answer no no no no
And for you to fall in love I already have my heart on offer na na na na
Like the first time, I remember
That you were kissing me and you took me to heaven
You had me wrapped up
When I was leaving I was coming back for more oh baby
Nothing compares to that
And look, I travel the whole world
I want them to know that you are
The hottest woman
The one who makes me feel complete
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
This how we do with the new Play-N-Skillz sound
Take, take
The new Play-N-skillz sound
This how we do with the new Play-N-Skillz sound
Take, take
The new Play-N-skillz sound
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time

Kiss me (I need you)

[Intro: Reik]
You got something about you, something about you
Blow me away
I think future without you, future without you
Just ain't okay
It's half a billion people but it's you that I want to taste
You got something about you, something about you
Drive me insane
[Pre-Chorus: Reik]
I need to know right now
Oh, won't you help me out?
I need to know right now
If you're gonna come my way
[Chorus: TINI & Reik, Reik]
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, that's how it becomes yours
Stay, stay, stay, mine is yours
I need you as much as you need me (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, that's how it becomes yours
[Verse: TINI]
Tini, Tini, Tini
Kiss me, kiss me, stay, stay
Swear to me that I will have you again and again
Leave the shyness, in Spanish or English
I want you, baby, I want you, yes, yes, yes, yes
It hasn't happened to me in a long time
I haven't fallen in love in a long time
And although I never, never told you
Stick a little bit that tonight is not over
[Pre-Chorus: Reik]
I need to know right now
Oh, won't you help me out?
I need to know right now
If you're gonna come my way
[Chorus: TINI & Reik, Reik]
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, that's how it becomes yours
Stay, stay, stay, mine is yours
I need you as much as you need me (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, that's how it becomes yours
[Outro: Reik]
Kiss me, that's how it becomes yours

Îți promite să fie cu tine

Cât trebuie să te mai caut?
Cât trebuie să te mai pierd?
Să-mi mușc buzele și să nu am încredere în mine însămi?
Chipurile ochilor întristați,
Rămășițele frazelor neterminate,
Aceasta nu sunt eu, ci cineva în locul meu...
Îți promite să fie cu tine,
Îți promite să te sărute dimineața,
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să moară în brațele tale.
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să-ți închidă inima doar ție,
Nu cred că aceasta este un vis,
Este prea dureros pentru mine.
Cât trebuie să mă mai gândesc fără să fac nimic?
Cât trebuie să mai aștept căldura dragostei
Și să înțeleg totul, temându-mă să ți-o spun?
E posibil să urăști iubind,
Orașul este pustiu fără tine,
Aceasta nu sunt eu, ci cineva în locul meu...
Îți promite să fie cu tine,
Îți promite să te sărute dimineața,
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să moară în brațele tale.
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să-ți închidă inima doar ție,
Nu cred că aceasta este un vis,
Este prea dureros pentru mine.
Nu vei uita cât de tare bate inima între noi,
Nu vei uita cât de mult inima mea vrea să fie cu tine,
Dar ea tace și tu deja mă pierzi pe mine,
Aceasta nu sunt eu, ci cineva în locul meu...
Îți promite să fie cu tine,
Îți promite să te sărute dimineața,
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să moară în brațele tale.
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să-ți închidă inima doar ție,
Nu cred că aceasta este un vis,
Este prea dureros pentru mine.
Îți promite să fie cu tine,
Îți promite să te sărute dimineața,
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să moară în brațele tale.
Îți promite să fie cu tine
Și să-ți închidă inima doar ție,
Nu cred că aceasta este un vis,
Este prea dureros pentru mine...
© Vladímir Sosnín

After All, a Fiend Got a Rainbow And a Sun

I love to dream!
I want to say,
Or, to be more precise, to tell you that we've got a hotel
Everyone in hell, who can’t wait for their emigration,
Will love it
After all, a fiend got a rainbow and a sun,
A sinner will smile too, believe me,
Even a killer that was carrying an axe and a knife in their hands
Deep inside in their soul is a child, not a beast
Everyone has their chances
Success awaits all of you
So, visiting our hotel for that purpose is not a sin at all!
Drug addicts and cretins,
Fraudsters, and morons,
And all the fallen heroes,
We'll save you all!
Even if you are a complete alcoholic,
An amoral buffoon and comedian,
And a highwayman,
We'll make the light shine inside of you!
Don't be afraid of us!
We believe in you!
Will help you to get rid of a sin!
Won't let you down!
Will save you in a hotel right in HELL!
There will be no fire
And no human screams,
But only puppies
And sweet dreams
The clouds made of cotton
And you'll be all like 'WOW!'
If you vote for me!
So, all the tossers,
And also repeat offenders,
Which also bring pain to others,
Will have a wonderful chance!
Monsters, thieves, cannibals,
All the bandits and tyrans,
And also all the madmen,
Believe in us!
To overpower sins!
To get over lust!
Just a couple of weeks
And your way through the tunnel will be over! Yeah!
We'll open the door to our wonderful hotel!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

Besarte Mucho

You're the man that every woman seeks
Which melts when it enters the living heart
It takes what you want, oh
I am the woman, the kind that go well in front
I always look for more, which comes to the end
Nothing stops her, oh
As much as you try to dodge my kisses
I'll eat until your bones
My mouth if you know that
I want to kiss you much, much, much
Besarte much, much, much
Test the five senses
Dance to the rhythm of our heartbeats
I want to kiss you much, much, much
Amarte much, much, much
Upload music moans
And wake all the neighbors
You're the man I always dreamed
You near me cringe
I no effort to hide
My mons becomes a volcano
The last hair to toe
I will eat whole as a snack
And condimentarte with cream and honey
Little by little going to go crazy
I'll eat until your bones
My mouth if you know that
I want to kiss you much, much, much
Besarte much, much, much
Test the five senses
Dance to the rhythm of our heartbeats
I want to kiss you much, much, much
I want to kiss you much (much, much, much)
Upload music moans
And wake all the neighbors
A lot a lot a lot
Besarte (much, much, much)
I'll kiss you (much, much, much)
I want to kiss you (much, much, much)


Walked, ravines and meadows,
Covered by the fog,
With hurricane in unity,
Ran through the centuries and worlds.
Someone saw me,
Dragged my head into the fog,
Questions theirs I did answer
In this life I am lost.
Then, walk with us,
And look around,
You will see that life is small
To get lost in it at all.
You will see aplenty fallen,
Many grievous a grudge
People simply find it important
To take stance, target, and strike.
You quite quickly will return
And to love you will learn
Here, you'll grasp how very little
It is possible to save above.
Won't allow resignation -
We are taking you with us,
So upon return you can recall
What, where, why and tell to all...


If Milky nights are longer than days
The frost of metal birds disappeared
They deceived and beckoned across the Seven Seas
The cages of hearts became narrow for the ribs
Maybe it's even better now, who knows
Fly as a ghosts to the east of Moscow
Set on fire and drown the bridges, again
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
If the bee hives sleep in the breast
No save ahead, tenderly lie down
Hibernate for crosses as if all one
Burn bonfires of accidental promises
Maybe it's even better now, who knows
Fly as a ghosts to the east of Moscow
Set on fire and drown the bridges, again
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
Maybe it's even better now, who knows
Fly as a ghosts to the east of Moscow
Set on fire and drown the bridges, again
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring
So it remains for us to wait for Spring

The spring kissed

The spring kissed
smoothly, the grove,
and the new green sprouted,
as a green haze.
Clouds were passing by,
over the juvenile field...
I saw the leaves trembling,
the fresh April's rains.
Under that florid almond tree,
all filled with flowers,
-I remembered- I have cursed,
my loveless youth.
Today, in the middle age,
I've stopped to meditate:
''Never-lived youth,
who will dream of you again?''
Just learning.


I don't remember if you were beautiful.
Somethimes from the intimacy
the eyes loose their power
to see the things that can be seen,
to see the things that can be seen...
I only felt you in thin
and trustful shoulders.
I ruined your resonant lips,
I accepted your warmth,
I accepted your warmth...
Were you, were you beautiful? (x4)
And two bent and hot
arms born to be wings.
Were shivering over your shoulders
and promising the sky,
and promising the sky...
Were you, were you beautiful? (x12)

You will respect

Don't ask how I am
and if i talk about you into the night
If you don't feel the way I do
what are you looking for, I'm wondering
Where are you, how are you
into whose hug you are
and you don't care about me
tell me, how you dare
and if you are not will respect
how much i love you
learn how to are confused
i am here for you
and if you are not will respect
that's the right thing to do
a man that can love
by himself for both
Don't ask if i am in pain
if i am still counting your wounds
I don't hear a word
if you are not here
and if you are not will respect
how much i love you
learn how to are confused
i am here for you
and if you are not will respect
that's the right thing to do
a man that can love
by himself for both
You should respect...respect
the love that my heart gave to you
a heart that your behavior crushed
but i'm still thinking if you are still thinking about me
Only you I have into my heart
Only you I know how to love
and if you are not ahamed,you will respect
how much i love you
learn how to behave and don't be confused
i am here for you
and if you are not will respect
that's the right thing to do
a man that can love
by himself for both

Kiss Me

Yeah eh
Yeah eh
You moving so sexy, getting yourself into trouble
Looking at me like that and you looking so good
Are you making it hot in here? That's what I wanna know
Feel you sweating already, dripping down your skin...
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah)
So it will never end (Yeah)
Everything for when you're here (Yes)
You're so close to me, to me
Been wanting you for a while now
So close, got such a weak spot for you (Yeah)
My breath quickening
You're the one I've been looking for
We're too big for games now
If you can do it, don't leave it for later (x2)
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah) Yandel!
So it will never end (Yeah)
Now there's no one to stop you, you're in charge now
Too wild, I'm not watching the time
Want you for all of it, want you for all of it
If I'm falling in love, you are too
Everything for when you're here (Yes)
You're so close to me, to me
Been wanting you for a while now
So close, got such a weak spot for you
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah) Yandel!
So it will never end (Yeah)
Breaking the bass
Bull Nene!
'El Capitán' Yandel
So it will never end, yeah
Gaby Music
So it will never end, yeah

Night Promises Us

The light behind my window faded in the dark with a light breeze
You are near, but now - colder than the eyes, the flame of our bodies
I'll not say unnecessary words
It's visible that I'm, for whom you're more than love
Night promises us more than love
Only spreads out, more than love
I know you give to the edge, more than love
Forget, just forget, my sorrow and sadness I'll leave to myself
Night gives the Milky Way, and I give my dream to you
You'll leave without dropping farewell words
And you'll accept the lie as a truth, love has ended
Night promises us more than love
Only spreads out, more than love
I know you give to the edge, more than love
Night promises us more than love
Only spreads out, more than love
I know you give to the edge, more than love
It's more like the moon, like the sun
It's like between us, surrounded by the winds, love
Running away to nowhere and understand the blood is burning
This is more than love
Night promises us more than love
Only spreads out, more than love
I know you give to the edge, more than love
Night promises us more than love
Only spreads out, more than love
I know you give to the edge, more than love
Tibor from QS-FB