Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 10
Acel om
Eram o stea care... care nu strălucea aproape deloc
Eram o absența când eram acolo
Astăzi am înțeles că nu mai sunt acel om
Și acela pe care nu-l doresc..... nu este!!!
Nu mai este acel om... care încerca să se convingă..
Și îmi dă zilnic un pic mai mult
Ei îi este ușor... o face fără să se gândească prea mult ea
Dimineața alunecă de la locul ei, ajunge la al meu
E o mișcare simplă... ce atunci când lipsește... eu nu mai simt
Acel clopoțel magic
Ce retrezea în mine ideile
Ce încă mă face să exist... ce înca mă face să cresc..
Eram cel care nu se auzea niciodată de acolo
Eram acel zid înalt în jurul meu
Azi, că am în stomac un zbor de fluture
Mă simt așa ușor că nu știu nici măcar unde sunt
Fac pași uș ca vântul
Și îmi dă zilnic un pic mai mult
Ei îi este ușor... o face fără să se gândească prea mult ea
Dimineața alunecă de la locul ei, ajunge la al meu
E o mișcare simplă... ce atunci când lipsește... eu nu mai simt
Acel clopoțel magic
Ce retrezea în mine ideile
Ce încă mă face să exist... ce înca mă face să cresc..
You're Paris
There are loves that remain in line,
that know how to be there without waiting.
There are heads that make themselves clear without poison.
There are mouths that smoke flowers.
There are even castles in the sea.
There are pieces of glass in our hair from yesterday.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
(No... anything at all...)
(No... I don't regret anything...)
You're the chance to improve everything!
And a lot of people tell it to you,
and they tell you that tired,
dreaming with frontiers divided only flowers
and not by pointed nets,
without knives between the teeth.
Your shield will be inside my stupid and dreamy eyes.
If they're dead, they don't talk anymore.
If they're alive, they don't know how to listen.
If they're rich they become like dogs on a leash, you.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
(No... anything at all...)
(No... I don't regret anything...)
You're the chance to improve everything!
And a lot of people tell it to you,
and they tell you that tired,
dreaming with frontiers divided only flowers
and not by pointed nets,
without knives between the teeth.
You're the chance to improve everything!
And I tell you this while singing.
I repeat it while crying.
We've filled uo the street so as not to be alone,
with no pointed nets,
with no knives between the teeth.
Your shield will be inside my stupid and dreamy eyes.
(No... anything at all...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... I don't regret anything...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... anything at all...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... I don't regret anything...)
To me, you're Paris.
In this new house of ours
Harmony is so beautiful
In this new house of ours
Seems like a miracle
This garden does not border
Only divide us from the world
While you drink with the swallows
Me, between fresh flowers and travel, me
I always came back
Fortunately in time
To make you the moon
What you give me
You are unaware of me
Without asking, you give me
We arrive where you want
You have something inside you
That works, that works, that works
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems to end
You always say little
Just the time of a photo
And don't move away from the rules
Me, between songs and travels, me
I always came back
Fortunately in time
To make you want
What you give me
I preferred your life
And I can make it almost mine
This you is being difficult
You have something inside you
That works, that works, that works
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems to end
Don't forget, don't forget
That the house is born to leave out evil
Eh, eh ..
New house to return
Don't forget, don't forget
That the house is born to start again
Eh, eh ...
Something inside you
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Something inside you ...
You have something inside you
That repairs when everything seems fine
Harmony is so beautiful
In this new house of ours
In this new house of ours
Sometimes I'm alone and sometimes if I sit down I can't fit
Sometimes I'm a loose dog that's stopped barking
Sometimes, hell, there are so many things yet to be decided
Sometimes I have you, sometimes I don't
Sometimes everything's so beautiful it seems impossible
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't
For those who love life
For those having too many questions
For those like me, who feel too much
For those who owe someone something
For the trick at the end of the evening
That makes you perfect again
For that man who was right
And bore your name
Sometimes this world makes America look good
Sometimes I choose the least worst, yet it never wins
Sometimes again 'bella ciao' and I get the shivers
Even though I never sing it
Sometimes I think every heart has a hidden murmur
Sometimes I have you, sometimes I don't
For those who love life
For those having too many questions
For those like me, who feel too much
For those who owe someone something
For the trick at the end of the evening
That makes you perfect again
For that man who was right
And bore your name
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
The courage to go on
Waiting for a miracle
Even if it comes late
How many times this time has
Stealed us a memory
That likewise it pass
And you find yourself with your years
And with the same dreams
Biago: Tell me God where is it
The courage to go on
When you want to stay
Tell me where is it
The impulse that comes and makes
You to finally woke up?
You'll go to the street
And start over from zero
And realize that no one, nothing
Can steal your future
Is important
You're important
But in you you must believe
When the world will no longer do
It always leaves a mark
And the love remembers it
That likewise it stays
Even if you don't realize
They will be in your eyes
The answers you are waiting
Tell me God where is it
The courage to go on
When you want to stay
Tell me where is it
The impulse that comes and makes
You to finally woke up?
You'll go to the street
And start over from zero
And realize that no one, nothing
Can steal your future
Is important
You're important
(Make you feel)
Make you feel
(Make you feel)
Make you feel
You'll go to the street
And start over from zero
And realize that no one, nothing
Can steal your future
Is important
You're important
Make you feel
(Make you feel)
You're important
Cerul are o singură intrare
Auzi, ce mai faci?
S-a potolit vântul acela frumos este,
Crede că există primăvară în mine de o jumătate de oră.
Cerul are o singură intrare.
Te-ai oprit din a face rău,
Ai gândurile fragile.
Ai început să faci pace cu tine însuți
Și încă mai trăiești în umbră.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Nu pot/ Nu sunt în stare să te iubesc așa cum vrei tu.
Îți scriu de aici
Căci acesta este încă pământul tău
Si cum să te fac să respiri ce respir eu?
O navă albă în fiecare oră.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Nu meriti partea mea cea mai rea, tu nu.
Și nu e pentru a te grăbi,
Și nu este pentru distanță,
Am trăit și trăiesc fără tine.
Îți scriu ca să simți,
Îți scriu fără timp,
Nu am putut primi
Ceea ce simt pentru tine este puternic,
Ceea ce simt pentru tine este întotdeauna că tu...
Mă iubești... îmi spui,
Nu sunt în măsură să te iubesc.
Va trece mult timp
Vei fi deja la mare.
Ia-ți timp și nu te simți vinovată, căci
Voința va decide încă.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Cerul are o singură intrare,
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Cerul are o singură intrare, deschide-o, deschide-o!
Într-o cameră aproape roz
Suntem singuri în această cameră
Și totuși există cineva care ne privește
Ascultă, nu auzi niciun sunet
Și totuși, există ceva care se mișcă.
Un sărut ce știe deja despre tine
Și oprește această lumină prea puternică
Frumosule, călătoresc cu o mie de kilometri pe oră
Cu tine, într-o cameră aproape roz.
Aici nu se poate împărți nimeni
Ceea ce Dumnezeu a vrut
Aici nimeni nu poate decide pentru noi.
Mângâie-mă fără rușine
Râzi sincer dacă vrei
Și veți vedea că mai devreme sau mai târziu o vei face
În afară de aici!
Fără frică și cu soarele,
Fără a evita priviri,
Fără frică și cu soarele
Cu curajul celor care vor.
Uite, această dragoste devine mare
Și ne face să rămânem în această cameră
Acum afară, să ne îmbrăcăm și apoi să ieșim!
Și să ducem lumină tuturor viselor noastre.
Sub acest cer de azur, curaj!
Nimeni nu va mai lua
Mâna mea din mâna ta
Vei vedea!
Fără frică și cu soarele
Fără a evita priviri,
Fără frică și cu soarele
Cu curajul celor care vor...
Luckily you are there
Good like you
good like you
You deserve better
you deserve better
Luckily (luck you) you are there
luck that (lucky) you are there
You never had
the courage you give me
When everything closes and you
you only know how to lose yourself
And you never had
the attention you give me
You never had
something extra
How many dedications and manias
how many strange companies
You have never had more, more, more, more, more ...
You deserve better
you deserve better
Luckily (luck you) you are there
luck that (lucky) you are there
You never had
the power you give me
You never had the truth (the truth)
And you never had
a free house
A room for all your heroes
And you never had
too many rules and you do not know
with the rules you free ...
You never had
the courage you give me
You have never had more, more, more, more
How many dedications and manias
how many strange companies
you have never had more, more, more, more, more ...
Luckily there you are (you, you, you, you)
you deserve better
you deserve more (you, you, you, you)
luck you are there (you, you, you, you)
luck that ...
If You Are Here
Many times I watch the see
With its eternal movement
And my eyes are little for this limitless thing
And so I understand I am alone
And I travel around the world
With just only my two legs
And they are not enough
To see and follow it
And if it is sure you are there
Come here my dear
I want you to watch
All of this with me
Many times I watch the sky
With its mistery, its stars
But i can't count them because you are not here
And you left an empty place inside of me
And if it is sure you are there
I will look only into your eyes
I never searched for nothing
And maybe I never did
I give you a message
I am calling you
I am searching for you
I am alone without you
I give you a message
I am imagining you before a new moon
And a new Spring
And if it is sure you are there
With your eyes and your legs
I will come to see all the world
And I will run for the infinity
And if it is sure you are there
This solitude takes me away
And it told me who I am
And my border in the world
I give you a message
I am calling you
I am searching for you
I am alone without you
I give you a message
I am imagining you
Before a new moon
And a new Spring
Many times I watch the see
With its eternal movement
And my eyes are little for this limitless thing
And so I understand I am alone
In The Middle Of The World
In front of your smile
I just asked for help
and I don't know who you are.
I saw you parking
condemned by the haste
and I don't know who you are.
It's been days that I think I'm different.
It's been days that I'm counting with difficulty because I'm down.
Judah be damned, don't you see that time is running out.
Thanks to this strange smile I understand that there is heaven.
If courage had your name, I would pronounce it.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, two strong stories,
anger and time.
And I, without knowing who you are,
I know I'd contaminate myself.
I, without knowing who you are,
desire, how it knows how to talk!
Desire, how it knows how to wait for you!
You don't know what I have in my head.
I don't know how you write.
I don't know who you are.
I changed station because there is a song.
I can not bear to hear virility sing.
I understood what you were in front of your door.
Thanks to this strange smile I realized that there is heaven.
If courage had your name, I would pronounce it.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, two strong stories,
anger and time.
And I, without knowing who you are,
I know I'd contaminate myself.
I, without knowing who you are,
desire, how it knows how to talk!
Desire, how it knows how to wait for you!
On a day that, never like now, I would like to relive.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, I and you.
In the middle of the world, two strong stories,
anger and time.
And I, without knowing who you are,
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.